Why do people like this mono-tone man, listening to him just make me depressed.
he's not even funny. Just look at any one of his reaction videos on Youtube, he fakes his reactions too hard while still keeping his "ugh I hate my life" persona
Why do people like this mono-tone man, listening to him just make me depressed.
he's not even funny. Just look at any one of his reaction videos on Youtube, he fakes his reactions too hard while still keeping his "ugh I hate my life" persona
Other urls found in this thread:
Charlie did you post this?
personally i like any person named charlie
no but it sounds something that self-loathing person would do lol
They do you give a shit about what other people like you whining little faggot
Why do you care what other people like you whining little faggot
you didn't need to post twice, kid
Because it's literally just a case of:
>Exdee im relatable because im a sarcastic sad sack
>exdee I can reference memes
>exdee I can say random words that don't typically go together in a successive manor just for the sake of being le random and funny!!!!!111
He's sarcastic, that's his shtick. His reaction videos are making fun of reaction videos because they're stupid. How fucking dense can you be?
you didn't need to post twice, kid
After he revealed his face his videos have steadily declined in quality. He has become no better than your standard narcissistic social media persona.
>you didn't need to post twice, kid
Forgot manlet
damn this thread is completely off base about him
its crazy how this website in particular judges people without actually watching much of their content
Holy fucking shit user im literally watching one of his vids right now. Listening to him actually does the oppsite for me. The monotone is what makes it funny. He doesnt fake reactions plus some of his shit is actually clever, but to each his own i guess
Exactly this.
People claiming "ugh its sarcasm" are retards.
He's not doing his reaction videos "ironically", that's just his half ass excuse to justify his shitty content. There's no implication of irony whatsoever.
>he's supef clever XDDDDDDD
Nuff said. His fans are spergs that literally eat up whatever he says. Your post is bait. Next.
Kinda curious, what do you find funny.
Maybe compared to some supposed perfect content creator you have in your fantasy’s yeah he’s shit but look at how he behaves and the videos and puts out and compare him to anyone else with even an 100th of his subs, he’s not some globalist nigger loving sellout like 90% of them go back to contrapoints you vapid cunt I’m embarrassed you got me annoyed enough to post. Of all the pieces of shit on jewtube thank fucking god people like you are keeping Charlie in line go back home and drink your bath water fucking useless nigger
I second this guys request. I'd like to hear it too.
Forget to take your meds?
He panders like the rest of them dude, wake up. He just has a different demographic
His stuff is ok get in on this btw
The fuck? CHARLIE!?
he's gonna say swaggersouls, calling it now
Darksydephil is the funniest YouTuber tbh
I don't know what that code means, discord invite or something I assume?
this is a gen z thread topic
forknight is a good game amiright?!
Actually, tbh, I can kinda agree with you there, because he's such a funny piece of shit. It's just his dumb shit can get old. I respect it though. Any more examples though?
shut the fuck up boomer
Yea I have to agree his persona of not giving a fuck and calling people out is petty. How people find him funny is another thing that boggles my mind he sounds borderline autistic.
Hardly anything. To live is to be miserable. To laugh at it is to find joy. Saying things like "cowfucking spaghetti shits" isn't funny, you're just creating a bunch of imaginary compound words that you've strung together off the top of your head. My humor shouldn't even be applicable when judging something that's this baseless. That's like saying you have to know how to drive to before knowing how it works under the hood. They're two seperate skills. I don't need a hollywood movie career to know that liam nieson is a shit actor. I don't need a finance career to know how much a dollar is worth. I don't need to make YouTube videos to understand the effort put into a youtube video. It's not about experience, it's about understanding.
>gen z
eh, people below 20 are his main audience so I don't really agree
look up Nathan Fielder's show, I think you'll love it. Super hidden gem.
Who cares
This. He has become the shell of his former self after face reveal.
just compare this
Holy shit you are the most edgy autistic turbo nigger retard faggot I've ever seen. Like that other guy said, go drink that bath water you useless nigger
I actually love Nathan for You. You got good taste user. Too bad it won't be coming back for a Season 5.
>turbo nigger
You missed a few buzzwords. Primarily: mom's basement, incel and cuck. 3/10 and I'm being generous. Try harder next time. Better yet, don't try at all. Matter of fact, take your ass back to plebbit/YouTube and go back to the countless circlejerks of positive energy if you can't handle someone being opinionated against your favorite youtuber. This isnt a place where people conglomerate on all the things they enjoy unless you're speaking about gore, traps or pussy.
