Mao sees birds eat grains

>Mao sees birds eat grains
>he tells 1 billion chinks to kill all the birds in China so that the birds won't eat their grains anymore
>1 billion chinks kill all the birds in China
>with no more birds, the insect population explodes in China
>the insects eat all the grains
>45 million chinks starve to death

>Mao needs steel to make buildings
>he tells 1 billion chinks to stop farming and working, and instead to melt down all their metal to produce steel
>1 billion chinks gather every single piece of metal in sight, including farming tools, pots, and pans
>1 billion chinks chop down every single tree in sight to fuel the furnaces, and even tear down their own houses to provide more wood
>in the end, 1 billion chinks produce millions of tons of useless pig iron that is completely unusable
>1 billion chinks now have no homes to live in, no tools to use for farming, no pots to cook food, no wood to heat the pots, and no food to eat because the insects helped themselves to it with no birds to worry about

China. The Chinese really are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.

Attached: Stupidest fuck in history.jpg (316x400, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>stupidest motherfuckers in history
>use US to pay for china to take it's waste and build territorial islands that the US can't do anything about

yeah Chinese people always seemed pretty fucking dumb to me. buddy from India swears they're the dumbest people hes ever met as well lol

>Ancient Chinese medicine
>Kill anything in danger of extinction to make your penis larger

Attached: Matt_Decker1.jpg (1436x1038, 348K)

Birds are important.

Attached: eagle face.jpg (640x481, 100K)

Shut up troll.

a real shame since the ancient chinks invented some pretty cool shit (gunpowder, etc.)

The anti-bird campaign was pure idiocy.

You remove the natural predator of insects, and the insects explode in numbers.

This isn't hard to figure out you omnicidal fuck.

>pure anti-communist propaganda


You don't think removing birds is stupid as fuck? You just make the insect population explode.

They starved because there was a colder than usual winter.

You know, I hate Communism, but you're a fucking tool going out of his way to lie about it.

It's almost like having a large, poorly educated population following a glorious leader with unwavering faith is a terrible idea. Thank god people learn from history though! Just think about how gladly they all enacted their demise, and to have done so with such unquestioning zeal...

态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 eat shit and DIE

I might. But I don't believe this story lol

speak english

shut the fuck up troll

>Mao see many people
>Mao think how reduce
>Mao reduce
>Not work

Half this thread needs to be "reduced."

习近平是小熊维尼。 他是一个又大又肥胖的白痴,不穿裤子。 真是个小丑。 20亿人是穿着没有裤子的小丑的奴隶。 你能想象吗? 可耻。 如果我是中国人,并且我了解到我是一个不穿裤子的胖头的奴隶,我会自杀。Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh. He is a big, fat, dumpy idiot who wears no pants. What a buffoon. Two billion chinks are slaves to a buffoon who wears no pants. Can you imagine it? Shameful. If I was Chinese, and I learned that I was a slave to a fat-head who didn't wear pants, I would kill myself.

Attached: One of these is a fat, dumpy piece of shit who wears no pants - the other is from a series of childr (768x432, 40K)

Cheer up. Now they follow their dictator-for-life Xi, who looks set to take their society backwards.

>Left: TFW you make when you realize everything wrong in your nation automatically is now your fault, because you're absolute dictator-for-life

That's not the only thing either

They wanted to increase crop yield so they planted seeds closer together and it ended up sucking the nutrients from the soil too fast and all the plants died and everyone starved

Actually having state of the art facial recognition software to punish dissidents is a step forward technologically.

PRC=Middle Kingdom eh?

It sounds like an urban legend

like Hitler was an environmentalist.

Chinese are insect people.

>But I don't believe this story lol
The Great Leap Forward
read more, then read about the cultural revolution (middle shoolers beating their teachers to death was common)

Some of their women are actually hot as fuck. Is that like I'm fucking a clicket?

