ok Yea Forumstards
ask a turkish german what ever you want
Ok Yea Forumstards
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Anons Mother
Are you Turkish or are you German? You can't be both.
Why do German people try to make Donner
Mother turkish father german
I'm between, love both sides
fuck you son of a bitch
let me add
the germans are so orderly
and the turks are so brave
kein wunder das sich keiner was traut
linke scheiß zecken
scheiss türken
>ask an oxymoron anything
Why don't u kys u fucking kebab subhuman nigger
What? Google the definition of ethnicity you fucking dirty roach
first of all
Kebab is just meat with spice
no need for fear son of a nigger whore
How does it feel to be half subhuman?
>You can’t be both.
Yes, you actually can
>you fucking dirty roach
said the son of 10$ whore
most of the time
cause ppl like you
thanks son!
and yeah you can just like me and my daughters since years
You can't be 50% nigger and 50% non nigger. Having Turkish blood makes u 100% nigger.
sen türk müsün? naber moruk?
Why blonde German girls like muslim dicks so much?
Yari yari aslanim
annem türk
dunno but hate it also
How does it feel knowing that you and your subhuman brethren are actively turning the once great Germany into a shithole? Kys sandnigger roach scum
Many girls got pregnant from refugee
Based and redpilled.
If I was a kebabnigger I would either kill myself or go back to the ottoman shithole.
superior genetics
they have more alpha personalities and bigger dicks compared to euro christcucks
I don't speak Turkish
whatever you say my lovely little INCEL brother
this was german
son of retarded whore
>they have more alpha personalities and bigger dicks compared to euro christcucks
'TRUE DAT!!!!!
U subhuman niggers have a higher rape rape because European women don't want u. When the race war comes, u are gonna get fucked.
My mother is not a race mixing whore unlike yours, u fucking nigger subhuman. God I wish Britain could have just wiped u niggers out in ww1...
Hahaaha are u sure? We will impregnate every white girl
>pregnant from refugee
born in germany
father is german
superior genetics brah
>b-b-but muslims taking over
stay jealous incel
if I pack my bags tomorrow and leave for Germany will I be able to find work?
>European women don't want u.
yap ture dat
And the baby is black
How are Jackson, Charlie and Andrew doing?
Unless u plan on raping all of them, I really doubt that. Ur loser father couldn't have gotten a white woman so he went for a nigger bitch lmao. U probably have a massive Jew nose and are hairy like Bigfoot, fucking typical kebabnigger.
why do you turkish germans act like you are gangster niggers with ur trash excuse for rap? altaahhh diggaaa du hurensohn
>U subhuman nigger
fick dich hure
We will rape blonde girls in churches
>Turkish Germans
Plz don't insult Germans like that, I'm sure most of them don't want to be associated with those kebab subhumans
You can't be two nationalities. Not sorry.
Once again I don't speak Turkish
Ey kardeşlerim, kavga işe yaramaz
Avusturyalı türkden merhaba
do you remove kebab's?
Can your sandnigger ass fuck off of Hitlerland? You stink nigger
u in the pic? both you and your pig gf are disgusting
Lol try saying that in public and u will get fucked up like the cockroach u are hahahaha
Germans will go Brenton Tarrant on ur asses, probably smash all of ur kebab shops too hahahaha
>Plz don't insult Germans like that
my dad love the tight asian turkish twat of mum
so who you are? who you are? wannabe rommel? jewish pig fucker...btw I'm the OP
the REAL germans are in austria/schweiz
that has to be an american women,there's no way a women from europe is that attractive
For 5-10 years there will be more Muslims in Germany than christian infidels
>w-w-when the racewars comes
you pathetic beta faggots have been saying this shit for thousands of years, and it's always "happening very soon". top kek
don't you realise how fucking pathetic you make yourself sound, you're a acne faced beta permavirgin incel cuck who's just mad because the girl you've been in love with for the last 10 years likes to gobble on muslim immigrant alpha cock while not even acknowledging your existence
fucking cringe
germans aer fuckin pussies,you cuck's have sand niggers running around rapeing your women everywhere while you sit in the corner and cry like a cuck
they are hot as fuck
would that bitch fuck in her shithole
he is disgusting true
yeah well,thank hitler for killing 6 million of them before the muslims came along
We will start impregnating it daughters first,
than ur wifes
Ja ist sie auch! sie ist gebürtig aus Chicago allerindgs war ihr Vater bei uns in München stationiert
Yeah seh is ameriacan, her family is from Chicago, her father was in Germany in Bavaria in Munich
>germans aer fuckin pussies
Hahahaha u wish mate
If u try raping one of our women in my area u would get killed like a worthless cockroach
Meanwhile ur women can't even resist German cock hahahahahaha
do you wanna more of her?
You have roughly ~10 years to leave Europe. This is the best advice you'll ever get in your life. I fucking BEG you, if you're a good person, take your family and leave. They're gonna fucking kill you all dude. All memes aside. Even if you think this is bullshit, would you stake your life on the 1% chance they'll slaughter all non Europeans?
He's not. Just let it go.
Almost all of us who came were males. I can count on fingers those who came with their family. Ur girls were so happy to see fertile males in their cities
the europeans or the german in special?
I'm so fucking afraid son
blonde european pussy is so fucking prime
turkish girls can suck dick too, but they're alittle more uptight compared to eurowhores who have no morals and are starved of cock because their local beta faggots don't interest them at all. Plus german chicks are fucking screamers, which turns me the fuck on, and most of them use anti-pregnancy pills, so you can cum inside them all day long. Thanks Germany!
there is no such thing as a turkish german....you are a turkish invader...now fuck off roach cant wait untill we purge you all from the rhine to the black sea
Exactly, but I know many who don't use neither pills or condoms to protect from our fertile sperm
Normally i’m not racist, but Turkish/Turkic people are the cancer of the earth.
whys that son
>here is no such thing as a turkish german.
why not my jewish friend? my father is german since centuries
>turkish girls can suck dick too
they can and those bitches are so fucking tight
Germans don't understand that the point of the refugee invasion is that their girls were hungry for fertile males
so true!
Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
turkish whores are actually hot son
I try to get as many innocents out of the crossfire as possible. Unfortunately I don't think my efforts will ever work
There was one case in my city when one woman hide knife in her burka and it fell down on the floor. All passengers ran out of the bus screaming
Gyest lisp I have heard in my life. Literally a retard and a danger to society.
du hast den führer stolz gemacht
you made the führer proud
typisch JUDE
excelent b8 op, now kys, i rather hate jews that you people.
>excelent b8 op, now kys, i rather hate jews that you people.
said the jewish man from jericho
German here and i would rather befriend alpha turks who smoke shisha, eat döner, keep their sisters in check and don't give a fuck about politics than those beta german söyboys who virtue signal at every occasion.
Ganz liebe grüße aus Nürnberg
Aslanim benim
cockroach dns
said the nigerian refugee
ach kommt gibt es auf ihr Yea Forums huren ihr /b fotzen
...und das sagt ein türke
so oder so
gaytards form b/tards
lost again
lost since 2005
germany wins
Who's this?
Bin auch deutschtürke.
Nice to meet ya, bro.
schön schön
wo kommst du her kumpel?
dunno but she is hot as fuck
Ruhrgebiet, woher denn sonst hahaha
Ruhrgebiet Nein
komme aus dem Münsterland
Is it true that all Turks know each other? Pic related
Well what kind of Turk are you cockroach or probably 20% European DNA