if you vote for this idiot in 2020,you deserve to be dragged into the center of your town and stoned
If you vote for this idiot in 2020,you deserve to be dragged into the center of your town and stoned
Other urls found in this thread:
It's people like you, OP, who are the reason I'm GOING to vote for him again in 2020.
If we don’t vote for him you antics fucks are going to try and kill us anyways. We literally have to vote for him because the left is off in fucking narnia chopping kids dicks off and trying to give out “fun monies”
Are you supplying the pot for the stoning or do I have to bring my own? Remember faggot if you join the circle it is puff, puff, pass, motherfucker
funny,you do realize republicans are anti drug right? maybe if didnt have a pile of shit in the place where your brain should be you would understand what i meant,retard
>hurr durr the left
so your response is electing a president who has been a part of the left for most of his life? good job retards
''vote for this man and you will die''
I don't negotiate with terrorists.
If you don't vote for him, you deserve to be hung from the tallest tree.
Yikes, such hostilities.
Love trump
Assuming everyone is a drone that tows the party line to a T...
I guess it's easier to live in black and white, requires less nuance and thought...
well, with the way the voting system is set-up in america, it is black and white.
your right,i forgot.there is no republican party anymore.your trump guy and his supporters have ruined everything they stand for
Conservative types are not necessarily anti drug.
I’m going to vote for him in 2020, and by 2024, I won’t have to vote for him, because he will be emperor by then
Hail Emperor Trump!
dude, after we vote for him in 2020, we're gonna fucking find you. Just because we can't be bothered till then.
I bring you 2024
You'll be butthurt for another 4 years and can't figure out why you lost
by far the best option is trump u lunatic.
You're welcome to try Snowflake...
Why are you so mad OP?
Do it fucktard. Stoning requires a lot of gutless bullies and one or two defenseless innocents. In your case, you are going to be standing alone in the middle of a large gathering of highly competent and VERY pissed off conservatives, not the squealing weenies you liberals are. Every ONE of those stones is going straight up where the sun don't shine for you cupcake
Ohhh you poor, misguided, so-called "martyrs".
Why do you continue to believe that you're part of some stupid "noble resistance"? Why does Trump Derangement Syndrome control every facet of your existence? Do you not understand that we can all work hard for a greater America - the kind of America that will provide its own products with its own materials again, the kind of America that doesn't have to rely on the TRULY evil ant-people, the Chinese, and their inferior materials made in literal slave-shops?
Do you not understand, after 20+ years of the Internet being available to just about everyone on Earth, that the mass-media is playing you for a fool and attempting so very much to discredit the greatest President in 50 years? A President who TRULY gives a fuck about you, BECAUSE he isn't a politician? Do you not KNOW how to step outside the proverbial "box" that is your life, and understand things from a greater perspective?
We who know these things, we don't hate you. We just wish that you'd understand. We wish you'd break the terrible programming you've received since Day One. We hope you can pull that proverbial "plug" out of the back of your head and see, as we do, why Donald Trump is the last and GREATEST bastion of hope for humanity.
ALL humanity.
>tl;dr: can't read three paragraphs? This place isn't for you. Maybe kindergarten is, faggot.
>inb4 "Russian shillbot"
I understand and even empathize with you. It's difficult to break that programming that the television has instilled upon you and millions of others. But I have faith. So much faith in you. Let's work together to support PRESIDENT. DONALD. TRUMP.
best president there has ever been, economy has never been stronger, employemnt highest its ever been in the entire US history no other president has achieved this, first US president to start peace talks with North Korea. And first Alpha male non soy boy cuck president. OBAma is a faggot, Michelle Obama is a man. And you are a snow flake sjw soy cuck , kill yourself
then why did they support that hillbilly who wanted to start the war on drugs again in the trump administration?
>best president there has ever been
not even a good republican,let alone president
maybe your confused with george w bush.now there's what a good republican looks like,not some draft dodger who throws tantrums on a daily basis and wanted a military parade
Ok sand nigger
>draft dodger who throws tantrums on a daily basis
found the soy boy
trump supporters are no better though,your anti gun and get offended just as easily as they do
hate trump, hate sjw more
hillary last time, trump this time. fuck you people, hope it gives you a stroke
>dragged into the center of your town and stoned
And who would do this to me?
