If i drugged my gf how many people would be down to gang bang her passed out?

if i drugged my gf how many people would be down to gang bang her passed out?

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Show her ass

Yea Forums would bang a dead goat

i'd struggle cuddle her awake, shit.

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y this shit dead, she's p cute

Fuck yeah

Make a blowjob and fuck video then upload it to pornhub.

I’d enjoy putting her limp skinny legs over my shoulders and cumming in her

might prefer it to his gf
or try to get a 4 way going

would hit, and with those digits you pretty much have to now. what area code?

Depends on where you live. What country and region?

Last time I fell for an offer like that, the "girlfriend" was an unwitting stranger. Almost got hit with a rape charge. My DNA matched no samples.

Story please

Lucky enough to have a girlfriend and you'd do that to her?

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Show spread pussy, filled with cum. So I know what I'm getting into if I say yes.

Well, it all started on the night that this never happened...

Explain to me what do you feel lucky about when you fuck a woman?

She's not the provider of pleasure unless you pay or rape her. Otherwise it goes both way and you get and receive in equal part but since you're the man that entitles you to all the hard chores and if you don't outperform her high expectations she's just going to cheat on your ass and steal all your money in the process while canceling your paternity of any children you might or may not have had with her.

Yeah, you're so lucky to stick your dick inside that pussy.

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Having a partner isn't just about sex you brokeback incel.

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This. My ex was my best friend too and I regret it I told her to fuck off forever

a lot of it is never keeping her happy, her complaining and making your life as miserable as she feels that life didn't live up to her expectations, no amount of sex is worth suffering through a female.
No thanks, I got out of "prison" 16 years ago, I'm never going back.

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we ain't cool with rape you pussy faggot.

you let something great go, sex is easy, a good woman is a rare find.

boo fuckin hoo. Sounds like you were the problem TBH, and everyone here knows you miss the companionship more than you'll ever admit. And the reason you aint going back is because nobody will have your misogynistic ass.

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LARPfags are a cancer

Nice trips. I'd be down if she agreed to it before hand. In writing. Where y'all at OP?

How much money did you best friend cost you on a daily basis?

If you told her to fuck off she must have been annoying at some point in time.

>Having a partner isn't just about sex you brokeback incel.
Alright, what else is it about?

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>WhAt ElSe Is It AbOuT?

pfahahahah holy fuck can you be anymore of a pathetic, shut-in neckbeard? You really are a pathetic fucking incel.

>And the reason you aint going back is because nobody will have your misogynistic ass.

Misogyny is a word that's being tossed around far too easily these days. It doesn't mean what you think it means. Misogyny is not the fact that women don't overcome your own expectations it's the act of hating women for their shortcomings and judging them unfairly in a mean manner.

Having expectations have nothing to do with misogyny.

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You avoided answering the question here.

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All words that degrade and belittle straight white males gets tossed around like confetti at a pride parade these days, it's all a sham to suppress.

There is no question to be answered incel.

>There is no question to be answered incel.
>Alright, what else is it about?

Pretty sure that was a question...

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No, it was you expressing how fucking disconnected from reality you are and how deep in the incel-hole that you actually are. You literally cannot conceive human relationships, even Sheldon Cooper isn't this delusional.

I went through 2 relationship in my life.

First one lasted 10 years and was unsatisfying for me, didn't made any offspring with her. Moved on.

Second relationship was a little better sexually speaking but her expectations were just insane. When I couldn't do everything that she demanded she would look for people who could and come back crawling to me because the others wouldn't pull up with her crap either. We had 1 daughter together. I got custody of her and I raise her to be smarter then the common folks so she don't end up like her mother. I bet this last bit triggers you.

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>everyone here knows you miss the companionship more than you'll ever admit
yeah no.
I'm not lonely.

Doesn't make you not the previously mentioned, incel.

Denial 2.0

I let my friend finger my gf when she was blackout drunk. He wanted to fuck her but that was too risky for me.

You told me I was disconnected from reality and I told you about my reality. Unless you're yourself some sort of accidental bachelor yourself (that would explain the "incel" bit in every post you make) you will tell us about your sex life because it's your turn.

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but you're LARPing that reality, so you're also a pathological liar.

Thinking that everyone thinks like you.

