Okay Yea Forums what do we think of cocaine...

Okay Yea Forums what do we think of cocaine. Let's have some random chat like Yea Forums used to be while I sniff coke and talk shit about everything. Join me Yea Forumsros. Fuck all the spam porn threads and tell me your coke stories.

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Coke is great but it's too expensive. If you get addicted to it then you're retarded. Nothing is addictive if you have some self control. I like to wait a year or two before buying any and saving up 10 euro per week towards it. So I can buy more than 5g. Self control is necessary to take any kind of drugs including alcohol. Fuck I'm so high idk what the fuck I just wrote. This thread will definitely get ignored tho with all the porn threads you thirsty incels. Kill yourselves. Threads like this are shit but they're still better than dick rates and other cancer threads.

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Do it less than once a week. It’s fun. Pairs well with alcohol.

I'm drinking some Polish beer
And taking coke. Small amounts for now. Getting up to the mood. I don't understand why it's so expensive though. I guess it's because it still makes you feel in control. You don't feel slower or out of yourself. You just feel better, awake and more prepared. But it should be cheaper in my opinion. How about we bring Yea Forums back I have like 3g left and I will shitpost all night to bring Yea Forums back to the stage 2 cancer instead of sitting back and leaving it at stage 5 cancer and stage 100 degeneracy

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Bump you fucking tranny loving Jews. How about you have a conversation shitposting instead of jerking it to dudes dressing as girls

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Coke is boring as fuck by itself, but a godsend when you're drunk. The only time I have any use for it while I'm not drinking is I usually save a couple bumps for the morning after a long drunk/coke night. Helps with the hangover and takes the edge off the come down. Plus, if it's a coke night, I'm usually coherent enough at the end of the night to remember to drink a shit load of water before bed.

Coke: 3/10
Alcohol: 6/10
Put them together: 9/10

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this forms a new drug called cocaethylene, and it's a lot worse for your heart then regular coke.

and still doesn't feel as good as just shooting the coke.


White people over pay.
If you can easily make a connect in south America you can send yourself back some quantities inside machu pichu gift shop shit or w/e
over all good drug for the sustainable high during the day. Coffee and you crash coke and you sleep
maybe taper with some benzos but those are dangerous cause of how addictive they are probably worse than heroin but not every has same withdrawal symptoms to drugs


bad is you will likely die of a heart issue
especially if you abuse it with alcohol
it also cuts into finances and once you got your routine going and a decent job you might drop $300 for a ball
give or take $40

then there is the question of supply

bad again white people get ripped off because they’re only flexing in the financial industry. Most of them thought they’d be millions but they’re loser discount brokerage reps with no character so its easy to lay down a business with timid /biz type blowing half his pay check and having a party in the bathroom because their favorite movie is American psycho

working class plebs will normally make decent connects and then your grade goes up. Usually make that connect through a medical professional who’s cool

hope you speak more than english
best connects do that

oh and i guess if you abuse it for a long time you’ll definitely develop a heart condition. Don’t over exert yourself. Its a fun drug and not as caustic as meth
but since the whole wall deal lot of dumb plebs have been getting shit full of levamisole which leads to chronic colds and shit

so i guess just be careful
know that too much is a killer
its better for workers in decent paying jobs
discretion is better because if you’re not white police in most places will fuck your life up. if youre white and no priors less of an issue

good luck.

That's not really a nice ass. This is a coke thread mate. Post coke stories not girls asses. If we want to look at girls asses there's plenty of threads for that. Thanks
Is there anyone who takes coke without alcohol? I only did it once because I was hungover as fuck and needed to go to work. What's the best combo for alcohol and coke? Whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Jager, Rum or beer?
I honestly prefer Vodka and when I finish the bottle I drink beer and I add honey to it. Helps with the hangover in the morning. When you wake up make sure to eat food breakfast. Have a coffee. Blow your nose. And then do a little line to rid the hangover.
Rather not take that mate. I get pure cocaine for 90 euro for a gram. I'd rather spend more and get good shit than spend less and take my chances.
Thanks for bumping me bro

