Pokemon Box
Another Good Evening
Requests Welcome
Pokemon Box
Another Good Evening
Requests Welcome
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Good evening.
Every bump is the most wonderful bump!
But yours are top-notch
How are you tonight?
It wasn't blisteringly hot for a change. It was only really hot. So I'm not exhausted tonight!
Well that's good to hear. It's pretty warm here, someday soon we'll get that A/C fixed
>>replied the wrong post
My condolences. I cannot even imagine a Summer in recent years without an A/C.
I've spent the last few summers without it. Generally I have an affinity for the heat, and prefer it to the winters without heating- though that can be mitigated with a heated blanket.
But I know it certainly does impact my sleep quality, so when it gets fixed it should be nice.
Yeah I can't sleep at all if it's too hot.
I have two fans and an open window that get me most of the way there
Hmm, I hope we get some more activity tonight. If not, more anime it is ;p
It's still fairly early.
Then again, it's the weekend, so people might be out and about.
True true
"Bump, Mega Man!
For everlasting peace!"
Blush is always a wonderful thing. Good evening
...Do you smell something bumping?
whats up
bump for more ass
Doing well, how are you?
And female, I presume?
And so they begin to trickle in.
im doing fine
and yes thank you
whoever is posting all the trainers getting knotted, you are mega based
Story user here. Going to get started early. To keep everyone from being confused, I'll be starting tonight with a recap of last night.
Sounds like a plan~
welcome back
nice weavile butt
Good shit
Could we have more gifs?
>it's been a week or two since your friends fucked you over.
>been a week or two since you and delphox laid down together in the tent.
>nothing dirty happened between you and her, not for lack of her acting up.
>pretending you were the pokemon and she was the trainer.
>you still aren't sure what you think of it.
>you can still feel her claws on your back sometimes.
>that role reversal shit makes you feel fucking weird.
>you've been bumming your way through the city with your team. you've been living in motels and sleeping in pokecenter lobbies.
>it's a lot nicer than the tent.
>you've had to deal with delphox wanting out of her ball more and more. she never really liked her ball to begin with, but you swear she's tampered with it to let herself out.
>you don't really mind the company. it feels nice to have someone to talk to.
>she's gotten kind of pushy, though. not misbehaving, but acting up. you fell asleep on a pokecenter couch and woke up with her head in your lap and the receptionist giving you that old-lady-looking-at-cute-cat-pictures look.
>been a long day of hustling now. the people here aren't as dumb as the travelers you sell stolen cigarettes to. only thing you've managed to get in pockets was pokeballs painted to look like greatballs and knockoff pokemon repellent.
>the freedom still beats getting locked down in real work, though.
>you check into the motel under a fake name, like you've been doing.
>you drop your bag of random shit by the door, lock it tight, and draw the blinds shut.
>you feel a ball in your pocket vibrate.
>she wants out. of course.
>you drop the ball on the floor and catch it on the bounce-back.
>that cheery greeting as she takes her surroundings in, stretching out.
>the pat on the head as she passes you aggravates you just as much as normal. you still hate being shorter than her.
>you hate her giving you shit for it much more.
>you drop onto the bed, the only piece of furniture in the dingy apartment.
>there was a dresser across the bed. it looks like a snorlax sat on it.
>you can really feel the quality of this place. you got what you paid for.
>you undo the laces on your shoes and lay back on the bed. you hear the sound of water running from the bathroom sink. with a heavy sigh, you brace for the inevitable.
>you wonder if anyone's been killed in here before. this place has that kind of feel.
>you drop your phone on the nightstand and turn off the ringer.
>she comes out of the bathroom a moment later, fur slicked back and still damp. she grins when she sees you're already laying down.
>"don't give me that look."
>"you know exactly what look i'm talking about. you're staring at me like a fox looking at a chicken coop."
>she comes around to the other side of the bed, climbing up beside you and wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
>"which one of us is the big spoon tonight?"
>you get answered with her pulling you into a hug and propping your head on her shoulder.
>"don't know why i bothered asking."
>because you like to get told what to do by her.
>she's starting with this shit again.
>"delphox, you are not my trainer. you are a pokemon, and
>you get cut off by her paw being pressed against your mouth.
>you give her a half-hearted glare. she gives you a smug smirk.
>not worth fighting. you sigh and give up. her paw travels across your cheek to brush your hair out of your face.
>"starting to wonder if you get off from this."
>you get answered by a rumbling purr.
>"that's creepy."
>you get something between a kiss and a nuzzle on the top of your head.
>"you keep this up and i'll get a ball with a lock on it."
>you feel claws on the back of your neck. you quit arguing. she won't hurt you, but she'll just make fun of you for losing the argument later.
