nigger ariel
Nigger ariel
This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.
user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!
Whoever gets triggered by that is a retard
I'm sick of the ghetto edits, they should just start drawing porn of her already.
Now the fantasy makes sense. Niggers can't swim...however, there's this fish-assed nigga bitch over here...
Hot as fuck. More?
You have some of the edits? OP picture is hot
I dont get why disney would have a black mermaid. Black people cant swim and black women always bitch about their hair getting wet. I can understand a black girl thirsty about an attractive white man with money, but no negress would ever give up her voice for some white dick and a better credit score...
I need more black Ariel edits user
She turns human though so does that mean she looses the ability to swim?
Imagine getting that upset about a fictional character of a fictional species (who is already very unlike the original story) not having the same skin colour as you (even though there are black people in Denmark).
She will be getting white dick on the big screen I love it
There's white people in Africa, what's your point?
imagine getting upset that other people are upset about a fictional character of a fictional species.
if it "doesn't matter" so damn much, why change it?
You had me until the retarded point at the end
Adult man angry about children’s cartoons hitting his fee-fees
Why the fuck would they turn a white disney princess into a nigger?
Nah, but I'm tempted to scroll through the twitter tag and edit all of the fanart
Yo got any of dat chickenz of da sea white boi?
I got the white meat right here
Fucking kek!
sauce on this cute nigger?
She cute
you forgot Guinevere whose name literally means fair / light skinned not mocha colored moor
In 10 years a live action version of Static Shock will be created and it will be played by a Korean.
That’s how Disney covers it’s tracks for being a racist greed lord corporation. We care about women, look here’s a women jeti oh and a black one as well. Hey this toy is gay we love faggots. Black little Mermaid you say sure. Why not we are super progressive. A little white kid dies. fuck no you white little shit no spider man tomb stone for you!!!
Who hurt you?
He’s right, though, there’s nothing he said that you can refute.
god its so fucking stupid.
take one princess from white pypo, to give in reparation to black pypo, for no fucking reason other than to sell tickets to politically correct millennials who think this is what black rights looks like.
they're not going to delve into black culture in the fucking little mermaid. if they are, it's not the little mermaid anymore. if they aren't, shes black for no fucking reason.
to me thats the definition of a lose lose for the purpose of making a live action little mermaid. "lets make it live action, but change every single thing about the story!" that's not how you do live action remakes.
The real story of the little Mermaid is actually really fucked up. She gets legs but it feels like knifes going into her feet every time she walks. She saves the prince from drowning. But she has no voice so she can’t take create for it. Prince ends up marrying a rich chick who claimed to have saved him. She has a chance to save her own life but she has to kill the prince. She can’t do it she jumps in the water and dies and becomes sea foam.
I kek'ed
Now there's a live action remake that I want.
what the actual fuck? why do they do this to our children?
I like it. good work user
>All your retards thinking she is nigg.
Enjoy the propaganda.
The niggers might have won this tiny hollywood liberal battle, but when we vote for segregation in schools again they'll think twice before attempting such a prank again.
fak you PC Laura post titties
How much does Disney pay you to advertise their movie?