Do you regret cutting your penis off and being a degenerate faggot? you are literally a NPC
>"tump sporters are rarted"
>calls me a degenerate faggot
>while using the word npc
let me guess,you also use the word deplorable to.i guess your sister was to busy for sex tonight and now your taking out your anger(because nobody is more angry then a trump supporter)on Yea Forums
I mean there are easier ways for your girl to give me weed, but okay
You voted for both of the worst candidates, you’re a disease
While I agree that liberal tears are delicious, that is just a byproduct of making the only rational choice.
actually bernie sanders was the worst candidate
>liberal tears
funny,trump supporters have cried more then liberals have.most recently with that soccer player
Fuck you Hitler! I vote for who I want.
of course,you vote for somebody who's as dumb as you are
OP get the cocks out of your mouth and stop baitposting
Stoning? OP obviously is a fan of Sharia Law
I'm convinced. Democratic policies are the right way to go.
It's idiots like YOU who deserve to be beaten to death.
Right back atcha, traitor!
Welp, this is finally it Yea Forums
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes.
Iive stream link + further explanation:
Massive defeat for YOU if they ran that cunt.
And who would do that to me?
Your butt will be especially sore, traitor.
Trumptards are THE biggest snowflakes.
finally, a spam free ylyl thread
Trumptard is a criminal.
A traitor.
A rapist.
Kill yourself, Putin Troll
bernie was an idiot's candidate, get a job
I would.
He's going to win because the democrats are literally to far gone to the left.
Zero introspection, pure ideological decision making.
Murdered? Throwing you commies out of helicopters is self defense.
Best candidate.
Trump was the worst.
He will lose.
So Hillary lost to the worst candidate ever, and Bernie was such an incompetent boob that he lost to the candidate that lost to the worst candidate ever?
Goddamn, sounds like you picked some losers, Tina.
Truth dubs!
Hanging dead fascists by their ankles to be pissed on is justice.
Thank God democracy protects both your right to have this opinion and my right to vote that idiot in 2020
MAGA 2 soon, this country just need to be perfected
Nah, abolishing ICE, open borders, endless social services for illegal immigrants, poop cities.
That's a lot worse then "Trump's an asshole." Sorry dude.
yeah i dunno man, for one thing I am 6'3" and 200 lbs of muscle, and for another, we don't even live in the same country. You're not dragging anyone anywhere.
You picked the Ultimate Loser.
A phony blowhard self-promoter.
Never earned a dime.
Thinks windmills cause cancer.
Airports in the 18th Century.
Is in love with the tyrant of NK.
You picked a real "winner".
Fascists are a phantom and you know you fucking disingenuous piece of shit.
You're a lying weenie faggot trap.
Trump is way below being an asshole.
Well why don't you "dox" me and come find me then. Oh, you can't, because you're all talk and no action.
Trumptards are fascists, you disingenuous load of horse shit.
I agree with everything you just said. I want you to know that I agree with the democrats on virtually every issue, and haven't agreed with Trump on anything.
And I hate SJWs so much, and the party that supports and enables and cheers them, that I'd sooner vote for a man I have zero faith in, and nothing in common with, before I'd vote for someone likely to vindicate or empower them even a single iota.
If my choices are turning my country over to the "power and privilege!" morons, or watching Trump burn it down, give me a fucking match.
Wrong. You don't know the meaning of the word fascist. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by calling you disingenuous but now it's obvious that you're just a retard.
just boycott the elections retards
lefties are fucking degenerates, we can all agree on that one, but trump is the biggest israel supporter in like...ever? so fuck him too
sort out the kike problem first, otherwise the whole charade that elections are is nothing more than a not-so-cheap amusement which works to divide us even further...dumbasses
I am already stoned. Good luck dragging my fat ass.
I must deserve to be dragged into the center of your town and stoned
Just one more reason I carry a 357 mag.
fascists are disingenuous, you horse load of Trumptard shit.
Didn't we fight a war or something to prevent this kind of shit where the kid of the rules becomes the ruler?
a POTUS with sext leaks on onion sites
fuck it, why not
>highest employment/economy
Piggy backing off Obama and he was dealt with the housing crisis.
You’re so gay, it hurts.
Fuck off cuck
You mean the train wreck of an economy left by Bush that Obama worsened.
Obama was piggy backing off the Bush economy, Trump inherited an Obama disaster, but his economic plan was so rebust that he STILL managed to turn it into growth
but you knuckle draggers will just keep attributing anything good to Obama, anything bad to Trump, with no rhyme or reason
Halfway there bro
these threads are actually posted by the trump campaign trying to mobilize voters, it seems to be working really well
If Trump 2020 causes SJW suicides, and maybe some goddamned introspection on the part of the far left, I'll vote for him twice.
