Anybody else think what's happening to the Muslim in China and the Mexicans in America is actually a good thing in the long run for social cohesion?
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Anybody else think what's happening to the Muslim in China and the Mexicans in America is actually a good thing in the long run for social cohesion?
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Obviously no. The Mexicans are going to disrupt social cohesion in the US by illegally immigrating. And the Muslim extermination in China is going to disrupt social cohesion by wiping out a population of native Chinese.
They are not equivalent situations you lying shill. Go fuck yourself.
American here. What's happening to the Mexicans in america?
The fact is that most Mexicans hate America and most Muslims hate everywhere that isn't the middle east.
So they don't integrate into a society when they move there. They move to a place because it is better and more prosperous and they actually have opportunities, and then they ALWAYS fuck it up by trying to turn it into the shit-hole they just ran away from. All the while telling the native population how much better the place they came from was and how "racist" and "bigoted" the new country is.
They are being told the can't illegally immigrate to the United State which is somehow... racist?
yes it is
How dare they bring their culture with them
I think we should just kill them and be done with it, but nOoOoOo tHaT’s InHuMaNe.
Mexican isn’t a race, you racist.
That’s how communist China are dealing with their Muslims
How dare they seek a better life in the land of opportunities and bring their culture with them.
China is doing it right, the rest of the world should follow their example
>Anybody else think what's happening to the Muslim in China and the Mexicans in America is actually a good thing
Yep. Muslims have had their own way for long enough and I'm glad the bug men are pushing their shit in. Diversity isn't a good thing.
God, I wish I was going to be around in the year 2150 when the Africans (who squat on the festering remains of Mexico once president Ocasio-Cortez IV just allows all Mexicans U.S. citizenshio) start to rush over the border and then all the Amero-Mexican citizens start bitching about illegal African immigration and then changing culture.
Thats a really grand question and vague because there are so many ways to define what better would be, but sort of from how I'm interpreting you.
I grew up in and spent most of my life in one of the most multicultural places in the world with high immigration.
The immigrants bring their traditions and values, sure. Their kids totally lose them and integrate into western culture and mindset.
Not much social change really happens because they just become us. Only difference is racism and hate crime is low around here because everyone has humanized one another. Kind of hard to trash talk Muslims when your best friend growing up came from Iraq and his mother cared for you like her own child when you were over, and your best friend is europeanized by adulthood anyway.
Cool story user, I cant wait for flying cars either
People integrate into a society when they have to. If you keep immigration number low, like they should be, then people are forced to interact with the native population and end up adopting language, culture, etc., as well as passing theirs along to the people they interact with. If you allow hundreds of thousands or million of people at a time to immigrate they end up setting up their own communities, interacting only with one another and it is now possible for multiple generations to exist in a country and have absolutely no cultural resemblance or identity with it at all.
Shit man. We almost had those in the 70s. Did you hear that story?
Tl;Dr it was an attachment for your car. The test pilot was a world war II ace and while flying noticed an engineering flaw that, if he banked left too hard, the car would detach. He told the engineers to fix it. They didn't. Two later test pilots didn't notice. They died. Investment was withdrawn and no one ever tried again.
>If they dont think or act like me, I dont like them
Literally speaking from experience bub. Whites are a minority where I lived. The immigration was pretty overwhelming. The adults acted as you say. Their kids did not. Their culture is erased in a generation.
The thought of the average person trying to fly scares me. They can barely handle two planes of movement (forward back and left right) adding a third would make their heads explode
>anyone else think my stupid racism is valid?
>for social cohesion
killing yourself would be the best move for this
Exactly, becuase the children dont have to interact with any of the native population , and they romanticize the country their parents are from as some perfect paradise where the people are friendlier and better and share their same beliefs and culture. They didn't go through the struggle their parents did so they don't appreciate being in the USA. In their minds Mexico is a better country.
I agree on intuition, but we don't know how it would have turned out unless we saw it.
>white culture is being erased
I'm pretty sure the understand that they have it better in the US
You are saying the exact opposite of what I'm telling you... The kids assimilate to our culture. I don't know how to be more clear. How strong are your biases you're completely ignoring this.
>If you allow hundreds of thousands or million of people at a time to immigrate
>there will be too many brown people and I will cry for my mommy
I know you are just a troll, but I do want to address this point because actual people do make it.
If we talk about preserving Mexican culture from an influx of people from south America everyone on the left would agree. If we talk about preserving Korean culture from an influx of people from another culture, everyone on the left would agree.