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Thanks bro. Good info you gave me. I don't take it a lot. I usually do a full weekend and then a Monday I sniff the rest to keep the hangover away. I always watch my health and I'm pretty fit. I just want to have some out of body fun. Something that I'm not able to do without substances. Alcohol doesn't do it for me because it makes me feel weak and sad and droopy. I mostly smoke weed and play games after working out for 2hrs. I do coke a weekend every 2years or so. I don't get ripped off because the supplier from Colombia is my good friend. She has a massive ass and I fucked her once. She exports to Europe and I get a good price for pure shit

BTW dudes. If I'm writing different it means I'm coming down

i've only taken coke with alcohol a couple times, because i just don't like alcohol. would get drunk socially once in a while in college, in the 13 years since graduating haven't had so much as a beer. but coke, that i used a lot, and was addicted for a few years.

> (You)
Rather not take that mate. I get pure cocaine for 90 euro for a gram. I'd rather spend more and get good shit than spend less and take my chances.

what's the have to do with alcohol and coke forming a much more dangerous drug in your body? it's the coke reacting with the ethanol, not impurities in the coke.

You have my envy. I used to live on the border and it was everywhere. I don't make the money to afford it anymore anyway. Just enjoying me a rum and coke and a little herb. Got a dose of methadone, but I think imma save that for tomorrow or the next day

44yo old fag here. Burner Raver Banker Dad.

After all is said and done, Coke is the number one drug out there. You can have a dab or go on a mongo session. You can mix it with everything including sex.

I love it.

But it's fuckinh expensive.

You loser. Get 6g for €400 and decent quality. You are a dealers dream

I once bought 10g of coke and took it all myself within 2 weeks. After that I just preferred to do weed. But in the past few months couldn't find anyone to sell me coke. Or anyone that wouldn't rip me off. So I started a new job last week and my coworker asks me if I smoke weed.
>I said yeah and he said that he sells. So I asked him what does he sell. He said everything. I know all kinds of people and I can get you anything. Since I like you I won't be making cash off you. I'll sell you supplier prices if you just chill with me from time to time.
I just told him he doesn't need to sell to me for me to chill with him and I told him I get it for 90 a g anyway. Turned out its the same supplier but he's a really cool dude so we started to hang out and he has a fucking pristine 1982 Toyota Supra. Anywhere we go everyone compliments the car. I am a car guy so it feels good when people compliment a clean classic car.
Fair enough mate. Don't push yourself. Only do drugs as far as you're capable of. If you feel tired then get some water and lie down. Chill out. Watch some TV shows or listen to music.
I honestly prefer MDMA its like coke but 1000 times stronger but it clouds your judgment. So I don't like it for that. Only do it around people that are good and trustworthy.
Rather not take shitty coke mixed with anything else. I get pure coke. Even tested it myself. Sacrificed about a key of it to test it. 99.8% pure. No way it could be 100% bdcause it has to be cut. Don't buy the cheap shit. I buy straight from Colombia and the supplier really likes me. So I get it as pure as it can get

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that real?

i don't even believe the 99.8, 97 is the best you're going to get without a serious and expensive purification method that's just not going to happen

what are you stealing AS grade from sigma or something?

The crash? Yes. It was in the golden days of rallying. Group B. The mechanics usually found decapitated fingers in the grilles and intercoolers and had their own therapists. It was insane and super dangerous. But that sprouted even more people to attend the races
>Here's a link for all the crazy people who stood millimeters from the 200kmh cars on a loose surface track
No its just the price in Colombia. Since my supplier is a great woman and she has a fucking amazing ass. If you guys want I will post her ass to see I'm not lying. It gets to where I live. It gets cut on the boat during the sail on the boat. It's disguised as a civilian boat. Can't give too much detail because it would ruin everything. She's a great woman and used to be a virgin until she met me.
It would be a good love story if she wasnt forced to do this work and literally became a monster. I still pretend she's amazing because I get a good price. But she turned really bad.
>I'll post her amazing ass if I get more fucking people in here actually talking and debating and arguing

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I'll post her ass and it better bring you faggots in. Unless you prefer seeing my hairy ass you fags

I'll post more you horny fuckers. Keep the conversation going ...
If the thread dies there is no more pics. I have vids too, so shitpost...

