Rekt thread

rekt thread

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these are weak

you're right, I fucked up, your contribution is far superior

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You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.

This thread is about to die with only 10 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.

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how can something be unfunny and unfunnier at the same time

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Oh man I bet he beats her daily

God I wish that were me.

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goto Jamaica or someplace that has a lot of Jamaican women sometime then

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What are you gonna do, shot me? ...oh. Well fuck.

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shit long time ago i dont see that comic i forgot the name
sauce me sempai

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I'm sorry I'm sorry.

420, nice.

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Jesus what a retarded lady WTF!

these two are fucking retarded, just lift the dog up to relieve pressure from the neck while the other person unhooks the collar/leash smh

Don't fuck with a man's food bro. She's lucky he didn't bite her arm off

I say the way she acts, he doesn't beat her enough!

one is a child the other is female. The dog probably knew more how to save its own life than them

oh damn this threads still going?

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How can you not control your impulsive actions like that so bad?? at your own wedding in front of everyone? really? lol

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Yeah, he def beats the shit out of her, or at least he will.

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the last chick be like
>fuck this shit am out

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That may be the worst CPR technique I've ever seen.

This ones FUCKS me up everytime!


What could possibly be running through your mind in these moments??? Sad/Crazy!

is there a story behind this?

Ending it all on stream. Thanks for the good times... Link and Manifesto: discord link: /mhHPe8D (Sorry for discord link lol)vhd


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this is why i have a problem with niggers
black people are cool
niggers are the group we need to send back to the cotto field they cleary didnt evolve properly

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god her trigger discipline is shit, good thing those were blanks or she probably would have shot the camera man.

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I'm starting to fear I will never find it. Does anyone have the Africa village execution with a cinderblock?



holy shit

looks like michael j fox isn't a good nanny

what a fucking retard

Shes gonna get abused

lost at second pickup entering frame

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I went to that link and it deleted my system32 file.

Lol like QB would kill himself when he has his sister to fuck

Detected as trojan

i wonder how many people died


its weird how the last one knew to get out of the nest after

this kills the crab


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Your cock has trojan-detecting ability?

>carry him by the neck

Wow that guy was a genius

is that his heart still pumping?

niggers gonna nig

I reckon so.

Negress couldn't keep off that vanilla.

Diversity is strength

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Where is the full video?

kill yourself shill

bot, get out of here.

children = not smart lol

faggots like you are why our children are dying, because you actually dont give a shit about them, you just sit there, and act like they're not worthy of anything.

neet getting angry because even a kid has a job smh

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he really just

fuck off jew

The face of horror

aahhhhhhhh ggahd

This one is fake

I wish I was that excited about mowing the lawn.


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>being this British

Charlie and the chocolate factory

The best part is, no one got injured in this accident. They lost one of the planes though.

Never have I seen such love. They are both on the same wave length and it shows.

Dude doesn't like pineapple juice I guess.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, id hate to be that guy

God damn thats my kinda woman!!!

this is a turkish piece of shit, turk kalic

>They lost one of the planes though
Reminds me of the transcript for Air Canada 621: "We've lost a wing"

not everyone can handle the booty

drugs make you puke esp on a slightly full stomach.

bitch didnt prepare well, and her drugs backfired

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Attached: for fucks sake carlos.webm (640x360, 1.19M)

She should have thrown a glass of wine in his face, and noped the fuck out of there. What a fucking baby.

Not true. The version with sound has her explaining how she gets sick easily because she's pregnant.

Saved the wiper though!

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When you don’t like Robby Krieger’s guitar playing

you mean the bitch was taking drugs while pregnant? and feeding her baby cum another mans cum? what a floozy


What a soyboy

Y’all know this is the most painful one.

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whats the backstory

fire in a sports arena.

what's the backstory?

they showed is this video in highschool to get people to not drink and drive

She was doing her tax returns.

Poor gal reached for the 1040 form too quickly and got a paper cut.

She’s expected to make a full recovery and back to making sandwiches pretty soon.

that's weird for me it was about the slow reaction times of smoking marijuana

Glenn Danzig with the demon seamen!

This is the only one here that upsets me, theyre fucking retards

i want to kill this cunt!

was it in lmao

just imagine what their kids will look like!

