Remember when America took over the airports during the War for independence?

Remember when America took over the airports during the War for independence?

Jesus wept...this clinical retard is the President of the United States.
An actual president, or an actual country.

This isn’t a spoof.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did you know that Finland doesnt have wild fires because they rake their forests? Source donny

When Washington took back the baggage claim at JFK, that was the turning point of the war.

There was rain on the TelePrompter.
He said he knew the speech very well and could have done it without a teleprompter, but there was rain on the teleprompter and even though it rained it was a fantastic day.

God Bless The USA

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Did you know windmills (kek, he ment turbines but prob doesnt know the difference) cause cancer? Source donny

Are Americans so retarded that they forget the start of a sentence before it’s even finished and can only remember the previous three words?

Hot Covfefe.

>seems legit

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Spare a moment to remember the victims of the Bowling Green massacre

Who knew "Idiocracy" was a prediction.

>Denies climate change as a Chinese conspiracy to export money
>lists “climate change” on his application to build a sea wall around his golf course in Scotland

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rebbit dot com\r\politics\comments\c9sgx7\trump_once_railed_against_presidents_using\et3em0k\

Previous three words?

Reagan was an actor. He did alright

Never forget !

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Reagan quit being an actor and became a politician, for 15 years, before running for president.

They’re not comparable

Trump repeatedly called Obama a phoney for using teleprompters

Finally a president that truly represents the people who voted for him.


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dangerous thinking
the vote counts were manipulated by a geopolitical foe

Grey Woman Bad!

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He also mixed up the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.

And he accused Canada of burning down the whitehouse as a justification for his trade tarrifs.

I mean, did ALL sense and rationality get flushed down the toilet along with Obama?

This guy went to Harvard?!?!
I would demand a refund

He misspoke, who cares? Tax bill puts extra $500/month in my pocket.

Imagine being on the secret service , training your whole life to serve your country, and then realising you’d be a bullet shield for this abject retard?

That’s why they all wear shades, to hide the tears

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At the cost of a $96billion deficit in tax revenue.

Now, wonder why everything gets more expensive....

Sure hope the bubble economy doesn’t burst, huh?
Of course not, the bubble will simply inflate forever and ever ....

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The only things outpacing inflation are the meme-tier universities that teach your kids nothing in exchange for 1 or more decades of financial slavery, and housing prices, which helps property owners like me.

The middle class is dead. If you're not part of the wealthy, it's your own fault. I was born into a poor family and climbed out, you can too if you quit whining for a bit and put some back into the act of removing yourself from your conditions.

I do hope it bursts. I'll make a fuckload of money when it bursts and acquire even more property at a steep discount. Market collapses are when millionaires are made.

His approval rate amongst law enforcement is quite high.

this is true though

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New debt is not created with principle interest. There is a guaranteed foreclosure rate set at the exact amount of interest.

What a myopic, unsustainable and retarded reading of the state of the economy.
Debt at 87% GDP - I know , let’s reduce the tax income and put it into the pockets of the already wealthy!!!

Just plain retarded.


Capitalism everybody!

Prey the economy collapses because its good or capitalists!!!

Will that be Trumps 2020 campaign slogan?
The Economic Crash that I caused is good for Business! Derp

Check this retarded faggot.

He isn't any more of a retard than 90% of the United States population.

He actually did site climate change on his planning permission application for you gormless retard

>lists “climate change” on his application to build a sea wall around his golf course in Scotland

that'll be the golf course which was built on a site of special scientific interest (mobile sand dunes), and which has now been so badly damaged by trump's company that its about to lose that status, after they imported grasses to prevent the sand dunes shifting.

such an environmentalist...

Hoorah for reduction in school spending!

Dem der universitty zis just dem Dems teachin uz how to be a queer!

I know the economy is on course to crash. Know what happens when it crashes? Asset prices plummet and fed rates drop to 0 or near 0. It's literally like a giant free wealth machine for everyone with a brain when the market experiences a major crash. I missed out on the biggest spoils of 08, but I'm ready to mop up every penny of wealth this time around.

The word you're looking for would be 'pray'. Surely you don't expect anyone to take you seriously when you aren't even using the right words?

Be Smart!
Go to Trump University

>It's literally like a giant free wealth machine for everyone with a brain when the market experiences a major crash

Except all the people losing money and going broke.

You can’t be this retarded. Your just a larping faggot.

Actually, I take it back, as that is inaccurate - I've just been doing some reading up, and it is in fact at the Doonbeg course in Ireland, not at the Balmedie course in Scotland (which is the one on a (now ruined) site of special scientific interest.)

But it was the reason given for the sea wall:

>you seriously when you aren't even using the right words?
Maybe I’ll run for President.

>The word you're looking for would be 'pray'.
When you hold a Yea Forums shit poster to a higher standard of intelligence than your own president.

Smrat. Really Smrat

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The only people going broke in a market crash are people who deserve it. Those are the NPC's. No conceptualization of wealth building, basic financial literacy, sustainable spending habits, working in fields susceptible to cutbacks, etc. They go to school, take out massive loans, get themselves into a $15/hour job, get fucked when the economy collapses. It's what they're programmed to do. If they had the faintest notion of critical thinking or independent agency, it would be abundantly clear that the lifestyle they engage in is so insanely retarded from a financial perspective.

