What does Yea Forums do to alleviate the soul-crushing boredom of when your dealer isn't answering?
What does Yea Forums do to alleviate the soul-crushing boredom of when your dealer isn't answering?
I live in a legal state so I drive to the store and get some. I have used a delivery service a few times recently and I might start doing that because I will save a fortune on gas in the long run and the deal is better,
sorry out-state-non-legal bros I wish I could sympathize better with you
get fucking drunk and watch movies weed is overrated kid shit heroin and alcohol is the true degenerate btard shit
It's illegal in all states
I start popping suboxone
get a load of this guy. well maybe that might be the case but it is legal in my state. now what, fella? I am gonna smoke and you can lick my trichome covered taint
I'm a Eurofag, thanks though.
Worst part about my country is that it's so tiny, that we basically only have a few politicians that stay in office for practically life and they're all old anti drug A-holes
damn man that is crazy is it like Albania or some shit? maybe you can get morroccan hash?
Its legal in canada, the united states will be next
lol I wish, I live on an island so no borders to smuggle shit through.+1 internet if you can guess where I'm from.
I know that feeling all too well, but just remember, weed isn't that fucking good. In fact, it's a waste of money.
small island damn man my geog is much better than the average burger I bet, but that is hard, I am better with the landlocked stuff. is it closer to baltic, mediterranean, or atlantic?
True, but like the day after a long binge always feels like it's the most boring day of your life
i live in CO so i dont have to feel this way anymore.
No, it isn't
Get a back-up dealer. Always have back-up for important stuff. ALWAYS!
Resin because fuck my lungs i wanna feel warm and fuzzy for an hour
think seriously about things i normally avoid thinking about
It's a holiday, I have three number, they're all out drinking
Yes, it is
It's not legal though.
Your local cops may not enforce those laws, but those laws do exist, and they say it's illegal
Try to focus on something you genuinely enjoy....read a stupid something or youtube fail videos or music of any kind....basically just chill lol
ireland? isn't that small though.. sicily? sardona? something close to spain? significant contribution to history?
no you are misunderstanding the whole the federal vs state paradigm. it led to a war once, don't be stupid now
I quit smoking when I realised the soul crushing boredom you speak of is a direct result of smoking in the first place. Now I'm rarely ever bored, as I actually activate myself and find things to do when I feel bored instead of taking bong rips to fill the void. Take a break, just a suggestion coming from an ex stoner, 5 years of all day every day use.
Thanks reddit
>5 years
woah boys we got an expert over here
You are misunderstanding
A state could make a state law saying murder is legal
That doesn't mean murder is actually legal in that state
It's in the North Atlantic But it's not Ireland or in Britain. And all we've contibuted nothing to history. We only modernized after the second world war. We were pretty much cave people some 200 years ago
I feel your pain just try and hit up another dealer, jersey is taking forever to legalize
that is disturbingly what it would mean yes. while federal law supersedes state law in (most) instances, MMJ usage is not one of them
is this like the birtish virgin islands or something? tell me more user, you sound interdasting
Just sharing my experience. I'd consider wasting even more time on this drug to be a complete failure.
When weed is legalized at a state level you can easily go into any dispensary Monday-Saturday 10AM-7PM and I think that’s really the point he was trying to make
how much have you accomplished since quitting? list them out in chronological order
Nope, give up?
If not, one more hint: It's way, way north. The sun doesn't shine in a few months of winter north.
that was more or less the point I was making, thanks user. Federal law doesn't always dictate the local mores and culture etc.
That's why there hasn't been numerous dispensaries shut down by the fbi just to make a point
Stop being a typical stoner and stating your beliefs as facts
No, he clearly stated that federal law does not apply to weed
Right here
yeah kek I give up, I was on the wiki looking up islands in the atlantic, I can't really imagine. where you at bro??
But that's not what you said.
I said that in the beginning, yet you still argued
Iceland, little old Iceland
nope my dispensaries haven't been shut down. why would I be bothered? why are you paranoid? where is your tinfoil hat?
damn that is cray cray man. I imagine it is hard to get buds in iceland :"(
all I ever said is that the federal law says it is illegal, but that basically means nothing.
You're connected to the internet, it's not hard info to find
You sound bitter and I don't feel like entertaining you. My friends would also get very defensive when questioned about their habit or straight aggressive whenever they would hear someone talking shit about weed. I do love it, and I will forever, but it has held me back and I realised that once I quit for a month. My 'friends' are still parked in life and don't seem to get anywhere. They do the same shit, over and over again, while I've moved, found a woman, got a car, new job, and am making more money and am happier than I've ever felt before. Like I'm born anew. They're still blowing all their money on weed and sitting on the same fucking couch.