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if it's above the low 90s in purity it wasn't cut at all.

anyway, story time
>get ounce of coke
>wind up shooting almost all it in massive binge
>up for 3 days on iv coke binge
>paranoid like nothing else, hearing things, peaking out windows
>middle of night, look out window again..
>fucking cops all over my back yard
>flip shit like never before
>running around, flushing everything, smashing hard drives, ripping labels off rx bottles, flinging needles into attic
>cops never even knock, move on to next yard
>still never figured out wtf they were doing
>do 6 more lines and a ringer and pass out 5 minutes later from stress and exhaustion
>lay off the coke for a while

One more to bump this fucking thread. If you want more then post more about the subject you cunts
I better not get a Colombian necktie for this

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I spent about 3-4 months (can't remember tbh) doing coke non-stop. Had a bender with it last weekend and remembered how fucking bad it is.

It's a terrible drug that traps you in its addiction, requiring instant gratification as a trade-off for pain and misery later. The high is shit compared to other uppers (in this case, adderall), the comedown is incredibly short, and you need to re administer more often and in bigger doses the longer you do it. And to top it off, way too expensive for what it is/what it does.

Never buy and use it at your own home. Only good when stealing a few bumps from your friends at a party and you'll eventually be cut off from it. Once you start purchasing larger quantities with plans of "saving some for later" you're already too far gone. When that happens, literally blow it all at once and forget about it. Otherwise you'll soon be cutting open the straws you used to snort it in hopes that there's another line hidden somewhere up in there.

You'll never get it NOT cut with something. What its cut with usually has long term negative effects to your sinuses and mucus membranes, some of which can never be healed.

Terrible drug. Terrible high. Terrible price. Avoid it at all costs. Get an adderall prescription instead or just admit that uppers, while fun, are too addicting and too damaging with little reward.

Following up on the adderall point. Easy as fuck to fake ADD/ADHD at your doc - no test that can determine it or rule it out. Only negative to getting a script is that they now test for other substances, so I had to quit weed for the time being. But $15/month for a consistent, fun, and USEFUL high, without any of the cut additives, without any of the risk, and with far less addiction.

Coke is just like slamming a bunch of caffeine - it's a CNS and that's all it does.

Adderall dumps serotonin on your dopamine receptors and causes positive mood changes, better focus, and you're not as 'strung'/'tweaked' out if you binge it. Not to mention, WAY harder to detect. The best ROA for Coke is through your nose, (don't freebase it, inject it, or put it up your ass) and everyone around you will know for days you've done it.

coke is overrated as fuck would much rather have addy or vyv or even meth

This dude gets it. Never done Vyv, heard it has more mood-swings than addy. Tried meth (snorted) once or twice - it literally has adderall in it, so it maintains those positives, while giving you a 'warmer'/'fuzzier' feeling (it's half of what makes up Molly). Was too afraid to get addicted though and never went further with it.

>one time want to do some coke with this girl
>my dudes are sleeping, hers can only get crack
>so we get some crack, fuck it i've got some hydrochloric acid around we can still shoot it
>go to mix some up, well fuck my pH meter is broken
>not stopping now, just wing it
>it dissolves mixed in some (i thought) diluted enough hcl (the regular cocaine you get is cocaine hydrochloride, as opposed to the cocaine base of crack that still needs that HCl salt)
>well, it was way too acidic
>i find a vein and register, as the blood flows into the syringe barrel it instantly turns brown
>oops, it's instantly lethal to any living blood cell
>but fuck it i'm sure as shit not stopping
>shoot it anyway

Coke is too easy to get around here, everyone got hooked for a while. It took over the MDMA spot a few years ago and haven't seen M since 2014/15. If anyone in the 717 area of PA knows an actual Molly hookup, kik me at mouserat717


15 dollars a gram, you just need a bump to feel good, lasts longer and it's literally made in a lab and send to you with purity sheets etc, street coke is for retards.

