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Muy temprano compa


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>terrible dick shoop
>2/10 bait? or pure stupidity? You decide.

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Mexico is great because we are a really smart and industrious people. lets stay here instead of invading the U.S ok?

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Seriously though Mexico is so much better than the united states, lets Stay in Mexico okay

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Fuck the United States! They have concentration camps for Mexicans there, so lets Stay In Mexico, and try to make it better to live here

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Ana the Mexican Slut

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I'd love to but too many American farmers all over the south keep offering us jobs, THEY want us here. They vote against our interests in public but they want our labor so badly that they're willing to smuggle us through in private. It's hypocritical for them but it's great pay for us - it's also cheap labor for them. There's no border wall that can stop commerce and capitalism when it's a win/win for both parties. If I get deported back that's OK. I'll take the free ride home and return when I'm ready to work again.

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Hew great thread mi amigos! One thing is for sure, we can never go to the united states because the Nazi Donald trump will kill us! So we have to stay here in Mexico! oh well!

Centroamericans mostly are trying to get there. Im quite comfortable living in Mexico.

They’re called Central Americans you dub Mexicant

Nice gaslighting. but the US. Does not want Mexicans there. The Nazi regime deports all brown people and has LITERAL concentration camps for Mexicans.


They cost taxpayers 116 billion a year, and this is from newer data, but already outdated since they're coming in at record numbers.

The truth is most Americans don't want them here, they believe in borders, the law and paying taxes.

democrats just want them in so they can turn them into second class citizens with no rights that they can deport a moment's notice, give them government handouts in exchange for democrat votes - like they did with black people for so many decades, even though the democrats fought FOR slavery, started the KKK and Jim Crow laws and fought against the civil rights movement.

i don't give a fuck if you're white, black, brown or purple - if you want to be an "immigrant", then do it legally. if now,i hope border patrol beats the shit out of you and throws you back.

In ur fat murican dreams gringuy lol now open wide cuz the next illegal aliens caravan is coming to the united states of Israel