anyone else think its funny that the pro military preaching republicans actually allowed this piece of shit to have a military parade
i guess we can add that to the things they really dont support,just like gun rights
anyone else think its funny that the pro military preaching republicans actually allowed this piece of shit to have a military parade
i guess we can add that to the things they really dont support,just like gun rights
How bout you shut up
Who gives a fuck you obsessed little bitch
spontaneous demonstrations. Welcome to animal farm.
how about your bitch-ass president man up
was it really a parade? i heard there were only two tanks, and it started raining so they couldn't do it or some shit. i haven't really paid attention to his limp dick faggotry though.
If hillary had won, those military people wouldn't be marching down a US street, they'd be marching into Iran right now, so yeah Trump has the military's back at least compared to hillary
>making up imaginary scenarios in order to excuse the behaviors of that wannabe dictator in the white house
>trump gets tricked into starting a fight with iran for no reason
>"that was hillary, not trump"
the iran invasion is john bolton's idea. hillary wouldn't hire john bolton. no one but republicans want to invade iran, and even then there's only a few of them. pay attention, and get over hillary already.
what was the name of that military action Hillary opposed? Oh i think i know why i can't recall the name, it is because that military action does not exist
it's about fucking time we had one again. It's been way too long
>wannabe dictator
Funny thing is, if Hillary won, she wouldnt be a wannabe dictator, she'd be an actual dictator, but the thing that separates her from someone like Hitler is that the working and middle class actually loved Hitler, where only Wall Street and zionists love Hillary.
Neck yourself you capitalist shill.
By doing what, invading Iran?
remember when hillary randomly threatened numerous other countries with invasions and nuclear war through twitter diplomacy? oh i think i know why i can't recall the name, it's because that never happened.
get over hillary already.
preferably by committing suicide.
Donald Trump's grandfather rans whore houses. His father was a slumlord who sold little Donny's tender pink ass to Roy Cohen. Trump is a conman who never earned a single thing in his worthless life. Has filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Steals money from charities. Wants to fuck his own daughter. Sucks up to Israel when not tonguing Vladimir Putin's asshole. And despite being leader of the free world, he has plenty of time to use Twitter to spew drivel. He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.
Meanwhile his supporters are cockroaches whose hivemind runs on fear, hate and stupidity and worship a cartoon frog while supporting a fake President because they're fake Americans who have no convictions and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given moment. This is why they spent DECADES railing against Russia but are now perfectly happy that their idol is in the pockets of a fascist dicator who MURDERS critics, dissenters and political opponents. This is one of the reasons why Trump sucks up to Putin, because he admires that sort of power, the other is that his credit rating is soo terrible that he's been recieving money from Russia and China for decades. Of course he could prove me wrong by releasing his tax records but that will never happen because it would prove his treasonous activity against the United States of America and reveal that his supporters are enemies of the USA and everything it stands for!!!
He's a silver spoon fed trust fund sniveling coward. Only people who voted for him are retards who remember the 1980's being the last good era of the USA, not realizing that it's people like Trump who sold the country out with NAFTA and Free Trade which is why their jobs got shipped to slave labor countries. Proof that Republicans/Conservatives are complete and utter fucking cretins with subhuman I.Q.'s!!!FACT!!!
You want Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence in office instead? I'm fine with that.
You just keep flapping your face hole but you’ve got no idea what the fuck you’re saying
Nice Reddit copypasta
I'll bet you can't wait to be old enough to vote.
The chickens will come home to roost...
You have the political opinions of the most stringently "diversity hired" HR department. Congratulations.
Aw, you're so cute.
She'll be dead in few years anyway.
Bill Clinton did the same thing. Selective outrage.
You're not speaking truth to power, you are power speaking.
libya has open slave markets because of her. Trump was the better choice end of story.
kek. would actually be better. not much, but at least it wouldn't be such a shit show. better if the whole cabinet committed suicide. it would be a service to humanity.
Who would you like to see in office instead?
Can you gays believe this guy trying to bait so hard.
>implying they're not already doing that to themselves
never underestimate a cult.
>i saw a propaganda meme on /pol/
>that means it's true
So Communism is so much better for us now. Yes I can see it now........>_>
i used to be picky, but now i'm happy with anyone at all from the left side. could be the janitor, for all i care. he'd still be ten thousand times better than this shit. the right side is too full of genocidal authoritarians to be trusted with anything ever again.
i thought you loved communism. donny's boyfriend is a communist after all, and you absolutely love it.