I don't care if my president is smart or not, I care if what he's doing benefits me, and the answer to the latter thus far has been yes.

>I don't care if my president is smart or not
Trump 2020

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>the economy is on course to crash
Trump 2020

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Yes. This accurately represents the business community's feelings and has for years. We don't take personal offense to him being dumb, we just profit from it.

>the wealthy are on course to become even wealthier
Trump 2020

Those at the top aren't dumb enough to waste time chanting shit in the streets, but if we were, the chants unironically would be something along the lines of "What do have? Most of the wealth! What do we want? The rest of it!".

If you're poor and negatively impacted by a market crash, we don't only not care about how that will harm you, we cherish the sight of it. It's like watching a bunch of NPC's getting rekt in your favorite vidya.

Tell me, faggot. Who takes out the trash, cleans the streets, cleans the offices, mows the grass, picks the fruit, does basically ALL of the jobs that allow society to continue to function while you contribute nothing and siphon off the wealth?
Somebody’s got to do those jobs.
You think they should be punished for the reckless excess of the financial elite?

Well, that’s because you’re a retarded faggot

The wealthy are vastly outnumbered by the poor , 0.1%er

You are driving America into socialism with your retardation

Replaceable NPC's.
They're not real people, it doesn't really matter whether or not they 'appear' to suffer.

Ramens ready!

Hey Josh

Mom told me to tell you that your ramen’s ready and come eat at the table.
And she said to tell you, when you start to cry and argue, that yes, she knows it’s an online only game. But you have to get yourself to a save point THIS INSTANT or she’ll throw your ramen away and then you’re grounded.
Hey, don’t yell at me - I’m just telling you what she said.


What's this josh meme? I haven't heard of it before.

I'm perfectly fine with that. Give all the poors $1000 a month and then they can quit fucking bitching already. If taxes get too bad I can always rehome my money offshore.

Now you’re in trouble Josh.

She says you’re grounded for 2 weeks, and she’s hidden the Switch and changed your Fortnite password.

Shoulda just eaten the ramen like a big boy.

Hey man, don’t blame me, I tried to warn you

Under new socialist law, there’s “US money leaving the US tax of 100%”

Welcome to socialism.

You did this.

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>Replaceable NPC's.
>They're not real people
Says the NPC triggered by a Trump thread

Tax evade and flee country. Really though, there'd be more warning signs, this wouldn't come out of the clear blue.

Brown Woman Bad

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Almost as bad as this retard. Yikes!

Love America .
Love Trump

Run away with the money at the first opportunity.

Nothing says “Patriot” more than running away with your pockets full of stolen sheckles, huh?

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I missed the part where I called myself a patriot or said I loved America, can you point me to the post where I said that?

Reminder that the NPC thing is just another trick authoritarians are using to trick you into dehumanizing the groups they wish to target for elimination.

That's not a misspeak, it's full retard.

Stay mad.

In real time, he addresses his own failings, cracks a joke, and moves on.

How is that the same as thinking there was airplanes during the war of independence?

Oh it’s not. It’s just the best (weakest) you’ve got.


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>The middle class is dead.

oh wow I wonder what killed it
surely it's the illegals picking plants and cleaning hotel rooms
definitely has nothing to do with cutting taxes for the rich and corporations way more than everyone else, dismantling anything related to the welfare state or policies to control housing/healthcare/education costs, and constricting trade and global markets with protectionist nonsense

but ok enjoy your extra $500 you can have a playstation or even a fleshlight collection you terminal brainlet

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The knots that Trump-shills have to tie themselves in to silence the cognitive dissonance.


I'm not upset that the middle class is dead, lol.

Your right, my bad. I'm gonna go drive my $80,000 car, cya nerds!

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>Surely you don't expect anyone to take you seriously when you aren't even using the right words?

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wanna know how I know you're are a bad LARPer that in reality isn't remotely wealthy?

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Nice jdm garbage

Everyone, literally everyone in your life, thinks you are an asshole.

I hope the car brings you the fulfilment and self worth you are craving.

You know what the habits of the rich and successful are?
Trawling Yea Forums to shit post in Trumpthreads.

What a larping faggot that guy is

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that.

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Yeah honestly if it's the best these actual bitches have to complain about, I guess that's a good sign.

And you know who are the first to face the guillotine come a social revolution?

Eat the rich

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He’s such a disgrace, but the fact that so many braindead dumb fucks support him is even more astonishing.

I don’t need to, the evidence is in the video?
Are you hard of understanding?

Nobody needs to do those jobs for their entire lives. Education is available to every citizen. If you are too lazy to take control of your life and educate yourself enough to improve your income, then you do not have the right complain about a lack of financial control in your life.

So, stumbling over his words (but still completing the thought, while also addressing the fact he stumbled and making it into a joke) is the same as thinking there were aeroplanes in the 17th century.

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that.


people itt be like

>I watch stephen colbert, orange man bad!

Changing the argument to suit yourself, oh what a shock

>Nobody needs to do those jobs for their entire lives
But you admit that “somebody” needs to do those jobs, right?

You are just of the opinion that they should be punished for doing so, for the actions of the financial elite, who both cause and profit from the financial crashes?

