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Other urls found in this thread:


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You're a sick fuck op if you think this is remotely funny.

Get some help.

not funny

Attached: 1555405811191.webm (226x400, 1.76M)


excuse me this is a YLYL thread not a rekt thread, loosers

Not funny whatsoever.

No it's fine they are Palestinian.

based kike

Fuck you kike

Attached: 1557614191320.webm (480x272, 966K)

I'm not offended by the nature of this picture. I'm not going to tell you that you're sick or a bad person. You don't care about that. I'm offended by the shock-value, summerfagging, unfunny, cringe that is your post.

Fucking kike

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>implying this is worse than 9gag tier YLYL threads we usually have

you must be new here

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that's cute as shit

Does gore violate any Yea Forums rule?

Yea super funny this guy lost his toddler like that.. fuck you

>oh look how cute a devastated animal is trying to save another life

Thats a child... cant choose what side to be on
Maybe one day that is your family member and people laugh at that..fuck you


>hey guys look I'm so edgy Hahaha dead babies
OP you know the difference between a ylyl and a rekt thread

Literal fucking incel

I'd do the same thing to the goat

Edgy 17 year old detected


have sex.

this is so sad and depressing. user. ..... you might need some help

Not funny. Reassess your life.

I see OP is dumping his jack off folders

Good pupper


Should tie that guy to the tree while he is alive. See how he likes it.

^This. Learn to tell the difference, OP, you fucking shithead. .

This entire thread full of pathetic edgelords.

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>muh anti-terrorism
>"bruh, gotta break some eggs to make an omelett"
>"so what? atleast i'm executing and raping children in the name of peace"
this is why I hate shias, jews, republitards and everything right wing so god damn much.

Attached: eat shit faggots.png (615x740, 611K)

Everyone deserves the flames. Damn shame there's no Hell for us to go to.

no animals please

this world is hell

Eat it, dumb ass.

user... go back under that rock you hide in.

KYS whoever posted this.

No, but OPs should label the thread "gore" or "rekt" not "YLYL" if they are going to post gore. This thread just shows you're a fucking retard who doesn't know how to Yea Forums. Lurk moar, asshole.

stopping Hitler was a mistake

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My family's aren't dirty sand niggers so I'll probably be ok.

^I'm with this guy.

>i have a dog i love animals guys
Grow up, this shit exists just ignore it and move on

This right here is the reason that karma gave Africans AIDS and a fucked up, poor country

says the summerfag
did you get the acceptance letter to the women studies course at your local community college yet?

Go back to Afghanistan and finally end yourself there. Fucking PTSD'd cringetard, you and I know no one here will miss you.

He did it on purpose. Chicks don't have souls, they are not from the same ancestors as white people so you see what you get then.

Thats... a lil kitty cat.. why would several grown men do this? Theres even a couple walking in the background.. what hell is this

they sure turned that kids head into an omelette

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I don't see a stupid pice of shit cat doing such things.

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Wtf man, show some respect.
My friend from tumblr was right, this place sucks.

Cat is alive but the Chinks are hungry

The Chink version of life squid

We have some new faggots here

Is this your first time here

Scary movie 1 was like my favourite movie when I was a kid

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>My friend from tumblr
you have to go back

common guys. all cultures are equal now. we're all the same and same values world around. we're all equal!

this video is called 'context'. this is what we're up against as a society. this is what certain people want to see as 'normal' all around the globe. and this is just the tip. remember this as you live your life.

Those aren't people, those are Asians. The barbarians of the modern world.

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I agree, the entire continent is mentally ill. Mongoloids

>no animals
>fine with a kid getting his head turned into mashed potatoes

Whenever you see asian children and liveleak, you know they're
a) in for a bad time
b) nobody will care.

Asking for common decency is like an unwritten law here. And if you do, you use racial slurs newfag

What did Tom Brady say to Julian Edelman on the way to the bar?

"I'm gonna pick up some chicks"

>thus that webm is born

Most non white races are savage apes

I like mashed potatoes.
I don't like children.

