Be me

>be me
>been in first legit relationship in iver 3 years
>genuinely thought she was the one, never argue w her, she gives me everything and more
>been in several situations where i hang out one on one w opposite sex, never led to anything more and kept my boundry
>meet up w girl last night, we’re both in relationships
>we kiss
>”hey sorry i needa go”
>instant regret. Can’t sleep, cry all night and all day.
>tell gf next day when she’s awake. She’s not mad, doesn’t yell, just hurt and is crying. She breaks up with me

I’m not gonna hold it against her to hate me. I’m not gonna ask for her forgiveness bc it isn’t my place. Or for a second chance. What I did was wrong, and I regret every bit of it and this pit of guilt in my stomach is consuming me. I’m a cheating piece of shit, if you cherish someone don’t cheat on them. It isn’t worth it

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there is still hope op, go get her

Why did you tell her wtf is wrong with you? Fucking idiot

Because I love her and she doesn’t deserve to be with some cheating sack of shit. I don’t even know if I get to say I love her after what I did. I perversed and exploited that love.

"tell girlfriend" bruh

you made a conscious decision to do it or you didn't, either way you have disloyal tendencies and you aren't the type that mates for life. tell us why it happened, user

>one kiss

You fucking faggot

Jesus dude, have some self esteem. You fucked up. Hope your chick doesn't cuck you.

That was strong...well the admitting it. Might be hope after all maybe with her maybe not with her.

Is not that what you did was wrong, we all make mistakes

the idiotic thing was to tell your gf

you meet up and make out with another girl girl, that's a crappy thing to do but ok

if you feel guilty, never do it again

the guilt pass over time

telling your gf was the mistake

now you are left with nothing, and you don't feel any better

tell me again

why exactly did you tell your gf?

fyi: I would also dump my gf if I found out that she even kissed some other dude

OP here, I’ve never cheated in my life before. I’ve been in several relationships official and nonofficial, not to sound like incel cuck but being w girls are easy. I’ve never been as interested w someone as this girl though however. I really put a lot of effort into making things work between us, but I’m just another fuckboy. I’ve never felt guilt before for doing things like this until now, and I’ve done worse in the past

>Slide thread


Leave it there OP this isn’t bad really. You did the right thing after the fact and she left you after your first relationship that lasted 3 years. Good job

I’m not the jealous type. We’re long distance. Our entire relationship has always been built upon trust. I’ve hung out w several girls before and nothing ever happened bc they were all my friends before I even met her. Same w her and her guy friends. I’m not jealous of them bc she was friends w them before we got together

>I told her because she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. I made a mistake but I’m not gonna lie to her and hold it away from her. I genuinely feel like I deserved whatever she had to dish at me... except there wasn’t cursing, no name calling, just disappointment and shame

Get over your guilt, if You did it it was because of a reason.
Learn to love yourself.
Also, just a kiss?
You were already cheating, you might as well have gone all the way and eat her ass or something.

what a fucking bitch ass faggot.. What the fuck did you tell her for you fucking faggot fuck

You're a bitch OP

You're a fucking idiot for saying anything, especially if the odds were low she was gonna find out on her own

But I love her so much. We weren't just lovers, we shared the same soul

Honesty man you sound like a fag. Were any of these girls hot? Because I find it hard to believe a decent chick would find your faggy personality attractive.

I felt guilt instantly, she deserves better. All I can really do is try my best to move on. Not gonna do stupid shit like kms or smoke till my eyes fall out. It doesn’t matter if she wasn’t gonna find out. She just doesn’t deserve that

Oh shit dude, and now you’re a cheating asshole and you’re going to hell. If you share the same soul that means she’s going to hell too. For eternity. Because of you.

God damn faggot

defiantly not OP but that’s p funny


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Do you honesty think if she had done that with another guy, she would tell you right away? Odds are high she would not. Get your head out of your ass.

Narrow-minded monogamists and their problems…

Why is it even supposed a problem for you OR her?
Yes, I see all the unsure advises here to people whose GFs are supposedly sluts and they’d have to break up with them for reasons of self-respect or worse… which is equally stupid.