Anyone paralyzed by overwhelm? How do you overcome this? I have a long list of shoulds not getting done and I spike anxiety, then I shutdown, then I am reminded of the list again and it all starts over like waves at the ocean neverending and I am getting nothing done and shit is piling up on the list and it is only getting worse WHAT DO I DO! Never have energy either... I can literally sleep for 16 hours, 8, 4, 5 whatever it is all the same I am always tired. I eat ok, did a food plan on cronometer to make sure I am getting enough. I drink 1-2 gallons of water per day... also work full time but soon as I am home all I want to do is nothing. Someone else has to know what to do man... tried nutrition, sleep, exercise, water, going to church, writing in a journal.... also have ADHD and im not on meds... fuck maybe thats it. IDK!! but it is driving me nuts.
Anyone paralyzed by overwhelm? How do you overcome this...
I hear you lol
ADHD myself.
Mind a.fucking speed's tiring
yeah man, anything work for you?
we are the same user
im going to buy shrooms tomorrow, im going to try microdosing
what have you find works the most?
for me is
>flax seeds
>literally starving myself
I binge eat, I just ate like a kg of meat
>coffee + l-theanine
the theanine helps with the anxiety that coffee gives me
ive started to drink, it works great
I drank a fucking lot this year and I want to stop, kinda
>literally starving myself
I should elaborate
I feel like I can focus more if I avoid eating for a day, like completely. I feel in a much better mood
also is it winter were you live? ive found that I always feel like shit around this time of year
I dont understand how shrooms is supposed to help lol. I have done 30-50 grams fresh but I never did a small dose.. How small are we talking? 30-50 just equals 3-5 grams dry btw lol.
I sometimes will escape with some beer too... I am a retard with hard liqueur and Ill literally drink a liter of it without noticing so I just stick to beer cus its safer.
Honestly idk what works. It is jsut like out of nowhere I can finally work and be productive for 5 hours but idk how to replicate it or what causes it... like all the planets aligning or something it just happens sometimes... but most of the time all i want to do is sleep
Do you work on a computer at work? Lots of typing? Coordination of hands is a lot of real hard brainwork, if so try to make 5 minutes breaks each 25 minutes of work. It sounds you are exhausted by the work.
nah im in florida where it is hot as a motherfucker... i would love some cold honestly... actually I have the best mood when it is raining or super cold outside the times I was up north in winter
I wish... I work manual labor on a golf course and it is physically exhausting.
Booze adds to your anexy usually for the next one or two days. I'm not in a good mood (bit depressed), if I had a liter of beer the day before. I usually do not go for more than a liter a week. Remove depressing habits, like following the news, do not read threads about self killings, avoid rekt and so on. Remove passive activities, like watching tv, it consumes the rest of your brain capacity.
passive activities... i dont have tv but I am a youtube addict lol. But if im not on youtube I am playing a video game. How do you cut those out? start reading books or something?
> It is jsut like out of nowhere I can finally work and be productive for 5 hours but idk how to replicate it or what causes it... like all the planets aligning or something it just happens sometimes... but most of the time all i want to do is sleep
the sad part is that it happens less often for me, idk what happened
I feel like I smoked to much pot and I lost my ability to hyperfocus, that or ritalin did it
it gives me a lot of anxiety, I used to be able to focus a lot more. even if it was on vidya or drawing or even socializing with friends. now im socially retarded always :(
dont smoke pot
>I dont understand how shrooms is supposed to help lol.
in low doses they just basically put you in a better mood
>How small are we talking?
I feel like below a gram, like 0.5 or something like that
ive tried it with LSD, I remember it made me feel like I wasnt depressed and the effect lasted for a while after I las did it
>when it is raining
I love rain, it puts me in a good mood for some reason
I hate the cold tho, it makes me anxious for some reason
just one word.
You are welcome.
I feel like the opposite is true to me, although ive been drinking non stop for like 2 weeks now
this, I used to always click on them despite making me feel like shit and fucking me up for the whole day
ive tried it, it works
I hate doing it tho
You have two problems, most likely,
One, over stimulation, multiple devices going at once, flickering from one topic to the next in a blink of an eye. Your brain is used to processing information like this, faster, more, always. Slowing down seems mundane, causing anxiety, seeking out multiple sources of distraction at once to remove yourself from the "present" and lose yourself in the stimulation.