Are you even mildly aware of the term “sustainable economic policy”?
I suspect you are not

Stephen Colbert is god, he always tells the truth about Trump and his cronies!

>changing the argument
I addressed the point that was brought up. How is that changing the argument?

You appear to not know what an argument is, nor how they are conducted.

Schools out early huh?

And Trumpshits be like “Grey Woman Bad”

Go on, mention Shillary - I know you simply can’t wait to

This is one of the most disgusting and contemptible things I've read from another human being. You don't view someone as a person, just something to use to your benefit. You don't see a person delivering your mail, you see a mailman NPC doing its job like you live in some magical, pretend land that's designed to cater to you. Its humourous that you have the attitude of someone who is elevated above all other's, yet nobody likes or agrees with you except your tiny 0.1% group of friends in the upper echelon of society. Go regurgitate your cynical thoughts in public or on a social media platform and see what happens. What an absolutely disgusting little pissant you are

So much ass pain in this thread

>yet nobody likes or agrees with you
That's the best you've got?

Holy shit this is some cringe.

The infantry that lay down their lives to protect the American way and his freedom to life a happy, prosperous, profitable life....they’re just contemptable NPCs.

Fuck him.
His opinion is worthless.
Less than worthless.

>makes up his own misrepresentation of what I said
Obviously I don’t believe anybody needs to be punished for not taking control of their life, what kind of hateful animal assumes that people need to be punished simply for not availing of the option available to them to empower themselves and take control of their life? If they choose not to control their life, then obviously their income ability will be decided by outside factors such as the overall economic situation at any given time. Complaining about that fact while also refusing to seek education, is their own choice. They aren’t children. They know that education is key to getting a higher salary. What do you expect the rest of us to do when people choose not to make the most of their income potential of their own free will?

Trumptards get recked

Popcorn at the ready

Spoilers: it won't

>makes up his own misrepresentation of what I said
Obviously I don’t believe anybody needs to be punished for not taking control of their life, what kind of hateful animal assumes that people need to be punished simply for not availing of the option available to them to empower themselves and take control of their life? If they choose not to control their life, then obviously their income ability will be decided by outside factors such as the overall economic situation at any given time. Complaining about that fact while also refusing to seek education, is their own choice. They aren’t children. They know that education is key to getting a higher salary. What do you expect the rest of us to do when people choose not to make the most of their income potential of their own free will?

>accusing me of being a child
>denying the very thing you did and accusing me of doing it
>snotty and haughty
You guys are always the same. Don’t you have any rebuttal to the original point that doesn’t involve acting like a child?

Let’s say every “NPC” gets a professorial doctorate in applied sciences.

Who’s gonna sweep the streets?
The answer is ‘somebody with a professorial doctorate in applied sciences.‘

“Why don’t erry body jus be rich derp?”

Just retarded in the extreme.

Yet you want free college for everyone

Get fucked

ctr got lost on the way to /pol/

>disgusting and contemptible
>You don't view someone as a person >just something to use to your benefit. >pretend land that's designed to cater to
>you have the attitude of someone who is elevated above all other's
>yet nobody likes or agrees with you
>your cynical thoughts
>What an absolutely disgusting little pissant you are
Fuck off tankie nobody cares about how you feel. Contribute to society or fuck off. That mailman you patched onto to make a point has made far more of a contribution to society than anyone spouting the kind of emotionally childish hate-speech that I quoted from your post. That mailman thinks you are a fraud, same as the rest of us.

>Doesn't offer any substance to the conversation or even a thought provoking response. Echoes the word "cringe" instead because you see it posted on Yea Forums all the time.

Yeah you showed me


Let’s re-cap shall we retard?

>you tube post of Obama stumbling over words with “almost as bad as Obama” implication, derp

>reply with refutation of false equivalency

>stay mad derp

>reiterate false equivalency

>stop changing the subject, derp

>explain that subject hasn’t changed

>accuse of dishonesty, derp

What did I miss, gormless faggot retard.
Because you appear to be pretty confused as to what’s going on.

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You know it was a good speech when all the leftists focus on Trump's brain fart. It'll be so much fun drinking lib tears again next year.

You know it’s a trumptard when Trumps demonstrable retardation is secondary to “pwning the libs”

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Just hope it doesn’t rain and starts talking about aliens

At least he’s pro LGBTQ.

>at least he has so little conviction that he’ll say anything in front of anyone if it thinks it’ll make him more popular


Lol sure bud. Im actually a structural steel erector or an iron worker. Im currently helping build a power plant. Just set some steel for a pipe rack on Wednesday before the holiday. What about you?

And he’s pro-family values


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>Trumps demonstrable retardation
If you assholes spent one tenth of your buttfrustration on actually rebutting his policy performance instead of reeing about tabloid bullshit maybe people would take you seriously

Eating chicken tendies in mom’s basement pretending to be a millionaire

>supporting trump
>taken seriously
Pick one faggot

Dumb dubs. Very nice Cletus.