Didnt he just like get in trouble? like he went to court or something?
Nope, exonerated
so have republicans though or do you think donald trump is right wing,LOL
funny,the commies are trump supporters.after all,every communist dicator wanted to get rid of the guns.and so does your orange man
You're right. I don't care, I'll vote for Trump anyways, I'll do ANYTHING to inflict discomfort and pain upon SJWs. If destroying my country crushes these fucking morons in the rubble, more's the better.
I didnt vote for trump in 2016.but i am in 20/20 for a couple of reasons , Hes done a good job cleaning up after obozo .#2 look at the dems and their followers . does anyone want this huge pack of whiney spineless pussies in charge?
then tell the left to run a candidate that's actually worth voting for
cuz biden ain't it, chief
I live in the middle of my town and get stoned every day
thats eva green btw, not jolie
Nope, that's Tiffany Trump.
whats the point of acting retarded?
It's Julia Louis-Dreyfus, you mong.
life is too short to "pretend" to be an imbecile on Yea Forums
do better, for yourself
(Says the guy spouting nonsense on Yea Forums.)
Fuck. You. OP.
Enjoy crying your eyes out in 2020 when Trump wins!
Nah, Tiffany Trump is the best guess so far.
you wish, lefty
Lol such a tolerant left
You’re worthless
You have no legitimate reason to dislike him except what your media has told you, and what your gay little twitter feed commands you to think. You’re a modern day sheep. Subordinate scum bag. Off yourself
> whats image search
You have no legitimate reason to like him except what your media has told you, and what your gay little twitter feed commands you to think.
Sorry user, if the Democrats insist on running a far-left extremist (open borders, abolishment of private medical, general socialist economics... the shit that 80-90% of Americans actively disagree with) then Trump is winning 2020. I didn't vote Trump in 2016, but if the Dem candidate is bad enough, I'm voting orange.
dragged down by the stone
You're sooooo full of trump. Far left my Sarah Huckabee.
>If you vote for the party I hate, you deserve to die!
NPC Logic
The carnival sure is in town.
I'm where that Jill Stein dot is. The Dems are splitting into two groups, and the one in charge now is all the way up and all the way left. So the distance from where I am, and where Trump is, is shorter than me and the socialist retards that the Dems are running.
Imagine being this brainwashed
My dick is already hung. Remember faggots, it's lick, tug, suck.
This whole thread.
Stay mad lefties. This is why we will win again. People politely agree with you in public, and then disinfect their hands to remove the aids they got after shaking yours.
The Dems in charge are Trump enablers, like Pelosi and Schumer. They're as right-wing as Her Reptilian Majesty is.
The new current is actually quite centrist although it's being referred to as "far left" and "radical". The DNC is as invested in this lie as are the trumpies.
>quite centrist
They are literally as far left as you can go on the economic axis, and as far up on the authoritative axis as possible. They are not moderate, not centrist. Centrist means between conservative and liberal policies. They are so far left that they are completely illiberal. They are all identity/group politics, and only care about power dynamics. They think they are in the middle only because the 94% of the population yo their right all look like nazis.
If they are centrist, name the policies that are further left. There should be a lot of them if they are centrist.
Now you're just making shit up. Go back to /pol/.
This thread is 110% pure proof the left can’t meme
Good argument. Nice examples of further left policies. You're totally convincing me. Go back to twitter?
I love Donald Trump, and I will vote for him again. It's not like any limp wrists are going to try and fight me for it haha
yea because "independent" means left
Only traitors, who hate America will not vote for trump
America is the loud retarded cousin of the world.
Shut the fuck up trump is based
>non soy boy cuck
Is he though?
>had to pay pornstar for sex.
>bitches on Twitter like a 14 year old girl
>had to bribe a doctor to lie about his health
>gets dicked around by Congress
>Had to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Dude, Trump is king incel.
Has no actual appeal aside from appealing to people who actually believe in white genocide, conspiracy theories, and greedy businesses that realize he is a useful idiot.
But he will win in 2020, because the left is so fucking cringy that anyone moderate will vote for him, just like they did in 2016. And then we will have another 4 years of us getting fucked, and dumbasses like you believing as long as the economy is getting better, it means the country is doing better. You know despite the fact that the homeless population is growing, Trumps "friends" are the only ones getting richer. The right and the left are ruining this fucking country.