Y'know, I hate dogs as much as the next guy, but that video gave me da feels

I've known some asshole kids. Most kitties were nice tho.


>calls cats stupid
>in the history of man, there has never been 8 cats that pulled a sled through the snow


I was gonna say, when did Yea Forums become a bunch of pussies

that just make me sad.

animals are not rational beings
humans do, and they do not care and that's terrible

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H...hey... horse. Hey..... horse horsey.... h... heh... why... HEY horsey....
WHY THE LONG FACE??? *splort*
Worth it.

what a cuck!

Welcome to Yea Forums faggot, now get the fuck out

>Lurk moar
What is there to lurk here, you dumbass.
Also I’m not op faggot.

I just lost.

for real

china really is like the wild west
there is always some shit going on, and when it is, nobody cares

I wish we could just nuke China honestly I fucking hate all of them. All chink should be rounded up and shot.

People who write shit like this are the new ones

I hope this helps.

"However, many videos showing what is purported to be animals being skinned alive, is actually nothing of the sort - the animals are dead, but are still agonal breathing and twitching, which is something most vertebrates do at the moment of death. They are unconscious and unaware, despite having the appearance of being alive."

For christ's sake watch for school buses people

aww, why couldnt this vid be longer? at least kill the second dog lol

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Attached: fdfsdfs.jpg (736x736, 99K)

>doggos are smarter and more empathetic than niggers
I always assumed this but it's nice to have video proof

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fuck off summerfag

This is who liberals defend? Send them there and lets see how civilized those savages treat them. I swear I can't wait for the purge.

Its Yea Forums not tumblr. Go back there if you need trigger warnings

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>Opens demon door

WW 3 can't come soon enough. This planet is fucking disgusting

Not hating Sunnis mofos a terrorist kys

Stop trying so hard to be an edge lord, you aren't funny.

True oldfaggots know that b created trolling but some newfags like most of you unironically believe in this edgy shit cheers m8s dont be so fucking edgy it can happen to you.

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For what? To get banned? The Mods now are such pussies, any offense gets you banned. Why go through the hassle of flushing your IP to bring back the old days? They are gone for good

woah hol' up nigga

Attached: hanger.webm (480x400, 1.1M)

You mean FBI.

oldfag mods where purged yeard ago dude people use to know all the mods by name

Careful with that edge, kid.

Those days are gone. Never to return. Yea Forums is a low tier reddit now

I came here to laugh and not to feel

Oh look, the edgy summerfag figured out how to create a thread.

Nice lie, FBI.

I remember the raids on live streams. The brigading, the trolling, the questionable posting. When Yea Forums felt like the wild west of the surface web. Now, it consists of summer fags and tourist.

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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imagine being that faggot

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>putting jews in the same category as right-wingers
Neck yourself nigger

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Shut up, tourist. Fucking twerps need to learn your place

Towel head detected

Nigger, I've lurking and posting since '08. Fuck out of here, cock sucking double nigger.

I love you so much babe

Lying sack of shit. You know thats the year you born.

time to go back to plebbit, faggot.

Eat a sack of cocks, jew. You're not welcome here. You never were.

Go on reddit faggot

not op, but this is literally funny to me.

I'm just imagining all those stupid cunts saying "horses are so beautiful and innocent graceful creatures" and this long elegant horse just annihilates this little bird without batting an eye

Struggling and fumbling with your knobby dildo stump of an arm, just so you can awkwardly coat hanger a load out. Life finds a way.

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that be a bitch to clean out

that's some brutal shit but at least that chick died quickly between the jaws of this beast lol head first

that's depressing how nobody reacted to it

fucking satan

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I guess they are hanging out.

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this is so sweet. this video is so beautiful

doggo too pure for this world

I hate summer.

These peeps taste funny.webm

Hmm. I understand why they do this. There is a traditional belief that harvesting an animal while it is still breathing creates better meat. To determine if this is correct conduct, I would like to see a study objectively comparing meat taste and quality between animals harvested dead vs. alive. Either way, videotaping this practice is cruel and unusual..