>the right side is too full of genocidal authoritarians
The left is too, but you approve of the target, since you're either non-white or you are a race traitor. I would like to see Tulsi Gabbard in office myself, she seems to be the most staunch anti-zionist and anti-war candidate of them all, and she doesn't seem to outright dislike white people.
It's sad how absolutely cucked R's are on Trump right now.... He could put straight white males to death en masse, and the R's would hail him as a goddamned hero. It's sick.
>Genocidal Authoritarians
Trump could have attacked Iran you moron, but he chose not to.
Or maybe you just prefer someone who lets our people get killed in other countries like Hillary.
But by all means drink their kool-ade.
>y-yea, take that libtards, we're the real minority lovers, unlike you. See? We got rid of all of our white voter base before you did! Based blacks rise up!
Stay fucking mad you salty sore losing little bitch
Is that Mike Peters (The Mother Goose and Grimm guy)?
Boyfriend or not it’s your people who are Communist pal.
You fucking people will bitch about literally anything at this point, won't you? I mean seriously, who in the flying FUCK cares about this? All this crying over a fucking parade.
bullshit. go to any left wing forum or group, and no one is promoting genocide of anyone. go to ANY right wing forum or group, and everyone are promoting genocide on a daily basis. to deny this is pure gas lighting, because we all have eyes. you know i'm right, i know i'm right, everybody knows. you're relying on people being scared to offend you, but i'm not. i'm just speaking the truth, and you know i am.
you're one of these homicidal fuckheads yourself. that's why you complain about zionism and use "race traitor" as if it's a thing. everyone who's ever called anyone a race traitor also wants to exterminate one or more races. it comes with the turf.
>muh hillary
take some fucking responsibility for once in your life, you mental child.
>it's true because i saw it in a /pol/ propaganda meme
Facebook and Twitter disagree with you comrade
>but now i'm happy with anyone at all from the left side
Of course you would, given that you're a fucking nigger
>everyone who's ever called anyone a race traitor also wants to exterminate one or more races.
Every race is guilty of that. And white people are the least ethnocentric of all races, so you KNOW more blacks/hispanics/jews have called themselves race traitors more often than whites.
>no one is promoting genocide
you are idiot .... but that is expected ... JFK had a ICBM on his parade .... hint Democrat
Right, the left isn't calling for genocide. They're just calling for mass migration and black-washing every single movie and show on TV. No agenda there I'm sure.
>So Communism is so much better for us now. Yes I can see it now
Did I say anything about your "COMMUNISM!!!" boogeyman? Say, what about Vietnam, you know, the war you LOST and was all about fighting them damn commies?! Well, it's been over 40 years and communism hasn't conquered anything except your feeble mind because it will forever keep you up at night worrying because you're nothin but a scared coward. Just like Donald Trump.
>You fucking people will bitch about literally anything at this point, won't you? I mean seriously, who in the flying FUCK cares about this? All this crying over a fucking parade.
It's because that's the type of thing dictators do.
prove it
That was easy
i think its even funnier that his supporters whined about taxes getting hiked on them, yet got their taxes hiked so they could pay for a multi billion dollar military parade.
So France is now a dictatorship? Any other liberal talking points from CNN you'd like to cover?
What taxes were hiked to pay for this parade? Please be specific, you fucking 10 year old dumbfuck
>spending your Saturday night making Republican hate threads
I’m sure you have lots of friends and fulfilling social life.
Really ??
Donny couldn't get his missiles up as much as that one, though.
>every race
sure, but that's almost the vaguest possible definition you could possibly use. the only more vague would be "every gender" or "humans in general". But if we're talking about modern ideologies, it's only genocidal right wingers who use the term "race traitor".
Wrong, I think dictator Trump is doing a fantastic job.
Really 2
Why would the commander-in-chief of any country offer a salute to anyone anywhere?
What a fucking moron!
Trump 2024
see this
Anything to say or are you gonna keep hiding like a little bitch?
show me any democratic politician who promotes "open borders". literally none of them. they all want immigration control. open border would mean they would shut down border control. to think that any politician wants that is retarded.
there's no black-washing of popular culture, you're just easily triggered and shit your pants whenever you see a black person being allowed a job.