100% agreed.
Not happening. We are ENDING that brainless subhuman criminal.
TDS isn't a thing. You look retarded when you try to claim that stupid shit.
>Going to try and kill us anyways
Antifa kill count in USA, 0.
Right wing kill count in USA, over 300.
Try again.
everyone in my town is going to vote for him too so fuck off
by the pussy
Gonna vote for him again and bask in your butthurt
Free weed im down
quoting the right post.
Try again.
Check out the 'tism on this guy
Total shill, probably being paid to be here. Fuck off this site
>itt I vote to trigger libruls
yeah I'm sure that's what the founding fathers wanted for this country
Civil war against pussy whining liberals would be glorious.
[this is how retarded Trumpanzees actually are]
And the right can't think.
Nice try, faggot. Trump is the enemy and a criminal traitorous grifter. ENDING him is the most patriotic thing a person can and will do.
Nothing proves right wing nut retards' point like a badly shooped, fictional newspaper cover.
It won't matter. We're annihilating you all again. The GOP will be eradicated from our government once and for all.
kek, look how cheap, thin and low quality that rag is.
The shills on this site are all web brigade operatives and stormniggers.
I'm sad that I won't be able to vote for him.... :(
> A President who TRULY gives a fuck about you, BECAUSE he isn't a politician
If you genuinely believe this, you are the one who has been brainwashed. Trump has demonstrably favoured policy which benefits the few over the many. As in not what the media says, what he has actually done as a matter of public record from Whitehouse sources.
He does not care about us. He proves it with his actions. Be cares about making life easier for the rich so that when he goes back to that life after his presidency be and his family will reap the rewards. He cares about making a big show of anti immigration policy which he knows full well is wasteful and there are more efficient ways to get it done and when people point this fact out he accused them off wanting open borders (protip: democrats consistently fight for stronger protections at the border, the wall has been the only exception because it is wasteful and will not be nearly as cost effective as increasing manned patrols, something the democrats have fought fiercely for) and everyone gets distracted and nothing gets done.
You're a retard.
I'm sad you're retarded enough to want to.
[still no counter argument]
[no examples of further left policies]
[keep on retarding, retard]
>can't force my views onto others
>must be paid operative
Why do you hate white people so much?
>He does not care about us
He's literally the only person in DC that has the balls to stand up to China.
Trump is an Executive Leader. Most libs don't understand this and assume he's arrogant.
History will judge him fairly.
He's on par with Reagan
A small minority of them are making the entire country look fucking retarded and I'm sick of having to be associated with such subhuman maggots as the Klan and NeoNazis because they had to go and get uppity supporting the shitgibbon just because I'm also white.
Before 2016, I never understood why serial killers tend to hunt in their own ethnic groups. Now I don't just get it, I fucking sympathize.
Trump is an abject failure, a grifter and a complete fucking imbecile. He's NEVER been a good businessman, he's always been a world-class fuckup.
>on par with reagan
History has already judged him, user. He's the dead last, dead worst, most pathetic excuse for a leader in US history. He is the DEAD. LAST. president in ranking.
to be fair, Reagan was also fucking shit, but he was much better than Dumpty-tard
>Open borders
That thing no democrat politician wants?
>abject failure
Dow at all time high
Unemployment at record lows not seen in over 50 years
Soon to be fair trade between US and China
All this in just the 1st term.
If that's failure then I'll take failure any day.
What about the national debt? There's a deficit of 1 trillion every year being added to the debt; nobody talks about that. How long will this bubble last?
I'm not a Trump super fan, but it's funny when the Dem candidates act this way during debates and stuff. It's like they have no idea why he won the first time. "Maybe if we insult half the nation, we'll be triumphant!" Great strategy, morons.
That is demonstrably incorrect. All the growth you celebrate had already been a trend before Trump's election. Every scrap. Job growth? Pic related. Notice how toward the end of Dubyuh Bush it drops? Notice how at the end of Obama it had been climbing for years?
>He is the DEAD. LAST.
You're fabricating lies to justify your feelings.
>What about the national debt?
>end of Obama it had been climbing for years?
Obama did it under QE
Trump did it with a raising rate environment and without training wheels.
>learn to economics
>b-b-but mah Obama gave my illegal-ass free healthcare and food stamps forever
Another idiot that thinks people are either Democrat or Republican and can't be bothered discussing a question that challenges their politics. For the record, the debt surged under Obama as well.