Hard to get in murrica though. Glad I don't live there

also way less cardiotoxic if you mix your coke with alcohol. NDRIS are way safer than NDRA/I's

Ah dude that's fucked. You should try practicing self control. That's not something you should do if you control the drugs. You never let the drugs control you. If you want to have fun. Know your limit. If you don't then you end up a junkie. It was a good choice to stay away from it for a while. Shows you have self control. Now learn to use it more and you'll be able to take drugs once every year or more and stay the way you were before you took any. You gotta let your body and mind regenerate
Sounds like you got some spiked shit. Probably cut with something fucked. And maybe they threw in some rat poison to raise the weight. You just gotta make the person that sells it trust you. Or try find a supplier. It's difficult but my supplier is hot as fuck. Had sex multiple times and she gives me a good price. Imports it in a way I can't tell you guys but she told me everything. She has a good business plan for this. And she's using her cartel to kill criminals who kill innocents and rape. She's kinda like a good and bad. But nobody knows of her other than close ppl. Lately tho she's been getting crazy a bit and killing people herself.
I literally have ADHD and never been prescribed Adderall. The ADHD is so bad I couldn't concentrate for more than 5seconds after 30 mins of sitting down with a book. Started smoking weed. Became more relaxed and payed more attention. Concentrated much more on everything and remember much more. I smoke weed about an hour before I go to college and it works great

one of the only positives coke has in its favor are cokebitches

they are fun as fuck, but not at your own house hahah.

>I don't get ripped off because the supplier from Colombia is my good friend. She has a massive ass and I fucked her once.

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Asked my wife to marry me, both high on coke. Would reccomend, definitely have to be a tard to get addicted.

yeah i've quit coke pretty much permanently, only once every few years now. and 3 years ago was only because i found some on the street.

opiates are more my thing, been shooting those about 16 years now, though not like i used to.

so one more story.. one time i got some coke with a fucking bizarre and probably very unhealthy cut. as soon as i shot it, it was like a punch to the gut, i'd instantly start gasping for air like i had just had all the wind knocked out of me.
no fucking clue what could do that or how it could do that, and no one i've asked has any clue either

of course i kept doing it tho, whatever that weird cut was there was still coke in it.

Retarded mate. If you have doubts don't take drugs. Watch how other people react to it before you take any. Find friends who take these drugs and they'll hood you up. Let them take the first hits. If they don't feel sick or start getting aggressive then take some. There's no such thing as real friends. But you can test if it's good shit or contaminated by watching them
I live in Eurojail.
It's the best price I can get here. It goes for 120 euro usually and it's not pure stuff. It gets mixed with ketamine and other shit I don't know. Since I know the best sex I ever had. I get a super good price and the best quality. I hooked her up with a distributor here and they have a deal but she insists that there's always some stocked up for me. I always decline because I'd rather pay for it than take it free unaware that she's going to fuck me over because I didn't move to Colombia and start a family with her and have a drug empire

Coke sucks. It's expensive, doesn't last very long, and is kinda a meh high. Save ur money for literally anything else.

I've done it quite a few times, but I don't really like those kinds of drugs(coke, molly, amphetamines) because the party never "ends" for me. I'll be on my 6th afterparty 10 in the morning and still feel like the party hasn't even started yet when everyone else in the whole town has completely passed out, i'll get majorly bummed out and end up sitting alone at home and snorting by myself and not even having any fun at all. Then there's the trouble sleeping and the shitty comedown the day after. Nah man. It can be fun but everytime I wake up I feel like it wasn't worth it. I'll do it a few times a year on special occasions and only if I know for sure it's prime shit. Also I hate doing it when you're at clubs because bouncers in my country are usually gay narcs and will call the cops if they suspect you're on something, they'll notice if you go to the restrooms too often or even if you're chewing gum too "intense" etc. Funnily enough, the last years i've almost only done it at family gatherings. My cousin is a coke head and a dealer so everytime we'll snort as fuck and then go out and have dinner with the whole family, it's hilarious because it makes me super social and my family always think i'm just naturally happy with everything and high on life kek

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there was nothing wrong with the crack i just didn't have a working pH meter to accurately titrate it to coke*hcl without making it lethally acidic.

