non-porn webms
Non-porn webms
Any mugshot yet?
Which episode
Nigs gonna nig
Saving lol
Love it what episodd
Good girl
Probably wont leak since shes under 17.
still lurking for the mega
Nothing will happen to her, she will pull the nigger card and they will let her off.
The fuck kind of black magic is this?
Hot af
Being black doesn't excuse that kind of behaviour. Also do you not have a seal on top of your ice cream in America?
>she will pull the nigger card and they will let her off.
Yes, because the justice system is known to spare black people.
it's a CG render.
Fake and gay
I mean its nasty and all, but realistically how much time could you serve for licking ice cream?
>how much time could you serve for licking ice cream?
20 years.
This is why you don't fight a cheerleader, they're strong af
You feeling it now mr crabs?
>This definitely kills the crab.
>this kills the crab
Is this Valentino Rossi
>breaking my balls Mike
I wonder what he did?
This must be fake.
asshole if real
He was a molester. There's a version with audio where you can hear them yelling to him to stop.
I feel man. I fucking feel
I had no idea Anna Kendrick was a tranny.
Sauce nao...
Hey! He said non porn!
>Jesus is my pilot
Is this real?
land of the free everyone
Is he eating shit?
America is a third world country
I love this one!
Tell us more about how the US had zero involvement in the Cold War.
Stay in school, kids!
Yes. Thats Why he had a shit-earing grin.
Holy shit, she white won
someone should kill this thing with fire
>America is a third world country
There are parts of Tennessee that literally are.
That's the gnarliest thing I've ever seen
>burger mad that he lives in a shithole nation
Holy fuck! She used the Stone Cold Stunner!!
Godamn that's majestic
At no point did she perform a stunner
Typical day in Niggertown.
It is in libtard cities. I think when in St Louis cops were instructed to go after whitey just so they could even out the statistics
truly breathtaking
That dude has a dress on
>>Oh my head, King! It's Stone Cold Stephanie Austin! Steve Austin's daughter!
I missed my calling in life. Who designs this shit??
Is nigger dead nigger?
Nice tripps
the roof is on fire
Im in love
>Who designs this shit??
Process engineering and special-pupose engineering.
She needs to sue
This is actually sad. The pain in that man's eyes while looking at his own son is just sad ;-;
That was one of the saddest endings I've ever seen.
Are you fucking retarded or just really fucking retarded?
You dont know if she has something likena disease. Dont know if she laced her tongue with something then licked it. Put her in jail. Ruin her sorry life.
mmm-mm- mmommy!
So commiting a crime and getting punished makes America not the land of the free? Ok I can tell you're a nigger.
those streamers were poorly placed.
It's not that big of a deal. Commercial freezers are at a low enough temperature to kill all bacteria and even if they didn't, unless her mouth is dirtier than the floor she's standing on, there's no danger of any diseases or whatever to be spread that way.
Basically, she did nothing dangerous.
Flawless Victory
One glove - four holes...
>commercial freezers are at a low enough temperature to kill all bacteria
this is some of the dumbest shit i have ever read
You are just dumb as fuck aren't you?
No sound silly
Nig-nog-knockin' on heaven's door
thats why she is facing 20 years? cause you know beter than the CDC
The temperature will not kill the Super Nigger AIDS.
How do you Fuck - That - Up??
I'm glad my country doesnt have niggers
>No counter argument so he says burger
It's still disgusting you dumb nigger
Queen of Yea Forums
Honestly have no idea why you brought the cold war into it, I just think america is a shithole lmao
hello my fellow nigger
Being smart and confident does not mean bending over. Even if that were true, it's your duty to stop that kind of behavior before it spreads into someone worse. That's how civilization keeps from regressing.
>It's ok he fucked my wife, he used a condom!
This is what you sound like
fuck you
Horrible Nigger is Horrible.
Nice feet
Faces of Meth.
thanks for the info (((dude)))
Fair enough
All allowed
Oh no I'm not the autist who talked about the cold war, I just think it's funny when eurocucks have no argument so they say burger
But for real tho, the fuck are the rest of you even doing here
Look at this shit . Compete or cope
Dubbs of Absolute Truth
nasty jew noassatall
So much win!
Wew i mean that's a real Crime she does there....Some Guys from this Web-side would even Pay her to do that with there Ice-cream XD
Oh my god, Stone Cold Stunner! Stone Cold Stunner! Oh my God!!
>Commercial freezers are at a low enough temperature to kill all bacteria
When you make shit up, you often make yourself look like an idiot you fucking idiot
Poor Mr.Craps
no. its fake and gay
He believes the usage of "third world" still is valid for the positions in the cold war, where first world where pro america, second world pro soviets and third world neutral, however if he likes to use that reference then he should also use democracy and republic in the same meaning they were created, but he would be totally against his own political spectrum because the meanings are totally changed, so it makes it look like he only uses the original meaning of expressions where it paints his country in a good light, which is pathetic and totally expected from an american.
>envisioned and funded by a south african oddball
That would be my luck.
>Yes, because the justice system is known to spare black people.
Yes actually. While making up only %13 of the population they are responsible for well over %50 of all crime. The reason you think they dont and target them more is because black men are FAR more likely to be criminals then white men.
This is fake and it's from a French youtuber
did she died?
theres a diffrence between getting punished for licking a god damn icecream and having your entire life ruined lol. But you wouldnt understand that with your third world country education.
Sue for what? Assaulting an officer?
Its Murrica. That cop could have pulled a gun and mag dumped into her and he would have gotten away with it.
I'm so intrigued. Any link, source, info?
That first cut down the center of their skull......
Can I purchase the item picture?
Congratulations ladies! You now all have La'Tanya's herpes and aids!
You kill the Cactus with that much Soap you Monster
she used the same glove on the two women that could have passed sti's. I think the officer dyke got some stern talking to cos of that lol
>Indian space programm
The hero we dont deserve
I came
So slap her on the wrist and apologize for wasting her time or what?
Unless the judge and prosecuted are both assholes having a shitty day she'll probly get a fine and community service, and possibly a couple months in jail for vandalizing property or something along those lines.
Or, apparently, we could be third world like you and just let everyone lick all the fruits in the grocery store
thank you anonbot
i know, but like, kill all niggers. especially female niggers. they have 20 kids and we have to pay to raise them. white people 92% of all taxes. nigger filth breeds like insects and their men all kill each other and their women are fucking retarded animals things that have 40 kids.
if u wash them, you could still use them, right?
TFW his trannie son walks manlier than his dad.
i want to marry her
More like fourth World Redneck for President!
Is there a longer vid?
is he me?
That man did not really get 5 years for this did he ? If so then that judge is fucking lunatic.
U not rucky
she got turned into ground beef, ofcourse she died.
hoooolyyyy fuuuuck LMAO
is he legit expecting her to think it was a ghost?
Can I buy the floor model?
I want one with a kung-fu grip
damn, that cat almost ded
Same gloves, two girls, ass to pussy. Jesus that is dangerous. I'd honestly be looking to sue for that.
Kids you settle down back there or we're turning this car right around and going home
Batman has the best villains
ow ;~;
Dawg the Butler
Low temperatures don't kill bacteria retard, they cause it to hibernate
Cooking kills bacteria
Awh cute. Keep them as pets
I cannot self terminate
Y'all are fuckin dumb. This NiG NoG has been identified, charged and going to jail for mishandling and violating a commercial product . You seriously think she wont get in trouble because shes 17!? LOL What if that ape had aids?
Burger is the Sign of America since he was Invented Shame on you for not knowing that but well what can we expect from People who have a retard as President...
Stop being a Pussy or i Sentence 20 Years on you Faggot
Yea what if that Ape had Aids?
I would've bashed his head in.
Did he die?
Ah, yes. I have heart problems today and this is not making them any better.
>What if that ape had aids?
>had aids
Let me explain to you dumbass how AIDS works: You either have AIDS or you don't. You never "had" it because it doesn't go away.
Yes it's a new toy called Fake n Gay.
Fake and gay.
Yes. There was a nigger hiding underneath.
I laugh every time
Ayyy Lmao.
He's a hentai
>And no help from the fellow Whites.
The new and improved Segrega-Tron 5000
It's called physics. Totally real. Ever play steel tip darts and have one ricochet off the board right back at you when you throw it and you have to matrix dodge that missile from hell? I have. I've never moved so fast in my life.
discord gg/5H4wZaK
It started okay, like something I might try out of curiousity but then it turned into a shameful pile of awful. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SAUCES
That chimp is the shit!
So a big muscled black guy can't knock out some skinny kid half his size even after 3 direct punches to the face?
Lol! I laugh every time too, Jerome. I really do.
Stuff of nightmares
What a fat cow.
I would
This is why I don't play video games with my dad anymore.
its a movie, keeping up with the joness
i like how doctor phil shakes his/her/its hand
top kek
Fucking gross lol
Poor piggy.
>unless her mouth is dirtier than the floor
Well she is a nigger. Statistically speaking she has the greatest likelihood of carrying some sort of infectious disease. In a blind study they found that between 40% to 50% of the nigger population carry herpes. That behavior needs corrected. As the saying goes "monkey see, monkey do." I guarantee there are more niggers running around Wal-Marts right now opening containers and licking different foods. I hope they give her a blood and sti test and discover she has something so they can charge her with something more severe. Honestly, can we please please PLEASE just get rid of the niggers?
Most lefties are retarded. Not all. But most.
god you are so fucking stupid it is almost palpable from across the pond.
besides being a chubby girl, she looks tight as fuck
why is that duck so mean the dogs
*to the dogs
If she were more honest in her comedy she'd say that she likes sexual attention of Whites because she's insecure about her narrow hips, small boobs, flat ass, and oriental face.
Dating is the one market where there is actually White privilege. A 5 White guy can nail a 7 Asian girl.
The reason Black woman / White man are the most stable marriage is because she knows damn well that if she loses a White guy she'll be stuck getting pump and dumps from Tyrone with 2 felonies and 9 kids.
yeah sorry half asleep
Want to move to your country bro.
that feeling of 5 gum
You monster!
I haven't seen these 2 for years
this was in Brazil, woman was a cop, was given a promotion
I don't think even lefties acknowledge asians as being on the progressive stack these days.
Story pls
dumb nigger
if she's disease free, i'd eat her ass.