Just took 900mg of Diphenhydramine/Benadryl.
My friend tole me it is even stronger than acive? What should I expect? I took it 30 mins ago and am feeling suuuper relaxed, but I occasionally see spiders that disappear when I get close, lol.
Just took 900mg of Diphenhydramine/Benadryl.
My friend tole me it is even stronger than acive? What should I expect? I took it 30 mins ago and am feeling suuuper relaxed, but I occasionally see spiders that disappear when I get close, lol.
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Stronger than shrooms*
Holee shit, I feel lik I am on too much weed and cant remember my sentenses
You're gonna see some weird shit and you won't know it's not real, just give it another 30 mins
you're gonna start seeing shadow people in the corners of your vision soon. Anything that has a shadow cast on it will start to look like a person. Oh, and you're start being confused as fuck and not knowing that what you're seeing isn't real. Good luck and you're fucking retarded for trying to trip on DPH it isn't worth it at all, nightmarish.
Do not trust the shadow people. They mean you harm. And if you remember that you're high when you see something, also remember that it could be real anyway. Things could finally be coming for you, and you took drugs at the wrong time.
lol in 5 more minutes op is going to be too sick and tired to even look at a screen, good job taking a bunch of something that will literally make you feel close to death
DPH should be illegal. We live in a nightmare world where it's an OTC drug.
Litterly basiclly does nothing to you unless you get pure diphenhydramine I mean if your a drug virgin maybe
Hoopa loop the right side I saw promotes a puzzle.Should I snort the lst crushed up benadryl or put it in the swimming pool to destyyyroy it?
Benadryl regularly sends people to the psych ward and the morgue. It's legitimately more fucked up than taking LSD.
If you were really tripping you wouldn't be able to get a single coherent word out.
been there op its gonna be a wild ride im on dxm rn
OP, sitrep please
Poli or hbr?
Found the Zoomer that thinks psychedelics and similar drugs automatically make you vegetables.
hbr of course my good sir i am no niggger
You're right, but it's not really a psychedelic. It really does cause proper psychosis
I'm actually just a 20-something who tripped on Benadryl a lot as a kid. You can't type a sentence when you're really tripping on DPH.
No, large doses of Diphenhydramine make you feel like youre dying, your words slur concentrating becomes impossible typing or talking become incredibly hard to do. Its the most stupid drug ever. Its basically just being on the verge of passing out for 4 hours
The first swimming pool is blue, the second swimming pool that is hot, small and has bubbles is clear. I took as few more Diphenhydramine and it looks lke there are girls in chins trying to grab me. I'm stopping for tonight. Will it get worstt?
Half as strong, twice as long.
I always did poli because hbr made me sick and you can do cold-water extraction on Delsym.
thats only if youre too far gone user
900mg of benadryl will make you look li ke a sleepy retard
got your facts twisted there boi the hbr is more potent
But if you do enough you have realistic hallucinations like that time that you were at your old school and your grandmother is lecturing you about the color lettuce but then you remember she died three years ago and that your school didn't have all those spiders but you're really in the bathroom staring at a rainbow ribbon wind around your friend's finger. They came by at 4am to say hi.
>I'm actually just a 20-something who tripped on Benadryl a lot as a kid.
I did the same in high-school. Did it ever make you shake? It made me shake like crazy, everyone thought I was on crack when I did DPH.
weve lost em boys
In an hour itll be nightmarish stick to weed or alcohol my son
The poli slogan is «half as strong, twice as long».
this guy gets it
dph is neurotoxic as fuck, dont abuse it. and hide the rest of ur dph just incase u forgot that u dosed and u want to redose.
He's long gone hahahaha
It can cause seizures. I don't remember ever shaking but I have a friend who was on DPH and either had a seizure then fell down the stairs or fell down the stairs and then had a seizure. Either way they went to the hospital.
You are in for hell. You will have audio hallucinations, it isn't a fun high, its a delirium. Enjoy.
its usually best to combine it with weed or dxm
add me if u want to keeptalking about dxm
creese191 on snap bitch
spam me phone
snort the rest of what you have then run around the block then come back and report your feelings
that suggesting ops even brave enough to walk past the shadow lurkers
for the love of god just get some lsd next time fuckhead
Any other BS you feel like sharing?
very unuseful insight user
suck his dick
lool its nothing like acid your friend has fucked up lad. enjoy your terrifying schizophrenia ridden trip
Nigger I know you have never heard them speak English how would you know.
They just watch and mumble.
how i imagine everyone using benadryl for recreational use
holyshit i remember taking this in tokyo, i went up to random people thinking that they were my friends lmfaooo
>be me
>be promised shadow people
>smoke datura 6 times
>everytime just fall asleep for 12 hours and wake up dehydrated
I feel cheated
you remember taking a OTC drug? so crazy dude
the DPH really tacks the years on hard
Just fucking with OP. I fucking hate them. That's a nightmare I never want to repeat.
OP i just had a talk with the shadow people they're rly not happy with you and you better not even think of going to the bathroom
Take less and force yourself to stay awake.
Toilet's full of spiders anyway.
if there were hallucinations I felt too sick to remember them, and my heart was too fucked up to properly fall asleep. Horrifying.
Yo man, I dont know how my brain is firing when I see them, but that is the craziest shit I have ever had happen to me.
I got real acquainted with those fucks when I was prescribed adderall and was doing my second attempt at college. I only see them when I'm ass-fuck exhausted and still going. Seeing shadows is one thing but feeling them and hearing them fucking talk behind your back still gives me goosebumps.
deliriants suck
You sir, need to go die for posting that
lol how to make a Benadryl trip worse
In Tokyo? I thought magic mushrooms are legal in Tokyo, why not those? Or am I wring?
why do you retards take this shit?
you realize you can order acid/shrooms/etc... online these days?
why are you taking this garbage?
may as well be huffing gasoline
takes about 2 seconds to search
yeh, welcome to spider city and not being able to get up for the next 4 hours
get out of here dumb nigger its a deliriant some people liek it
sure and some people huff glue
doesnt mean they arent retarded
Life is retarded, it really doesn't matter.
Not sure if you were the dude I was talking to, but that article clearly shows it is illegal in Japan. Doesn't Japan have ridiculously strict views on drugs? All of Asia seems to. Why is that? If a person wants to take something that can only potentially hurt them, why is it frowned upon? I know Japan edited someone out of a recent Yakuza game because they were found to be getting high.
done dph once and lsd/mush many times along with dmt a couple times
dph is fucking weird but I enjoyed it a lot even compared to other substances, definitely different than any drug I've used before
its pretty simple.
many asian cultures put the collective above the individual.
if youre wasting your life taking drugs at home alone, then you arent helping the collective and its frowned upon.
From someone who used to take 1g+ daily:
Have fun and mix it with DXM some time. 750mg+750mg is a very good trip.
The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=