I'm already stoned my dude
>if the Democrats insist on running a far-left extremist (open borders, abolishment of private medical, general socialist economics... the shit that 80-90% of Americans actively disagree with)
They don't (no Democratic politician advocates for open borders, abolishment of private medical is not the same as introduction of social medicine, and social policy is not the same thing as socialist economics. Go learn what socialism is before you call everything it, you're worse than the 'Trump is fascist' retards)
Show me a democratic candidate who isn't a complete retard and I will take what you say seriously. Until that happens enjoy the show and try not to be so butthurt because Democrats have lost their collective minds.
He has fuck all to do with the market and even less to do with the unemployment. ALL set by Obama.
>Trump approval: 50
Not even a Foxtard would buy this fuckery.
Booker just helped several illegals get across. No one is explicitly stating they want open boarders, but you have not be autistic and read between the lines sometimes.
Don’t you have some black guys to watch fuck your female roommate?
>Vote for my side or we'll kill you
Proving once again that a vote for Trump is a vote for democracy.
actually I'm citing studies and ranking charts by experts. You're free to believe otherwise for your tiny, fragile little mind though.
this is why he gets my vote, the left is violent :)
>ALL set by Obama.
You are a child who has no clue about the Trump tax cuts. Literal tsunami of cash repatriated to the US. Fat dividends and stock repurchases.
Obama has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Nice try, but we're fucking ENDING him. There is nothing further to be said. The fucker and his staff are being eradicated from our government with extreme prejudice.
Stoning? We know what you are.
The Trump tax cuts affected the 1% and only the 1%. The middle classes paid MORE in taxes under the Dumpanzee and the subhuman enemy GOP than we did under Obama. So shut the fuck up. Trump lied to you you fucking retard.
Has a lot less of an impact when the evangelical pieces of shit are calling for death to gays and shit too though.
>Pution Troll on Yea Forums
kek indeed
Just because you really need something to be false doesn't make it so.
Do you say this because you're a Muslim
That's a very terrorist thing to say OP.
Someone didn't watch the debates...
>learn what socialism is
State/public ownership of production and the distribution of commodities. AOC and her camp of Dems are socialist. The rest are neolibs, but are moving rapidly left to compensate with the social media gains made by the socialists. It's all a retarded war to pander to the most progressive 6% of the population while abandoning everyone else. Because Trump convinced them that Twitter is now the key to victory.
All the poll data, from all sources, show that their policies are hated by 80-90% of the public.
It's a completely fake macro you fucking retard.
>The Trump tax cuts affected the 1%
Again, feelings aren't facts.
Record highs affect everyone. Your parents have a 401k? If so, they are loving Trump.
They're here. They use /pol/ for operations.
>completely fake macro
It's ABC News. They are far from the right.
>Fake news dumbshit.
Not even the same story but k
You're fucking hilarious. I, unlike you, paid taxes. So did my parents. We all paid a fuckton more thanks to that subhuman criminal enemy fucktard COCKSUCKER. FUCK Trump, can't wait till the nigger DIES.
Damn you are muslim and gay.
You can tell the actual Americans on here from the web brigade pieces of shit and trolls who don't pay taxes from posts like these. FACT: Trump's taxes, like everything else he's done, FAILED to help anyone but his faggot self.
>We all paid a fuckton more thanks to
Of course you did faggot
I did too
The more you make, the more taxes you pay
Dividends = short term gains which are taxed at ~35%. The more you make, the more you pay.
Corp buybacks raise the price of the stock because the float has been decreased. This gives the shareholder an option to liquid at his/her discretion.
>learn to money
God Emperor Trump
Did you miss this?
I wish he'd try. They'd both beat the shit out of his retarded, fat ass.
Was meant for
Thank you , must've misclicked.
>We're annihilating you all again.
>dat delusion
Ayy lmao
He's the enemy and will be dealt with as such in the end.
apples != oranges
I smell b8, but i also smell trumps fat meaty american cock revving up for round two in 2020 and i don't think some whiny cuck libtard faggot is gonna be able to compete with president chad in a race
>apples to oranges
It's the unemployment rate and trend for each president. See how the Dumpanzee piece of shit's trend is nothing but a continuation of Obama's?
You've already made up your mind, retard. I just pointed out the ways in which Trump demonstrably cares more about making the rich richer than he does about most Americans.
My reply was so that other people could see, I know I can't make you less retarded.
>most Americans
dude. Most Americans are alot richer because of Trump.
You just won't open your eyes and accept that fact.