It's pretty good. Not something I'd do by itself but really helps to balance the negative traits of alcohol.

Like a much less intense ecstacy. You got the energy but without it easily going too far like MDMA. There is less of a risk of ending up talking too much and getting annoying.

Only done each about 4 times,mainly a weed guy, but very often around friends that are much more into their class A s .

The price here is 120 for shit coke. I literally bought testers and it all shows pure coke excluding the cut. She's a good girl but she's got too much money and too many people to fuck with her. She's super cute and really hot but I don't want to risk going to a Colombian prison because I wanted some really good pussy and ass.
My girlfriend doesn't like drugs and she hasn't ever smoked weed. She's a completely pure girl and she was a virgin before she met me. Has a good paying job and said she only wants to marry when I'm ready and she's ready for a child. She won't marry unless we have stable income to support a child and ourselves. She's a good woman that cares about herself and her family. Definitely waifu material.
Don't do too much drugs fren. Only do it for fun every few years. Don't let the drugs control you. Have fun with drugs and give it a big break to let your brain and body recover from the intense stress the drugs put you under.
Well the best coke is in powder form. Straight from an import country that hasn't cut it yet. That way you're sure. It's good stuff and hasn't been tampered with. Really good coke will make you feel like yourself. But more awake and more aware. A lot faster in everything and the colours you see will be brighter. Easy way to spot fake coke. If you take a key.
>always take a key tester before buying from anyone
Make sure to talk to the dude about anything. You'll talk a lot of shit. If he wants to back out. It's pure shit. If he pushes it onto you. He wants to rid of it because it's tampered. I learned this from a dealer I know for 10 years. He's a good guy but he just can't find a job withput education. I got him a course but he literally can't understand anything from the books. So it's only jail for him or he'll never get caught. Which is probably what won't happen

Cool story? Oh wait, you must be high on cocaine....

She says she's fat. Maybe in Colombia
>thicc means fat
After fucking her for a few days I had to come back to my country and I constantly jerked off to her pictures.I lost a lot of the videos, but I can post them if someone gives me a good WEBM converter that's free

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I am but it's true dude. On coke I never lied. Even to people I hate. I said straight in their face that I hate them and the world would be better without them. I can give details except for names and addresses. If I'm found I'm literally dead by my supplier. I hope at least she'll let me fuck her before I get a bullet in my brain. As much as my girlfriend knows about the drugs I take from year to year. She doesn't know I fucked the supplier before I met her. She's very sensitive and it would hurt her that I'm communicating with a girl I fucked. Anyway. I'll post vids of her masturbating with a carrot like I told her to because she thinks I'm the only guy worthwhile for her. She does any command I want. But I don't do it anymore because I hope she gets better with her mental state and starts working properly in a different country. But she'll probably get murdered if she does because the drug business is not a clean business.
>give me a webm convert program and I'll send vids

>She's a good girl but she's got too much money and too many people to fuck with her. She's super cute and really hot but I don't want to risk going to a Colombian prison because I wanted some really good pussy and ass.

Covered face cause she'd know it's me. Shes honestly model material with her face and body. Wouldn't want a better supplier

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Sounds like bullshit but it's true mate. She's very weak towards me. But I don't really want to be with her again. She used to beat me with a gun in her hand if I didn't fuck her. I've no idea why she's after a 5"6" white manlet with a bushy beard. She's like 5"4" but she's feirce. You wouldn't want to be on her bad side. I got away from it in a difficult way. But she always keeps saying if my girlfriend leaves me she'll have a ticket booked for me to Colombia. It's kind of scary at times. But she wouldn't kill me. Maybe force me to be with her. I wouldn't mind that if she wasn't involved in literal crime that can put you away for life or even killed. And if I was forced to be her husband then nobody would believe me in court or anywhere. I'd be seen as the bad guy. Screencap this if you want. If you hear of a guy getting arrested in Colombia along a smoking hot female drug lord. Then you'll have proof I was forced into it. I only take drugs for fun. Not to sell and make profit.