I know all about the Great Leap Forward.
Telling his countrymen to kill birds had fuck all to do with why it failed.

It was just part of the madness, not the reason it failed. The pig iron story...when they knew it was useless, but kept at it.

Shut up troll.

Are you mainland Chinese?

Attached: taiwan.png (2000x1333, 35K)

Then tell OP that.

You're OP aren't you? :)

But is it worth having big brother?

I'm a freethinking American who knows bullshit when I sniff it. And this story is bullshit.

Look, China is essentially a Saudi oil state that has cheap labor as a natural state controlled resource instead of oil.

Seriously, think about it. It helps you understand the country so much more.

Tell us what the truth is then.

I'm just correcting your assertion, that advances in technology is progress, not taking society "backwards." Feudalism would be taking the country backwards.

That your story about Mao's killing the birds led to starvation is bullshit.

That's actually an interesting perspective...

>I'm a freethinking American
So HOW FLAT is the earth Mr. Sovereign Citizen?

But why so much dissent? You have FOUR breakway points: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and the Uighurs.

That's a lot of oppressing to do.

>China is essentially a Saudi oil state that has cheap labor as a natural state controlled resource
No, it's actually 1,400 million people under one government. As a block, it wields great power.

Dude, Mao thought only half the world at most would be killed by thermonuclear war. Guy was fucking nuts.

There's the fact that Communism was bad.

Then there's the fact that there are propagandists like you who spread lies because you think Communism will never happen again if you spread lies about it.

In theory. In practice, it's financed by a ponzi scheme of debt issuing.

Lived in HK and Shenzhen for a while

here are a few things you have to understand about China:

>1. China exists for one reason alone: Keeping the CCP members rich and powerfull.
Everything that happens in China is geared towards this goal.
And the CCP cronies will fight anyone who threatens the flow of money into their offshore bank accounts.
The term "threaten" is very important here.
You can talk about corruption and political repression in China.
No one realy cares about what you say and think.
Only if you start gaining followers, when you start to threaten the wealth of corrupt government officials (a.ka. "disturb the harmony"),
only then you will be disappeared.
Not for long, though. Your organs will show up as soon as some rich Arab needs new ones.

That may be but I call bullshit on OP's story.

It's not my story. But it happened. The starvation happened because, as it happens, peasents are not proles. During the famine, Mao had the cities fed and had grain exports, at the expense of about 70 mn country folk, who starved.

We very well could have been nuked. Russia, China and the US all had nukes.

Imagine a country that willingly destroys itself with diversity, and promotes the white genocide.

Now that's stupid.

Attached: image.jpg (121x124, 1K)

So, Flat then.
Tell us more about Admiralty Courts.

2. China has no army.
While there is an army in China, it is the CCP's army.
It's purpose is not to defend China, but to kill the dirty chinese peasants if they ever try to revolt against the party.
The PLA soldiers are literally and publicly sworn to defend the communist party, not the chinese people.
Killing god knows how many unruly chinese subjects is in fact the only thing this "army" has ever done since the day of its inception.

There is no evidence that killing birds increased insects that caused them to eat grain and make the people starve.

You are full of shit.

I don't have to do anything. You do.
You watch your fucking shit.

. China is poor
Despite all the shiny new skyscrapers in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, China is still a piss poor country with a substantial portion of its population living off less than 2 US$ per day.
While there is considerable economic improvement in China, economic growth has been nowhere near as high or steady as the Communist Party claims. See the "Ghost Cities" for instance

The world is round you fucking retard. That isn't the issue.

You spreading lies about Communism is.