I know, me too. Its tourist season for bored redditors.

Theres more than one way to do that


fukkin classic

Came so fucking hard to this right now

xD ok i lost

Get cancer, faggot.


>Hue hue hue le edgy funny gore thread look how edgy I am 4chinz

Kill yourself.


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thanks for the meme tho

so funny i wanna kms

must not fap to that, must resist

Story behind this?

I wish I could find one that is still warm or she's only been hanging for a few minutes and is in a vegetative state. Better still if she has pissed or soiled herself or on the rag that would be fucking awesome.


he came too hard on that last blowjob


jews killing innocent palestinian civilians.

fucking hilarious

you all are doomed pricks

If you really think the dog is trying to help the fish you're just stupid. The dog's probably just trying to get some shit off of his nose.

nature sure is beautiful!!!!11

If I was alone I would be so tempted to touch the wound with my finger.

You fell off the edge m8

Would you like to order an entree before the main course?

finally a good thread haha

dam it I fucked up here you go anyway enjoy.

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You sound like a summerfag

I like the one where it eats the chickens head better

animals make everything more funny xD

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Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that while he was standing in a busy shopping centre with her, a big black bull approached her and started flirting with her in front of him, now most people at this point would have probably told him to fuck off, but Ray is a submissive cuck with no backbone, so he tried to make a subtle exit by backing away from them, but he ended up tripping backwards and falling into a water fountain, at which point the aforementioned big black bull laughed hysterically while pointing at him with his arm around his girlfriend.

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I really love birds but this one made me laugh

see, out of all the post this is funny, because in no way would that ever work, but the dog still believes it will.

You are retarded man. Its obvious the dog is aiming the water towards the fish.

Funny how alot just post edge stuff so they get attention. Imagine being that pathetic. How boring must your life be that sink to that level of a loser. You guys are that type of kid that coult never get any normal friends just other edgelords that jerk eachother off everyday. Get a life.

Stop being edge act like the adult youre and grow up. Stupid gay retards go KYS I fucked your mumes I swear

*to sink to that level

Kill yourself

could not coult omg Im the retard

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I don't like ignoring the probably goriest stuff in the world, so fuck it.

What is looser besides OP's asshole?

>the one that got away

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Fuck it mp4 to webm

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lol 1000x700

i laughed at ur post i better go get some help

dang, delta-P, you scurry

Its Yea Forums - if someone wants to call their rekt thread ylyl, there is nothing stopping them

What next guy? You're only one, faggot.


He's trying to bury it so he can eat it later.

For the record, this is something called the Blood Eagle. It's viking. It's fucked up, but torturing small animals isn't cultural...I mean in this case it is but .... FUCK

No humans!

Probably b8, but in case you're authentically that dumb, Yea Forums has no persistent identity.

Trolling, being edgy, etc. serves its temporary purpose in provoking a reaction, but virtue signalling (except as metatrolling) serves no purpose here due to the lack of accumulation of social positional goods.

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No, it isn't. That is just skinning a cat. The blood eagle was where the ribcage was separated from the spine and splayed out to resemble wings you massive retard

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Awww poor little baby doesn’t like animal abuse? But rekt threads make your peepee hard?

Kys you hypocrite animal tard, you’ve been watching way too many Disney movies

He's just angry that daddy left him

Here you go you Nazis

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Nobody deserves that. I cant imagine the pain that man feels. I seriously hope you grow up before you have a child or are castrated before you lose your virginity.

Not the guy you replied to, but torturing animals is just cruel. Fuck anyone who does that shit.
Killing humans is fine of course, they're the lowest form of life to begin with. It's not even worthy of fapping to, because it's just a deed to be done out of necessity. But if you can get off on it, good for you.

Lmao wtf. He was moving that hangar fast as fuck in tiny vibrating motions. Guys is a god damn pro. Sybian aint got shit on that hangar.

You are 1 weird fuck.

chewing gum

fucking funny tho


we don't value cats for empathy, comparing them is like comparing dogs to pet snakes or turtles.

Imagine being pathetic enough to feel the need to act edgy on the internet.