Stop calling people NPCs. And stop calling people by hate-speech names like retard. And stop using hatefully invented quotes designed to invoke the idea that all people with that accent are as ignorant as somebody who says a quote that ignorant.
People are not NPCs.
People change over time, people have the capacity to grow, to gain new skills, to move on from a minimum wage job to a higher salary job. A person that sweeps the streets today could study for a qualification at night or on weekends and within at-most 4 years they could access a higher salary at a job that requires whatever qualifications they studied to earn. Or, if they’re happy with his salary as a street sweeper, they can choose not to earn a qualification and stay sweeping the streets. What is your problem with that? Each person made their own choice and lives with the income they chose to seek. And furthermore, the person that qualifies and moved on to a different job, has opened up a street-sweeping job for a new person, that may not have qualifications, to take, and this secure their lives with a steady pay check and give them the option to earn a qualification or stay in the street sweeping job. It’s a system that constantly changes, opens opportunities for every individual to control their own lives.
And, lastly, the fact that you think street sweeping is a low-paid job shows me that you have less knowledge about the job market, and the economy, than you think. Crazy you picked that job. My brother has been a street sweeper for 6 years. With overtime he pulls in over $40k between salary, benefits, and shift allowance. If you need a solid paying job with solid hours, street sweeper is a great option. Also, absolutely none of his street sweeper friends think they are impoverished and none of the ones I’ve met subscribe to communist ideas. He’s told me that anytime communist ideas comes up, everyone just laughs. Because they know they’re onto a winner.

It's actually comforting to watch you autistic retards scream and cry from one anti-Trump point to the next. What will it be tomorrow? Do you have to wait to see what CNN will tell you to be mad about?

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Ah yes the structural steel industry populated by a solid cohort of tankies. Get fucked dude, as if anyone paid $50 an hour considers themselves impoverished.

That or he's some faggot that works at Bestbuy and will never go anywhere with his life because of his attitude and wants to suck the dicks of people like this

Next thing to cry about is Trump’a re-election!

It’s comforting to me to watch you trump tards so readily accept a self certified “genius” say there were planes in the 18th century and consider yourself “winning”

Like AIDS ridden Charlie Sheen.
Keep saying “winning” enough, and you eventually believe your own lies.


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Trump has tiger blood

See only a retard thinks you can cure cancer. You treat cancer, not cure it

>stupid picture designed to make yourself feel/look like that smug guy in the pic
You are still debating like a kid. There is nothing an adult can rationally speak to you about until you begin acting like an adult.

Homophobic slur, so common amongst Trump haters. Why do you hate faggots user?


>implying there is no cure for cancer

Welcome to Yea Forums, kid. Enjoy the rest of your summer break.

You’re using “reason”, “rationality”, “logic”
The trump-tard is unable to grasp these things.

They operate on a purely emotional level, requiring “tears” to fuel their rage.

There’s no point arguing with them. Just line them up against the wall come the revolution.

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Still mad she lost?

no, because the country is covered in fucking ice you moron.

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>implying you can prevent the ribosome from making mistakes

You speak as though you're familiar with the trade or you know what you're talking about. Where'd you even get that number? $50/hr? Most journey men in NY or CA don't even make that and then there's the cost of living that varies from place to place. I wouldn't call myself poor but I work my ass off for my money and I'm giving my contribution to society

>ice stop fires from starting

It’s very homophobic of you to assume I’m speaking about LGBTQ when saying “faggot” faggot.

You are lost

Shillary Womun Bad

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Grey Woman Bad

Remember when Obama thought there were 58 states?
Remember when AOC didn't even know what the branches of government are?
Remember when a politician made a gaff?
OMG, Trump made one. He must be retarded..

>implying i think a neet like me can
>implying one day a smarter man cant

Attached: No Trump.jpg (600x718, 40K)

She was objectively the worse choice tho.

yes, they voted them into power,

they are litterally getting what the asked for, they are just too poor and stupid to realise what they asked for wasnt good for them.


Dear God the samefagging paid shills are out in strength today.

How much they paying you guys anyway, and how'd you get started?

you paid $80k for a datsun?

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I’d love to say it’s comforting to see tankies tanking it up but I know that you are a human being who has been indoctrinated by propaganda by an ideology that wants to make you poorer so that they can control you.
That you were able to be indoctrinated makes me sad, our society’s educational system clearly failed you and didn’t prepare you do a life filled with options, choices, and possibilities, but only if you earn educational qualifications. But I know that in our society, also, you have the option to seek any qualifications you desire, and as such, you may earn the big bucks that you think communism will give you. But, and this is the killer, you can do that yourself without communism and without demanding that society changes to suit you. How cool is that? Doing it all by yourself? Rise up young man and take control of your life.


So you’re argument is that Trump is the same as Obama?


Grey Woman Bad

I bet she knows when the plane was invented.


>Chemotherapy is a capitalist lie!!!

>implying you even vaguely understand the biochemistry behind cancers
First off the isnt one type, second sometimes it's because the ribosome makes a mistake (mischarging an amino acid, skipping an amino acid, etc), something you or any scientist cant prevent. There isnt a cure for a protein that fucks up once in a while. Nice try tho, learn some biochemistry

If he knew the speech very well, and could have done it without a teleprompter, why flub it up so nad? If he knew the words why not recite them accurately? He couldn't read it properly because of the rain so he should have known the correct words.


You support hateful homophobia because you think that poster is young?

You are just as poor as the rest of us, faggot.

>been indoctrinated by propaganda by an ideology that wants to make you poorer so that they can control you.

Says the faggot advocating for market crashes so the rich can exploit the poor.