Wow, story? I had the same fantasy with my ex gf

It makes you sad because you're mentally ill and genuinely are incapable of feeling love and compassion for other people, that's why you're hear shouting in defense of a thread that's literally about raping a woman.

Takes one to know one.

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wut , I don't want to rape anyone, nor do I condone rape/sexual assault, I just don't want a girlfriend or to get married, cohabitation to me is horrible.
I do not want to go back to living with someone, it was not good for me.
I realise this may confuse and upset you, but I'm doing ok.
I own my house and I want to keep it that way.

I thought children weren't allowed on here?

Well, let me start by saying marriage is a sham to squeeze more money out of the populace and control their lives.

It's called shutting yourself down, you can pretend your happy but deep down you know you need a companion and it seeps out once in awhile in your most lonely moments, that's why you come here because this is a nice distraction and it tricks you into thinking you're talking to real people.

>I thought children weren't allowed on here?
And there you are... Mods plz.

It's called working, having friends and jacking off.
So you are lonely and need a distraction since you are here ?

there needs to be a name for this kink yo, ive been doing shit like this for years

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Do it for shits and giggles.

Man, a few years off Yea Forums and this is the first thread I see. I’m by no means a popular guy who’s been with a ton of girls, I’ve only ever had two gfs. But man you incels are fucking sad lmao. “Women are only good for sex, and I’m not good at that so fuck all women”

He was crashing at our place on the couch after a night out. She passed out on our bed in her dress so I undressed her and just thought it would be seriously hot to show him her body.

I told him to come with me but do not say a fucking word to anyone. He was stunned when he saw her splayed out on the bed totally nude. He spent like 5 minutes exploring her pussy when I said he could touch her then I said that's enough.

He pretty much begged me to fuck her but she could have woken up so I told him that's it. He brings it up with me once in a while but she never found out.

If i wanted my cum back I'd wipe it off your mom's chin

Working has literally NOTHING to do with RL LARP

You read that insult from another thread lmao


Any good story?

Drumming I'd guess

> your autism level increased

>literally a default image of "girl"

see? LARP.

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>Working has literally NOTHING to do with RL LARP
So you are not gainfully employed ?
Do you even adult ?
Enjoy renting forever.

>actually cucking yourself

the autism is believing anything posted on this board about people being with 10/10 chicks everyone wants to fuck, then they cuck and still claim alpha stud status

>I have literally nothing left to contribute, but I really need to keep posting, so I'll contrive some asinine bullshit and pretend I'm still valid in the argument

I’m gonna be real with you, I’m also on team don’t rape women, but that shit was weak as fuck

Rape her and kill

Oh, lol and I own my home. I just felt I needed to add that fact in there.

So how much do you earn per annum ?

honestly its such a habit that i have trouble thinking of a specific story. if shes asleep or blacked out i just let close friends undress her or jerk off, i give them nudes they request of her, etc. i got her to try cuckold shit once but she was really uncomfortable and cried when our bull to be pulled out his dick in her face lol

honestly dont plan to stay with her, just enjoy having a sub slut around thats emotionally attached

pic is not my gf lol (i wish shes crazy kinky as far as ive been told), pic is caroline horsch from umd

Enough to own my home, car and afford a comfortable life style that affords me a hobby without compromise in my budget for bills and food.

I really don't understand why people are greedy and feel they need to make billions a year, I'm pretty content right now.

what would b do with my passed out gf?

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Nothing because I'm not a loser who has to resort to rape.

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I'd bother showing proof but I don't care enough by an angry, rapist neck beard incel on the internet enough to go through the process of pulling out the deed, time stamping, etc...

I wanna fuck her ass

Good enough start, but keep going, whatever you'd want

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Is she on pill? I’d like to invite few friends too. You have kik?

Nah no Kik
Doesn't matter what she's on, once she's out and bound you can do whatever you want

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We won’t use condoms with her, so It’s your problem if she gets pregnant

Fucking fill every hole, would love to see that
How would you make use of her best?
What hole would your start with?

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I would start with her asshole. No lube, she can’t feel the pain. I want her to be our toy all night long

Would you let her wake up?
Make her cum too?
Or just keep her under and keep rough fucking all her tight holes?

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No, she doesn’t deserve it. For that night she will be only a three holes whore