What are the top 5 worst music genre's in your opinion?
What are the top 5 worst music genre's in your opinion?
Worst to least
>Soundcloud rap
>Avant Garde (pretentious edgy nonsense that hipsters pretend to like)
>Mariachi (every song is literally the fucking same tuba accordion bullshit with different lyrics)
Boi just gonna shit on jazz like that. Nobody hates jazz you faggot.
mumble rap
nigger fuck music
classic rock
>Jazz (makes absolutely no sense to me to this day. Just 5 guys on a stage with 5 different instruments and everybody is playing his own shitty tune)
>any french electronica, I hate it all
>Dubstep since Skrillex
>Deep House and the whole scene that goes with it
>No nightcore
Metal is the white male's music so it's the worst.
Ya, fuck white people.
Everything with vocals. Pick any 5.
>Avant Garde (pretentious edgy nonsense that hipsters pretend to like)
usually but try avant garde pop
its good
1) Dubstep
2) Dubstep
3) Dubstep
4) Whatever that shit Skrillex does
5) Dubstep
Whatever Muse is
K Pop
Mumble rap
Listen to Car Seat Headrest if you want actual indie music that's good. Arctic Monkeys aren't indie
>new generation rap
>pop in general
That's all I can come up with
Least to worst: Nigger/sound cloud rap
Modern pop
>Car Seat Headrest
My bad meant Worst to least*
Pop music.
you don't even know who that is grampa
i dont know who car seat headrest or arctic monkeys are and i dont care because indie is in the top 5 worst genres and therefore i do not listen to it
Not got any 5 genres, but I was never able to like Dubstep or slow shit like declan mckenna. Emo is pretty bad too, too edgy
Anything new agey
Stock music used in Low budget TV dramas
If you mean the current over-produced "country-pop" garbage, then hell yeah.
Now you're just trolling
Rap, Rock, Pop, House, Brostep
Anything Eminem or even remotely similar. K pop. British pop groups. Niggers like nas x. Mumble rap.
Disagree? Kys
rap rap rap rap and rap.
Screamo, Country pop, Modern pop, auto-tune rap, dubstep
your mother called. She said dinners ready.
Anything on BET.
Your top 5 favorite genres.
- modern effortless rap
- pop
- modern country
- pop/rock
- whatever kind of disco techno
In my opinion. Because I think that the sound and structure of songs is alike everywhere, there's hardly anything original, and if there is is not popular. That and the fact that big labels of producers decide what's popular, not you anymore. All these genres are shilled as fuck by companies.
I don't know what genres this stuff falls into (there are so many) so...
stuff like rap
stuff like black eyed peas
stuff like skrillex (I have no idea what "music" it his he does, but it's shit)
stuff like those metal bands where the singer just screams or sounds like they're vomiting
stuff where it sounds like a phone ring tone (lots of bleeps and such)
Generic pop
Trap/mumble rap
Also post your preferred genres
Hip hop and punk
>mumble rap
>nightcore because user reminded me of how much I hate it and the people who tend to like it
>a new genre for every song that gets shilled to death that you hate it for an entire decade
>another genre I haven't thought about in forever because I hate it that much
Jazz blows and nobody likes it. It's the go-to genre for assholes who want to sound like they have a good taste in music and even then I'm not convinced any of them actually listen to it.
Every jazz song is what happens if you get a group of guys, give them brass instruments and then just yell "GO!" They all do their own thing and it sounds like shit.
>nobody likes it
Bullshit. I like jazz, and I'm not one of those artsy, pretentious music snobs that get their panties in a bunch because you're not listening to the original track or playing vinyl.
5 genres?
You want my top 5 genres, you greedy fuck?
You can have one.
It's R&B
>I like jazz
But you probably never actually listen to it do you? You "like" it in a theoretical sense because you know you're "supposed" to like it. If someone asked you who your favorite jazz artist is you'd probably stop, realize you can name like the same three everyone can and then just blurt out Miles Davis.
I like actual live performed jazz from back in the days when dive bars in NOLA had talent in them...
These days it's all niggers and shit music and bums playing crap on buckets in the street instead of agents of art
I hate rap more than I can possibly describe in words
This is a tough one since I genuinely like most genres/music.
1. Pop
2. Trap
3. Mumble rap
4. drum core
5. Pop country (notably different than country)
Electro Swing
I genuinely can appreciate and enjoy at least something from everything other genre I can think of
The jazz you're describing sounds like free jazz. There are many different styles. Anyone saying they don't le jazz more than likely heard one or two pieces and decidedly wrote off the entire genre, despite each sub genre having barely different character, style and tonality.