>you wonder how many weirdo's have had wet dreams like this before.
Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. CM
Livestream video link + explanation: spit.mixtape.moe
requesting pokemon being aggressive
this links to a virus website. don't open it
wait this aint pokemon
>"you know something? i'm glad i never taught you attract."
>she giggles into your hair and gives you a tight squeeze.
>"delphox? why do you do this?"
>you've asked this before and every answer has been some kind of coy flirt.
>this time your answer is a shrug and a nuzzle.
>"not helpful. look." you sigh and gently push away from her.
>her paws on your back catch you before you go too far. you've got just enough leeway to scoot up and look her in the eye.
>"delphox. listen. you've been with me since i was ten. i've had you since you were a pup. i've always seen you as a close friend and as a sister. what am i to you now?"
>her eyelids are half shut. she's smiling.
>a paw slips around the back of your head. you realize a moment too late you shifted up at the perfect height to get pulled in for a kiss.
>you meekly try to pull away. it's no use. she draws you in close.
>even closer.
>you can feel her breath against your lips.
>you know what she's about to do. you've expected her to do this for a while now.
>you don't have it in you to fight anymore.
>you close your eyes and try to ignore yourself shivering.
>at the last second, she turns her head upwards and gives you a little lick on the nose.
>she pulls away, chortling like mad.
>you want to make a fuss but the butterfrees in your stomach keep you still.
>eventually, she stops laughing and returns to making bedroom eyes at you.
>"you're a bully." you try to muster the anger you've been keeping in check for a while, but it comes off more as flustered.
>"that still doesn't answer my question. i could make fun of you too, you know."
>eyebrow raise.
>you instantly draw a blank as soon as your challenged. you're still kind of scrambled thinking about her locking lips with you.
It is clearly a bot. I've seen it posted a few times now, yeah. But good to let others now.
>you aren't good at actual flirting. how are you supposed to do weird teasing thing?
>you lay there like an idiot and try to come up with some kind of argument.
>it comes natural for her. you hate it.
>her head tilt tells you everything you need to know. she called your bluff.
>"...fuck you."
>you're answered with a wink and a blep.
>that did not help the flustered feeling.
>"uh. is that an invitation to, or. uh."
>you get answered with her pushing you onto your back and drawing you in close again.
>you feel her wet nose against your ear.
>her tongue drags up your cheek.
>this isn't the first time she's licked you. it brings back a memory of you and her when she was a pup. you had been baking and had batter all over your face after an accident.
>this was different.
>"delphox. that was really fucking weird. you're being creepy again."
>you put up a token effort, but it's no use.
>you feel tingly all over.
>she answer you with another pass up your cheek.
>you know she's only doing this because you're letting her walk all over you. you turn to try to give her a stern lecture. she doesn't stop with the bath.
>her tongue passes up the corner of your mouth. you instinctively close your eyes as it goes all the way up to your bangs.
>you try to glare at her, but considering you have one eye closed and you're blushing neon red it doesn't really work.
>she's starting to wonder if you're enjoying this.
>"shut up."
>her paws lock around your head. she leans in before you can push her back and gives you a kiss on the eyelid you're holding shut.
>she's crossed the line. she's just trying to flirt with you now.
>"delphox, for the love of god, get off of me. i don't want to fuck you." your voice is catching in your throat and doesn't sound convincing to you. you make an active effort to push away from her to try and get some space.
This is where we left off. New content coming shortly.
Hmm, I don't have much of that. The closer porn gets to "forced" territory, the less I like it. I'll see what I might have though.
i get that just wondering
Why don't you like forced?
Despite the fact that I'd fuck a Pokemon, I'm pretty vanilla all-around. Sex should be tender and loving. I don't like to see pain or fear in porn, for the most part.
Good ol' jesus-kun
fucking imageswaps, every time
Did you get imageswapped off of g/fur? I almost didn't catch that one
Prison user. Having a girlfriend is exhausting but in a very good way. I felt so lucky i bought a lottery ticket. Request lopunnies
GG, this is finally it Yea Forums
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes. e
Iive stream link + further explanation:
Hehe yup
I'll let my present queue empty out and open with Lopunny on the next thread
Just tender and loving~? Nothing else~?
Like, say... A good hard dicking fuelled only by mutual lust?
...so long as there's no pain or fear. Obviously.
I mean, that falls under tender and loving in its own way, I guess. Consent is a big part of it, not to get all sjw-ey.
I just need to know/feel that both parties are into it.
Ah, I see. All encompassing tender and loving.
Gotcha. At the risk of repeating myself, I'm much the same way, but we've had that conversation.
That we have ;p
New thread
Another successful Box!