lets predict what trump's twitter account will look like when he loses the 2020 election
Lets predict what trump's twitter account will look like when he loses the 2020 election
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Do you ever get bored of this OP?
He was decided as the winner months ago.
Get with it.
oh really? how are you decided winner of an election that hasnt even happened yet.you know,might i suggest not acting like nazi's if you dont want to be treated like them.maybe we need to teach you trumpshits how america works.because they arent going to tolerate your orange dictator and his supporters bullshit
democrats have hacked the election with 40 million illegals, this is why we needed to cage migrants
The scary thing will be if he says the election was rigged and refuses to surrender power.
Did you watch the Democratic debates? He's not going to lose...
Kind of like how Hillary was decided the winner of the 2016 election as soon as she ran?
Why would he do that once he gets to 270 electoral college delegates?
Hey, maybe it's because elections don't mean anything and 2016 was rigged. get more buttblasted you misunderstanding fag
Trump is far more of a moderate than people give him credit for.
When it comes to "holy shit, they must be crazy" type policies, the Dems are taking the cake. They're anti-Betsy Ross flag. Like, wtf. Even Obama flew Betsy Ross flags at his inauguration.
Dems will never win with this far left stuff. The silent majority in the country is moderate and they'll be going for Trump. The only way Dems stand a chance is if Biden wins the nomination.
The Democrats will only win if Biden gets the nomination. Otherwise get ready for 4 more years of Trump.
I'd say the Democrats would be "smart" enough to realize that, but after 2016 and all of the recent BS involving Betsy Ross, immigration etc I'm not holding my breath.
>when he loses the 2020 election
You assuming a lot ....
Fake news! Fake news! Vladimir didn't help me this time! Lock her up!
Nah. Biden would depress turnout too much, that's how Hillary lost. Sanders or Warren would crush Trump. Harris is a guanteed Trump win tho,
Ironically enough, if you read the full Mueller Report, you'll find that the Russian's also helped the Bernie Sanders campaign. They funded advertisements for him, which Facebook later admitted.
Sanders you must be kidding ... Pocahontas have chance if hell froze ... If that is what you going with you already lost .
elizabeth warren? lol no chance
>all major rep candidates forget the core values their party believes in and decides to make immigration the issue
Shhhhh, bad goyim!
assuming? lol,donald trump is an absolute failure.your probably some make america great again hat retarded redneck,since those are the only people left who still support donald trump
that would be interested to see. he'd probably try to get his supporters to start a civil war and overthrow the government to instill a fascist dictatorship. that's probably what he'd do even if he won, tbh.
pic of you crying when ur wrong
nah,biden would win.hillary lost because nobody knew how big of a failure donald trump would be,now.almost 4 years later,we know.the only people who are right wing that will vote for him again are the extremist morons.they wont carry him to victory
last i checked,it was trump supporters doing the most crying
I won, I won. as soon as the 65 million fraudulent votes from illegal immigrants are disallowed I will give my victory speech. Anyone without a Keep America Great Hat had better get their's soon as the ICE will be deporting everybody without one.
lol,there will never be an obama or trump in the white house again
My 401k is winning, North Korea isn't detonating underground nukes, Syrian war is won. Looks like a lot of winning to me.
besides,this is how stupid trump supporters are.they actually want his life long democrat family members as president
Well, WHEN he loses (not if, you retards), the funny clown is going to disappear and the actual dictator is going to come out. He'll do everything he can to invalidate the election, stay in power, and the Trump supporters will cheer him on the entire way, gladly letting the country become a dictatorship.
you mean like,creating a fake emergency and shutting the goverment down because of your stupid border wall.and forcing a military parade for a draft dodger? that isnt winning user,your doing the exact opposite with donald trump.someday you'll be intelligent enough to realize how much your own party actually hates donald trump
>"He'll do everything he can to invalidate the election"
You mean like what Democrats have been doing the past couple years?
also,donald trump is horrible for business.but thanks to the fact that the only job his supporters have is cooking meth and fucking their sister's in their trailer parks.i guess they wouldnt know or care anyway
boo hoo kid,maybe you should of picked a decent candidate if didnt want people to shit in your president.but the redneck morons picked trump
The Trump spammer, never gets tired of shilling.
Look America is on it's way to a slow death. A true dictator would've taken weaponry away already examples are the man you guys glorify heavily Adolf Hitler then Joseph Stalin Mao Zi Dong and so on as dictators do. The true dictators want your weapons gone and you to believe govt is daddy and only daddy
should *have* there son. Your age is showing.
You're a pawn of the liberal media.
>Trump's a draft dodger
>Trump is building a wall
>Trump had a parade
You need to focus on things that actually affect you and your family. It's a grown up thing that you might not be used to, but try it. Stop being a Jew media pawn and think of your own life.