Was there ever a time when you made sense?
I guess not

ice melts, water puts out fire.

lrn 2 science

I think you're a fucking defeatist, matey.

Trump was a real estate mogul 15 years before he was on TV

Clearly doesnt understand how cancer arises in biology. Chemo is a treatment. Recieving chem doesnt mean the cancer wont come back. Recieving chemo doesnt mean a different type of cancer wont start growing. Chemo is not a cure but a treatment

>Record low unemployment
>The strongest economy in decades
>ISIS virtually wiped out
>The Obamacare mandate eliminated
>Making headway towards peace with NK
>Screwed up one line in a speech
Not a bad record so far.

Even though it rained it was a fantastic day.
Happy 4th of July.

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I think you dont understand how cancer or proteins are synthesized

Finland is not covered in ice, where did you get that idea from?
t. Finnish

And that qualifies him for POLITICAL office in what respect?

Shut up, Finman.

No, that's not my argument, and that's not what I said.


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Everything is great
So long as you ignore what’s happening.


> a bankruptcy mogul

>over 35 years old
>citizen of the US for 14 years
>natural born Citizen
Looks pretty qualified to me. "Orange man bad" doesn't disqualify somebody from running for president.

Jesus you are full of it. $50 ph is fairly standard for any decent structural steel tech in the construction industry. Don’t act like structural steel is some mystical art that very few 4channers have access to. It’s a backbone of our fucking economy lol. An impoverished structural steel worker, ducking lmao. $30 during your apprenticeship days too, right? What the fuck man. How did you earn such a great wage in a functioning industry and still allow yourself to get indoctrinated by an ideology that preys on people who lap up the “you’ll never be rich” meme.
The fucking shit you see on Yea Forums, this has to take the cake!

america rules.

Thanks for checking, my dude.

Reports of the American market being “in good shape” are as veracious as Trumps insistence that he has “a good brain” and “knows the best words”.


Yet he btfo'd the competition

Makes me think

>my car

So your argument is that Trump made a prediction 7 years ago that he is now working to fix? Okay.

>people have the capacity to grow
If they dont they should be gassed

Obvious poorfag is obvious.

Get a job, commie.

Pro-tip: those aren’t qualifications

Arguing with Trumptards is like banging your head against an incredibly retarded brick wall. After a while , it just gives you a headache thinking down to their level of retardation....the way your knees start to hurt when bending down to speak to a toddler

PRO-FUCKING-TIP: Those are literally the only listed qualifications.

>makes me think
That trump was right, the election was rigged.

You fucking iPhone cuck

That sounded pretty clever in your head I bet.

You have proof that it isnt? By all indications it's doing great. Even the never Trumpers over at MSNBC begrudgingly admit that the economy is doing well. You must have some secret insider info. Please share.

>I dont like the electoral college now

Rules are rules, cry more faggot

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He's not a poorfag, he's a lazyfag. Everyone is hiring now. Anyone willing to put in an honest days work can make good money in America today.

MAN, your attitude just pisses me off so fucking much. Instead of encouraging people to feel sad that they’ll never be rich, why don’t you encourage them to take up a trade like yours and earn a decent wage that allows them to control their life. Structural steel is a great job, as are many other construction trades, and one that is open to people who don’t want to go to college. You could be an inspiration instead of a tankie. You made it yet you’re on here pretending to teens and unemployed people in their 20’s who may not fully understand the trades that are actually available to people of all skill levels and aptitudes, that it’s hard to get into a job with a decent wage. You are literally indoctrinating the vulnerable with fantasy’s while you yourself are loaded, relative to someone on minimum wage, pretending that good jobs are impossible to get while you rake in $50 ph when almost everyone with a pulse can attempt to acquire a trades qualification and see if the job suits them. That is just so selfish.

Not the user you are speaking to. Even if the economy is doing great, it isn’t because of Trump. It is in spite of Trump.

You are engaging in mental gymnastics. You brought up the homophobic slur, don’t expect others to ignore your bigoted homophobia. That kind of insidious hate speech is not to be ignored, because what happens when we ignore hate speech? That’s right, it gains traction and spreads virulently. I will not stand by and allow that.

God, liberalism really is a mental illness.

Trips of truth #Bernie2016

You are such a fucking fag dude kys if you actually talk like that you fuckin cringe machine

>another very childish argument to make, literally a preteen jibe
The argument is that all politicians say gaffes.

>we are totally not the elitist dude you capitalist pig, but we will happily talk down to you, you poor impoverished simpleton

Have you never been distracted at any time in your life, oh perfect one?

>when the rightwing try to coopt identity politics

You don’t even know where you’re going wrong, do you faggot - or why you sound retarded.


Right, because everything bad is Trump's fault, and everything good is in spite of Trump. You have some serious TDS there, bud.

>trumptards now believe there were planes in the 17th century

Sure kid....mental illness

Protip, the stock market is not the economy

It happens when anons say dumb things like "we guns cure cancer"

>a bunch of edgy russian teenagers spamming shitty memes was
>manipulated by a geopolitical foe
m8 look in your own backyard and recognize when you've been told "these other people that totally aren't us are lying and manipulating you" with a straight face and how easily you just ate it the fuck up. Trump getting the presidency could be largely because of some entity "manipulating" opinion passed as meme magic, but if shitty memes are all it takes to influence you, then you were already going to fall for anything. It's like foreign political ads made by bored 12yos wanting to piss off as many people as possible, pretty sure that's not anything close to a determining factor. memeing or intentional action, this is not why Trump got the presidency. I don't get why you still believe there are two major parties.

