When i say slavery you say sorry.
When i say slavery you say sorry
I wasn’t involved, nothing to apologize for.
I'm Irish.
And I just don't care.
SORRY, damn.
>all you had to do was ask
No but for real imagine being such a victim in life that you use things done to your ancestors as a reason for your current struggle and failure almost 200 years later
Fuck you nigger
thats improper gun safety. this nignog is full blown retarded
Slavery is hot
Way to live up to the stereotype. Shooting an Irishman for not apologizing about slavery. You dumb fuck.
>...should have ended with -all- niggers being deported back to Africa
On behalf of my skin color I apologize.
typical nigger response
>When i say slavery you say sorry.
Fuuuuck you nignog. Go hang yourself in a tree, with a noose made up of 13 wraps, and get lit on fire. If that KFC doesn't give you a heart attack first.
Expecting an apology when your own tribe leaders willingly sold your scum ancestors, because even they didn't want you....
All fucking niggers must fucking hang.
You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.
This thread is currently reading 26 replies (not great, not terrible).
sheeeeeit ya bruh. Im still waittin for muh free white bitch
Back to the cotton field, boi!
Got sumthin to say, homie?
Would be a better existence than living in Africa, or the South Side of Chicago. For instance.
He just did, nigger
say it to my face irl cracker bitch
Obvious shop.
This is like something a child with anger problems would draw for a psychiatrist.
Say sorry nigga
Should be brought back
Feeding her hot reparations.
>0 people in the thread said sorry
Lol. OP, your mind and soul have been tainted by brainwash. Maybe its time to grow up, and stop being such a little nigger
Good luck with that. Main reason why America had to free the slaves is mostly because they were learning how to fight back and would have overthrown America eventually.
Fuck you
LARPing is a mental illness
Isn't it welfare day? Fuck off nigger I have to get to work
>implying Yea Forumstards don't have a child's mental capacity.
Wtf I wanna go to Africa now
Happened long before my grandparents were born in a country far, far away.
It also happened before YOUR time - so calm down, tell the SJW's to stop giving you bad ideas and enjoy your life.
They never will, niggers are lazy and self-entitled as fuck and will never let go of the SJW "reparation" brain washing
To be fair, seen from the outside it does seem the racism in the USA is government sanctioned.
No wonder everybody in your country who's not deemed "white" has problems.
Just pointing out what's observable from the outside.
Pic unrelated
This is a very good point.
Yea Forums does seem to be driven by the frustrated anger of the child.
Pic related
Up yours, nigger.
this supposed to dismiss me?
"Sorry", I said the wrong word :^)
black weren't the only one that were slaves
However, your observation is drip thread through media channels that want you to see it this way. If this country is soooooo systemically racist why is one of the largest small business owner demographic middle eastern and Indian? Nationals too, not like 3rd generation. I mean, sure there are gonna be outliers where racism is government sanctioned, such as old projects from segregation. Jesus Christ. Show me a peak civilization that wasn't built on the backs of others.
suck it
trips of authority
No, just sayin' use the right term - other than that I agree.
Live - The conversation is being held actively
Action - you're typing
Role-play - No one here is black.
darn, i forgot to pluralize
It's systematically racist, the business owner thing is the source of that systematic hatred towards whites in this country. This country is ran by banks and large corporations.
Money doesn't care about race, it just wants to accumulate. Also while I'm aware that Yea Forums (and the internet as a whole) is probably a bit skewed as demographics go, it's a pretty clear indicator of how many young americans think.
And yes, there aren't (yet) any civilisation on earth (that I know of) which wasn't build on slavery or social inequity. There we agree.
but this country paints it that way to benefit the blacks. Otherwise my white ancestors (scots-irish) would actually matter for my current life. I digress, it's all about special interest and will -NEVER- be about actual equality.
Sorry, despite your definitions, this is wrong and you know it.
LARPing takes place outside, in the real world, costumes and olde worlde language often plays an (embarrassing) part.
RP is the typing thing mate.
Don't pretend this isn't right.
Never should've ended
It's LARPing you fucking neck beard, get over it you leetist fuck.
I just came here to post this
Man, I really wish he would push the trigger
that stupid nigger
lol we wuz the only ones
there's a 50% chance he still will.
obvious white boy LARPing but Nah, not even close. Let's talk about how Africa sold you to the whites though
So you maintain your stupidity, that's okay, you'll probably find you're not taken seriously a lot then.
The only stupidity is you desperately trying to horde your buzzword to your own little neckbeard group. It's LARPing because we all know this is just a bunch of white kids posting threads to get replies.
He cant win
1. He shoots me: I win
2. He doesnt shoot me: I win
Its called white privilege
Pretty sure you're dead, and winners don't die.
