I have a confession. I’m super liberal, like as much as you can be. But I find republican women (and nazi women) so fucking hot. It’s not even a thing where I can say “Oh, you guys have more attractive women.” There are attractive liberals. But just being republican/conservative makes someone like, 100x hotter.
I have a confession. I’m super liberal, like as much as you can be...
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>tfw nazbol gf
But republican bitches are also prude.
Libtards are up for weird shit.
>Getting gassed by a nazi-qt
oh yes I see that
I’d let her gas me ngl
lol no they aren't they're as wild as you can make them, they just require a guiding hand unlike the leftist whores that throw themselves at everything. good luck getting a conservative woman though, they tend to be into masculinity and most leftists try to minimize their masculinity.
>Libtards are up for weird shit.
as long as you denounce your gender
Yeah it's called a bimbo fetish
this one looks prudish too no?
>But republican bitches are also prude.
>But republican bitches
First off, call them women and you'll have better luck.
Secondly they like reliable masculine men.
Poor soyboys haven't a chance with them because their wiring is all wrong.
>Yeah it's called a bimbo fetish
Found the fat, ugly, blue haired trigglypuff who's jealous of good looking feminine republican women
Found the defensive comment quoting aspie
>defensive comment
hahahaha classic
Prolly not. You fetishize rural/country women, and your worldview precludes them to being all trump supporters, so you accidentally made a link in your brain.
Congrats Donald J. Trump is helping you get rock hard to two-stepping country chicks in boots.
It’s the Romeo and Juliet syndrome
>up for weird shit.
>getting cucked is as weird as it gets and the only thing you get.
Lets discuss here:
Huh, never actually thought of that. Might be it
all discord servers are fbi and/or leftist honeypots
Wearing panties with political slogans doesn't make anyone "political" you fucktard. How stupid are you? Conservatism is a theoretical approach that regards economical policy. Unless those hos are the heads of some governmental committee, the bitches can't enforce a Conservative stance and thus aren't even Conservative.
I'm sure that looking at skanks wearing panties with political slogans seems "funny" to you -retard- but Conservatism has become near identical with Christianity in the present political context. Those bitches are probably a dumb as rocks. Nutty as squirrel shit. And their parents are ashamed of them. They are not "conservatives" you dumb fuck. And you are not "Liberal" you low life, piece of uneducated shit.
Bringing politics into the conversation online might make you feel like you are 1 step away from wearing a tie and sucking off the VP's cock, but there is a reason why you keep your mouth shut IRL you dumb shit. Because you sound stupid in IRL and you are still stupid online.
Those bitches are sluts. Not "conservatives" And you are a retard. Not a "liberal". You fucking piece of shit.
Jesus Christ, calm your fucking tits man
Go fuck your cat and leave us alone
Get some fucking dignity that doesn't require you to act like retards while "protesting".
If you are going to associate with "political discussions", at least have the decency to research your so called frame of thought. Faggots.
are you lads embarrassed someone with an IQ that exceeded 2 digits responded to a post you yourself would have made?
this guy is right though
those girls arent traditional conservatives, nor modern conservatives, not even neo-conservatives, they are just a bunch of thots that want to be stay at home wives to some rich conservative men; AKA gold diggers
The best part about conservative women is that they actually like the men in their country.
no they dont, they like their money though