>it's only genocidal right wingers
What is the minimum requirement of proof that would convince you that white people are facing racial replacement via immigration, forced transfer of resources and out-breeding? If there is no evidence that can convince you, then you hate white people.
he won, get over it.
Anyone think it's funny that these threads exist?
>Faggot OP stikes again.
what you talking about ???
i'm sure she would do great with her vacuous bullshit
>Anything to say or are you gonna keep hiding like a little bitch?
You mean like President Bonespurs who dodged the draft, eh tough guy? Come at me faggot, I wont be carrying a bag of Skittles.
obama won. stop crying about it.
>not caring
pick one
no sweetie, if thats what i meant i wouldve said "Taxes were specifically hiked to pay for a military parade". and you'd be saying, "LINK TO SAUCE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" just like you're doing now.
What if I did post a source? Would you magically say "oh i see"? No. You'd start berating the source. Sorry kid, I'm not softballing in your rebuttal for you. You're going to have to try just a little harder than that. Also fucking kill yourself. Tariffs amount to you paying more in taxes so he can go golfing every fyucking weekend. Now go whine about how the black man did the same fucking thing and stop replying.
>immigration control
Oh yeah they really want "immigration control", my fucking asshole. They're the one who protect these people from ICE and deportations, even after they break the fucking law and then give them gibs while they live here. What proposal have democrats put on the table to stop illegal immigration? Not a single one. They WANT these people to keep coming, the more the better. So long as they stay in red states and out of your neighborhood though, since you liberal fucks are racist as hell and hate living near your pets.
Obama won long time ago ... you are still crying about Trump won ... and you are in for even more crying 2020
So no taxes were raised and you are full of shit. Great.
you're still crying about obama winning
>show me any democratic politician who promotes "open borders"
Open borders means no cap to the amount that we take in each year, and EVERY candidate wants it, not just democrats, which goes to show how drowned out any opposition to immigration is.
he's not wrong. he's fat, but not wrong.
The meme has convinced me! I now want open borders, my guns taken away and my people to be replaced with compliant spic goblins.
Whataboutism out the wazzo. You have no proof whatsoever for your claims, and there's no way we'll ever know now. At least when Dems said how terrible Trump would be, they were underestimating the shit-stain's actual potential.
You are retarded. She's a bland centrist. Trump is the enemy of this country in every way and will be eliminated.
next time you try to doctor an image, try to get the spacing and alignment at least a little accurate
I thought the left was against body shaming? Uh oh.
When your side is calling for free health care for illegals, decriminalizing crossing the border illegal, not deporting illegals, giving millions of illegals citizenship, and free driver licenses to people who can't even prove their own identity, then yes you are calling for open borders.
We are fucking ENDING tRump and that's final. Start getting over that fact now, since I know you subhumans cry for years when you don't get your way.
They're both more than two standard deviations to the right of center. "Conservative" and "liberal" are meaningless in the United Snakes.
Shills detected.
Retard detected. At least try.
Who is "we", you and your faggot boyfriend?
wow, you don't even know what open borders mean. thanks for proving me right. "increase the amount we allow" means they want border control. if there were open borders there would be no defined amount of immigrants because everyone would be allowed. you got to be dumb as a backwards swamp rat (which is why you're trump supporter) to not understand that having a limit means by definition that it's not open borders.
A bunch of whiny faggots, illegal aliens and kikes. Bring it the fuck on.
Pic related, it's (You)
>increase amount = no cap
are you really this dumb, or are you a troll?
You say that when Trump is literally in the pockets of Israel like any other president or republican politician.
>fake outrage
bitch, please. cry me a river, trump orbiter.
Oy vey!
The People.
The power of this country that has been destroyed by the enemy who infests our White House illegitimately. Our vengeance will be swift and the GOP will be eradicated from our government once and for all as the traitors they are.
>"increase the amount we allow" means they want border control.
>your side
i stopped reading right there. you can take that fucking divisive rhetoric and shove it up your ass. it's called the UNITED states for a reason, you treasonous shitbag.
Sweetie, do everyone a favor and go back to that shithole you crawled out of, known as plebbit
americans be like "hillary is too far to the left. hillary is a communist."
creationists killed education, and now they're all retarded. RIP murica 1776-2016, they never recovered.
that's some satire right? hillary wouldn't have just pulled out of the jcpoa because netanyahu wanted her to.
To be fair, if we can boot Trumpanzees out in exchange for allowing asylum seekers in, that would be fantastic for this nation in every way.
been here since 2006. Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.