Anything from the middle east
Anything from India
new age "gangster" rap with no actual spitting, where every verse is like three words
honorable mention: stoner reggae
>metal of every fucking variety
>tribal chant, no matter the country of origin
And as a bonus, anything marketed with “acoustic” in the name.
Fuck that bullshit. Your music fucking sucks. I’m looking at you, you metalhead faggots. I went in with an open mind and it fucking sucks ass.
Are you implying the people playing good jazz back in the day weren't black?
>/threading his own post
Lol get a load of this dude.
And as for chant, do you include gregorian?
>from back in the days when dive bars in NOLA had talent in them...
>These days it's all niggers
What the goddamn fuck did he mean by this?
>mumble rap
>R&B (talk about a hijacked genre, it used to be proper rhythm and proper blues, not drum machine and whining like it's been for the last 20 years)
What part of tribal don’t you understand you mongoloid?
Any type of metal
Majority of rock
Indie music after arctic monkeys and the strokes
Mumble rap/trap
Pop/chart music
Is dubstep even still a thing?
>stoner reggae
You could have just said reggae.
I forgot ska music, by far the worst music genre known to man
I love hardstyle and trance but I completely agree with skrillex ruining dubstep.
I'm trying to gauge where you draw the line. And I see it's at colored people.
Ska sucks and so do you faggot
>But you probably never actually listen to it do you?
No, shit-dip. You couldn't be further off the mark. I listen to Jazz on occasion, and I don't hate it if it's playing. I would even go out on a limb and say that I like jazz, even after having to deal with another pretentious faggot
who seems to have an entire orchestra up their ass. It's not an everyday obsession. I don't live and breathe Jazz- I like it. Christ almighty, it's not a "theoretical thing". James Brown starts getting soulful, and I'm okay with it. Sue me, I'm not looking for obscure or up-and-coming artists regularly. If you want me to nerd out on something, ask me about a genre I love instead.
>because you know you're "supposed" to
I don't like anything because someone tells me to like it, or because I'm expected to like it. Nor will I turn around like a cuck and say I hate it because someone said I should, or because I'm expected to. What the fuck? Am I "supposed" to like the garbage they're marketing as pop too, because it's "a new #1 hit"?
Get the fuck out of here, you're insufferable.
Honourable Mention.
>proper rhythm and proper blues
Why the need for two propers? Rhythm isn't its own thing from blues (as far as genres are concerned), unless you simply mean the lack of digital instruments to keep time?
naw man dancehall is fine
stoner shit, like the slow shitty music you hear in any movie when the stoners come on
thats awful
Lol okay
Anyone who shits on k-pop misunderstands the method by which one should enjoy it.
Eyes open, volume off.
Fuck that shit, reproductions of early Greek music, gaelic bullshit with drums, massai chant, Maori warchant, Native American screeching, throatsinging, doesn’t matter the color of your skin, preharmonic acapella chant is bullshit and I hate it.
I like ska
Pop Country
Mumble Rap
Black Meal
>no sound
Most chant is done in pentatonic. May not meet your tonal desires, but to call it "preharmonic" is absurd. And some of which, may not even be considered "music" on the same level by those that originally created it. Warchant, for example is not music for entertainment, or may not be considered music at all. It is functional.
I'm still unclear whether you are in favor of gregorian chant or not. It was pre- functional harmony of the renaissance, but is very different from the pentatonic chant of other cultures you seem to dislike.
>has never listened to 4'33"
>Classic rock
Zoomers should be banned.
In my opinion: trap, latino, trap latino, rap and banda
>implying 4'33" had no sound
>implying 4'33" is equal to complete silence and dancing asians
death metal
they're just noise, dont get trigerred
I'm not implying shit. And the piece contains no sound (other than that of every other thing in the surrounding area). I know there is a distinction on the theoretical level, but in reality, there is not.
>Jazz blows and nobody likes it.
My niggah.
There might be good individual artists, like sax players.
, but in general it's trash.
>just noise
You're entitled to your opinion, but I respectfully disagree, even though I don't care for death metal.
>no sound
>>has never listened to 4'33"
>no sound
>implying not implying
>And the piece contains no sound (other than that of every other thing in the surrounding area)
In other words, sound. The distinction on the theoretical level is saying that there's no sound
because the performers aren't performing. If that distinction isn't there, then there was sound during the performance. Even John Cage, the composer, thought so.
everything is trash if it isnt sped up to 1.75
and speedcore is garbage
Fucking reggaeton. So annoying. It's the closest I come to being racist.