*we guna


You are the one fearful of the rich taking advantage of you. As if anybody believes an entitled fellow like you understands the needs of the poor.
The division between capitalism and communism has nothing to do with money, it’s about who controls your life, you or the state.
Under capitalism you can work any job you like and you can seek any educational qualifications that you like and you can setup any business you like at any time you like. Under communism you get given a job and no option for social mobility. You get stuck in poverty if you aren’t lucky to be born into the ruling class. I mean, fucking LOL at you for actively wanting to be lorded over by a ruling class. Wtf is wrong with you?


woah dude, i'm not bringing a cloth sack to get my fucking groceries.

>The most recent data shows a 3.1% growth for the first quarter of 2019 .
>This is, however, less than the 5.1% achieved in the second quarter of 2014, during the Obama presidency.

Black Man Bad

>shocked at the scarcity about knowledge regarding how specific proteins work, despite fully being aware that that knowledge is usually only acquired by scientists who study for at least 4 years and is not usually taught to the general public in any great depth
>taking the piss instead of providing a rational argument
Fucking childish arguments again.

Where are you getting that from? Im damn proud of what I do. That power plant I'm helping build will benefit many people. I have no issue with people working blue collar jobs That was kind of the point.. If you actually followed the conversation you would've seen that I was responding to this guy For looking DOWN on poor people or people in the trade industry. Maybe try to keep up and work on your reading comprehension.

Kek, this neckbeard faggot

Stay mad faggot. I hope it puts you out on the street begging for food.

The first successful hot air balloon flight happened in 1783. If you want to get technical an "airport" is anywhere that an air ship takes off and lands. A hot air balloon is an air ship, ergo there existed "airports" in the lete 18th century during the time of President Washington.

No one in the US wants full on communism. Inb4 socialized healthcare is communism, its not.

>there is less social mobility in capitalist America than in Communist China

Isn’t it a shame when your point turns out to be the exact opposite to the one you were trying to make.

How does that feel?

Protip, I never said anything about the stock market.

So far I've made $3.27, but Donny said it takes some time for the big money.

>capitalists don’t send people to gulags, capitalists are not fascists, fascists are the ones who gas people
Childish misrepresentation.

Funny most of those jobs you listed used to be done by teenagers or kids getting out of highschool. Now they are done by grown ass adults. None of those jobs are supposed to be life long careers faggot.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Are you?

Ah, so that’s what trump was referring to?

What battle were the hot air balloons involved in?

Which “air ports” were captured, by which general as part of which campaign?

The mental gymnastics of trumptards is impressive - they’ll do ANYTHING to not have to admit they’re worshipping a retard

>Google and wiki is too hard in 2019 for the average person
Kek! Also its taught in general bio, general biochem, cell bio...basically undergrad courses that youd be exposed to in your first year (gen bio) and beyond.

>no rational argument that fights the point made so I’ll look like a jackass and point out a typo that I’ll jmply only happens on phones despite the fact that this typo gets made on computers these days too because every common OS has a bloody spellcheck because it’s not 2003 anymore, from my phone because I haven’t used a desktop in so long that this fact escaped me, oh and I’ll akso use a homophobic slur because they always make me feel good about being so inadequate
The homophobic phone user outs himself.

"During the American Civil War, the Union troops used hot air balloons to spy on Confederate troops."

Well if you vote for Biden he said he was going to cure cancer.

And most households could sustain themselves on a single wage earner.
Now more than half of the US population is floating just above the poverty line.

America’s cancer bankruptcy rates are a national disgrace.

Civil war huh? Was that before or after the revolutionary war? Asking for a friend

>out of rational arguments, hate speech it is!

And he is dumb for saying it

Answer the question.
Which airports were captured, by which general, as part of which campaign?

You asked what war they were used in. I gave you an answer.

>During the American Civil War
So not the war of independence.

Nice non sequitur

I'm not interested in doing your research for you.

So that totally means donny was justified saying its was used in the revolutionary war? Kek, keep spinning your wheels

I know the answer, retard, I’m trying to lead you to it

Pretty sure no one asked specifically about the War of Independence.

>"Orange man bad" doesn't disqualify somebody from running for president
that is true. Now link me to anyone who ever said or wrote "Orange man bad".

Yea the truth prob would hurt huh?

>out of rational arguments, hate speech and outrage that someone that is not me cares deeply about nuking the spread of homophonic hatespeech, ill invalidate then instead, depersoning an individual is a great way to allow me to make peace with the fact that I am unable to rationally reply to their argument without admitting my own bigotry

No, he made a gaff. All I'm saying is that "airports" did exist as far back as the late 18th century.

>Pretty sure no one asked specifically about the War of Independence.
Yeah. Trump was talking about some “other” 4th of July
The cunts are very retarded today aren’t they.
More so than usual.

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Played one on TV you mean

I was presenting a "fun fact". Sorry that you got all butthurt over it.