Importing buds is just impractical since security is tight and is much more expensive than growing. But what Iceland does have is big empty mountainous backyard so most dealers just build a cabin out in the middle of nowhere and grow there
the only thing that sounds like an accomplishment is "found a woman" and there is always the chance she could cheat on you with tyrone. just saying my man
which one of these islands are you on my man?
that does sound a little comfy though, being on an island. I would try to live up in the mountains and grow too haha
>states facts
>tinfoil hat
Its idiots like you that make stoners look stupid
You are too stupid to understand why your post is stupid
Its federally illegal
So you didn't say
>while federal law supersedes state law in (most) instances, MMJ usage is not one of them
I live the Capitol Reykjavik, it's a tough life being a stoner on any of the other islands or if you live in a fishing village somewhere around the main island xD
But yeah, I've thought about growing, I probably just should, it would give me a hobby haha
"Just saying". No, you're trying to devalue the things I've done to make myself happy, so you are bitter in some way. You sound like a loser, because that is a loser mentality. Not only that but you sound like an immature incel. No body will get anywhere thinking like that. I love her and that's enough for me to try, and be the best I can be.
yeah why are you reading so literally in to that? federal law supersedes state law.. but nobody is kicking in doors or arresting people for pot possession in legal states. so suck a carton of eggs.
I hope it works out well for you dude, and I have seen pictures and stuff there is some beautiful landscape there
Drink. In my state it's literally easier to find heroin than weed. I'll drive an hour away if I have to get some.
Now search this
>USA marijuana federal law
After all, You're connected to the internet, why was that hard to find for you?
>immature incel
I will cop to being bitter, +1 to you internet boi but the former three you are very wrong about.
Thanks man, smoke one for your bro way out in Iceland tonight.
I go to the weed store.
I envy that
Am drinking, not as fun when your alone. Weed is what alone time is for
Federal laws /= state laws
Because you literally said it, in response to me saying what you are now claiming you meant, which is retarded.
Why can't you just say you were wrong, and didn't actually know what you were talking about?
Why is that so difficult for you
Murder laws are typically a states issue
Sure. Says the man afraid of a nigger jacking his girl. You either spent too much time looking at cuck porn or you suffered a harsh reality.
That is the point, you just don't understand it
Federal law > state law
You may not choose to believe it, but it's still true
when was I wrong? you think I wasn't aware that it was illegal at the federal level but legal in my own state level.
thanks user for informing me of something I already knew. you were so helpful, wise user who tells people obvious things and then gets upset when he gets told off. you are awesome
But not regarding the act of murder being illegal
those are some hard Rs there, bro. I think you are the one who is insecure that is why you refer to her as "your girl" but is she really if she is getting dicked down on the reg by other dudes?
when was I wrong?
Right here
>while federal law supersedes state law in (most) instances, MMJ usage is not one of them
That statement is wrong
You got it.
Take this
this post is pure irony
oh wow literalanon you got me, please give me your address so I can mail you my blowjob.
Have more then one plug dumbass
>didn't read the thread
user lives on a remote island where he could be lucky to just find one plug dumbass
I do, I have 3. It's a holiday. So they are all out drinking
It's becoming very apparent that you are bitter because of your own shortcomings. You are ridiculous.
what are my shortcomings exactly? I have a job I don't totally hate that pays me well enough. I have a cute dog I love more than the moon and the stars. I have a body most people are jealous of, regardless of gender. I have intellect surpassing all, I have money stacked to the ceiling
I don't have a gf like you, but then again she isn't your gf when she is with chad and tyrone, we already established this. your worst fear, gnawing at you throughout the day
Federally illegal yes but states right now are doing what they did with gay marriage. Legalize it on state level, wait until it conflicts in court, and wait for supreme court to make a decision. Besides, if youre a cop actually going after stoners you either live in a boring city or you are still tin foiled to believe weed is bad
I don't get why you're trying to make me feel insecure about my relationship, your obsession with that is what makes you come off as an incel. That is why I called you one in the first place.
> I have a body most people are jealous of, regardless of gender. I have intellect surpassing all, I have money stacked to the ceiling
This also sounds delusional. Exactly the type of shit my stoner friends would repeat over and over again, that their wisdom gained from smoking daily was so immense, yet all their 'revelations' meant jack shit in the end. If you're anything like them then I feel sorry for you, stroking your ego in a haze unaware of how badly you are fooling yourself even.
That doesn't mean it's not legal in those states.
What's the federal law against simple murder?
How else can that statement be interpreted?
Wait it out or go to my bestie's connections.
