So which one of you was this?

So which one of you was this?

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noone because it's a fake article

stock images are a thing, you know

No fucking way. I know it's bath water, but you'd have to be filthy or riddled with disease to get someone sick from drinking it.

On the flip side, I really hope it's true and she gets jailed for poisoning some retard.

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>White """""""people""""""""

As long as it says that you're not supposed to drink it, I don't think she can get in trouble.

Or you know she could had put tons of detergents to make the water nice and bubbly. That would fuck you up if you drank it probably

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There are bacteria which grow without air, for example, like a mold do, you know.

>On the flip side, I really hope it's true and she gets jailed for poisoning some retard.

To be fair, it's been fun watching all the drama this is causing with Incels.

White people are like blacks now. There are niggers and there are blacks, among whites there are now whites and there is now trash.

Don't lump whites/blacks in with the trash and niggers.

I once paid a gamer girl I met on WoW to send me bath salts to smoke. I tripped out for days and nearly died from dehydration because I shit all over my floor. I deleted my WoW account after that and attended Obama's inaugural address the next day.


mark twain was bitching about white trash in the 1800s

it's fake, don't get your hopes up

How old are you, boy? Trash term for whiteys exists for decades


What? People have hated trailer trash for decades.

This story sent me around the world and then tucked me into bed.

I don't care if some dumbass weebs die, that is just natural selection at its finest

Liberalism manifest

Me. It was worth it. It was only half as good as the time I got a 12 year old girl to pee in my mouth though.

That was more than a decade ago; are you an actual boomer?

You say that, and yet that sonic furry dude exists. It's just ..... """"People""""

"Incels" are the ones buying it, Reddit. Why would there be drama with them?

Are you fucking retarded, user?

What do weebs have to do with this?

>not having florida knee and orthopedic centers in your state
lemoaw pleb

Why is such a mundane story blowing up so much

Someone please make a zoomer edit with him drinking bath water.

Is Activision actually alright with this chick slapping Overwatch and D.Va on promoting her bath water? Didnt they get bitchy about r34 of Overwatch?

I mean Blizzard, whoops

Not even once

Fake news
I searched up this headline and found no news sites with it.

It's honestly disturbing how many people believe fake headlines without even trying to verify if they're real

Is this a mad lib?

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you seriously can't remember Obama's inauguration? I can remember 9/11 and y2k

Is this real?

Pretty sure you rub the gamer girl bath water on your penis not drink it.

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totally worth it, btw

It's the same company

All that would happen is the guy would try to get pity points from the girl.

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I suppose that is the closest thing these degenerates will come to a bath in years, so it was not all wasted.

is this pasta?

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This girl is a fucking genius.

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the only people to be mad at are the people who enable her

Findoms have literally been doing this shit for years over the internet.

The only difference with this one is that she's more popular.

Why would anyone be mad at them? Pitiful and sad, absolutely, but not mad.

how much of the bath water did you buy user?

Maine is the Kentucky of New England

You should see her pornhub, shed trolled the fuck out of all the losers who orbit her, at this point I have to respect her. I wish I was a cute white girl who could make a fortune and never even have to suck a dick on camera. I'm pretty sure shes a millionaire at this point.

I prefer used panties.

I bought 2.

Damn Biden you crazy

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I can respect that

How much do you want to bet she just filled the jars with water from the sink.

lmao. Memes CAN be dreams.

The north east was the worst part of america when I visited the states, easily the rudest Americans and most opinionated.

Whenever I read these pastas I wonder what the fuck possesed someone to write absurdist stuff like this. Then I remember that one time I dreamed I was Elon Musk's retainer handiman and I understand where the creativity to write these stories come from.

My nigga. I love it when they leave a visible stain on the gusset.

Daily reminder that Belle Delphine did nothing wrong, we would also try to cash in on idiots on her position.

The people to blame are the betacucks who gives her money. Those people deserve no pity, no compassion, and no human rights, and one of then getting poisoned I doubt, the news looks fake would be nothing more than karmic justice.

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i was born in 2001 ;)

>I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

>Daily reminder that Belle Delphine did nothing wrong
I don't think anyone here is blaming her.

if you can't remember 9/11 you shouldn't be allowed to post

nah I had dropped out of highschool and doin weird shit. DMV is shit in general unless you're in the army. Me and my hons were hanging out in an abandoned garage ripping apart cars for money, smoking whatever shit we could find and lite up this was back when you could get weed vapes online so we'd get it by the gallon and mix it in a paint bucket. I had met her playing counterstrike and we had gotten together to ERP while drinking because it was funner, we'd listen to each other jack off until we'd get wrecked and would just make noises into the mic while on the floor. I got banned multiple times for this because I didn't know how do personal audio chat then. After I got lice in my pubes my friends had to completely shave me down and I got a job working at Micheals. It was a good change of pace, being around normal women made me realize how weird all my friends were and I ended up doing army TMALR at bluegrass.

anyway WoW only ever got worse so I don't regret it. You'd have to be a literal gaming addict to keep giving Blizzard your money.

nice man,nice.

But she's a whore contributing to the degeneration of society. I guess we can't really blame her, she's a woman, but her boyfriend is a total cuck who needs to be executed for this shit.

This is fake but it's referencing some girl selling her bathwater online and shipping it to people where it'd spend days in an unrefrigerated package without being sterilized or anything first. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't even actually use her real bathwater for it but it would still be sitting stagnant growing mold/bacteria.

>but her boyfriend is a total cuck
He's probably benefitting from the money too and laughing at her using people like this for her own benefit

Yeah, water is such a disgusting thing. Having a bottle of it stand around for a week and you risk dying if you drink it.

Someone should just fake it and sue her for everything

Supposedly he's the mastermind behind it all.
I'll never understand the mindset of someone who lets his woman expose herself to other men.