All we are saying is donny was dumb for saying it for the late 17th century

>making any point about hatespeech on Yea Forums
Faggot. You’re lost.
Reddit is that way >>>

>instead of using my hard earned education to help correct people’s mistakes, I will use my education in a childish way talk down to them instead by implying that everyone should know what I studied 4-8 years to learn
Still not helping yourself here.

Cunts don’t like being called cunt, eh cunt?

>I'm too dumb to Googlein 2019
You arent helping your self here

>instead of using my hard earned education to help correct people’s mistakes, I will use my education in a childish way talk down to them instead by implying that everyone should know what I studied 4-8 years to learn
Still not helping yourself here.

>I’ll prove their poly by showing numbers that confirm economic stagnation since 2014

>I’ll prove their poly by showing numbers that confirm economic stagnation since 2014

But she lost, get over it

Donny always says and does stupid things, admit it

He sure does. And it drives you libtards crazy, which is why I love him even more for it

Yea making our country look dumb is funny and cool

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Shut up, RR

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He’s only making libtards look dumb when they chimp out over him.


Having a stronger economy shows our stupidity. Very nuanced insight, Cletus.

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Yea foreign countries think he is a stable genius too!

Lol no buddy I started out making $17/hour as an apprentice and Journey men make $30/hr (in my area) You also have to attend class for 3 years during your apprenticeship but classes are free, you learn useful skills like welding, and you're working while you're attending class. It's a good alternative if you don't want to go to school or join the military but I'm not going to lie or sugar coat. It's incredibly hard work at least 10hr days working outside, it's very dangerous work, and you still need to attend those classes.

Yeah but the problem is we have wildfires the size of finland

Britbong here.

Americans have already a reputation as some of the most poorly educated conspiracy believing morons in the developed world.

Trump has lowered peoples estimations.

I know, faggots, I know, “who cares europoor etc etc”
Just saying, if you’re American and visiting the UK, pretend to be Canadian\PWSN6qG


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What was that awesome definitely new super secret deal with Mexico that isnt just them repromising the same thing they already did months ago again?

Because God hates you.
Take the hint

Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?

Oh, and is there a wall yet?

That other guy is clearly larping you sap. Didn’t you see the post putting his car pic as one he pulled from Yea Forums. Rational human beings don’t refer to people as NPCs like he did, nor do they profess to enjoy the thought of the middle class being wiped out, not do they mock the military. What kind of adult takes an obvious larper like that seriously?
Good on ya man, encourage those solid blue collar jobs. Really annoys me seeing the common view on here that blue collar jobs are shit. As does the view that if a person spends time on the minimum wage they’ll only ever earn the minimum wage. Education and solid paying jobs are available to us all, as is the opportunity to job hop any time we like, I just don’t get how someone would choose communism and lose all of those opportunities. Stop fighting with larpers pretending to be millionaires and jump into those threads full of suicidal anons who are at the end of their tether and see no way out of poverty, instead dude. Not to downplay the benefits of college education but some anons just think that is the only way to get well paid yet they baulk at the thought of studying for 4 years, you could be such an inspiration on here to the kids that are convinced that only a college education and a $200k student loan is the only way to get a decent salary but instead you’re spending your time arguing for a system that removes those opportunities from us all with larpers.

The economy performing below its 2016 forecast, and has been revised downwards due to Trumps retarded self inflicted trade war.

You’ll be praising Trump for the glorious sunrise next

Many people are not aware that Paul Revere rode into town in a Tesla Model 3

Look at all of the excuses and doublethink going on to excuse The Donald from saying something retarded (like he always does)

How does it feel to be a lick-spittle bootlicker for your corporate overlord?

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Porous sections of penetrable fencing at best. We need to put a wall around the orange dotard.

Many people.

Visiting? I might stay there.

Socialised healthcare will however fuck your economy up. You’ll have to raise income taxes massively, low income taxes being the major driver of the American innovation economy.
The thing I don’t get about you socialise healthcare anons is that you already have socialised healthcare under Medicaid. If you are physically or mentally disabled, or if you earn less than an income threshold, you are eligible for free healthcare. That has been in place since the early 80’s when Medicaid was introduced to act as a Federal program to replace the old system which was offered by each state to help people in similar need. It’s only when you earn above a threshold that it’s deemed that you can afford to pay for health insurance, that you actually need to choose whether you want to pay for health insurance or not. And by that stage, you are either choosing to save money or invest in your health, that is your choice.

Keep fantasizing and fapping.

And will the wall stop someone with a ladder and a roll of carpet from getting over it?

Better hope Mexicans don’t have access to ladders or carpet, otherwise spending billions on a vanity project that will only affect wildlife migration would seem pretty Fucking stupid

When Biden beats Trump, that is a cancer cure. So he wasn’t exaggerating.

>more social mobility in a society where the government confiscated your family’s land and forces you to move to cities
Wow, such enviable social mobility. That is just so enviable.
Anyway, most communists tell me that China isn’t communist, that it’s cinnunist with capitalist aspects. So which is it? Communist or not? Because I think it’s communist, which is why the government confiscated land from farmers for any reason and even was able to confiscate land from city dwellers to wipe out so many ancient neighbourhoods in order to build stadia for the olympics, but I’m no expert.