>I ever said the opposite of this
why should we be taking in any amount? Any amount over 0 is open borders at this point, since the demographic fate of this country is already sealed.
Okay kid, stay mad it's hilarious. It's not my fault you liberal faggots hate America and want to destroy it. It's obvious you want to turn it into a spic infested socialist shit hole, likely so you have a permanent slave class that will vote for your heroes every year.
You hate white people, just admit it.
If spics are so great why do you liberals refuse to take them into your homes? Or even live in the same neighborhoods as them, for that matter.
They didn't have plebbit back in 2006, but nice try. We all know your faggot ass was still in fucking diapers back in 2006.
Trump has destroyed America. Liberals will be the ones to clean it up and restore it to glory YET AGAIN. It seems like all we do these days is clean up REPUBLICANS' messes.
God bless GEOTUS and Congress! They're all sworn to promote the general welfare … of ISISrael.
Okay, caveman, i'll explain.
you have a tiny glass. another person says they want a bigger glass. you're so dumb you think that means he doesn't want any glass, and just wants an infinite amount of water flooding everywhere.
democrats just want a bigger glass. and you're a retard.
fuck off kike
I hate retarded white people and white supremacist subhumans.
You're gonna "restore it to glory" by importing hoards of dumb spics into the country? Great plan, fag
Got any stats for that claim?
Here's a hint: California, you fucking dolt.
>democrats just want a bigger glass.
What is the cap on this bigger glass?
>I hate white people who aren't race traitors like me
How's the weather in tel aviv?
thats asinine, lincolns party was republican on paper but is more like modern democrats than modern republicans
If anything that proves my point perfectly. Spics have invaded California and millions of whites left as a result, and still do to this day. So again, if you pussies love spics so much why do you always move when too many of them start showing up where you live?
>race traitor
unironically kill yourself you worthless, pathetic maggot. You have zero value to this planet.
this. we should deport them.
Occasionally Google gets it right.
Found the race traitor.
>spics have invaded California
The education system didn't just fail you, it dropkicked you headfirst into the Tard Corral.
Also take note of this map. Anywhere white live in California is OVERWHEMINGLY white, interesting how that works. You liberals love spics and want them here but yet you REFUSE to live anywhere near them. You mind explaining that?
naw. we only hate you.
we can put them in your homes. that's why we need to deport you. sorry.
Literally comes to Yea Forums as a transitioning white male, to make trouble and get mad. And you're not a race traitor, how?
Ah I see you have no argument. That's okay, I had fun owning your bitch ass.
No we should give them a nice new home right next to your liberal fucking ass. That way you get to enjoy the third world right in your own neighborhood.
You're a literal retard. You didn't own shit. You're too stupid to even be permitted a seat at the table. Go eat your Spaghetti-Os.
Nah, the Republicans have never been clever enough to be able to create something as devious as Tammany Hall. They've always been about straight-up financial brutality.
i dont mind trump he beats the everliving hell out of hillary but the military in general is the most worthless shit aside from social security that this country pisses money away with
Hey fag, you asked for proof and you got it right hereWhy are you running away from it like a literal fucking bitch?
"race traitor" isn't even a real thing.
"race traitor" isn't a thing. White supremacists are the only people I wouldn't hesitate to kill on sight given half the chance. Now fuck off and die.
>naw. we only hate those who don't sell out to globalist shills and zionists
I know, you don't need to keep repeating it.
every day is flag day in murica. you faggots flag more than the third reich.
>What is the expression Uncle Tom?
>What is the phrase "not black enough?"
I though Nevada had a lot of Hispanics there. Is that another bullshit lie from the left?
he is done and gone .... no one care about Obama ... just pointing your poor memory about presidents
Listen up, you fucking retard. School is in session.
>"race traitor" isn't a thing
95%+ of antfa, is white. 80%+ of BLM, is white. Retards with 'Refugees Welcome" signs are always white. Those are agenda driven, brainwashed, race traitors. ((REMOVE THE EXTRA DOT))
server with no rules. Anything Goes!
loli, cp, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!
Easy to do when the US foots their bill. And the GOP cheers MIGA!
that's what i said. you're my neighbor, i kick you out and put you on a dinghy to europe, and some hardworking immigrants can move in. you die at sea. everyone is happy.
>White supremacists are the only people I wouldn't hesitate to kill on sight given half the chance.