No, dont care. Have fun my dude.

Thanks dude. Having good fun. Hope you are too. No hate towards you btw. Even if you spill a lot.this is all good fun so enjoy the weekend bro.
>Also another pic. Fucking queen

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you act like it's easy to find someone selling totally uncut coke. i've found it precisely once in my life, and only because someone forgot to cut it, and after that they wouldn't sell it to me anymore uncut at any price for some reason.

even paying huge markups on the darknet there's no uncut.

congrats if you're for real, but connects like that are fucking rare, even for people like me who've been buying coke and heroin for over 15 years

Never tried it, always thought about getting hooked on the stuff to help me lose weight, but I'm more certain that I'd just have a heart attack and die.

I knew her for 2yrs and was her boyfriend for that time before she told me. When I went to see her. I sniffed the most amount of coke ever and watched her kill a snitch. Honestly I shit myself but kept my composure so I don't end up like him. I waited until I was back in my country to tell her I wanted only to be associates and friends.
She flipped out and called a hit squad on me and killed like 2 people she thought I knew. (in Colombia I only knew her so they were innocent)
That's why I only associate with her through the port and nothing else. I'd rather stay alive and have someone else take my place with her. But she's stuck up on me. She wants to have a family with me and have a drug business. That's not the way I want to live. So as stupid as it sounds. I'm trying to find a guy that'll appeal to her and hope she'll leave me alone and won't kill me. This is scary shit guys but I'm keeping it together knowing she's 6k miles away. Uncut coke is hard to get. But once you're in the business of receiving it. You're fucked. I can't get out man. I want her to be a proper woman and work a different way. But she has too much blood on her hands and the only work she did was sell cocaine. I've no idea why she's going after a 5"6" manlet but I would completely waifu her if she wants a drug lord and a murderer

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Don't get hooked on it. Find people who do it. Be friends. Drink together. Watch how they act on coke. If they act irregularly then it's contaminated. You won't have a heart attack if you don't drink energy drinks and sniff too much. Basically start small and move up until you feel like you have reached a limit. If you're unsure. Then don't take more. If you aren't certain then don't rake anymore of it. If you want more then make a good line. Drink some water before. Sniff the line. Then have a few beers and stay awake till whatever time you can watching shit you love. Coke is a good drug but way too expensive for the feeling it gives you. It's safer than you think if it's not contaminated and taken at the right dosages

Okay guys a video coming through. I had a good convo so if it keeps going I'll post more

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Havnt done coke in a while not my type of drug did ketamine a little back which is basically space cocaine.

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Last vid/pic I post unless the thread kicks off again. Kind of sad I have to bribe you guys into shitposting by sending a thicc Latina. Bet it would be more popular if she had a dick

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Ket isn't good. Once I took it and it made me supper aggressive and defensive. Couldn't talk to anyone without getting angry at them even if it was something unimportant or funny. So I never took it again. I only took acid after this

Its overrated liquor and weed is all you need

Coming from someone that used to be an addict and was heavily involved in the business the only thing I believe that's come out of your mouth tonight is that you're high.

Weed is great to relax. MDMA is good if you want to be happy with friends and party a long time. Acid is good if you're with at least one sober friend who wants to listen to your bullshit and make you feel bappy. Coke is good if you're drinking and want to stay up late while being in control of your mind and body and have a good perception of time. Mushrooms you need a few good friends and some very funny comedy movies so you don't get a bad trip. If you feel like you're having a bad trip then hit a bong and it'll relax you. It will override your paranoia and stress.
>post moar of my supplier or no?
She's so hot and I don't want to be with her so I wanna share her with everyone. I had her virginity from both holes so I was first to the throne

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Lol at getting high on adhd drugs

I get you dude but tbh why would lie on here? I won't be remembered and I wont get plebbit uplikes for a post. It's the truth. Idk how to probe it but I can't give out too much info. I know it's shady but the whole business is shady. Have some tits my friend. They're small but fun.
>Also full frontal or you guys more excited in seeing dicks?