I hope OP meets the god of all slaps
How does the inside of your colon smell like? cuz you must be pretty far up there
Man youre the only one that sounds retarded you just turned my statement into something irrational and childish. Its not bait youre just stupid
Its discord
>I hope OP meets the god of all slaps
Man you sound exactly like what you are describing the absolute worst kind of person. Stop projecting
>you must have your head up your ass if you don't agree with me
Oh, the irony.
>dumbfaggots complain about shit other people like.
>Charlie sells his bathwater when.
Your opinion is as irrelevant as anybody else's
It's bait. Your followup post is also bait. Next.
Literally Skype for teenagers.
What follow up post? Do you even re-read what you write?
Ok and?
>fukin who
This user is obviously an INTJ masterrace, Rick and Morty poster. I'm going to bow out gracefully as I cannot contend with a 200IQ.
He's cute and even cuter with his dog(s)
Op kys this man has the power to revive youtube to the dark depths of hell it is now
>wahhh I can't handle people not liking my favorite YouTube normie that pretends to be otherwise!
>making some """ironic"""" implicated joke that started from some whore on that god awful normie website, twitch or whatever.
You're so above everyone else, user. Keep up the high-horsing.
Very sad, but I'll give you good news: He's been spotted with a camera crew following him. He's got something planned at least.
He could drop the business angle and just do personal development stuff, like Finding Francis. That's what people have been speculating.
You're a shameless teenager. Don't like it? Don't post your garbage little server on Yea Forums to be scrutinized.
>forced ironic joke
Honest to god, "irony" is becoming the new milhouse.
he used to be pretty entertaining but the face reveal and same style of humor after like 10 years has made his videos less appealing
Oh wow..user-chan, you've changed my ways, clearly you are superior.
Ca-can you let me suckle upon thine penis of wisdom, so I can at least have a taste of what's its like to be reach enlightenment.
>Pa-pawease user-kun. UwU
Oh no, I made an error in my spelling. *blushes* I clearly need to be punished...*bends over*
he cute
You must be out of ideas. You're really scraping the barrel with this post, kinda ironic when you recall who this thread is about.
You've really given up, haven't you? Christ, this is so low effort. Just go back to YouTube, man.
You can relax with the samefaggery. We get it. You're super le XD funny and random and make up sporadic conjunctions of swear words for the sake of laughing at them. It's really not that unique.
Honestly just shut the fuck up
Make me. See my point? Here, let me reiterate: if you don't wanna get dumped on for shilling your discord on Yea Forums, don't shill your discord on Yea Forums. Seems pretty clear to me.
Why would I actually put effort into debating an irrelevant topic; with a nihilist, who clearly has an over inflated sense of self worth. I have judged that you are a NEET, who LARPS as a Mensa member; so I've decided to toy with you instead.
And although, you will refute my claims about your lifestyle; deep down you know I'm right; and you're just angst ridden because Charlie is well liked, and you are resigned yourself to bitching from the sideline your fellow faggots.
>user, fuck me pwease...UwU
Yeah, he's monotone, but he doesn't act depressed. He's always seemed really happy to me. I like that he takes hard stances on relevant and irrelevant issues, brings weird and stupid shit to popularity (Killer Bean, slapping competitions, etc), and isn't afraid to tell an embarrassing story. I've never watched a stream, though, so maybe I'm missing something.
Says the dude who's being elitist about fucking YouTubers. Jesus fuck, man. Get a life.
People will make fun of you for this post, but I feel the same way. Critical is trash.
His streams are usually really good. It's amazing what shit he comes up with during them.
>over inflated sense of self worth
Wrong. I am nothing. I can't wait to die. Imagine trying to portray a "nihlist" as someone who thinks they're better than everyone else.
>you're a neet that larps as a mensa tester
I'm a neet, sure. Good guess on that one. Have I once projected that I'm intellectual? No, retard. You came to me arguing that your favorite little normie youtuber is funny and I shouldn't disagree with you or else youll portray me as a meanie head. I'm dumber than a box of rocks. Guess you can't use that insult anymore since I've admitted to it. Suppose you'll have to get more creative from here on out.
>even though you'll deny it...
See above
>Charlie is well liked
So was Hitler. So was dane cook. So is pewdiepie. So is onision. So is Nicole arbour. So is Amy Schumer. So is Carlos Mencia. So is George Lopez. Need I go on?
>he finishes up with yet another barrel scraping Le funny and random """ironic""" joke XDDDDDDDDDD
Very clever and original, friendo. Post doggo memes :3 ^^ ;-; xD
>call his content shitty years ago
>defense force spams "muh charityy" over and over as if it deflects any criticism of him
His content sucks. He's no better than those nigger reaction channels he tries so hard to mock.
