more gae
More gae
Gey bois
all the gae
please post the cutest fem boy furry you have. it's been over a week since I've nutted and I need only the best.
okay only the best for u
No u~
Based and goybilled
nu u
thats a good gae
Something ill never get to experience.
Rolling a Worgen huntress, gimme a name
I'm playing the starter edition for now because I'm a cheap bastard, already got my Blood Elf Warlock, Bigtdgothgrl to 20, so I needed something new. And sexy Worgen women helped me become a furfag.
I kinda like it. What does it mean?
how u kno?
dont play hunters theyre nerfed into the ground
Something irrelevant like basket or grass. I dont remember. Or language is mostly oral.
Nerfs don't matter, I has skeel.
Good enough.
it literally costs $5 to get like 4 expacs and a month of mem
Im not attractive and have been rejected by well over 500 males and even more females.
Not even going to talk to me?
I just bought an actual bow, I dont feel like buying anything else right now. I'll just get my parents to pay for it for me, lel.
I am talking to you right now
Imagine being such a loser that you cant spend $5
You probably dont even have a debit/credit card
well too bad for you BFA isnt about skill and the celings are all low. But you can play what you wanna play, also i only know of end game content so could still be fun
well gotta keep going for the one that matters fuck the rest
Lost thet discord and linked you a new one.
Keep going for what? My time's already up. All I can hope for is more porn. Im too old for sex.
I can, and I do. I'm waiting for Classic to launch.
Still don't care, I'm the best Huntress in the world.
Lol, I was joking. I'm not sending you nudes, but I'll add you later.
Then im not apologizing.
not too old for sex, but porn is good too
whatya gonna play for classic. IM really happy to see people excited for wow again. TBH classic wouldnt be my first choice but its not trash so ill play it
You should not be having first time sex past 25
"Grandma, I need $15 a month for wow subscription"
No idea, I know nothing about WoW these days. I haven't played since Cataclysm.
bah says who
tho i started at 14 ;=;
catta / mop was the best version anyways id take that over vanilla any day
Nah, WotLK was, hands down. I started during BC and loved it, but WotLK was my fucking life.
Discord: y-boi#6784
Says mankind.
wrath catta mop was the best three imo. Wrath is the best version of the classic feel, complicated but slow paced, all around good leveling.
Catta was the fastest and generally most fun.
Mop was the most complicated and built on of the three all were good tho
Actually dont even bother adding me, my patience ran out.
BC and vanilla was the only good versions.
I didn't enjoy Cata much, and my nigger neighbor stole my authenticator literally the weekend I got MoP, and never got to play it. I can thank my mom for that.
dang that sucks
You havent experienced wow unless you had one of your guild officers scream on vent about one of "you rogues" ripping aggro off of the tank in the vaelstraz fight.
You havent experienced wow unless you dox the leader of the biggest guild in the server, get death threats sent to you daily and pretty much ruin a server
Shut up newfag. You think you cant have virginity losing sex whenever and shit tier wow expansions are good. Go kill yourself.
Shit person, you should be dogfood.
You can do that in second life. and second life was for FAGGOTS.
Wow hunters really are dog shit. I forgot how fucking sexy female Worgen voices were though, that's worth it alone.
what is so good about vanilla what does it have that later expansions didnt imrpve on
also u mad lol
can make a worgen warlock or mage
Yeah but you cant use said disbanding guild to get raid ready and move to the 2nd best guild on oce realm.
And laugh as you get retards permed for pming you
Yo wtf, Hunters start wearing mail now? That's kinda gay tbh.
Maybe, but I like the allure of being a sexy huntress wolf.
yeah they wear mail at 40
and yeah it is p cool like how you can run on all 4s
An actual world instead of a perfectly coaxed themepark experience.
Yeah they used to, but now they start with it. It makes more sense to me for a hunter to start with leather.
Literally nothing.
You're the type to be wearing leather at the start of anything.
Leather is pretty hot
oce guild is legit world 2nd on US realm
Fuck off, gook
wow what a very vague way of describing things. Wrath still had server community and interesting things, so did catta and mop. It wasnt untill phasing came in, or sharding that things became skewed. All the other xpacs still had the same things vanilla did but improved on and less grindey.
thats laem
World firsts were mostly EU then US. Sorry buy you gotta sit with the chinks where you belong.
I never liked Hunters anyway. Rogues and Paladins were generally my favorite.
Chinks and europoors were always top anyway
Not like im going to go be a high end raider on 400ms
pve is gay and fucking boring and dumbass can do that
pvp is where its at chump!
>Wrath still had server community
>Q for dungeon for 5 hours
>Get off
>People question in northrend, never see another enemy faction member to fight
> no pvp ever
>Raids slight good, no social hauling of getting 40 people though.
Even chinks were behind ocein
Lol fag
yeah thats if you que for a dungeon like a fucking pleb holy shit if thats the main thinf of the game you arent worth saving holy shit.
I always saw people in northrend and always fought people get on a halfway decent server fucks sake
(in vanilla) again gathering 40 retards for a shit raid that btw was doable with less then half dead (which was normally the case) in mechanics that were so fucking stupid and simple that itd make the most hardcore of dragonslayers blow their brainds out
pve is garbage kid no wonder you had such a bad time
the occasional bg i was more for arenas and duels
The only good BG was AV before they cut its balls off.