Two, your "home" situation. You, again theorizing, find dread in going home, it is a source of emptiness and lack of healthy stimulation.
What to do? Good question, some type of self reprogramming? Maybe a rehab? Most people don't get out of these cycles, they just cope with them.
Did you consider moving north? I like/enjoy colder regions as well. Above 26 deg celsius I can't get off the heat. And i will also exhaust quite fast. Not everyone is made for higher temperatures.
same dude... from 19-22 I smoked a shit ton but I quit and ive been clean for years but I also am a social retard.. but always been that way lol. I do think weed made me dumber. Before weed I was rather intelligent and now I kinda feel stupid but maybe it is just because I am not making wise decisions so it is my self criticism.
micro dosing does sound interesting.. but how often? 0.5 every day in the morning? when I did shrooms I spaced atleast a week between doses maybe a month or more lol. Only did it maybe 10 times? idk
can you point me in the right direction? I seriously have no idea how to do it. Super interested in zen meditation but I have yet to try
Sounds about right. Nice trips btw. Reprogramming does make sense but idk how to do it Dr Lipton talks about it but no one explains just how to do it... or atleast i havnt found it.
what are you playing?
It is a dream but I am locked in florida. Dont have the money to move north or else I would have years ago. I am working for that as a goal though.
all over the place man.. WoW vanilla mostly but a ton of games on steam.... all the top games... lately 7 days to die, gta 5, and I am into star citizen
periodic fasting diet, this is a thing.
>how often?
like once every 3/2 days or whenever you feel like it
you want to keep your tolerance low, taking them everyday wouldnt work
a couple months ago I was feeling great, like I could focus a lot more and more often I feel like it was because I was sticking to my good habits
then I smoked a lot of weed for like a week and in that week I got much better at playing the piano. Id also feel inspired and if I wasnt playing the piano id be drawing on my window. at some point it stopped making me feel focused
I feel like ive been depressed ever since, despite doing the rigth things like eating healty and jogging and etc
I do commit myself to activities that at most consume 15 minutes at home. Like clean up a bit, or wash dishes, or fix something. The goal is that i leave the area better than i found myself in. Make those slots a habit. Or watch *one* youtube video. Do not binge watch them, youtube is designed to addict you. Addiction makes/supports depression.
i am way better since i stopped playing competitive games. Also i notice that vidya hurts me bad. but im stil addicted, not competing for any team or anythin, more stuff like destiny.
get rid of gaming for a month. try it, opend my eyes
oh and porn. porn is bad aswell, imo
I pretty much discovered it on accident, I was drinking so much coffee and so busy with college that I forgot to eat and yet I was feeling amazing
get a dog? damn... i do want a dog actually lol but for real if I cant take care of myself how am I supposed to care for another living creature.
your also probably a lot healthier than most folks. It's literally the natural way to eat. Predators always display this behavior in the wild.
I feel like vidya is bad for you when you are depressed
im really competitive, I love fast paced shooters but when im in a bad mood and cant get "into" it I get fucking furious and massively depressed to the point of self harming
it feels like my brain doesnt feel like cooperating despite me trying my best, I get frustrated because theres nothing I can do
there's literally nothing I can do to change how I feel and I hate how I feel
Learn to want to die, internalize. Harness to do things you wouldn't normally do because you might as well make the dying part fun.
> how am I supposed to care for another living creature.
anxiety and guilt
Id walk my dog at least 3 times a day
otherwise id feel guilty
Make a list of the things overwhelming you from worst to least. Start at the top of the list and fix them one by one and don't trip on anything but the one thing you are working on. It's how I got control of things anyway.
that makes sense
Thank you everyone for the help
try flax seeds
just put them in water for a while and drink it
trust me
also excercise
how much and once a day?
they say a tablespoon
I eat like 1/4 of a cup
once a day, I prefer at morning
it has a shit ton of fiber, pooping feels much better and it takes less wipes
I used to live in a mess for the last 20 years. It started to get better when i started to fix the most annoying things for exactly 15 minutes. Some other day you will invest 15 minutes again, and so on, and some months later you will find yourself in a clean and nice enviroment..
The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=