Hey /b I’ve got a hair drug test coming up in a week and I smoked weed a month a go (about 2 grams) and a smoke about .5 grams twice in the 2 month before that. Any chance I can pass? I’ve been researching methods and I was also wondering if anyone knows how true they are?
Hey /b I’ve got a hair drug test coming up in a week and I smoked weed a month a go (about 2 grams) and a smoke about...
First of all what job are you taking that requires a hair test? second you are probably fucked, It can stay in your hair anyone from 2-6 months. Shave your head and tell them you'll do a piss test.
If you're 100% SURE you smoked exactly 4 weeks ago then you should be okay. Drink a lot of cranberry juice and obviously dont smoke anymore. When do you have it?
Shaving my head would lead to a body hair test which holds the even longer. It’s a supervisor position and I never thought I’d get offered this position or else my dumbass would have quit for good a long time ago.
You’re screwed man. I’ve had like 5 of those. They go back 90 days. Nothing you can do.
This is bullshit advice because hair test can detect just about anything for six months.
tl;dr you're fucked.
Just take the test dude... most places dont even care about weed or even test for that shit
Buy Certo Jell (WalMart, Publix, Kroger sells it 3-4 $$)
Buy Charcoal Pills (CVS,Walgreens, Walmart sells 15-25 $$)
Take the charcoal pills 2-3x daily up until the day BEFORE the drug test (that last part is important)
On the night of the drug test, drink one of the two certo jel packets and drink lots of water.
On the day of, drink and mix with a bottle of gatorade or poweraid until yo finish the bottle, refill the empty bottle with water and drink ALL of it (DO NOT take the charcoal pills on this day that is important)
NOTE: Make sure to drink the sports drink and certo jell at least 3 hours before the piss test for maximum effect.
was it worth it?
Yeah I was a friends birthday party last time, bachelor party time before that, and I shared a blunt with a girl I was seeing 3 months ago so I have all the dates pretty well record.
NVM hair test. Yer fucked kid. Good luck!
hey retard it's a hair test not a piss test
This is what I was afraid of. I’ve read of some methods that seriously fuck your hair up, but no point in doing it if it’s not gonna work and I’m gonna be job hunting soon.
They take it right by your scalp. 1 1/2 inches of hair. = 90 days
Pretty sure the cranberry juice things just for piss tests
Cannabinoid metabolites show up in the hair follicle for up to 3 months. You're done. I'm sorry OP.
I know that's why I said
Thanks man.
are you fucking dumb? literally any drug test will test for weed, even in legal states
This. The legal states are trying to work to update the laws for it but are facing much difficulty.
I think is what he's saying is that most wont care if it's weed, especially if it's legal where you live for your age. They ESPECIALLY wont care if it's for a medical reason unless you're doing something with machines/industrial shit.
They never said what drugs they were testing for, so I hope you’re right.
I’m in Texas.
Well, that's not good.
You know you can look it up right? Is the business itself administering the test or have they told you name of the lab your'e going to? You can look up what panel drug test they're using. Most all of them test for THC metabolites though.
Thanks anyway /b I was hoping someone had a story of it some miracle that worked, but I knew it was a Hail Mary.
If it's a mail in test then just use someone else's hair
Dye your hair. I dont give a fuck what anyone says, I've watched first hand my ex girlfriend pass two hair follicle test after using drugs like meth and heroin and she passed both. Just by dying her hair.
It’s a company doing it, but they cut my hair.
no, they wouldn't test for it if they didn't care. every drug test you take for a job will test for weed, even in california
even medical use is not a valid reason dude
I’m gonna give this a shot. Got nothing to lose.
lol those drugs clear your system very quickly, doubt it was the hair dye as they test the follicle anyway
Possibly because she did turn up positive for MDMA which she did even further back than those drugs.
I live in cali and I've been drug tested for manager positions before, showed up as a very low amount of thc in my blood and they just wrote it off, they didnt care. Im not saying they dont test for it, im saying they dont care as long as it's for a legitimate medical reason and you aren't operating machinery, or if it's totally legal.
there may be a threshold but they absolutely would not waste their time testing for it if they don't care
remember friend it's still federally illegal
they test to different thresholds in the blood, hair, piss etc. doesnt matter wtf is legal, you know places have drug/alcohol tests right? the alcohol test is usually a piss test in my experience, but its a legal substance that does not require a prescription. my point, they can test for anything they want. i did chemical plant and oil refinery work in the past, did at least 50 drug tests, we moved around a lot and always had to do one anytime we started a job at a new plant.
good point. my brother works at a huge company and cuts checks and he said he sees multiple people per month being fired for testing positive for alcohol
Actually supervise a medical clinic and oversee the new hire drug testing (hair follicle) our lab..as most do. Every half inch of hair goes back 1 month.most labs require a inch and a half sample from the root. So your looking at anywhere from 4-6 months back time. No way around it..I hate when I have emails about THC positive candidates myself as I use to smoke heavily a few years ago. Quit due to my job.
But anyways, Good luck to you
That’s actually a brilliant suggestion
no it isnt lol they're going to do a hair test one way or another and you immediately look suspicious if you shave your head
Thanks user
i feel bad user you're kinda fucked
Lol it's a bit of weed. Wax your entire body like one of those cats and scream about alopecia
>Drink a lot of cranberry juice
Yes because as everyone knows cranberry juice leads to alopecia which would help with the hair test... dumbass
I think he just read wrong
Get a medical card if you can. Depending on the laws in your state, they can probably still get rid of you if they really want but at least you'd have an excuse when they see you failed.
they do not care. medical use is not a valid excuse for any company that is actually testing for drug use
So many "This's".... You're fucked man.
I mean, how long is your hair? when was the last time you got it cut? That shit stays in the shaft at a mitochondria level.
My advice... Murder suicide.
Go for the high score.
The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=
>hair test
who the fuck even does hair tests? you getting a govt job?