How’s everyone’s weekend going Yea Forumsros
How’s everyone’s weekend going Yea Forumsros
>Me going through my camera roll
>A spy cam video I made of me treating her like a slave
That would be a gift in these trying times
It's ok I guess. Still pretty depressed I didn't get the job
I’m sorry to hear that man. You wanna talk about it?
Meh complaining won't change anything. Tbh I was bordering on overqualified so idk why I wasn't chosen. Probably went with a diversity hire.
Diversity hires are stupid, but like you said it’s pointless to complain. Do you have a steady income or was that going to be it for you?
Don’t let that get you down man, keep applying you’ll get better and the process and get the next one!
I've still got a part time but I really want a fulltime job
I wanna sleep and never wake up. Any tips?
>drunk and trolling trannies on /pol/
Can't complain.
I get that, but as long as you have some money coming in you should be okay until you’re able to get another interview
Recently lost a friend to suicide. I understand you don’t want to hear this shit, but seriously don’t do it. Call the hotline. Do stuff you enjoy. You’ve probably heard all this before, but it gets better. I promise
I will just like I said still sad. I really wanted that job in particular.
Living the life, Godspeed soldier
Think I blew the motor in my truck. This weekend has sucked so far.
don't call a hotline they just call the cops and keep you on the line till they get there
I’ve never heard that happen to anyone, but I could understand it if you said “I have the noose around my neck, and I’m about to jump” I’m sure if he just says that he’s thinking those thoughts they won’t contact the police, but I might be wrong
I'm just really tired and bored. I'm sorry for your loss.
do you think they would let that get out?
>some one is tell other people that all we do is call the cops
but he really did it once an it messed up his life
Sorry to hear that, man. Also I'm very interested in how it 'gets better'.. You mean your attitude changes as you get older, right? Because the world sure as shit isn't getting better..
It’s okay. It was a while ago, I wasn’t that close to him. I just try to block the memories from my mind
That’s just my personal outlook on life. Good things come to those who wait. Plus, I can guarantee that’s if you feel so low that you consider taking your life, you have nowhere to go but ip
Aw fair. It's a nice outlook - have good things came your way? I wish I could adopt a decent attitude. I have too much hatred and jealousy clouding my mind. Hmmm, I suppose. That's one way to look at it.
No, I wouldn’t say I’ve gotten more good things than any other random Joe Shmoe. But I just am very optimistic in general. I hope things get better for you, friend
Fair, yeah.. I've heard optimism and a positive attitude makes all the difference.
I’d say so, but that’s just me
Damn. That’s gotta fucking suck. Is it new?