All I've done is elaborate on why I think he's a hack. Everyone else came at for having an opinion that wasn't circlejerking his humour. Try again.
Because I'm so afraid of teenagers mocking my pseudo-deep edgy post on Yea Forums. Oh, no. What ever will I do?
No, really. I'm certainly terrified. I sure hope I don't end up in a screenshot that gets circulated on plebbit.
I think he's sort of funny, and I've watched him since BFBC2 was big. I also think it's cool that the dude just does whatever he wants on his channel.
why do you care enough to make a post about it on on this dead board?
>he thinks this board is dead
Oh, boy. Imagine actually believe the board that's second to /pol/ in terms of traffic is actually dead. That's rich.
Also, why do you care enough to reply to his thread? You sound like a defensive fanboy. God forbid someone doesn't like an individual that you do.
I never said you weren't a hypocrite. And also, it literally doesn't matter to me if you like Charlie. For fucks sake, I've only been shit posting with you because I'm bored. I could give two fucks, just like you apparently don't give a fuck about critical, yet we've been arguing for ten minutes.
Congratulations, we are both arguing points neither one of us care about, to fill the void.
Just like everyone else.
I'm convinced there are only three people contributing to this thread, maybe two.
Trolls trolling trolls my dude.
>never said you weren't a hypocrite
What's your point? I never said you weren't a zebra. Don't understand what makes me a hypocrite, anyways.
>haha congrats, idiot! I trolled you! I was just pretending to care this whole time! You just wasted your time talking to me for "ten minutes" (actually more like 30 minutes but y'know)
>Nothing really matter because I'm out of talking points
If you didn't truly care, you wouldnt have bothered replying. You wouldnt even have drug it out for more than 3 or 4 replies. You're a blatant hardcore fanboy. Is what it is. Move on.
Cr1tikal peaked when he was doing the fake voicovers of infomercials, I watched him for awhile but his actual reactionary comedy is stale. He reacts to something, then makes a snowballing scattershot of like 8 similar jokes before moving on
>oh my god what is that man
>he looks like " "
>like some kind of " "
>an absolute " "
>looks like he " "
ad infinitum
im still kinda watching over, cuz this is a bit of a shit show
Seeing as how Yea Forums is now populated by plebbit drifters, I doubt it. Typically only tinfoils assume this. I know for a fact that I'm an individual and so is the person I'm replying to so there's at least two. If you arent one of those people then that makes three.
There are two.
5$ says you're middle aged closeted fag with no sense of humor because your boomer skull has been overheated by years of mowing your small yard and wishing you weren't alone and inevitably dying unremembered.
Nigga who cares? Go find someone else to talk to
>37 posters
So I guess OP has the time to not only change his IP 36 times but reply continuously to me and himself throughout the course of this thread? Which, by the way, this also implies you're OP seeing as how I'm not the one who started this thread. I get that it's a funny and epic plebbit joke to assume everyone on the internet is just one conglomerate person but you're a tinfoil if you actually believe it.
Everyone point and laugh, this guy thinks penguinz is so funny he'll violently defend him on teh interwebz
Make me.
I came across him on chatroulette one time. He was beating his dick and clicked off really quick. 11/10 would watch again.
Fucking faggot.
Dumb nigger lol
Hang yourself, jigaboo.
OP here, I stayed for an hour and a bit. Stopped replying a long time ago. First time checking back on the thread
Sounds hot tbh. What was it like?
u dint need to post twice,kid
Fellas, i'm new to 4channel how do i delete a reply? I need to know ASAP.
His videos are boring
alt f4 dude!!!!!!
Holy shit he actually has another shirt?
I thought he only owned the one...
he's like wojak perhaps
You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.
Y-YOU HAVE TO BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you u-understand?! It's coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!
why are you posting this shitty fagfox everywhere, user? what is it that you pursuit?
discord /yrA5ze
have fun
used to love his old vids now he's turned in a soy filled cuck
One of my friends tried playing on of his videos on the ps4 few years back, I shut that shit down so fast. totally killed the flow and vibe our group had in a millisec
why soy? why cuck? he literally and figuratively keeps the tone in his vids all the way through
yeah his vids are more for lone watchers
whos this?
I found your first three sentences incredibly indicative of what kind of person you are. And quite humorous.
Who is this faggot and why do I care again?
I like him apart from his video about why can't video games just be fun that was a really stupid video. Apart from that I like him
stay far away from me you furry fucktard.
I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, user.
ddddd bump
his old videos were good if you are a kid. he just has a reddit army at this point is it and now hes coasting off his voice and idrk know what else maybe appealing to reddit gamers? not sure im not rlly keeping as so much