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Shrooms are the tits one of the best drugs by far pro tip drink when tripping to avoid a bad trip.

Fucking grew up on it but shits ridiculously expensive compared to how it was 10 years ago at $100 a ball. Last time I bought any I paid $80 for a gram rock but this was not in Chicago...I miss Chicago for its good cheap hard drugs.

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kek literally. I have ADHD and the only thing it made me feel was emptiness in my head and I had no appetite at all. Was unable to workout or anything so I became a stick. Started smoking weed. Ate a lot more on it and joined the rugby team in my area. I was the fastest and winger in my age group for about 5 years before I decided I want to do engineering.I could've probably veen a pro rugby player but I love cars too much to do it. I want to work on cars all my time and life.
Don't drink on shrooms. Drink a lot of water and then pop the stamp.After 25 mins you'll need to shit. Then you shit amd piss for like 2 mins and you'll feel in a different world. Make sure you're doing it in a safe environment or your trip will go badly.
Coke is too expensive comparing it to MDMA and Weed which give you a better feeling. Coke just makes you more aware and faster . So basically how I am now.It takes me about a second to find a spelling mistake and correct it. It's insane. I feel numb but I also feel everything. Coke is good in doses. But if people have no self control they will overdose and die.You have to calculate how you do it by taking small amounts. You can't jump in and start ripping big lines.Start slow and move up slowly, That'll tell you how much you're capable of and you'll always feel you're at the limit.
>Also the hottest pic I ever received. I wanked to it countless times. Enjoy it dudes

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>first paragraph fix
*been a pro rugby player
>second paragraph fix
Then you shit and piss for like 2 mins and it'll kick in quicker so after 2 mins on the shitter you'll feel in a different world already but you'll have enough control to talk to people before your memory only becomes something you never knew.
>paragraph 3
Its a video not a pic.
>do you fags really not want to see a hot, beautiful and thicc Latina drug lord?
I thought that women that control themselves are the best women. Get the fuck in here dudes. I'll post more if there's more posts.
OP is not a fag. I delivered hot Latina drug lord pics. Now talk to me before I send more for you to jerk to

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In my research, I've found that it's not as harmful as the teetotalers would have you believe, but it's definitely an overrated drug.
As a stimulant, it's barely better than caffeine.
For euphoria, it's way underwhelming compared to psychedelics.
The worst part is probably the price. You could get 5x the quantity of any other drug which will last longer and have more worthwhile effects, or one dime bag of coke to keep a single party fun for a couple more hours.
Really, the only reason you'd do it is to show off, because sniffing an illegal powder into your nose is cooler and edgier than brewing a pot of coffee for your frat bros.

Comparing coke to ket. Huh? Wat?

You're completely right. But the only reason I buy so much cocaine once a year is because I can act like sober like it's not problem but feel superior. If I just want to feel good or relaxed I'd take MDMA or smoke Weed. Other drugs are kind of irrelevant in my opinion. Acid is great but it can give you permanent damage. I only done it once and I want to do it again or do mushrooms. Basically you got to pace yourself a lot with drugs. And you have to have self control otherwise you will be addicted

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True that

Thanks dudes here's a webm for yous

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Ah. Did the “good, ole coke”. That gasoline taste/smell, numbing, post-nasal drip. “Let’s talk and do stuff!” Wow I’m sweating a lot and my heart sure is racing! Driving around, cranking up some 80’s metal. Yes kids. Shit, I just drove 70 miles! Time sure is moving fast. Maybe a bump or two more. I want to fuck, but can’t get hard. Damn. Eh, getting a bit anxious and irritable. Even depressed. Thinking about things. Out of coke. Need to unwind. A beer or three. Chill. Bed. Been about 21 years. Hear that it’s mostly stepped on with “whatever”. Maybe 60% pure. More if you’re rich. “Short acting”, maybe 3-4 hours, depending upon the dose and the individual. Older, and kinda high bp so I don’t want a stroke or heart attack.