>Socialised healthcare will however fuck your economy up.
An opinion, not a fact.

The fact is, socialised healthcare is cheaper (less spent as a %of GDP on healthcare), has better results (higher survival rates for cancer, lower infant mortality, lower deaths from preventable illness) and provides a baseline level of care for private providers to have to live up to.

Plus you don’t have illness induced bankruptcies, or profit motivated insurance charges, or profit draining shareholders.

It is, by all measurable metrics , a better, fairer, more efficient system.

Oh, but wait - medical insurance shareholders can’t make a profit - so I guess stick with the system you’ve got.

I suppose you're right, either way, fuck him. And again I whole heartily encourage people to join a trade but again I'm not going to lie to people either. Please join and don't be discouraged but I've also seen people quit within a week because they couldn't take it and one of the foreman I've worked with in the past lost an eye. There are safer trades like pipe fitters and electricians but they are still dangerous and the same things I mentioned above still apply.

Did you know Ocasio Cortez said the world was ending in 7 years due to Global Warming, then she said: "If you don't vote and get my ridiculous bill passed you're a Nazi." And then her bill basically said every building in America will be torn down and replaced with "Eco-Friendly" materials, people should be banned from using cars on specific days, and minorities should get slavery reparations (even though that has nothing to do with the world ending in 7 years and not every fucking minority has ancestors that were slaves.)
And you know what the craziest thing is?
Liberals might actually get her elected as president if Donald Trump doesn't win a 2nd Term.

So, it's really your fucking choice of which retard we should have in office.

I'd rather go with Trump, because at least he hasn't really done anything life changing, while that psychotic bitch might start genociding whites on the foundation of Political Correctness.

Also, before you use the "You're a straight white male, so your opinion doesn't matter you fucking Nazi!"
I'm Filipino, Bisexual, and a Libertarian.

So fuck off Commies, there's nothing wrong with being white, straight, or a man.

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>facile appeal to encourage people in debating with to use google and wiki to investigate topics I studied 4-8 years to understand
What the fuck pal. Your professors would be so ashamed at you, not only are you weaponizing your education in a debate against a member of the general public who could never hope to understand what you learned in the 4-8 years you studied, but you’re encouraging people to learn fro google and Wikipedia instead of seeking real education. Not only all of that, but you’re speaking down to them as if they are deficient for not understanding something you spent 4-8yeaes to learn. What exactly is your problem?

More social mobility.

Deny, cry, argue, throw shit, chimp out as much as you like - the objective mathematical truth is that Communist China has lifted more individuals out of poverty than any civilisation in human history over the past 70 years.

Meanwhile, America has imprisoned more individuals than any other civilisation in human history over the past 70 years.

>muh freedum
When Communist China is more free than the US, you should be asking yourself where you went wrong



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Flint Michigan still doesn’t have clean drinking water.

>too indoctrinated to see the negate effects of the indoctrination my side has forced into the economy
Yes because now households with full families have two earners on average, which drives inflation due to their excessive spending compared to the one-wage-per-household days yet most households do not have two wage earners do they? Because divorce is so much higher than it was back then. Which means more single wage households than there used to be, all trying to match the lifestyle of roughly half the households of back then. Of course there are going to be more households failing to meet that standard when there’s roughly twice as many, relatively speaking.

>my side
My side is “historical accuracy”

There were no aeroplane in the seventeen hundreds

>again, third time in a row for some reason, out of rational arguments, hate speech and outrage that someone that is not me cares deeply about nuking the spread of homophonic hatespeech, ill invalidate then instead, depersoning an individual is a great way to allow me to make peace with the fact that I am unable to rationally reply to their argument without admitting my own bigotry

And people going bankrupt due to cancer?

>again, third time in a row for some reason, out of rational arguments, hate speech and outrage that someone that is not me cares deeply about nuking the spread of homophonic hatespeech, ill invalidate then instead, depersoning an individual is a great way to allow me to make peace with the fact that I am unable to rationally reply to their argument without admitting my own bigotry

It’s your own posts you are wasting with this retardation

Tastes like WINNING

>googling is perfectly fine to expect a general member of the public to do to understand a conceit they couldn’t hope to understand without some prior knowledge or education in the topic about a situation I spent 4-8 years learning

>excessive spending
You ignore the point.
More than half of US households are floating just above the poverty line, and are living paycheck to paycheck.

Meanwhile, 5 individuals control more wealth than the combined 50% lowest earners.

Even the ultimate beneficiaries of capitalism, the billionaires, are currently asking to be taxed more.

And you don’t think the system is broken?

$17 ph is incredibly good money, especially when you know the big bucks are coming right after training ends! And hard work? Tell me you don’t think a lot of the anons on here would benefit from some hard work. A decent wage and a job that ends their NEETness and gets then out if the house? That is literally all that most of the depressed, suicidal, despairing guys and incels on here need.

Meh, you can do any job after learning it for a month. They’re not that hard

If hard work pays, show me a rich donkey

Trump has never done a real days work in his life

Why should he, Daddy was rich.

Bidens meme game is strong,

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Wipe the froth from your mouth you rabid pig dog

Yes because it’s so much harder to find a decent paying job these days than in 2015/2016.
You are blind if you think the 2015/2016 economy was better than it is in 2019.

Refugees welcomed!