Holy fuck that is awesome

You want to see the Mexican one where they have cut his whole face off and his hands are off, and they are stabbing at him and he is trying to protect himself with his hands, but they are gone. His teeth are exposes and everything. It sticks in my mind.

I now have tears running down my leg from sending my side in orbit

Lol, there are two girls pretending to go down on each other in the bottom left.

>What could possibly be running through your mind in a moment like this?

It's called shock

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You can still think while in shock....

I'm about to go to bed soon, so probably not.

I refuse to even look at that other video again right now lol
I watch these videos before I go to sleep all the time.
They are like my bedtime stories.

Good old hurricane Harvey! Cleared out a lot of weak genes.

Doesnt use first reaction

>see leash on dog
>door closes
>tries to hold on leash

She should've immediately went to unhook the dog from the leash


not watching it, thanks tho user, maybe in the next gore thread tomorrow. lol

this guy is so virgin

Bitch got like 20 years for this cuz the fda or someshit got mad cuz she was contaminating the food or someshit

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiit thats illegal

Either a sharp shinned or coopers hawk. smart bird

Fake but kek

Fucking idiots don't dislocate the shoulder first. Why do niggers always try to cut through bone?

well, the internet story is that she was pregnant at the time and threw up because of that.

Wife material.

Family of idiots

Would eat that vibrating booty out

Perfect form!

post fat people getting /rekt/

He fucked her ass later that night and she loved it.

i rage everytime i see this , i genuinely hope this woman gets violently gang raped, selfish cunt


The dog survived

don't help just film

Help? looks like fido's doing just fine on his own


guarantee it was a mexican filming
yeah that made me lol more than the video itself

Basically a medieval execution sans medieval tools.

Yeah, fuck her affectionate teasing. What a fucking bitch.

This is way hotter than when the bitch pretends to like it.

>i'm sorry i'm sorry

guy is still wanking.

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I disagree

lunch time

She was just identified yesterday you fuckin lieologist.

did he died

Keep living in your fantasy world.

What a dick head

You're getting pretty serious about porn on Yea Forums.



Wow he's weak, how do you not kill a kid, you can kill them by accident for christ's sake


And by this you mean you never actually got caught?

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We need to investigate.

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Fuckin a man, the doors are the best.

Did your parents read you the brothers grimm?



>faggots like you are why our children are dying, because you actually dont give a shit about them, you just sit there, and act like they're not worthy of anything.

The removal of Christanity as the core driver of our culture has created this. Under christianity all life is precious.


Suicide doors 101

>all life is precious
kek, there's far to many people. We need another plague

I'd tear that fucker's eyeballs out not push him away and say hey like that guy did

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R.I.P. Kyle and Karen

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if they ran behind the concrete blocks they would probably be uninjured

yeah, dude on the right had a solid chance

I've actually seen this happen right in of me... It's very interesting.

Filename kek

Damn! .... You would have thought that was China!

one last trip to flavortown

premium grass-fed monkeys

Bambi's mom died

I understand she drove through a barricade and passed someone signaling her to stop.

welp i cannot afford maybe just a taste..


true act of defiance in the face black oppression

pfft what an idiot

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thats bs, christianity ostracises anything that deviates even slightly from christian dogma, in some cases this also leads to depressions, feels of rejection and subsequently suicide, fuck off, religion isnt an answer

Guide to become a free man

>affectionate teasing
are you retarded? she is humiliating him in front of a crowd, you don't do that shit in front of people i hope he beats her and puts her in place

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Comments on this video are always the same

>god I wish that were me
>not everyone can handle the booty
>this guy's such a virgin

Kek'd to see all the dogloving spergs from reddit get mad, thanks user.

Yay, but that fucking bitch. she didn't even try, she just pushed some random buttons on the elevator (like that's going to help). She could at least try to take of his necklace

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When you're gay af


Nah dude it's his liver

Please tell me that didn't actually kill him and he just went into shock.

Its very possible she might not have been able to. Everyone's non-reaction to the incident suggests this is the norm for all of them. Some people will legit drag a relative into guarded captivity, straight up under lock and key, if they try to leave the family without permission. My mother came from such a background, unfortunately.

See the stiff legs? There is muscle muscle tention. Im not an expert but shouldn't a fresh dead body be more limb. Like a ragdoll? That would speak for just shock in my opinion.

