Be me

>be me
>watching anything and everything on youtube as usual
>watch a video i find legit hilarious
>actually laugh and feel happy
>channel has over 100 videos, over 10 minutes long, and all equally hilarious
>binge watch all of them over the course of three days
>no more videos
>only uploads every couple weeks
>source of entertainment and happiness gone
>feel sad and empty
>all the depressing thoughts come back

why am i like this

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Other urls found in this thread:

What channel were you watching?

We all do it. TV shows, movie series, specific actors, etc. You're human. You bond with something and then it's over and you get sad. You'll find another thing.

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Seriously, go for an hour walk tomorrow and things WILL be more interesting when you get in and open youtube again. Its all about taking a break and getting your blood flowing once in a while.

Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik

my kinda humor

I see you're a man of culture

lol a quick glance at two random videos of his and I can already tell he's but an eloquent sjw libtard shill who (probably) supports israel, and so are you (probably)
also, stop samefagging
>inb4 5 replies 5 different posters

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Could just find something else to watch. But I get ya. I feel the same about community. I was so sad it ended that even rewatching episodes makes me sad.

lol wrong on all counts retard

Goddamned stop being such a fucking loser faggot.

savor these little moments when times and experience are new and fresh, they'll go

then again, the times are always changing to suit everyone and if you look you can find it

watched that one through in the meantime, so I think it's safe to say I was pretty much spot on

just because someone's silver-tongued, doesn't mean they're not superficial, shallow shills who speak to those less informed, or susceptible in different ways to a certain kind of rhetoric

so you're either a leftie shill just like mr. erik (less of a word smith tho), or just outright naive

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you keep thinking that. now crawl back under your bridge

>now crawl back under your bridge
, he retorted victoriously

instead of just hurling random insults, perhaps you should try and refute my argument by providing some sort of evidence? didn't your prattling idol teach you anything?

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im not gonna waste my time arguing with someone so self-assured they think they've analyzed my entire personality from a few sentences i wrote in a post, and then proceed to, albeit very poorly, try to insult me by calling me a libtard chill and claim i worship a guy who's content i enjoy.

but nice ragebait man 7/10

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 14 replies (not great, not terrible).

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you're not going to argue, yet you keep replying with "no-u"-tier replies, irrespective of this last one being somewhat more elaborate, seeing as it still has the value of an unironic "no-u"
>someone so self-assured they think they've analyzed my entire personality from a few sentences i wrote in a post
must be why I took it with a pinch of salt by putting the word "probably" in parenthesis
nothing makes you sounds so goddamn self-assured like throwing a "probably" here and there
>try to insult me by calling me a libtard chill
I honestly don't see how exposing someone as a shill and calling them a libtard (which, by the way, is a widely accepted and used term by all non-lefties) is an attempt at an insult - it's merely an observation
>and claim i worship a guy who's content i enjoy
>channel has over 100 videos, over 10 minutes long, and all equally hilarious
>binge watch all of them over the course of three days
>lol what are you on about, I don't worship the guy ecks dee

if you watched all of his videos like you say you did, then you've also seen the one I posted above

>but he does that IRONICALLY

if you really are a leftie hillary supporter, then there's no shame in admitting so (well, actually, there is, which is probably why you shy away from doing it, even anonymously lol), so I suggest you come forth and do it

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Man, I’ve wanted to say something similar to this to so many people but have never worded it this well, thank you sir. Also don’t rise to the bait of whatever sad creature is picking fights on random threads, in fact take solace in the fact that their life is way sadder than yours.

Crawl back to the basement neckbeard

This is the kind of guy who complains loudly about everything in Starbucks

kek looks like I triggered a couple more
>the left can't meme

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Huh durr I won another internet argument ma!

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> never worded it this well
ah yes, such wordsmithery in action, all with the impeccable grammar and being to the point
>in fact take solace in the fact that their life is way sadder than yours
nothing consoles me like seeing other people sad, I thrive on their misfortunes
hearing about someone going through a rough patch is music to my ears

none of you flocking petty little creatures is even reading what I'm saying, all that ever draws your attention are some buzzwords you're used to reacting to

like, that youtuber guy erik is a notorious shillary supporter, but pointing it out makes me a basement-dwelling troll (le infamous mom's basement insult xDD)

he could've just disclosed his political stance by saying something like: "I'm not a leftie, but I find his wordiness and gimmicks hilarious because I'm easily amused", or: "yes, I'm a leftie, and I think that you saying 'hello' was racist" and it would've all been fine

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made a tally mark as well
btw did you know you need to be at least 18 to post on this board?

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>Pointing out a shill makes me a basement troll.
No it's entirely how you type dude. No one talks like this. It's very indicative that you haven't been outside enough to learn this isn't how people speak.
It would be condescending if you didn't sound like such a blithering idiot.

>No one talks like this. It's very indicative that you haven't been outside enough to learn this isn't how people speak.

no one in your neighborhood/circle of friends, that's fo' sure
apparently we associate with different types of people (thank god for that :D)

>I don't like the way you type/talk, so you must be wrong
wowsers, and I'm the one spewing poppycock here

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