I suggest you go look up what guanxi is, what a snake head is in the context of Chinese society, and that you talk to some Chinese who try to start their own businesses without having any connections. You will be ignored as long as you are unsuccessful and insignificant, but as soon as you are a big enough fish to be noticed? You'd better become "friends" with your local party officials (via some generous donations to his personal bank account) or friends with someone who has influence with them, or you will suddenly run into various misfortunes in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

t is much, much worse than conventional nepotism. As I said, the way business is conducted over there is such that the only way you are allowed to be successful is by literally paying off the people who stand above you in society with bribes. They will do everything in their power to ruin you if you dare to defy them, and you have no recourse from the legal system because the laws do not apply when you try to employ them against anyone who is more powerful than you are. Nothing in the west today is even remotely comparable to how corrupt things are over there.

Which means Communism failed and now their ultra-neoliberalism is also a failure.

so he's like the chinese version of trump?

Jews did 9/11

Trump is actually very popular in China. Go figure.

I'd beat your fucking ass irl

Attached: 20-000-30-000-civilians-were-eaten-decisive-tang-strategic-victory-https-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-battl (500x429, 97K)


>You have FOUR breakway points
Nope, just three.
Taiwan does not count as the the USA will interceed there. How do I know? Look at a map, if the CCP takes taiwan, it'll be able to harass the marines in okanawa, and guam too. It also cuts off the US Japanese naval bases (7th fleet) from allies in the S.China sea.
If Taiwan falls to China, it'll be America's Suez Canal. China gains access to the Pacific. (For you younguns, the Suez Canal debacle signalled the end of the UK as a world power).

pic related. This guy has been doing nothing but pressuring China from day one. Locking down the pacific. In comparison, Obama was weak.

Attached: trumpo.jpg (900x593, 87K)

>Mao had the cities fed and had grain exports, at the expense of about 70 mn country folk
can you not fucking read?

sure he is buddy, sure he is

Assuming that happens. Then you goto jail. I sue you. I take everything you have, or will ever have.
I destroy your life legally, your families lives, everyone connected with you.


I live in Florida, and don't back down. CWL ftw.

reminds me of this

Attached: working in china.png (1400x5552, 946K)

Hi, I was wondering how the mainlanders you met felt about Taiwan. The few that I met (outside of China) actually start frothing at the mouth at the mention of TW. I'm not exaggerating, they get very, very angry.

I smell a Californian. God forsaken liberal cuckhold.

I work in a similar industry, just the other side of it.
Will never go back to the PRC, even the fucking Malaysian govts are exemplars of integrity and forthrightness in comparison to China.

Thats why we moved shop.

That reminds me of a friend that was born in Taiwan. He and some others made it a point to describe themselves as Chinese, but not China-ese

Well that's 'Modern Medicine' for ya

Attached: nom_eum2ea.jpeg.jpg (912x513, 31K)

>The Chinese really are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.
Pretty much. Now they want to control shipping lanes with pretend military islands. We should use trained dolphins to mine those islands and sink them.

You dumb fucking shithead. It wasn't because they killed birds. They did not anticipate a freak winter and that killed most of the crops.
God damn it I wish Communism existed just to send you to a fucking camp so you'd SHUT UP.

^Underrated post.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

6 million Jew's never died is what you'll say next?

HK's generally don't care one way or the other, they are in a boat that is sinking.
The bulk of the middle aged 40+ ordinary folks I encountered were vile rabid animals anytime the subject came up.

The younger people were less interested one way of the other.
The Party guys generally refused to talk about it or used something along the line sof "Propped up Western Lackey

Or used dolphins strapped with mini nuclear devices. A few dozen armed flippers would give a good ole wakeup call

Holy fuck you are retarded. This is from the wiki article OP linked:
>By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion due to the influence of ornithologistTso-hsin Cheng[2]who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains.[8][9]Rather than being increased, rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased.[10][9]Mao ordered the end of the campaign against sparrows, replacing them withbed bugs, as the extermination of the former upset the ecological balance, and bugs destroyed crops as a result of the absence of natural predators. By this time, however, it was too late. With no sparrows to eat them,locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by theGreat Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[10]Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating theGreat Chinese Famine, in which 15–45 million people died of starvation.