Those shadow puppets sure are active

Hnggggg I like it when women are all-terrain while not loosing their beauty.

does the blood make her hotter or is that just me?


story ?

Yeah. Rigor mortis takes hours.

This is pure trigger. Fucking piece of shit

It must really hurt you in the feefees to be such an irredeemable incel.

Last time I go to burning man.

Something tells me that wasn't the plan.

man I just had a super cute black girl dry hump me until I came in my pants. This reminded me of how good of a night I had.

Lmfao dem legs

If you are a guy with hair like that then you deserve to have your ass kicked daily.

If there is significant and specific damage to certain parts of the brain and neck, the body will react with immediate statue-like tension and stiffness as the body seizes up due to the massive trauma. You can find many similar reactions in other videos.

I have zero clue what was in that container, but it blew up in the dog's face and mouth. The poor thing most likely died, and immediately so.

It looks like a 2l plastic pop bottle filled with compressed air. It's expanded to more than twice its size.

Didn't monty python do a skit like this in the meaning of life?

Fuck I hate China.

Her look at the end is priceless. Fuck I hate these phony media cunts. God bless that based drunk russian cunt

Looked like a dry ice in a large plastic bottle or drum

How bad could that possibly hurt?

Oh look. Someone that had a whipping boy growing up.

Fucking idiot twice is the acceptable limit to fuck with someone after that you get what's coming.

haven't seen this in years. bless you my nigga

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what the..

Mommy's boy. Pathetic.

I love how he spergs out instead of going along with it and enjoying his new wife.

Ooooh that does make sense. That could do it for sure, all that pressure. Thanks!

omg i... i can't....

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A good opportunity to rethink your life, young lady.

As long as he didn't suffer.

Thank you! It did look like an enlarged bottle but can compressed air alone produce a residue like that? Someone else said it may be dry ice.

is this how periods work?

It's like literally looking down into the pits of hell

I truly hope it didn't as well. But Im quite positive it was quick at least. Poor lil guy.

Oh, that's awesome if he's actually dead

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me to its crazy

>humiliating him in front of a crowd
Of that is enough to humiliate him, he wasn't a man to begin with.

I live in this city.. nobody died

this is how aids got started


steam workshop

That kind of full-force beating inflicted with that sort of instrument can easily break bones and cause nerve damage up to paralysis in the legs. If he hits the genitals, they could rupture easily. It is enough pain to potentially induce a heart attack.

It fucking hurts.

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This occurred in Costa Rica. Contrary to popular belief, she made a full recovery in an adoptive home.

I fucking hate little dogs.

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Too painful to watch

fuck me thats awkward


Id still eat that ice cream

>dat nails sure dont

No one can possibly be this stupid. This has to be fake.

Typical border crossing.

its called electrecity genius

cho lol

And yet, we are witness.

but who was phone?

jesus christ!! I felt that.

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>cho lol

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dolan was phone

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It's the proper term for when you laugh at mexitards killing themselves


“Heh, sorry about that heh.”
“That’s fine, please kill yourself, ok?”

dolan no

that guy killed himself

why didn't they just jump in the water then?

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just open the door and swim away... americans...


round here.... at 28th Street BAPTIST we say jajajaja o jejejejeje o :v

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Trips of truth

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It was taiwan. That water was on fire.

Hallelujah it's raining men!

The bottle was full of liquid nitrogen. Doge got flash frozen.

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damn how bad could that hurt 1-10?
like 1 is head ache and 10 is deth

i need this rig

But if you 10 hard enough it won't even reach 1. Your scale is flawed.

fucking faggot

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Yup, obvious bullshit is obvious. If the motorcyclist was even the least bit concerned he could hit 60 in a second or three.

What a fucking douche. Sure am proud to have this idiot as president.

And people still support this obvious retard.

at least its not a nigger

The pressure needs to equalize before a sinking car's door can be opened in a situation like that. It has to be fully submerged and filled with water.

She's not gonna get it though because of "MUH RACISM"

It's a sad state when you realize George W. Bush might wind up being the last decent American president.

twiggewed topKEK

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She's facing 20 years. There has been no trial yet.

Jesus, Trump is such a nasty manchild.

Dude, fake or not the concussive force of a blank is still deadly, actors trying to be funny on action movie sets have died putting blanks against their noggin.

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