Loli thread

loli thread

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That's a hamsters

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bumping for scat

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loli = pedophilia, just so you all know

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I'd do diapers but no scat. Still curious about this guy as well.

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cubs are fine too

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pedo thread

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rare blue loli fox cub

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Someone tell the story of that user, i am curious

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kys pedos

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Oh of course, that too.

Oops, meant

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Not much of a story yet, some guy last night said he was babysitting a friend's 1-year-old daughter, and that he hadn't changed her diaper at all because he didn't know how. So me and another user told him he has to change her, can't leave a kid stewing like that.
Guy says he doesn't know how, so going off the assumption he's incapable of using google, I write out how you change a diaper.
Still waiting on word if he actually did it.

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He said pic related reminded him of the tot

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anyone else posting?

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I'd post more, but most of the stuff I have saved is giantess lolis

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thats kinda hilarious

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They keep getting younger and younger every time i check these threads

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isnt it great

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What is the age range of s Loli?

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Oh you done it now, you gonna get peed on

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How was he babysitting a 1 year old baby if he doesnt even know how to fucking change a diaper?

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Thrres a few folks with specific fetishes that show up. Theres the toddlercon crowd the guys that do Loli stories gigantess guy Lolitrap etc.

Not really a problem

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Thats very good if you ask me.

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I just find it funny

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normies beware theres giantess loli and anthropomorphic loli this probably doesn't fit inside your programming

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According to him, it was a last-minute deal. Parents had shit going on, shit got changed, they've got no way they can get an official sitter in time, call him up to watch her for a bit, and boom, dude who can't even google how to change a diaper comes to Yea Forums to learn how.

Attached: Toddler Invitation (Giantess).jpg (800x706, 107K)

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I guess he is a close family friend.

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Jesus fucking Christ wtf is this shit, are you guys pedos or something there is literally mutable baby with cum on their face

I wonder what percent of the people posting here will one day end up in jail for child porn. You're all just statistics waiting to happen.

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Yes user? Did you like it?

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That pic is short one target 10$ fedora

See you there I guess

maybe a little...

someone should decensor this

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That's a fantastic artist right there, I just wish he did slightly better-looking male partners.

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Accept it user, shes cute and very sexy.

That cub is very fuckable.

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I love that its in the correct hole

This is very hot, especially the girls that is already knocked.

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I just have to accept this as my most shameful boner ever.

Whos the artist?

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Anyone know if born-to-die is working on any more games or updating Octoberween?

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toddler cunnies are only for licking

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I havent seen his streams in a long time.

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It's good, isn't it? Unfortunately I do not know, I think I found it on Pixiv though. Normally I'd recommend saucenao, but they've been kind of sucking lately.

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What about fucking?

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Yeah I couldnt find the sauce.

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Very nice butthole.

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Kukuri is very sexy, I want to have tender babymaking sexy with her. Too bad shes getting old.

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it is a nice butthole isnt it

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Loli butts are best. Wish I had more especially like this.

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It might be shameful but it still feels good.

What do you think loli buttholes taste like anons?

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Imagine the tightness of this young, clean, delicious butthole.

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not seeing as much Western Style.... really liked that

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Toddlers are lewd.

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wizardhatt on wickr

how quickly I'm learning this

Strawberry ice cream and unicorns

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All of you pedophile kikes will be lined up and shot before this is over

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That better be your Wickr, not someone elses that youre posting without permission.

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Never understood the appeal of tod, they have nearly no defining features.

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Aww look at that beautiful lil baby

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Untrue, they have round, chubby bellies, soft, puffy cunnies, and cute, plump little limbs.

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tod tummies are the best

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I posted these last night, did anybody find the source?

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Unfortunately I didn't, it's up there now with this one for stuff I really want to find.

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Attached: 16.png (1000x680, 1.22M)

Very true.

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And yet you still post here.

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Well I seem to recall theres something like 15+ issues, maybe a lot more idk.

Shouldnt take TOO long to find.

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fuck I came to tod.

mmmh what a perfect little cunny.

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Exoticcondenser. Y'all should really go on sankaku channel. Shits a treasure trove. Especially search that.

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My bad thought you were talking about the gif. But still. Reverse search or sankaku is your best bet.

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It feels so good doesnt it user

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It felt great honestly

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Good boy, keep it up.

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Go for round two?

what are these codes?

Absolutely user

anyone have real loli?

It's not hard to find.

give-me please

Guess I'll stick around if you do another thread then.



>gf at school
>playing smash bros w/ gf’s bro & sis, big 8 player brawl
>jb sis says not to attack Lucas because “his damage is at 69”
>keep quiet

What did she mean by that, user?

Not before Trump!

Reminder that toddlers are not lolis
Make your own thread

no u

fuck me that's hot