I'm sure her legal team has covered all their bases with disclaimers and warnings.

You cant sue someone for sending you something which a rational person would not drink.

It doesn't matter what your state of mind is, no rational person would drink something which is labelled 'do not drink'.

Does she though? From everything I know she makes retarded faces and that's about it

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>I'll never understand the mindset of someone who lets his woman expose herself to other men.
"we can get a shitload of money for doing this and it's not that hard"

>Send some nude pictures in an era where we can dupe any image to show a girl nude (based deepfake)
>get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to do it rather than some nerd doing it for free in his basement
Its a better way to make money than most

Yeah, I still don't get it. I guess you have to be greedy.

If you got paid $200,000 a year to show pictures of your dick I bet you would do it.

It's actually the Alabama of the North.

Theres no greed to it. They found a way to make a lot of money in an efficient manner and went with it.

I consider someone who is a banker to be worse than someone who just sends nudes for a living. There are people who actually fuck people over daily, letting people beat their meat to you is hardly a problem.

>$200,000 a year
Belle Delphine probably makes close to that in a month.

>implying all the virgin weeaboos wouldn't do this if they could get their waifu's bath water

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That's her monthly salary

Why would internet celebrities suffer drama because of bathwater?

I get being opposed to it, but do you literally not understand why someone would do it?

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>Theres no greed to it.
Being part of process that allows people to commit acts of evil for the sake of money is greed. Ethically a woman shouldn't expose herself to a bunch of perverts online. But it's particularly bad when she has a man of her own. Doing unethical things for money is greed.

>florida maine
>florida man

Being a weeaboo NEET is ethically bad too because you do nothing but leech from society

>Ethically a woman shouldn't expose herself to a bunch of perverts online
Prove it

It being fake takes all the fun out of it though.

does it matter?

>acts of evil
father molesta please get off the internet and prepare for sunday services

It's amazing that you looked so good for the event itself, Barack

>After I got lice in my pubes my friends had to completely shave me down
most disturbing part of this shitpost

>Being part of process that allows people to commit acts of evil

Have sex.

is it true that she and belle are like arch rivals or some bullshit?

Jesus said thinking about another mans wife is adultery. It makes sense, I imagine if it's accepted for men to be lustful after other peoples wives then society would be a pretty disgusting place.
Idk, maybe you're a nigger and you would like that sort of behavior to be encouraged.
>Being a weeaboo NEET is ethically bad
So the people who already masturbate to her? i guess you have a point.
I'm not religious though.
It is. Being an arms dealer for ISIS is bad. Being a drug dealer is bad. Encouraging people to commit adultery is bad. I guess that's too hard to wrap your head around.

interesting exposition user

>Ethically a woman shouldn't expose herself to a bunch of perverts online.
Shes providing a service for a fee which is paid by willing consumers in a manner which hurts literally no one. Additionally shes in a committed relationship where both parties have agreed this is a viable method of commerce for her.

Arguments about 'soul' are irrelevant there is no higher power. And ethics is irrelevant, your ethics are not better than anyone elses.

Sure kid, why not

10/10 bait here is your only (you).

>there is no higher power
Wait, can you post evidence of this?!
>hurr durr can't prove a negative!
But you should be people to prove something that you state like a fact.


This. If you weren't in college or working during 9/11 you're a shitty FAGGOT ZOOMER FUCK. FUCK YOU ZOOMER FUCKSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Jesus said thinking about another mans wife is adultery
>I'm not religious though
Sure thing pedo. Don't you have some boys that needs fucking?

Yeah, but since she's 2D, then by rule her water would be as pure as 2D itself and it wouldn't send me to the hospital. It'd all work out.

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>He's almost 40 and is still on Yea Forums
You're a disgrace.
And so am I.

>He said Jesus's name! He must fuck little kids!

You might consider suicide desu
Surely being such an insufferable weeaboo nigger is a cursed existence

Why doesn't she sell her pee? she could make millions

>i dare you to eat this slug bro what could go wrong?

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>Cool Bug Facts

probably needs a pee-trade loicense in bongland for that


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>not florida somehow


congrats you are an astronaut now

OK I'm going with based on this one

I was not in college during 9/11 because they canceled class.
Still not a boomer though.

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The only thing that makes it fun is the assumption that it's real. What the fuck? Are we meant to spend the entire thread making fun of a fictional person? Fuck off, OP

It's definitely worth it enough to live just to piss people off like you.

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Missed the point fagmeister. You didn't prove its ethically bad, you just said Jesus said a thing

>imagine if Anri squeezing her sock sweat into a bottle after a rough workout and then sending it to you

its bad because it's nigger behavior.
Like I said, maybe you're a nigger and you think that it's perfectly fine. I acknowledged that it's a matter of perspective.

I believe this actually happened

Reminder that Belle Delphine is a kike.
>Mary-Belle Kirschner

Stop enabling Jewish Supremacy.

test post please ignore

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You know you could have just said you can't prove it

Go to bed, Terrance Howard.

>everything that anyone says has to be objective
Yeah I mean I guess you could say letting a bunch of black bulls pound your wife up the butt is the good progressive thing for you to do.
Good luck with that.

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>Make an objective statement
>Not everything is objective!!!!!
Ok buddy retard

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post more of your mom

It's like being a pimp except you're the only one fucking your girls and you still get paid.

Orbiters are almost like eunuch servants. High status guys used to keep those around the house back in the day too because they weren't a sexual threat, they would never fuck his gf.


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why aren't you selling pussy water by hiring some hookers to do some promotion videos and just selling tap water?

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fuck bro

What? Are Australian slugs poisonous too?

cringe thread
cringe board
cringe tranny jannies
cringe (((you)))