The only culture that are viewed as absolutely worthless and disposable are the cultures that are made up of predominately white people.
I dated a Mexican girl for 5 years, and you are absolutely incorrect. Her friends (second and some third generation) predominately spoke Spanish, hate terrible views of the U.S and generally hated it. You are wrong.
>durr white culture is being erased
it's true though
you're a fucking xenophobe who's never interacted with anyone outside of your white bubble. Shut up.
>the only culture that are viewed as absolutely worthless and disposable are the cultures that are made up of predominately white people.
Kek, no. We would want French or polish or prussian, etc to preserve their culture. But if you want to cast stones at white people, our track record has been to stamp out other cultures because christianity. Which is/was wrong to do
I've been in relationships an dinteracted with the family and friends of:
a Chinese immigrant,
a native American
a Mexican,
a Slovakian,
and an Ecuadorean.
Im speaking from experience.
>i have non-white friends which means it's ok if I'm a racist
>speaking from experience
means exactly shit
Presuming you're not being sarcastic, I agree with you. Where the fuck do they get off with this shit? They wouldn't tolerate gringos invading their country, waving US flags, exploiting their meager social services (if they have any), all they while telling them how terrible and racist Mexico is.
except white people did do this in the past and ended up stealing some land from mexico in the process
You do realize that Islam is a faith and not a race, right? The Uighur are native to western China which has always been regarded as a backwater by the ‘Han’ Chinese majority. Almost the same deal as Tibet but there’s no outrage because they’re Muslim converts and China is a developed police state now.
western liberals will defend this.
even western conservatives are in bed with terrorists because they profit from the military-industrial complex.
There sure are a lot of white people in this thread that wish to be a stranger in their own nation, forced to learn/adapt to an invading forces culture and with open arms, let the invaders in without defending themselves.
I get that 'we are the world' bullshit and people just holding hands everywhere, but at what moment you realize you're only assisting in the death of your nation.
Unless, you wish to have some hogwash nation where everyone you meet is from somewhere else, believes in something else, and stays with their own culture in your own neighborhood. Then the gangs form and we have old school NYC with the damn Bohemian Rhapsody garbage.
Imagine knowing this is in your country and people will get mad when you try to stop their jihadi violence.
I think you mean caucasian Americans did this, not simply white people. But whatever. I guess Hispanics have a claim to all of Europe and west Asia by that logic.
You cannot intimidate people into not leaving their war-torn shitholes and trying to make an actual life for their children.
All you are doing is building violence and tension, which will not accomplish anything, it merely slows down the inevitable and makes it less efficient.
What's the inevitable?
>Mexican culture from South America
C'mon man.
>Trash white culture
They aren't against white culture. They're against white nationalism. They're against "hurr why don't we get a history month" because it's eye rolly af, the entire damn history curriculum is European and American history and that's ok. You live in American buildings, eat American food, your language is the first language, the tv you watch is all American, your interests manners and social etiquette is American. You live in it constantly and then cry no ones being fair when they just want to celebrate and bring awareness to themselves for a day or month which you can totally choose to ignore.
It's because you can extrapolate a lot about someone based solely in the fact they say "white pride". Usually all around pretty stupid ignorant people.
I'm the fag from a multicultural area. I can talk all I want about my swedish or Irish roots, and how much I love things about my country. No issue. Others are interested and fascinated, even. The moment I say "white pride! This is a white country, we built this" Id have a problem, because I'm being an ass fuck at that point. I didn't build shit, I didn't accomplish shit, I fell out of a vagina here like anyone else, and these statements imply I'm entitled to some kind of special treatment over it.
If you can't see why this isn't cool, you're retardedly delusional.
You've seriously misinterpreted my post.
Whites are a minority here is a fact. I said nothing about erasure or having a problem. If you read my other post you'll see I'm even fine with it.
Also in this very post I meant foreign cultures are erased in a generation, not ours, they integrate.
Aim that angries cannon somewhere else.
Aren't Latinos the most likely non white culture to support trump and the wall?
This is so true
They mostly are primitive, for example something like child marriage which is clearly wrong in a 1st World country might be a cultural thing in the 3rd world country, and they will continue to act like how they have lived before
This. The one thing I have never understood about conservative logic is wtf do you think you're going to do?
How old is civilisation? 6000 years?
Nothing but advancement, social change, migration to booming civilisations and on and on. It has never been different and never will be, and any attempt to stop it has always ended very badly for everyone. Yet here there are, "hurr we need to maintain it as it is!"
Never going to happen.