Most of the extreme left policies retards like you accuse the left of are not actually policies the democrats actually endorse. So those, I suppose, would be the further left policies.
>Open borders
>Abolition of private healthcare
>dude. Most Americans are alot richer because of Trump.
That's an abject lie.
It's 1am in Portland
Go to bed Bryce
Very true. Trump sends me a million dollars every month because i am a white Christian patriot who praises him on Twitter every day. mawa
More specifically: Most American Adults made more money
And if you're trying to pull the uneducated, niggers aren't making more then yeah... they obviously aren't
Stop fucking lying. The only ones making more are Trump's grifter pals in the billionaire class.
If you're an adult with an education and aren't making more money then you are a cuck.
There is a job shortage user.
You can get a better job.
hehe u mad as h*ck
Ok. You are obviously 19 and attending community college.
Just the 1% are doing better.
Retail sales is being pumped up by the super rich buying tennis shoes.
Pot calling the kettle black, you dimwitted faglord.
Everything about that image is incorrect or misleading.
Trump has a lower average approval than Obama.
Obama also presided over an unemployment rate of 4.8% which had been steadily falling throughout the last 6 years of his presidency.
Obama's presidency did NOT lose the economy jobs. By the time he left he had added 11 million.
First fiscal year deficit under Trump was $779 bn (en.m.wikipedia.org
Obama presided over a 5.1% quarter of growth. Trump has yet to beat this in GDP. This image used a 6 month average against an 8 year average including a recession. Woefully misleading.
If the growth hasn't changed in any way, and is just a continuing trend, what makes you give Trump any credit for it? Learn to economics yourself buddy.
no one cares bro. pack it in. it was a valiant effort on your behalf and I won't let anyone tell me different!
33, completed 4 year college degree, gainfully employed. Cute try though, straw man faggot.
Trump has had a negative impact on my income and a devastating impact on my mother's. Fuck him. Hope he fucking dies. I will piss on his grave.
Who's the jew on the right?
get off welfare then you fat nigger
Trump did nothing but allow Obama's trends to continue. He's actually stagnated the growth and his retarded tariffs and the destruction of the midwest farming industry are hugely negative impacts he's DIRECTLY had.
He's a fucking retard, in case you didn't notice the first 200,000 times he opened his braindead mouth and he has no fucking idea what he's doing.
Oh, and for the record, there were no airports in 1775.
Never been on it. Welfare is for retarded red state conservatives.
Nope. That's Statism, frequently confused for socialism and often a bad idea, but also not what is happening. A few social policies do not socialism make just like a capital based market do not capitalism make. We live in neither a capitalist nor socialist nation, but a mixed market, and label anything that leans one way or the other identically to the extremes is bad practise in any language.
Booker helped five women apply for asylum. That is not illegal. Remember that asylum is part of our closed border system. Democrats consistently back or present plans to IMPROVE the security of the borders, but you want to ignore that and paint every little action as a subtle nod to open borders. Look at policy my friend. The Dems want a secure border as much as anyone else.
>gainfully employed and has a degree
You really are a fucking idiot, huh?
fat black
Silly user. Socialism is defined as whatever Fox News says it is, don't you know how things work in Right-TardLand?
GIGANTIC, drooling retard.
>Nope. That's Statism, frequently confused for socialism and often a bad idea, but also not what is happening. A few social policies do not socialism make just like a capital based market do not capitalism make. We live in neither a capitalist nor socialist nation, but a mixed market, and label anything that leans one way or the other identically to the extremes is bad practise in any language.
>Booker helped five women apply for asylum. That is not illegal. Remember that asylum is part of our closed border system. Democrats consistently back or present plans to IMPROVE the security of the borders, but you want to ignore that and paint every little action as a subtle nod to open borders. Look at policy my friend. The Dems want a secure border as much as anyone else.
You are dismissed.
No they are not. The retard earlier saying people are paying more taxes because they are earning more is also wrong. Wages have stagnated long ago. Deductions have redu ed even as taxes went down so the total money people end up with is less, only a top tier pedant would try and argue they are better off.
>No one cares about the truth
This is a problem, user. So no, I won't stop calling out blatant bullshit like that infographic.
>You are dismissed.
If anyone cites Fox in their argument, they lose. Period. That's universal.
Your post was of such low quality that it disqualified you from having further right to an opinion in the debate. That's no one's fault but yours. So leave. Now.
we already all determined that you're a retard. You can stop now.