>Be me
>20 years old
>My mother still treats me like I'm a toddler
>Blows raspberries on my tummy to wake me up if I sleep in too long
>Will also try to blow raspberries on my tummy as a game
>She likes to tuck me in to bed and insists on reading me a story, which admittedly isn't too bad
>When she gets mad or upset, she asks if she can "recharge" If I say no, she gets even more mad and walks off, if I say yes, she lifts my shirt up and sticks her finger in my tummy button, makes weird booping sounds with her mouth, and wiggles her finger around for upwards of 10 seconds
>All this among other things
>She gets pissed off with me if I bring any of this up with her and try to get her to stop
>For years I thought this was normal
>I just want it to end
Be me
Tap that op what are you doing with your life
She ain't a looker, user, besides, what would my dad think of me
Might actually be proud for once
In all seriousness though, maybe ask her to stop formally? That's a fucking weird trait to carry on when your child is grown
so nice to see a close family these days
Time to move out user. Abandon ship, your mom is insane.
just jack off infront of her and say im already 12 mom you have no power
I wish I could user, I can't afford to, no place wants to hire me either
Cam grils make a lot of money
>no place wants to hire me either
Why do you say that? If you can't leave then you have to make a stand against your mom. She will start sabotaging your relationships, she may even try keep you at home.
sell drugs and tell ur mom its a exotic plant
If only I was a gril
I just keep getting rejected from all jobs I apply for. Even multiple mcdonalds
Might actually do this
>Might actually do this
1k should be enough then you can work like normal ppl
join the military
Please explain, sorry I'm not very smart
I was rejected
Ah, you decided to be honest on your CV.... All I can say is don't give up. Keep trying. The longer your leave it the harder it will be in future for you.
If you make it to 25 with no work experience at all, you are totally fucked and the only future you will have is your mom tucking you into bed every night until she dies. Do not let this happen.
you sell weed until you have enough money to buy a shitty apartment and then you can get a job and live a normal life
Thanks user, I appreciate this
Getting a job is going to be the hard part for me
it's 2019 and you have a computer with an internet connection.
There is literally nothing stopping you from charging those electric scooter shits. Whats wrong with you?
getting a job isnt that hard getting a good one is
imean you can do part time jobs
If this wasn't Yea Forums I'd offer to re write your CV for you. But this is Yea Forums, best I can do is write up a paragraph or two on here for you. This is if you are interested.
>Have a mother that constantly undermines me
>Anything I say she immediately wants to disagree even if its retarded
>If I say I'm going to the shops she says "wont it be closed by the time you get there?"
>Often walks out of the room before my sentences/questions finish
>I've noticed she does sly shit to fuck with me
>The other day I get home late from work and say I'm going to put a pizza in the oven, she puts it in for me, but then lowers the temperature to fucking 100 degrees so the pizza takes 1 hour to cook.
OP it sounds like your mother is loving and affectionate, which isn't a bad thing at all.
Maybe you could start earning serious money, get a wife and settle down with her?
Then your mom could do all these things to her grand-kid. In the long term that might be the best for everyone?