Funny, us "white supremacists" would never think about doing the same for black/hispanic nationalists. Really strange how your hatred only goes one direction, almost like you hate white people or something?
So the fuck what, that gives you fucking beaners an excuse to turn it into a dump? Because you have done exactly that. That's all you dumb spics know how to do, ruin everywhere you live.
>straight-up financial brutality.
Well at least I can understand what the republicans are saying
(Gibbers in spanish to pander to illegal migrants)
>implying trump hasn't sold everything
the entire white house is just filled with lobbyists. he didn't drain the swamp, he hired the swamp.
Serial killers tend to hunt in their own ethnic groups. I'm also 100% white and I have a BURNING hatred for the retarded subhuman white nationalist retards and neoNazis.
>you're my neighbor
Wrong, I don't live next to cucks who hate America like you
So you just admitted you're an aspiring serial killer. You'd make good company in the democratic party, just like John Wayne Gacy.
>no one cares about obama
>has spent every day since 2016 to complain non-stop about muh obama
you sure as hell care a lot.
Spics are from Spain, Sparky.
You're probably thinking of beaners, who have been in California ever since, well, 1810.
You ever study your own history? Or watch your Zorro movies?
Perfect truthbomb. Too bad the replies have all the substance and intelligence of a broccolli fart.
Yea, I know, Trump sold out his voting constituency. It's sad, but it's even sadder he still gets crazy opposition from liberals, even though he's capitulated on all policy points that matter.
>Gibbers in spanish to pander to illegal migrants
(as seen in Bush Wehrmacht meetings)
Jesus Christ you should have been swallowed. Your parents hit the chromosome lottery with you.
1. I'm white.
2. Hispanics tend to be builders and construction workers. They don't "ruin everywhere they live".
3. you're a racist cunt. Hit yourself.
4. Hispanics cannot "invade" a place they originally were in the first place, you brainlet.
>Doesn't address anything I said
>Says spics are from Spain
>Is a dumbass of epic proportions
I'll ask one more time since you're clearly a dumbfuck who cannot read. Why do you liberal pussies REFUSE to live next to your spic pets? Why do you move away when they move in?
I'm also intelligent and educated, which is why I am a member of the democratic party.
i don't hate america, i hate you. to throw you in the ocean saves america because you're a traitor to the nation and a traitor to democracy.
>Spics are from Spain
>They don't "ruin everywhere they live"
You sure about that? Because last time I checked everywhere that's majority hispanic is a fucking ghetto.
[citation needed]
>I'm also intelligent and educated, which is why I am a member of the democratic party.
So are these people.
But Conservatives think that helping our own people is communism.
I guess tax cuts for the rich will fix those bridges!
I could post literally dozens of examples and school your ass, just like I did with the map of California, and you'll just cry about that too. All so you can continue to defend your slaves because they vote for your idols in the DNC.
hispanic are by definition white, you race traitor. they're from spain, europe.
How many times does the world have to literally laugh in our faces before you realize that this is not a political stance? This is something you shout at recess, in elementary school. Grow the fuck up already.
Attention shoppers!
Some children seem to have gotten lost by wandering out of their enclosure. Please collect yours and send them back.
Thank you.
They're not worshiping a ethnostate, after importing slave labour and continuing it with the illegals.
No cult-like behavior in that picture, at all. Nope.
>hispanic are by definition white
Nah guy. They're mestizo aztecs/indian. Definitely not European or even castizo.
imagine being this deluded
that's why they speak spanish, retard. learn history. the natives were exterminated just like native americans in the usa.
Prove me wrong.
>implying white people want slavery again
That's how we got into this present day mess in the first place. We dont want niggers or spics, that's why we want an ETHNOSTATE.
>hispanic are by definition white, you race traitor
No, Juan, you are not white. And whites don't consider you white either, and never will. In fact whites see you as a slave and literal subhuman.
>that's why they speak spanish, retard.
Why do blacks in america speak english? Are they from England?
Dude just stop posting. You are literally making everyone else stupider with your posts.
Wow what great logic you have there, you dumbass spic. That's like saying Nigerians are from England because they speak English.
You lost the election; it's time to get over it
So just like the left doesnt really support equality, the poor, minorities, democracy and peace?
Both sides do it, open your eyes.
Blacks speak whatever language the group they're sponging off of speaks.
I gotta give it up to the based /pol/-poster(s) itt. Good memes all around.
