What is your opinion on kids?

What is your opinion on kids?

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This one? He's cute enough I guess.

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Somehow, I was hired as a pre-school teacher for a year. Kids are cool to hang out with, as the only male figure in the school, they kind of look up to you in a weird way.
All the kids with two parents (male and female) tend to be well adjusted. the single parent kids always seem to have more issues.

I have noticed that too, especially kids with no brothers or sisters and without a mom or a dad, only children with only one parental figure turn out weird as fuck

I would like 4. Two boys and two girls.

kids are disgusting vaginal turds.

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saddest thing I heard from a kid, "I love weekends because i get to see my dad"

im sure thats what your hooker fat whore mother called you all your life faggot

also, kids will literally do anything you tell them. It's a reason why half of you motherfuckers should never be left alone with one

I couldn't eat a whole one.

Fun to play with, not to eat

I would like to have kids but there's no way I can bring white children into this ruined degenerate anti-white world.

Hey im doing ok i havent killed myself yet

I generally like kids but don't want to have any myself, afraid of how they'd turn out.

I like them if their cooked properly

Well, get to it.

Not worth the jail time

The rest of us are cool with you not breeding as well.

I'm the opposite, I don't like young kids but I want a 6 year old boy to be able to raise and give him the opportunity to take what I didn't from the world

I'm a big black man and I'll be fucking your wimminz and filling the world with my dark skinned master race.

I'm a big black man and I'll be fucking your wimminz and filling the world with my dark skinned master race.

i hate them all

I bet you are schlomo

Sure Chang sure.

Their cooked properly what?

That is something I said as a kid too.

they can all go to hell except cave 76

Theyre gay

sorry to hear that, although the pay was shit. seeing helping these kids grow up and giving them good advice was worth it in the end

Respect to you, hope things go well.

Only child syndrome...spoilt as fuck...dont know how to share...lack people skills

Fuck em in every sense of the word


Everything has a purpose

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They're expensive and a terrible return on your money. It's also a crap shoot - you may get a downy, or worse.. Friends who have kids tell me they wish they didn't. I'll definitely pass on children, thank you.


Kids are awesome

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Guess you need attention, huh?

Except you have to have them earlier than that. There's some famous quote along the lines of "Give me the boy before 5 year of age and I will give you the man." Meaning you have to instill their values early and they will carry that through into adulthood. After 5yo they're not as malleable on the basics like that.

nice try fbi

Guess you need to fuck off

Would love to, that cute lil thing in the pic or a cute lil girl, maybe 5 or 6 when they are just right

You sound upset. Are you upset, perv?


Kids are fine as long as I'm able to give them back.

Nah, I'm rock hard buddy. See u soon

God, I hope not.

I want to have a son i would raise correctly.

I would buy say pinky and the brain on dvd and the best cartoons and toys from the 90s that i would monitor

And put my kid in sports from an early age. If you have nothing to do you can live through your kids by raising them.

A kid that makes it in music or acting can make you rich.

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Fucking pervs.

Don't care for them.

You DO know where you are right?

Theyre gaylords and jews all of them

Please please don't ever reproduce.
Stage Parents are horrific.

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Love them. Want some soon. So expensive tho. Really want to buck the helicoptering trend and give them freedom and responsibilities like those of us over 30 had. It sucks kids today can't go more than a few feet from an adult without people calling the police and cps

holy shit...disgusting

Made me hard and I'm not even gay

OP boy would look great, his face glazed with cum

Fuck them, and I'm not talking about the Jared Fogle way...

Or maybe all over his hole and balls, would love to lick him clean

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Because god-tier pederasty and shitty vanilla homosexuality are two different things.


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We need to keep Epstein away from them!

Jesus christ you're old


I wish I had more time to be a Dad. My son is awesome.

this... kids make the highs of life higher, but they also make the lows lower. and you'll get exponentially more lows than highs if your kid is not neural typical (retarded, legitimately autistic). and pray to God their body isn't deformed or maldeveloped in any way.

and then there are all the non-parents posting here that think they know how they would want to raise their child, getting an eyeroll from those who are actually doing it. the best you can do is try to raise a better version of yourself, but also accept that somewhere down the line, they will develop their own personality and you'll just have to work around it.

giving your kid everything you didn't have but wished you did, unearned and undeserved won't be doing him any favors, nor will he have an appreciation for it the way you think you would have, it only leads to creating expectations and a sense of entitlement that you assholes of today have.