Cocaine is for fucking obnoxious ego-driven losers man. Expensive as fuck, always from a sketchy source, and illegal as all fuck if you're caught with it. Don't like it faggot? Fuck off. Behold the finish line.

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You are right in your post. But you missed an important detail. It's not an everyday thing and I restrict the dosage. So I never go over my limit. As much as I want to get much more higher I wouldn't because I value my life while having fun. It will give you experiences out of what you thought was possible. If you do it too often you will be stuck in there and you will do anything to get back in. That's the problem. If you can't enjoy something with a limit you get addicted. I had a 2 year pause after doing coke for a week. Sniffed 10 grams. In one week. I do realize it was retarded of me to do so much in such a short time that's why I decided to make a plan to pace myself and learn to control myself. After Sunday I'll be taking a 2 or 3 year break from coke. Maybe I'll do acid in a few months because it's been 4yrs since I've done it. And since I live with my girlfriend now without my parents living in my house. She doesn't do drugs so she will keep an eye on me. She always does. The Colombian supplier knows I have a girlfriend. She's extremely jealous but she doesn't know what she looks like or what's her name. My girlfriend doesn't know she's after her. But I told her that if she leaves me ill be with her. Which was a stupid decision because she keeps sending coke and other drugs to my address. So I have to sell it to my friends who resell it. She's crazy and probably psychotic. I want to stay away. But I can't. If I don't reply for too long I'm scared ill be kidnapped and sent to Colombia. What should I fucking do?
Or how should I change her ways?

Eh, Artie. It all stemmed from his fathers accident and eventual death. He’s in it deep. Coke and H. I’ve been around people on coke talking about shit that is interesting to THEM, for longer than is socially acceptable. That arrogant over-confidence, ego and inappropriate excitement. No thanks. “Hey, then this and this and this and this!” Sweaty. They get irritated if you’re not as interested as they are in whatever nonsensical topic they are rambling about. Like many drugs, everybody has to be on it to “enjoy” it. I don’t want to be around people who are stoned or drunk unless I am.

A big part of addiction is not to constantly get high but to prevent withdrawals. Some have the “addictive gene” some don’t.

This. Coked-up hypomanic people talking about their “big plans”. Fuck that.

But the gene isn't the whole person. It can be overwritten with good education and support. Most people who get addicted to drugs don't have family support or hang out with the wrong people and believe them too much. I hung out with the wrong people for years before I decided to try weed. Then I tried all drugs I could get my hands on. But only once. Once I understand how they make me feel and how they affect me I can set a time for myself. I set a dose. I know how much I can take. But I don't make a timesheet when I can do it again. Sure I want to do it every weekend to enjoy it more. Not only it'll be a stronger effect if I wait longer before I take it again. But my body and mind had time to recover from the damage that the drugs did. Honestly I was an alcoholic. Drank every day for 4 years. Yes its not a joke. I'm 21 and I've drank from the age of 13 every single day. Even when I went to school. Somehow I managed to hide it but my parents found out one day and I wasn't allowed to leave the house without them. Then I started to sneak out at night and steal their smokes. Got a nicotine addiction. Then after taking acid I saw the way I was behaving from their point of view. I changed the way I act. I stopped drinking. I only drink on special occasions or when doing coke. Which is a special occasion because it happens twice in a row every 2 or 3 years.
>tl;dr:, acid gave me a reality trip I'll never forever and made me understand addiction and how much of a fucking cunt I was to my parents

So you guys don'y like Colombian drug lord's nudes. That's fucking disappointing

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What's wrong with drinking on shrooms ive tripped 3 times on em and every time I've been drunk.

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Yes both have short durations and are very fiendish drugs once you do a line it's hard to put down

I'm not the girl dude. You don't wanna meet her or you'll be fucking killed. I'm trying to stay away

Meet who? Molly?

The girl I'm posting. She's dangerous and I'm literally scared for my life