female underwear > male underwear change my mind
female underwear is softer, lighter, more comfortable, transparent and sexy, etc.
Female underwear > male underwear change my mind
bumping for interest
Underwear is bad for your balls, also 98% of bras are used just to hide saggy ugly tits.
if the panties are big enough you can fit in it. also if it's a thong, just hang out to the side
What professions allow you the opportunity to steal womens underwear?
>satellite cable tv installer
>people typically leave you alone to work
>many parents have left me unsupervised in their daughter's rooms
Life is good in a godless world. My dick has never been happier.
Bullet to the back of the head for these ones
pretty much, unless you're trying to fit your junk into something tiny, it feels nicer and looks nicer.
god tier panty pic. thanks user
my family, for as long as I can remember, have alternated between our house and my cousins' house for christmas. i.e. 1 year with cousins round my house, 1 year round cousins' house
I got to always sleep in a sleeping bag on one of my cousin's bedroom floor. both cousins were female
I slept in the same room as the younger one
on two christmases while she was downstairs, I pretended to be playing with presents, while actually I stole several pairs of bras and panties.
I'm tempted to buy more off the internet. they are so comfy
pic isn't them, but it's still good
>on job
>mother, daughter, and son are home
>hooking up telephone in laundry room
>their dog keeps trying to play with me
>the son takes the dog away and closes the door
>he unknowingly gave me full freedom to go through the dirty clothes hamper
>take a pair of the mother's and two pairs of the daughters panties
I miss this fucking job. So many opportunities just happen without you even trying.
I never got to know my extended family because my parents were loners. Feels bad ever getting this experience.
>gusset just wide enough to snugly choke my dick
I regret throwing it away.
dude. 100% the daughter's panties must have been so much better than the mother's
I wish I had a sister. it would make it so much easier to get my hands on girly underwear. as a bonus, I also wish that I had a sister that didn't mind me blatantly stealing and fapping in her underwear - I guess not a lot of girls are like that, unless you have something to blackmail them with
Oh absolutely. Though you never discriminate in the moment. I think there's a reasonable expectation for females living with males that the males are at some point going to go through their underwear. As long as you have plausible deniability, youre golden.
Had a best friend growing up with a smoking hot sister. They both lived with their rich parents well past the age of 21, so I'm SUPER jealous that he's had access to her panties all throughout her prime.
did he ever give you samples?
and have you ever tried buying panties secretly since?
I am not exactly comfortable
if the dick fits, then it's great. but if the dick gets hard it's just a nightmare
no sadly pic isn't me
okay, i can SORT OF wrap my head around panties being more comfortable, but why the fuck do you need a bra unless you're a fat fuck with tits?
it's more to complete the look than anything else
sometimes it's fun to stuff it with some socks to get a better feel
it's difficult to explain why it's hot if you haven't tried it
wouldn't the bra outline show clearly through a tshirt? and if you stuff it, wouldn't you look like a dude with huge tits? are you dressing up to or what? i'm just picturing a regular dude with jeans and a shirt, with huge fake looking tits under their shirt
Nope. And it sucks, I've had MULTIPLE opportunities to go through her underwear growing up, but I was too much a pussy back then.
One blistering moment comes to mind: I'm at his house one summer morning, and his sister was attending summer school. Their parents were gone, and she needed a ride to school. My friend ended up driving her, leaving me alone in their house.
Mind you this was in high school, and she was a year younger than us. Her bedroom door was WIDE open, and the highschool was an easy 20 minute drive in one direction. I stood in the hallway peering inside, never being able to must the courage to satisfy my primal urges.
It haunts me event to this fucking day.
man. I don't care how old you are now. you have to get some somehow. either nick some while you're over at her place (assuming she's moved out) or just buy some online. it's worth it
oh I wouldn't wear it in public. I would only wear it in my room when I'm feeling horny. under a t-shirt is fine too but not quite as sexy
I dont trust buying them online. Nowadays I just steal them whenever the opportunity arises (lots of friends need help moving every summer).
Shes since moved out, so I've missed my opportunity. Ive since made up for it and more, and you never know what the future might hold.
next time you run an errand for her at her house, as soon as she goes to the bathroom or you are otherwise alone, raid her panty drawer. it'll likely have some bras and stockings in too
>on job
>only the grandmother is home
>have to install cable in the daughter's room
>grandmother was a smoker, so she'd periodically go outside for several minutes at a time
>this gave me the window to go through the daughters drawers undetected
Its a shame the gusset is too small on this one. Feels great nonetheless
I'm not that good friends with her. I havent talked to her in YEARS, so getting her's specifically is but a distant dream at this point.
Yeah I love to take off female underwear
nice veiny pic
I wish I had the opportunities that you have had
you can go into all sorts of people's bedrooms
I've seen electricians get trusted with the whole house for several hours sometimes.
Exactly! Get into that kind of work, and take your own kind of 'tips'.
how many other pics do you have like that?
A lot. Several per pair, easily. More than I'm willing to post tonight tbh
do you have a kik or discord we could keep in touch with?
nadda. just keep your eyes peeled for threads like these. Gotta do my part in providing the internet with OC.
last pic
well I'm OP, so I am the guy creating these threads. 2/3 of the time they don't catch on
sissy-underwear does fit and its more comfortable imho
couldn't agree more
if you are given extra space for your dick it's perfect
the more lace and frills the better
also, something as simple as this will do just as well