Also, White Privilege is another sexist, made-up term to suppress.
yeah. but did they prove his point?
The reason that you're called niggers is that arabs monitized your sorry slave asses. Go horrify them you fucking hypocrite morons, lot's of luck.
Why are holding a gun like that you stupid fucking nigger, that's why we call you niggers, that's why arabs call you niggers as well.
You fucks have no sense of history.
>when you finally realize you have no argument, post "memes"
anyone have it?
Well, you're dead, so it doesn't matter, you're dead and what ever platform you had goes with you.
Its not LARPing theres no Live action you stupid mongoloid. By your definition WoW would be MMOLARPG
not arguing
It's LARPing loser, get over it and keep kicking and screaming because your precious neckbeard buzz word is being used by some one outside of your incel circle.
No, U stupid!
Give it up, he is stupid and his pride won't allow him to admit his error.
This is Yea Forums after all.
Back to school kurwa
Used by someone linguistically incompetent you mean? There we agree.
I know, it's kind of funny. Have a nice day user.
Doesnt sound like fail to me.
Whos larping now bitch?
You too mate.
still has to prove himself lol it gets better
There is no error made faggot, LARP is thrown around here all the time, because that's literally what this thread is.
>death isn't losing, even after I acknowledge it will mean nothing
How fucking insane Yea Forums actually is, the book, the movie, the game
Literally everyone on this fucking site you "MoNgOlOiD". Literally all of Yea Forums is a giant larp session. Are you people actually calling everyone in real life niggers? are you really this aggressive and assertive in real life? are you actually 10/10, horse dicked Adonis' ? Are you interested in the "suffering" of minorities in this country?
No, you're not any of the above, Yea Forums is a gigantic LARP session.
What nigger is using stupid meaningless made up terms that mean nothing. Use those terms in a real job and see how far you get, about as far as HR where companies stuff dumb ass niggers for "diversity" and "quotas."
That file name tho.
What precisely is a LARP and what dumb ass nigger in some school made that up to further an agenda?
>File: 1561706176259.jpg
What file name?
The one that was saved from here...
LARP is a derogatory term used to describe whaen horrificly obese, ugly neckbeards go outside with cardboard "armor" and styrofoam swords and pretend to be at "war". The sessions usually last about 2 minutes before everyone is passed out from exhaustion, the area usually smells of rancid ass and cheetos for several days after.
It's a generic set of numbers, there is no file name.
>There is no error made faggot, UP is thrown around here all the time to mean DOWN, because there are many stupid people in the world.
>Let's talk about how Africa sold you to the whites though
im not black or white. but imjust saying that you all think about yourselves and ignore all the other victims of slavery. indians koreans fucking irish and all we hear is black black black black black black.
also jewish people were slaves
So what your saying is people that can hold jobs which is why you're here?
I find it funny that none of you little faggots can define LARP or know it's source.
Give it up, he won't get it.
Its obviously leet
Anagram for something I cant clearly put my finger on... but probably something like spiritist or spiritosi
Most eventually he is trying to point out to his degeneracy
That's bullshit
did you look that up?
Yeah, so bullshit.
People on /b should know better.
It's been defined a few times in this very thread - scroll a bit.
Every group was slaves jews just monetized it.
Live doesnt mean shit aswell, so what? It is death, the relief of life. Finally an end to our existence. Thats not crazy.
you just lost it
The majority rules, even when the majority is basically stupid.
Tragic, but there you are.
Hahaha defined by /b
yeah ok...
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
Don't be a fuckin' chump.
Do you think it's an actual nigger?
And don't be stupid.
sorry. now fuck off to africa
I don't give a shit about race - but I do think it may be an actual idiot.
>changed words to fit my argument
nah faggot, get bent, you're larping.
What victims? No one alive in the country today has been a slave, at best they were around for segregation and that's even a stretch. No one in this country is a victim, but there are PLENTY of people who play victim to get what they want.
I'm a doctor, you see. I know these things.
LARPing a nihilist role lol
what in the hell do jobs have anything to do with any of what I said? you're so far off the deep end it's not even funny, you're just screaming random shit into the void now, worst part is you actually believe it's a legit argument.
Yeah right. That really works.
>There is no error made faggot, LARP is thrown around here all the time, because that's literally what this thread is.
Bullshit, prove an instance when that actually has worked out.
youre kidding?
Sure you are, a doctor of voodoo from Haiti, that works out real well in a real nation.
You forgot put more larping on your sentences
wasn't talking about this country. maybe you should take your time to read? i started doing that and it helps immensely.
Im not LARPing, faggot.