You’re trolling, right?
You can’t be this fucking dumb
yeah i can tell by the way he types. lol
Both parties are guilty of some bullshit. Only Realpolitik is the system that works
it won't look any different that a normal steaming pile of shit that it is now
Well, at least you admit it's stupid to want lifelong democrats in as president.
Keeping illegals out a core value of the right
I must shill my propaganda that is presented to me and believe everything the government says cause I'm a good goy
She’s a trump supporter? She cries a whole fucking lot
Congress shut it down by refusing to do their jobs
But he doesn’t matter anymore
then why do you tards bitch about obama 20/7? i think you're just trying to weasel out of being proved wrong.
I didn't vote for him in his first run, but I'll absolutely be voting for him in the second term. His broadening of the middle class put me in a better position at 22 than what my parents are in now. & in case of war? That'll just boost the economy further. I'm down for that.
literally no one on the left thinks that. that's only what trump propaganda memes say. they're obviously lying, and believing /pol/ meme's for even a second is only what dumbshits do.
I didn’t mention Obama, you did.
Meant for
The left is still against illegal immigration. Still concerned with the number of refugees. Nothing has changed in that regard.
what upsets the left is the cruelty of the current policies. Concentration camps (at $775 per day, Mar-e-Lago costs less). Tearing apart families. Deporting honest, hard-working people where a path to citizenship would benefit the US. Grabbing people trying to report crimes, going to school. CBP and ICE overstepping their bounds.
Remember that more people were deported under Obama then Trump.
trump literally took credit for the shutdown himself. are you calling him a liar?
01:34 "If we don't get what we want [...] I will shut down the government!"
01:45 "I am proud to shut down the government [...]"
Ivanknia I love you! Don't let them take me away! Somebody help! mommy
Biden will win the nomination but he's already coming under attack from his own party. He will lose to Trump.
so? trumptards still mention him 5000 times per day, and every time a debate gets a bit heated, it's mug obama this and muh hillary that. every single fucking time.
these are perfect examples why is full of shit
i'm fan of whoever throws trump into the ocean.
(democrats aren't cheering for trump because he's throwing children in prison camps)
i thought it was obvious.
Enjoy your temporary fantasy. He's a shoe-in for 2020.
The left is like a nagging wife, they won't shit the fuck up, and when you're done arguing, they think that means they've won. But there are millions like me, sick of the left's constant henpecking. Quietly ready to voice our displeasure with the left and their policies of exclusion, at the polls. It will be an even bigger landslide this cycle. The great naggening of the left is over!
I mean, liberals were blaming W. Bush for wars and the economy well into Obama's presidency. I don't see why you'd be surprised that Obama is still talked about.
Back to the original topic. If Trump loses, he'll claim fake news/election fraud and refuse to give up the office.
No matter that Trump's the one asking for foreign help in the election. And the republicans are blocking every attempt at increase election security. That would involve facts, something he cares very little about.
Okay I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're perpetuating this stupid rumor because you are still a child. What are you 19? The reason I say this is because every election for the past 20 years they said the same thing, first it was Bush Jr. Who wasn't going to give up the presidency, then it was Obama, now it's Trump. The fact is that there is no way in hell that a losing Trump tries even for a moment to keep the white house. Period. Say it with me. Believe it. Get it in your head.
And you believe that? You also think he’s a perpetual liar, but you chose to believe that one?
Mostly correct. He will concede the office, we haven't gone full fascist yet. He will claim to have won. He'll hold rallies, give interviews, bask in the publicity, rile his base. He'll go back to being a drain on the US without contributing anything, as he was during the Obama years.
Wouldn't surprise me if he's looking forward to losing.
Lmao imagine thinking Trump will lose to the fucking losers lined up for the Democrats. Keep dreaming tranny fags
Congress did do their jobs. They had a budget agreement. Trump had signed off on it, It had even passed the Senate. From there it should have been formalities, Until Trump threw a fit about his wall.
Well yes. He did shut down the government, can't ask for much more proof.
you have more faith in america than i do
A minority of voters voted in 2016.
A minority of those voted for the Barking Pumpkin.
Will history repeat itself? Really?
The best ticket would be Bernie/Tulsi, if the DNC would pull its collective head out of its collective ass.
>My 401k is winning
You lot never get tired of promoting that nonsense.
Welp, this is finally it Yea Forums
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes.
Iive stream link + further explanation:
He doesn’t eat them, he rapes them
Those are the primary reasons why Uncle Gropey can't win. Also that his campaign slogan is that he won't change anything. And because he's a corporate tool.
You're falling for the polling nonsense. That's not real, it's just there to create a bandwagon effect. Warren and Kamala are too defective to survive the primaries. Sanders has the real numbers and Tulsi has the best program.