What’s even the point of talking to girls when you’re ugly...

What’s even the point of talking to girls when you’re ugly. I’m a solid 3/10 and I spent all night with a 8/10 and I thought she liked me bu at last call she said she wasn’t interested and left me with a $127 tab. I’m honestly gonna end it. There’s no point of living. I’m just a joke everyone wants to laugh at

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>I spent all night with a 8/10
Maybe you should've spent the night with a 3/10 instead?

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I’m a piece of shit and shallow. (I have money and thought that would be enough and close the gap) I’m just as bad as the rest of them. I’m just as bad as the rest of them

that doesn't mean it's over. chalk it up as a learning experience and think about how/why you ended up spending $127 in the first place, almost everyone has made terrible mistakes like that and you're supposed to learn from them rather than give up. if that amount is a lot to you then think about ways that you can make that money back, pursue some kind of training and get a better job. women should not be your first priority.


Chicks are cuks.

Some roll that game.

Next time bring a bro

>What’s even the point of talking to girls when you’re ugly.

Your're an ugly desperate loser with no personality at all. You know what your problem is, now fix it. Feeling sorry for yourself on the internet isn't fixing your shit

Is your name Jeffery? You sound like a whiney bitch.

I wouldn't consider myself very attractive i'm a good eh out of ok. but come on stop being a little bitch. Just move on and try talking to people

No, my name is Milton

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You weren't "talking to girls" you were spending your money on one.

In all probability, she worked for the bar/club and *HER JOB* is to talk to pathetic losers so they buy her $10 glasses of fruit juice with no alcohol in it.

NEVER buy anything for a strong independent woman who don't need no man.

You sure Jeffery? Find a new job yet?

I'm probably like a 5/10, but I've got a fun personality and I'm not insecure about myself. I was until I turned 20. Didn't lose my virginity until then, but now I got confidence, I've had sex with 18 girls in 2 years. 22 years old now and got 2 fuck buddies and am dating 2 other simultaneously. It's probably not the most healthy thing to do since it's probably compensation for 20 years of insecurity.

So you’re ugly and you know it, might as well hit on these girls you have nothing to lose, if they’re going to reject you anyway. Stop thinking you need a girl to complete yourself, you’re financially well off, relish in your successes, pussy.

1. learn to lie

2. find the pretty but low self esteem grills

3. shoot your shot, learn from your mistakes, repeat until you hit pay dirt

I love when people give exact numbers

Same shit, i'm about 3-4/10 but it doen't matter when you're sitting at home all of the time. Think about it.

Do a flip

This is how nature works, you are inferior

Just rape women, that's just nature as well.

any woman you have to spend money on is a woman who isnt interested in you

you should only put effort into a bitch who isnt needing your money

those are the ones worth fucking around with, you are going about it all wrong, when they want a drink or food or something and expect you to pay they just let you know that they are as interested in you as far as your bankroll them

Either talk to a girl who's 3/10 or get fit and increase it

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>Piece of shit

Well you can actually fix 2 of those. The biggest problem is you're a fucking moron.