How are whitebois superior again?

How are whitebois superior again?

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> home owner, scent, jobs, can support a family, raise their children, responsible, emotionally stable, non violent, respectful, well groomed, well educated, knows how to manage money.

GG Jew. We all know who is behind this post. Thanks for reminding us that whites are superior.

Nigger is welcome to that landwhale

I have a better credit score

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Because we can just buy niggers and ship them back to Africa enough said

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nigger can scratch his knees while standing up straight

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We are superior creating civilization, you are good at destroying it.

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For some reason that's hot

We're not tied down to socialism. We we go and do whatever we want without your OG bosses opinion on the matter because in all reality that mother fucker should be dead 1000 times over.