Maybe you are happy with your greasy, fat, shit munching, toilet sweating, neckbeardish self&life.
I dont meet any of these criteria and still
youre that bitter asian boy who had his chick stolen by a White man arent you? Didnt they cuck you for a while before she dumped you for him?
Get your shit straight, I wrote that arabs/islamics did that.
One thing is for sure, White man taught black man to WORK!!! so slavery was a lesson.
>I'm officially out of comments but I still want to post
>suddenly talking about a different country even though only one was being talked about
That's called back-peddling.
Im sorry that your life is so meaningless you have to go around talking to people and making them say sorry for something they didnt do.
I can only imagine how hard life is with a victim complex that big. For that, i am sorry
project much? Im sorry youre the product of a degenerate newfags cant love triforce but dont take it out on us. Gave a little dignity.
arabs/islamics did that way first, so if some niggers want reperations they should go to the source, but that's not where the crackhead money "is at."
What did I back peddle?
*bang* *bang*
Njah I got plenty, I'm but a first beer in.
Perhaps that's called you being a nigger that can't deal with reality.
You realize every single person in Yea Forums is chaotic evil, right?
>quick, play stupid
If all the tribal women in Africa had tits like that the whole continent would be bleached.
nvm its not worth talking about :| .. with you
Like everyone in this board, I'm pretty fucking white and no, it's called back-peddling because only one country was being talked about until they got backed into a corner.
No, you just have no footing.
I can't make you less stupid it seems.
Relax and enjoy your inferior language skills.
This very thread.
>I have no argument, but I still feel compelled to shit-post so I feel like I won something.
Also this
And why not this
Arguments won't work with the chronically stupid and willfully ignorant.
Much the same way emipirical evidence won't sway a religious person.
The stupid and stubborn aren't worth anything but light scorn and then to be forgotten.
inb4 you quote all your posts
Bang Bang Lulu
you foreigners really suck ass
No, you literally have NOTHING to argue with, that's why your last 15 minutes of posts have just been nothing but insults. double digit IQs who aren't self-aware are the worst.
I bet with your high IQ you like smelling your farts in the bathtub.
It's not high, but high enough to know bullshit on the internet when I see it.
>I also don't get why farts is suddenly becoming a meme, am I old? Is this what getting old feels like?
My sole argument in this thread was to use one single term correctly. You have ignored this because of childish pride and your inability to admit to a simple error.
There's nothing to argue. I'm right, you're wrong, it's that simple.
got em
>using pride as a buzz word
>pretending Yea Forums isn't a giant LARP session
>I declare absolutes so they must be true
double digit AF
Damn, nice fullhouse
And you persist using that term incorrectly.
You can't be helped.
well just give up on em. im leaving
Go back to your “kangz” who kept you slaves in Africa.
>fein superiority with no actual argument, it will trick people into thinking you won.
Can anyone understand what this cuck is trying to say?
I wont explain myself to peasants.
legit laughed, thanks user
I do and it means that niggers are pieces of shit incapable of doing anything on their own except for trying to theathen others, shall I continue?
You're right, it's a lost cause, that one.
Bye kiddo, enjoy your hair.
You realize you just look like a jack ass, you don't even deny you have nothing but what I called you out on. Have fun on wall street.
Because of slavery, you do not live in a shack in Africa
are niggers mad at slavery because someone forced them to work ?
Nobody in their right mind would trust a black aka nigger there unless it was for quota or diverisity shit. You know that and I know that, don't deny it.
Blacks are dumb and disgusting and did nothing historically
Saying this days after the 4th of july. We still celebrate old shit. Why don't we give black people a federal holiday or something. Shit I'll claim some heritage for an extra day off.
Any black person who thinks slavery wasnt good for dumb niggers probably believes wakanda can actually exist. Blacks throughout history have just banged rocks together and grown crops in a desert and that's basically it. The true genius of the white man made a fucking boat and brought the inferiors to better lands and we get called racist?
They already got one, they drummed up lincoln's and washington's holidays into that shit licking mlk shit holiday to placate the niggers.
There are more slaves today in Africa than there were in the entire colonial American slave-trade.
The feds sucked up to niggers and made "president's" holiday and mlk shit holiday.
Two holidays.
>proving my point.
The best part is when they try to claim egypt as part of their history XD
Lll bit from John Valby
bu... bu... they was kangs and shit in mud huts
ITT: pretend racists and trolls trolling trolls
Hey that's Andy from jstustudios lol
They're a Christian YouTube channel funny you're memeing gay shit with them
I never understood how they deluded themselves into believing it. Egyptians look nothing like "african americans". They were Middle Eastern at best.
Glad my own ancestors didn't sell their own people into slavery.
