Tell me interesting things
Tell me interesting things
what are you interested in?
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
A suit will magically lift your entire person up to another level.
there is more activity and cell reproduction when there is heat added
I'm starting a novel
all molecule activity stops at -273 Celsius
What's the novel about
A pigs orgasm can last for 30 Minutes
Dunno yet I have alot of ideas that I'm beginning to compile together into something coherent. I have figured out the basic setting I just need alot more worldbuilding before I can even start with the plot. I am mostly basing it off my daydreams at work and school so I'm writing them down until I have enough material together to begin cobbling together a plot. I've never written before, but I keep dreaming up new scenes and character interactions while I'm at work so I thought I might as well start writing them down.
Oranges are a hybrid between a pomelo and a mandarin
Aw cool. Any vague things you could tell us? Like the setting or anything?
Ok I'll only talk about the setting. Mostly focused on the US because I'm familiar the most with it. So there are places and times where the laws of physics break down and the supernatural and natural merge ( sortof a mix of how in GOT the power of magic waxes and wanes, and the convergence of spheres from the Witcher) most of most of modern history these bubbles of supernatural power have been small. Then one of these bubbles opens on the west coast of the US. In a 5 mile radius everything using a transistor will receive phantoms signals practically at random this quickly corrupts data stored in a device and signals sent from one device to another. Radio signals also receive extreme amounts of interference making them difficult to use to communicate. Scientist and Scolar come from across the globe to gawk at the impossibility of it. Beyond making it impossible to use a computer of any kind, or radio you wouldnt be able to tell much of a difference. Over time the area of effect expands and continues to grow.
These are just ideas, but by the time the story takes place a nuclear war is started by some nation maeby the US, but things do go the way people expect every place that any warhead impact instead of a nuclear chain reaction another bubble of power is created and all of the ones already open expand over vast swaths of the earth. world trade, and modern civilization falls apart without instant communication nation break apart and a new dark age has risen. The spheres of supernatural power are now much more violent and unpredictable at the epicenter of one reality becomes vague and incoherent up is down east is west ( think STALKER/Roadside picnic). Because of how slow communication has become in places affected the governance of places has become much more local ( imagine feudalism with 1930s technology.) Most people moved to the few places that were unaffected and rebuild modern society, though far more isolated and introspective. On top of the effects of reality bending. Some groups of people begin to change into flesh hungry monsters, while others discover hidden powers within them.
I have a lot to fill in and alot more detail to flesh out, but think this was a good place to start I already have some ideas for interesting cities of civilizations.
I do sticker slapping and its pretty fun, pic related
Viking runes were (as far as we can tell) inspired by interactions with romans. Germanic tribes would work in roman armies as mercs and would see the practicality of making marks and lines on paper/wood/stone for storing and transporting consistent information. This made them decide to create their own series of marks, and thus Runes were born. A similar scenario likely is responsible for inspiring the Irish to create Ogham, although Ogham ended up becoming more of a code language than a standard one fairly quickly.
*Things don't go they way you would expect*
Damn my lack of proofreading. This is the bones of the setting I'm working the story through, but it needs alot more worldbuilding before I could call it anywhere near finished.
Sounds like a cool bunch of ideas
This isn't really telling you something but more showing, anyways Minecraft porn exists
I'm not gonna ask why that exist, because of rule 34
But why did you save it bro? you into it?
Thanks. glad my ADD riddles mind thought up something interesting for once
I think the animation quality makes it interesting.
>Most people moved to the few places that were unaffected and rebuild modern society, though far more isolated and introspective.
'Modern society' as in today's society or like, a futuristic one?
No need to thank me
Hey I'm not saying I particularly like it, I just the animation quality is good, better than some regular sfm artists anyway
Semi futuristic, but due to the collapse of society they are very xenophobic. The areas in which a computer could function properly are in isolated pockets of land untouched by the chaotic influence due to this there are cities in which people live much like today science has not advanced much. some are more advanced than others. Still haven't decided on alot of this though. Was thinking many would be survelence states