>Show me where I was wrong
Yes, it actually does
Well I have my medical recommendation. Medically, I can legally use it and it is stipulated as such in federal law. The law is for recreational use, which is largely decriminalized and not enforced on an individual level by federal agents. OxyContin and other drugs are schedule 1 as well but under similar statutes. Also check out the Farm Act of 2018 federal government legalized use of hemp. Substantially it is legal even though we all know you’re just playing devils advocate. At this point illegality is used to prevent interstate trade and prep big business to enter California’s market after the 5 year grace period expires.
True, but that's very different from ignorant stoners squealing that it's 100% legal.
DEA has fucked over many growers and retailers since the state laws came in
Tell the 100 plus people in prison from legal states that it wasn't illegal
Marijuana is not federally recognized as a having any medicinal value and doctors cannot legally prescribe it
The fact that you're bringing up hemp shows you're just repeating headline articles you've seen but didn't read because hemp can't even get you high.
It's 90% stem, and has almost zero psychoactives. It's used to make rope and paper
>Medically, I can legally use it and it is stipulated as such in federal law
You can't, and it's not
Weed has actually been proven to cure depression, strokes and heart attacks. It may even be proven to cure cancer which is why the government wants to keep it illegal
it actually is. I should know because I'm a law student.
Pick up my copy of the Holy Bible and read about why you're going to heck for smoking the devil's lettuce.
You should know, and yet you don't.
Buy some hemp it's straight loud with less than some percentage of thc they sell it at stores now seriously but it's late
I do know and I. know I'm right and your wrong so fuck off!
its actually illegal to buy hemp in Florida so be careful
>The 100 plus dumbasses selling/trafficking over state lines making it a federal issue
Lies to prove falsehoods don't make any of it true, it just makes you look foolish
No faggot. Not in practice. A law is pointless if you don’t enforce it.
No, most if them were dispensary operators or growers for the dispensaries
This is all easy to find info
If the DEA wants to flex its muscles, it does
Trump legalized it in December man it's a new thing straight lab tested good shit makes you feel amazing for the times with no weed plus Florida get that medical mane
DEA has enforced it many times already in state legal areas
Yet you make no effort to find out
fuckin new-fags. You order weed from your dealer at LEAST 3-4 days before you're going to run out. Maybe longer if you have a really bad dealer. Your weed order should be coming before you look at your stash and go "hmm, looks low, better text paul"
But you're wrong
no you need to watch the real news! Not fucking fake news
I already know why do I need to find out something I already know
Always restock before your supplies run out.
Start looking when your bag is half empty.
No actually it's illegal in some states and at the federal level. But it is not illegal in all states, hence why I can buy it and smoke in front of state and local cops without fear
Make threads on Yea Forums
You stoners are so fucking dumb
Legal at state level doesn't make it no longer illegal federally.
Your state law enforcement will not peruse it as a crime, but at any moment the DEA can walk in and arrest you because it's federally illegal and they have federal jurisdiction over drug related crimes. They are not bound by your state laws, they follow federal law
Do you even know what federal means?
You just keep biting the bait
Still 100 dumbasses
Where do you think all this "legal" weed comes from?
Explain why
You realize state laws supersede federal laws, unless you're crossing state lines or in strictly federal jurisdiction. Otherwise why even have them? It's fucking legal in Washington DC. which isn't even a state.
Not stoner user here. But I'mma say it, technically the DEA can waltz in, but it's at large a waste of resources and if anything hurts the little support for the "Drug War" when they eliminate operations that aren't gang/cartel related.
Why are you so bitter though user? Asking as someone who cares about a fellow human.
"Legal" dispensaries. Hurr Durr I can use quotations too!
You should realize you're wrong
FBI covers crimes that cross state lines
DEA has federal juridiction over all drug related activity
ATF has federal jurisdiction over their related crimes
State lines do not need to be crossed for these departments to be involved.
The DEA can arrest anybody in any state that breaches any federal law relating to drugs
This isn't a debatable point, you are just ignorant of the facts
Being legal to use is different from being able to use it without the possibility of persecution. Federally, weed is illegal, but the executive branch of the United States government has chosen not to enforce the FEDERAL LAW(which on paper supersedes state law ) in states that have legalized medical/recreational marijuana. If the president one day told his administration to enforce the federal law against marijuana, then you're shit out of luck.
But this outright refusal to acknowledge the facts of the matter by most drug users to the point of stating fiction as fact to support their belief is bizarre
Then why were the operators if those dispensaries dumbasses for getting arrested?
Do you even know what you're replying to
Stoners yet again showing why people think they're a bunch of retards
get drunk user duh.
Welp, this is finally it Yea Forums
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes.
Iive stream link + further explanation: