Its okay to be white

>its okay to be white
imagine calling yourself white and not being ashamed of it

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Imagine calling yourself anything and not being ashamed of it. Humans regardless of race are all fuckups in their own way.

You'd be surprised how many niggers is on the streets

These people never took much money to begin with, they travel the whole world by hitchiking. It's a thing.

I don't get it. Niggers beg for free gibs no matter where they inhabit. Why are they so fragile that they must point out something others do on a daily basis?

imagine being a nigger.

Imagine being racist against any race.

This is what you get when you keep changing them Disney characters. White kids get so desperate they start begging for money.

I'm not ashamed of it. Fuck you cunt

> (OP)
> I'm not ashamed of it. Fuck you cunt
you mean being ashamed of being a woman or a fedora tipper? since those pics are only women and a fedora tipper...

yes they should be ashamed of being that.

imagine shaming beggars for actually wanting to do something good with the money instead of fill their veins with drugs.

Yup. Leftists are indeed retarded

Do they actually get any money? And if so, is it worth the daily rapes?

Imagine spouting this bullshit online but not having the guts to say this to a white person in real life.

I'm glad my country still treats you like animals.

I am white and I don't give a fuck what SJWs thinks or says. Any white who cares is a complete idiot. Person like this can die, for all I care. And all SJWs are good for nothing, maybe when they die can be useful as compost.

And op is a faggot for suggesting white shame is norm. Fuck you too.


There is work-and-travel but I could never understand how people would degrade themselves to begging just to travel around.

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Theyre not doing a damn thing. They're literally taking working peoples money so that they can spend it on their "enlightening" trips. At least Instagram whores show their bodies or advertise hotels ,products etc..
Id rather give my money to an addict.
Those travelling narcissists need to work for it.

I life in a German town on the Belgian-Dutch border and a few years a ago an early 20's Spanish chick was trying to sell me a self-made window curtain or something while I walked through the medieval city center to fund her travel. Now she was cute and I kinda felt sorry for her but I simply didn't need them.

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Look, a bunch of white LIBS. Shocker.

>third world

That cant be good for anyone involved.

Unhygienic, if nothing else.

[desire to know more intensifies]
I want more recordings of this, in higher res and at different angles.

I agree with the begpacker aspect. But in my 28 years ive seen an insane amount of black people hopping around screaming shit.

Doing all kinds of thug life yo yo my nigga bullshit.

Ganging up on individuals because yo we got our niggas back.

Dont give a fuck about responsibilities.

And OH YA..... they want hand-me-outs like a motherfucker. EVERYTHING is owed to them. ZERO EARNED.

Some are cool though.

And its not skin color btw...its called culture. They got a loud obnoxious culture. Like fucking trailer trash white people.

imagine being a nigger and trying to make whites feel bad because of a few retarded hippies.
>get a job nigger

Every single day my hatred of niggers just keeps on growing. Thanks, Yea Forums.


And i dont see the problem. Dark people are begging all the time, all over the world. All of them are scammers, drugaddicts and/or criminals.

So, now a few white kids are doing it. People can donate if they want to. Or not.

Lazy whities.

the rape is a fringe benefit

Did you ask if the carpet matched the curtains?

Stoplicht staat op rood, stoplicht staat op groen, in Eupen is altijd wat te doen.

Wow, ran out of money wile traveling the world. What a problem to have.

Niggers are killing each other by the thousands in America and living in dirt huts in their ancestral homes that the niggers in America want to return to for some reason. Chinks are breeding so much the Chinese government had to implement a one-child policy that was doomed to fail and are breathing air so polluted it's like smoking ten packs a day, on top of the five packs they smoke per day. India recently reached the milestone of 75% of their population having access to toilets. Euroniggers are cucking themselves to extinction, soon to be replaced with an Islamic continent that America will nuke flat when the dune coons inevitably get aggressive. South and Central America is generally fucked, most notably Venezuela becoming a socialist's paradise.

But white American women and hipsters are doing dumb shit. Sure, white people should be ashamed.

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Another failed bait post op. You must be raging no one falls for these now

they are mostly radial lefty lunatics too

don't believe in working hard and earning money

would rather burn my money before giving it away to one of these cunts

What race are you op?


Heh, good one user. I doubt a jew would fess up to that

Why are jews even considered a race. It's a religion not a race. The difference is that race in determine by genetics as a result it can't be changed. A religion can be abandon at any point and can be changed. And why specifically only judaism is considered a race. You don't see people "Hey, My race is christian." This makes no fucking sense. You can black, white, asian, etc. and believe in judaism thus making you a jew.

Racism is a bigger deal than "religionism", so some people like to squeeze themselves into the racism label in order to get more pity points.

Yeah disgraceful. It's not like third world countries ever beg for money.

Fucking this. Like Jews are a religion not a fucking race.


>found the nigger

addiction is a form of narcissism
just be happy that they’re using the money for good instead of wasting it on drugs
and pray that you raise your kids to not grow up to be narcissistic drains on society

>not understanding the difference between ethnic and cultural jews

Pretty sure they’re all Republitards

what fucking losers
also the bitch on the bottom left, how retarded do you have to be to set up a coin donation drive next to a storm drain

*bottom right

>republicans looking for welfare

she wants your money not your coin receptacle placement advice, stop hoarding your wealth and give her gibs

wrong as hell. drug addiction is a manifestation of wrath, one of the seven deadly sins. although narcissism is a manifestation of pride, pride is the original sin, and gave rise to every other

>preemptive tax breaks

When people tell me jewish is a race i say yeah just like muslim being a race! Stops em in their tracks

I don’t know anything about religion but isn’t wrath anger?
drug addiction is caused by self esteem issues, a lack of self esteem, a lack of pride in oneself, a desire to feel proud, to feel good, drugs make it easier to feel good because they give that dopamine hit
regular people feel good and take pride in their work, their hobbies, their family, the things they devote effort to
but that’s all too difficult for addicts
that’s how it’s linked to narcissism, instead of just doing what makes other people feel good, they choose to be different, they choose to want to take a shortcut while everyone else does it the hard way, because they are narcissistic personality types that think they’re different to other people

Backpacking, work and travel, exchange student etc is for losers

Most "begpackers" are Asian, you dumbass.

If "whites" are to be ashamed of the history of their "race," then "blacks" need to be even MORE so ashamed. By saying what you have said, OP, you have outed yourself not only as a racist against White people but also against Black people, too.

Congrats, you're bi-racist.

Stop that’s wrongspeak. Only whites can made to look bad
When Asians do it, it’s empowering

NO it isn’t!