Do you think he regrets it?

Do you think he regrets it?

Attached: 1562449420547.jpg (838x1024, 133K)

what the fuck is wrong with op's picture,this has to be photoshopped right

did the nig nog actually have a kid?

That is the shittiest Photoshop I've ever seen.

Kill yourself.

ha can you imagine if that kid really looked like that lmfao

Attached: 1314041677651.png (364x343, 106K)

ok heres the origional you joyless cunt

Attached: poorbastard.jpg (1003x669, 77K)

No he really is that sick of a pompous douchebag imbecil.

His son is a nigger so he is going to pay for it eventually nobody is gonna respect the monarchy after this incident.

It's because it does


Prolly. Prince Philip probably enjoyed knocking her up though