I remember going to school only to come back to a BG I helped in to still be going.
No you were just shit
Arena was objectively better in BC. It would have been even better without resil.
Ive played on Illidan and malganis and both were devoid of people in northrend about two months after wrath came out.
Shit expac, fucking disappointment.
Shit tier
i feel like shit posting by random posting
Nothing like slamming some bitch with dub maces and getting 5 stun procs in a row before you cheapshot em and fuck em in the ass.
dude you palyed on illidan and malg kys lolololololoolo
fucking good night lmao
world of roguecraft?
Rogues are the most powerful race in the universe.
Actually true, I fucking love Rogues.
world of weeniecraft
I played ona server called Rivendare, it came out with BC. it was the best server in the cluster, i was in the best guild!; in the wortse battlegroup. we gfot battlegroup first Illidan kill, 2 months behind world first.
i was a shammy, unkillable chain heal slave.
fuckinfuck tonight sucked at work
Druids were unkillable in BC
Gay bullshit
never played sham or rogue but both are good
awwe whats wron, cheer up have some weenies
try being alone in a dish(bitch)pit for over two hours for closing, on top of a bunch of other stuff.
Almost out of beer
that does sound rough but at least your hoem now!
druids are unkillable in many expansions i love it
Some of the worst things in wow were the relationships with women and lesbians. Buncha ruined guilds.
Always women's fault.
Fuck women.
That's when I still chased women and didnt care about males.
Males are better but not by much, even they dont give a shit about you.
some things seem off
i remember when druid/warlock was the meta for 2v2, because resil didn't effect DoTs, shit was stupid OP
nah just you
Wish I could turn off my social needs and sex drive. No one out there will let me get close to them purely based on how ugly I look.
I had a shitter I tried 2s with at the time, but I couldnt carry him far enough with my shit computer/mouse/keyboard.
The only thing that holds me back is my autism and my ugly looks. If it wasnt for that id be chad and id probably have had sex every day since the last 15 years.
Being ugly, just wanted to have sex once to break that gate and get into the wider world, but no...
Im not allowed, I have to stay in "lesser being" land.
the available population of raiders on my server had to kill and reform the only good guild on the server multiple times. was it... Gruul, took a month to kill because of how bad some peeps were, not only mechanically, but socially.
i was the best PvE shammy on the server, the other shammy in my guild was the best PvP shammy of the server. I didnt pvp much, didn't have a meta mind to be a PvPer back then. Wasn't competitive enough.
i did lock rogue 2s and lock rogue shaman for 3s because im a basic bitch
and ye i remember that
i also remember snappshotting, bring it back!
or prabbably not
ima go to bed now goodnight all
Gruul took a long time for us because our guild broke up the first two runs because some bitch was on her fucking rag. People got mad at the gl for siding with her and no one did raids after and we merged with another one.
We killed illidan once before wotlk came out and didnt even get to do sunwell because of more fucking lesbian drama
Fuck women
Not fuck their pussies with dicks
Fuck women and ram hot irons down their throats fucking filthy fuckign femoid species fucking kill em all.
If I looked attractive I could get a lot of sex, go be a fucking prick elsewhere. No one cares about personality when getting sex, they care about how your body and face looks.
eventually my uber guild on my server got to sunwell and killed the undead dragon... once... twice? was such a bullshit boss. i think mu'ru was the next boss and he was just too hard, on top of already being hard to get to for the week.
good times, no regrets, but never again
I'd do it again if I could. Its not like im getting laid.
Fuck women and fuck gays.
Fucking false hope, they offered me nothing.
im not gay, but i dont have a healthy interest in women, i say.
>tfw unironically i would wear just like that
wtf with me
I hate women and I hate bottoms.
Fucking let em all rot in a coming end. Ill accept whatever horror after as long as I got to see them suffer.
All it would take is one, ONE person to have sex with me to change my mind. But APPARENTLY that's too much, and day by day they prove tha ALL... ALL and 100% of them hate me for being too ugly for having sex. If personality mattered they would of never let my personality evolve into this.
lol fuckin fags
Im not gay, I dont bottom.
You're only gay if you bottom for a superior masculine male who dominates you.
Which is what I would do to gays if I was attractive.
I woke up and can't stop thinking about horse cock.
Is anyone lurking or is this a dead thread?
I woke up and remembered im a virgin. I woke up into a nightmare.
I'm sorry to hear this friend
horse dicks are the best
more when it's big dicked cute boys
ngl this is kind a hot but I wanna see the condom full of cum envelope his penis like an onahole lol
Im not
Even gay furry threads arent safe from incels, the fucking furcels lmao.
Imagine being so mad the most unfuckable didnt kill themselves for your enjoyment.
Fucking hate sex-havers, fucking ram broomsticks up their asses.
Fucking hate sex-havers.
Oh? Wheres my sex? You dont get any because you're too ugly. Only the sex-havers get sex.
Imagine being so obsessed with sex you harass people who cant get it.
Imagine harassing people who try for years and years to get sex but are unable to because they are blocked by the wall of their looks.