Queen is a terrible, overrated band. Change my mind. (Hint: you can't).
Queen is a terrible, overrated band. Change my mind. (Hint: you can't)
You seem to be happy with the mindset you have, user - why would anyone try to change it?
Also, you state that people can't change your mind, so why even begin to try? It's a waste of energy.
Like what you like, it's all good.
Oh... thats true
Welp... so much for that thread.
Wonder what OP will think of next...
I'm trying to trigger a bunch of faggot queen fans. it's fun to watch them get defensive over a HIV ridden faggot who made simplistic, shitty songs
there's much worse shit thats overrated like aerosmith / journey / rush. why single out queen?
because queen is the most overrated
>people enjoy music
>better try and troll them on an anonymous goatfucking board
Granted, they made a bunch of horrible stuff. But some of my all time favorite songs are Queen.
Homophobic asshole.
America is a terrible, overrated nation. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
Chocolate is a terrible, overrated edible. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
Homophobia is a terrible, overrated phobia. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
They are shit tier liberal scum
What's your opinion on Eric Lynn Wright also known as Eazy-Em sir?
Never though of it that way I can’t especially in today’s society. Poor tortured souls.
good rAper
Fuck da doctor, fake ass G
I see what you did there and then however do you categorize Queen fans in the same league as your crude joke?
Not entirely into the West Coast internal beef and or conflict considering that he was mainly manipulated by management into disliking his own friends even though management stole from the group in question before they broke up
Diplomacy roll the natural 20
Doplomacy is a terrible, overrated trait/office. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
Those fucking bands are in the clear, queen in particular is niggerloving dog shit
Gay Elvis made AIDS cool.
Racism is a terrible, overrated human trait. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
Why should I give a shit that some random cunt out in the world doesn't like Queen?
I wasn't trying to I was trying to figure out if it's your personal View or if you're just memes then you should just leave
Memes are a terrible, overrated device. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
By stating that I wasn't trying to change your mind was that me telling you to change your mind it's not reverse psychology if I don't intend it to be
I wouldn't go as far to say that the music is terrible, but I certainly don't enjoy it, and it's very very overrated.
Overrating is a terrible, overrated way to rate. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
So said someone who isn't me.
Forget it this is just an elaborate meme let's leave the thread in obscurity like gentleman
Personally I thought the joke was funny
But then again sometimes the ones in bad taste are.
OP is a terrible, overrated faggot user. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
OP here. Thank you for all taking the bait by interacting. I'm out uwu
That post is a terrible, overrated post. Change my mind (Hint: you can't)
Oh yeah game
Yeah I know that's baby's first edgy opinion but realistically speaking, Queen is very good