Kek things like this help restore faith in humanity I’m glad that little cunt got her brains blown out

Imagine being pathetic enough that the only way to feel better about yourself is by trying to put down edgelord trolls.

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Wow you're so kool user!
How's middle school?

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By the way they cut the skin, it seems they're more interested in the fur than the meat itself

WOWZA HUMAN BAD LOLZ RIGHT HUMAN SO BAD you're just like every other fag who says"LOL HUMAN" and thinks its relatable or funny

Sharing this is a violation of US law and therefore violates Yea Forums rules.

Things involving animals being killed thatbisnt for educational purposes in a humane way, is a felony under United states law, it is a felony to share it, and upon seeing it anywhere, even online, is a felony if you dont report it to the authorities.
Since it violates US law, it violates Yea Forums rules.
Report anything involving aninals.

underrated post

Holy hell, what happened to this site?
So many normalfags complaining every time a normal thread gets on Yea Forums

>TL;DR, sharing or possessing nearly anything with animals dying is illegal in the US, so it is also a violation of Yea Forums rules.

Attached: BTR.jpg (717x880, 186K)

Lost lol


Lost L0L

Do you by any chance live in a basement?
I recommend a psychiatric ward instead.

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Filename got me

is she ok?!

Ahahahaahaaa what a horny bastard dog, just look at his p p if you didn't notice

Confirmed S tier fetish

r u girl or faggot?

Lurk what? Porn threads? Yea Forums is dead


Yea Forums was never alive.
It was always porn threads, the only difference was the porn was mostly captain percard, and the hottest tranny was Iodine.

omg this is the best YLYL
you got me good haha

Wut am i looking on that picture?

good match, who is a winner?

Sorry, feds are on their way

No you have to go back for taking shitty bait

someone who can't take a good joke

>as much as the next guy
Hating dogs isn’t normal

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What is it with all these moralfags man

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At the least enjoy you ban
At the worst enjoy your van

Niggers my friend

Pretty sure this is bait but in case not please kys

to help you deal with the real world?
the world the laws from your country wants to censure?
grow up kiddo

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>arguing with quads.
You will not be witnessed, nor ride the fury road in Valhalla

dunno, reddit just closed for summer maybe?

Pretending you aren't from the US won't stop the criminal charges.
And nothing will stop the ban hammer.

No the chinks are just human cockroaches the barbarians were more civilized then them

No the chinks are just human cockroaches, the barbarians were more civilized then them

Get banned, or chicken shit out?


The nods haven't banned anything else out yet.
Guessing he pussed out like a bitch, even though he talked some shit.

i really hope you are not a grown up
ignorance is bliss

Did she ded?

And if you're really not from the US, then you need to be in your containment board
But you'll still be banned, and blacklisted from entry to the US if you posted any aninal abuse.

You know, years ago I would have found this pic mildly funny. Having raised a little daughter mostly by myself the last three years I find this a little disturbing. I guess having a child does really change your perspective.


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Cat gets RAPED.

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You're an idiot, a dog "p p" as you put it can come out for numerous reasons, if you can't tell ya autistic prick, that dog is hella upset.

turning this thread upside, down

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Wrong vid:

It dies a little bit more every year

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What ya expect. All dogs go to heaven after all.

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Not enough

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wow we got an edgy cool boy. Do you sit in the back of the classroom alone with sunglasses? Does your mom let you stay out all night because she doesn't care about you?

Epic dude B-) SICK

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Buffff, another FAGS thread? MODS close this piece of shits thread.

what is this fucking Facebook?

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I really, really love that picture

We have a soulless demon spawn here.

You've been around to long, haven't ya.


how that can be important?
would you seriously mind being ban from a country?
you are really fragile lol

(Yea Forums is actually full of non US people btw kiddo)

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This is a third world country.

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Man, that guys got skillz. I could not do that if I tried. damn coat hanger.

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Awww, you think you a badass, how cute :D

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Welp we all know where you're going when you die.

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Okay, that's funny af.

instant karma

It was a joke

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