>claims youtube with caps
>claims meming
Yeah ok buddy
Are you a nigger?
It's a way to get money from governments for their ineptitude.
That doesn't make sense to me, we didn't enslave Egyptians XD
Also because lazy the populace voting in assholes aren't paying attention.
No, but niggers will blame everything on the USA. It's natural for them to for the easy target.
no black person alive today has ever been owned and no white person alive today has ever owned a slave. Stop beating a dead horse so that maybe the issue can actually be laid to rest.
hahaha, tell that to a so called "entitled nigger." They want nothing to do with reality and that's what congress is for, to tell them to shut the fuck up.
haha "a a nigger" that's great.
Ya-Ya 43
I hope this john valby stuff offends you you uptight cunt.
>Black History Month
>Free housing and food.
>Picked over better suited candidates for jobs
>Picked over better suited candidates for universities.
>Makes up 50-55% of all violent crime
Yes, we need to give them MORE.
dont forget 600,000 whites died to end slavery.
but they did.
you've always been slaves :D
We got something for you
low-key white hate propaganda. "Whites" don't hate them, the media says they do. I can probably speak for tons of whites when I say, I don't care what your skin color is, its your actions as an individual that determines how I react to you.
Shit is true though. Blacks keep themselves down by living the gangsta life. Living off of government assistance forced into voting for their free-handout from the democrackheads.
Fucking kek.
only dems say the N word.
youre a fucking slave faggot
Actually they suck at everything but are "entitled" only to be outdone by h1b indian types who absolutly suck. I bet you've never had to deal with professionally? That's your good luck and why I get paid more than you do.
that you gay homo buddy? keep that shit to ya self nigga!
Oh sorry, my ancestors didn't get a choice and were forced to work too. Just in my case it was because of a slice of bread, they weren't even captured in war or deep in debt...
Forced by arabs who monetized it, now I'll pull out the violins you fucking nigger.
>never deal with profesionally
3 years retail, 8 years (so far) IT. I work with all sorts of races daily and provide customer service for them all daily, for over 11 years now.
From my own personal experience? Whites are the worst, hands down. I've only ever had shop lifters be white, whites in the work place are more self entitled and expect to get more from you for less respect or returned efforts on their behalf and they're the rudest.
Blacks, asians, latinos, worst I have had to deal with was language boundaries and some low-level angry customers.
I am also white, and born/raised in West Virginia (because apparently, as I've found out, the state that seceded from Virginia to be in the union, is one of the most racist according to everyone not living there.)
You forgot your black card buddy, Here ya go!
Opened thread to see if this kind of response is on top.
Wasn't disappointed
That's pretty good, for a fuckin amatuer.
There's a difference you know between some stupid school bitch stuff and actual professional stuff where you get paid for it.
I'm an Aussie you fool.
We never had slaves but most our initial population was forced here in chains at gun/bayonet point regardless.
Shit happens, no one alive today had it happen, get over it.
What are you on about?
I couldn't give a shit about Aussie shit.
>how to make a post without actually saying anything worth reading.
Go pay your lives to your carbon credits.
you.... you realize I posted two areas of income... which makes it professional?
I digress, we both know you had that response copy pasted and you never actually read what I typed.
explain this
niggers niggering and a dude who was clearly watching something off screen and not paying attention to the thot squad
fucking niggers, even their women are raping
There was no intent of fucking him, she just wanted to nigger it up and shoved a dude off a narrow seat who wasn't paying attention to her skank ass. It's just a form of bullying.
That's like saying: If I say holocaust you say sorry.
And expecting every German to pay for what the nazi party did.
You do realize some the the whites you hate so much fought and died to set your ungrateful black ass free.
quit your lying, no body believes this shit
back to the camp jew
Got shit done. Need nigger slaves again.
You said it, not him.
Damn...any idea who she is?
just paraphrasing
She's black.
There's a fucking site stamp you retard.
Most likely a tranny., you gay nigga.
Why are white people one now? A century ago they hated each other.
Fuck, that's a sexy body. I love the store flashing pics.
dumb ass thug wannabe monkey.
>I'm Irish.
nigga plez
Im not a jew boy so i never owned a slave.
>Main reason why America had to free the slaves is mostly because they were learning how to fight back and would have overthrown America eventually.
Ahahahaha, no. Even today all you can do is beg whites for help. Everyone spits at you.
the irish are the niggers dumb fuck
I gotta sift through all the girls on that dudes page?
if us slavery never happened the blacks alive today bitching about it wouldn't have ever been born in the us in the first place....you're welcome.
I enjoy colonizing nigger pussy.
It's an American tradition.
fuck off nigger