>>The Chinese really are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.
Put one million muslims in camps, 12 million in a big open air prison. It may look solid, but I'm guessing they're creating a tinderbox that'll blow up in thieir faces. Just add small arms and some $$.

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Pic related.

Attached: 1553616322725.png (500x369, 72K)

>insects eat all the grains
the drought was a way bigger problem

Interesting, so if it's just the older generation, is there a chance that Taiwan will be forgotten, become less of a issue?
Or do you think millitary action by the PLA is on the horizon

attached vid. - Chinese new year, the CCP put out a lovely little movie showing PLA aircraft circulating Taiwan, along with scenes form Taiwan. The ROC gov promptly released the attached vid.

Checked, sick post number.

Oh its an issue. The CCP won't let them EVER go. Taiwan is Chinese. Now and forever. It s a massive loss of face to the Party.

Don't think they wouldn't do something drastic if they though they could get away with it (ie fast enough, a fait accompli so the world could only issue indignant UN protests) triggered by some Taiwanese "provocation" or "immenent threat to the PRC or to support the Taiwanese people's over throw of the corrupt government, with a Chinese supported coup d'tat

The younger people, mostly just don't care. Taiwan is is like a rebellious sibling the family doesn't talk about.

Taiwan has always rebuffed Chinas "one country: 2 systems" overtures. Hell look at HK right now to see how long THAT lasted.

Can you summarize for a world ignorant american? What's the relationship and history with Taiwan and China?

Doesn't end with China. Russia had Lysenkoism and the khmer rouge pretty much said fuck modernish industry and wanted everyone to be farmers.

Liberals in the US are always "why don't we have trains like they do in Europe they're so much better!!!!". If pinkos took over I can totally see them tearing up all the roads and trying to build trains everywhere completely fucking everything over.

Maos got the highest score in the history of the world when it comes to killing people. Even hitler and Stalin combined can't reach his numbers.

Wiki can give a better overview, cause you gotta know the history of how Taiwan came about.

Basically, the PRC (mainland) sees Taiwan (RoC) as a rogue Chinese state in rebellion. This prevented a tidy closure to the Chinese Civil War where Mao wins forever everything. This little island is a giant thorn in the CCPs s (Chinese Communist Party) side and is a severe unending loss of face.

Officially the Taiwan Issue concerns whether the existence and legal status as a sovereign state (country) of both the ROC and the PRC is legitimate as a matter of international law.

See here:

nothing to do with china, very much to do with communism

>nothing to do with china
What about the other 1600-1700 recorded famines in Chinese history?

Thanks, reading.

Go eat a fetus you insectoid

Say that to my face, fucker and not online, see what happens. Go suck a baby cock, yid.

>one child per family
>family prefers boys
>country is mainly a sausage fest now

Attached: 1939C07D-9CAC-47F5-A6A9-93CFEE85872C.jpg (995x2048, 218K)

Its cold all the time in western europe and the U.S. during the same time period PEOPLE DONT DIE BY THE MILLIONS RETARD

It's an island we can do plenty if it comes to war. See WWII.

You'd probably get your ass beat. I'm not even that user. Having uncontrolled rage in a fight is a bad idea

Attached: 57701453-9C95-4066-BEC8-1E96DE0C64DF.jpg (2048x2048, 643K)

You act like the “truth” about communism is somehow better. Its still shit in any form retard

Imagine a country full of retarded incels making up "white genocide" to cover the fact that they can't get laid because they are socially inept hate filled racists.

good job, these other faggots may not get it but i do


not a bad take

this is what american lawyers want, only through corporatism, ip squating, nebulous terms of use, eulas and everything being a license terminated at the other partys discretion

when Yea Forumss post quality exceeds that of /pol/ it usually means i need to drink more

Literally a dead state run by sub-human nigger variants that is only thriving because they are the second place backup plan to the USSR for commie loving politicians in the Western World
