Hey, esfores... How can I be TRULY nice? I want to be nice and I'm trying to be nice but it feels... fake. Like, deep down I know I'm not a good person... I want to change and be nice... What do I do?
Hey, esfores... How can I be TRULY nice? I want to be nice and I'm trying to be nice but it feels... fake. Like...
pysyop thread where doremiposter will say watch doremi
watch doremi! id hlepd me alot
dubs! wooh!
u watch doremi tto! life doesnd hab tto hurt eberydaye...
each to their own, i prefer heroin and skydiving
drugse r nod a solution......
u wont b a heroine doign heroin
nah i'm good, thanks for the suggestion though.
I'm not him. Not every thread is a psyop thread. You might be schizophrenic and/or paranoid.
I started watching it but I couldn't make it too far. I think I watched like seven episodes. I have nothing against doremi, in fact, I thought it was cute... I just find anime in general pretty boring.
Just bee urself bro
you think anime is boring but you post anime pics....strange....suspicious.....very probable that you are indeed an accomplice to doremiposter if not him yourself.....further examination required for full results though
bullyigns nod smarte! sso dond starte!
faek id till u maek id fren
id's houu most peoplel starte
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I just got the test results in from my post ID analysis back and the results say this is in fact a psyop thread the op replied to a Twitter ad doremiposter had listed
doremiposter replies to me...attempts to defend OP....very likely that OP will return to thread and say thanks to doremiposter.....psyop........
Love yourself, then you will naturally learn to love others. Once you accept who and what you really are you'll see that reflected in others, and it will allow you to heal through kindness.
It's not something you try to do, it's something that ingrains itself into you the closer you get to realizing it.
I like anime girls because I'm a lonely autist. I've watched anime and there are some series I like but yeah, I find anime boring in general.
Also, I just like 80s anime aesthetics, specially Sailor Moon.
I'm not sure that's how it works...
Nope, sorry, not him.
This sounds like a legit advice, thanks.
psyop aborted due to interference from anons
have sex
Well god, i'd fucking love to. However, and i don't know if you guys know this, respectable girls don't jump on any damned dick! If i wanna have sex, well fuck, i've gotta spend 6 months building up to it or just pay a broad. Now i don't fucking know if you've ever payed a slut to bounce on your cock before but FUCK it's not fulfilling. It feels like it's not sex at all, like it's just someone sticking a damn tube in your chest and sucking you dry of any soul you had left. So, yeah, i'd just LOVE to have some real fucking sex but i can't. I can't and i'd appreciate it if you fucking retards would stop reminding me every god damn fucking minute!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
LoL didn't say you were him said you were partners in crime with him dipshit
same :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Well, you're wrong anyway.
Nope you only did it to get a Twitter shout out by him. I can leak the DMs but I'm not some cunt so I won't
(dubs! wooh!)
leds b nice tto eachudder insted ob feely bade
Doremi is god
drink a gallon of toilet water and post doremishit all day every day for years that will really make you nice
Also prefer Heroin
i neber put u down y wud u wan tto put me down... im a peoplels liek u tto... i lob my own life wid my own troublels ann i try tto obercome dem eberyday ann id cam b rly difficult sometiems but i dond taek out my frustrations by bullyign u. y wud u wan tto b a bad person?
Because being nice is retarded and you ruin children lives by molesting them
dubs! wooh!
nno i dond... u nno i dond... ann beign nice is nod dat ether... ids da onpely way i cud hab maed or connectd wid any ob my frens ann famlely... ids da onlely way any1 cam... deres nno raisin y u shudnt keep beign nice in mine... id wudnt feel goode if nobody tryd tto b nice tto u...
Nobody is nice to me so shut your fucking mouth and all your friends 100% consist of random people from the internet go watch that doremi garbage and cry in your mothers arms fag
can confirm i think pink is a stupid retard who should khs pronto
I already tried dozens of times one day i'll hopefully succeed and while I stop suffering you can orbit Doremi and suck his hairy dick