Sorry, don't Americans screech about how glad they are not to have a monarchy?
Indeed. I even gave them too much credit by saying they speak english, barely.
Say what you want about Trump but it would have been beyond painful seeing that cunt Hillary Clinton walking into rooms to the sound of Hail to the Chief playing. I would love a woman President. NOT THAT FUCKING WOMAN. She could barely stay upright for most of the election cycle and people wonder why she lost. Also she should have beaten a guy with no experience by light years. It shouldn't have even been close. She sucked so bad at every political job she had.
This is when MAGA was born.
And with all that he is still your President, Hillary meanwhile gets to watch him draw humongous crowds and when he enters those stadiums he enters with the song Hail to the Chief playing. It must have aged that old cow 20 years...
Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Mohammed Ali, and Kareem Abdul Jabar also dodged the draft, you op, what was your military service that's qualifies you to call someone a draft dodger?
You realise that the Bible is just the Talmud with extra shit strapped to it right.
Show me the part in the bible, old or new, that says Jesus is boiling in hot excrement for all eternity?
Notice anything interesting?
there are the only two south american countries where the natives are the largest ethnic group.
argentina has 85% european population, chile has 68%, colombia 46%, equador 31%, uruguay 87%, venezuela 60%.
some mestizos even have more than 90% european genetic ancestry.
prove that you're right. propaganda memes are not evidence.
i'm native norwegian. i'm a 100 times whiter than you.
>Mohammed Ali dodged the draft,
You lie.
He dodged nothing. He stood up against it and said he will not be sent to kill other people. For that he was sent to prison.
You should be so honorable, shitforbrains.
Are those the people migrating to America?
Stupid people live in the countryside. Yup.
You have any idea how many Argentinians there are just in Los Angeles these days?
>He dodged nothing.
Except for the draft. Not even saying he was wrong for doing so, but he fucking dodged the draft, dont fool yourself.
What about all those hippies that burned their draft cards or ran to Canada?
Whatever there are, they are the minority.
So are white people
Yeah no shit. White people don't want to live anywhere near you beaners.
The Venezuelan whites have been flooding Miami, just like Batista's buddies did when Cuba kicked out their own capitalist scum.
You're too young even to know.
I’m not white, or live in Cali, and also not your user
You sure about that?
i can almost hear him reconsider his anti-immigration opinions.
As this thread dies. Something for you lefties to think about. You fags want legal weed and more gibs. You don't actually give a flying shit about illegals, your masters do. If you want any bipartisan support, for what you actually want, you have to drop the defense of illegals. How you can defend them at all is a mystery, I think it's just because we are against them. And that's a pointless and childish position to argue from.
guess what? they couldn't stop him from doing so.
Not exactly. Anything marketed as "dulce de leche" these days (such as ice cream and caramel sauce) is so named because the local (Mexican) name, "cajeta", means something else entirely to Argentinians.
OK .... he is gone and She is not a President ... you will need to suffer another 5 years . Get over it
Batista's been dead longer than you've been alive, Chuckles.
It's a laughable and weak argument. Hur dur spics are white so let them in. My asshole they're white.
who said we want bipartisan support? we want you human garbage to drown in the ocean.
Not even close, bud.
That will just lead to war. You seriously think we can survive as a nation, like this?
Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that?
Source on that? Source on that? Source on that?
>Source on that?
>Source on that?
Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that? Source on that?
>Source on that?
tldr Source on that?
right on the money ... you do not want to talk ... you want all opposition to your ideas to be gone . Typical Socialist .... in line with Stalin, Mao or Castro .... go to Cuba bitch
You're really fucking stupid. Your mother should have swallowed you.
And Liberals are one with all the guns and all the sons and daughters serving in military ... They have chances in that war as Hillary in 2020
Satan 666 is right .... end of this
>i hate white people
not the same as promoting genocide and making usa dictatorship, pal. you know perfectly well that you guys are planning to gas people, hang people (day of the rope), shoot people, and all kinds of isis shit. that's about 5000 steps past hating someone.
dubs were spoken
>muh hillary
get over it already
triggered ??
You hate white people, admit it.
>saved from 5chan
why do you have gay hentai on your computer, bro?
Rhetoric like that is what's going to be responsible for a violent racial backlash against you people. So keep on saying shit like that, that helps my side win.
Dumfuk just flunked his own DNA test.
no, i hate you. because you're the reason people hate white people. no one hates me, but they all hate you.