Why haven’t you served in the military yet Yea Forums?
Why haven’t you served in the military yet Yea Forums?
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because i'm not an idiot
I would but I can't because of my left knee.
I did. It sucked. I was in the infantry.
Because I'm a sickly little bitch and my lungs are gay.
Which branch
Because I'm not a fascist who ejaculates to the thought of dead brown people
US Army
I am, not as bad as the neckbeards here are making it out to be.
Because I don't want to get shot by sand nigger in the middle of iraq
I was Marines. Thanks for your service
Because I actually have a future
Thanks for your support.
Depends on your MOS, branch, and when you joined. Being in the infantry when people were actually getting killed in Iraq was pretty stressful.
I'm deploying to Chair Force BMT in 66 days
Because I did shrooms and they wont let me in and it is complete bullshit. Better yet I grew them myself cus I didnt want to fucking die because the wrong shrooms can kill you slow and painfully. Too many people know to lie and besides I cant lie for shit anyway. So yeah. Not allowed. Sure it was years ago and I wouldnt try it again but they dont see it that way.
doesnt make any fucking sense imo. people already in can have super fucked up issues and reinlist but I cant even enlist
True. Currently a mechanic but looking for a convoy opportunity in the desert. Maybe if shit kicks off with Iran they'll send me over?
For what AFSC?
Too mindless. Also not into fighting pointless wars so corporate fat cats can continue to live the easy life.
every day in Arma 3
Already did
4 yrs. 11B
It sucked
Don't join
UAS Sensor Operator
I serve in my local neighbourhood volunteer Special Anti-Terrorism Rapid Response Security Detachment (1st SATRRS-D). It is the equivalent of US Military special operations detachments.
Pic related: its my detachment (i'm the dual wielding operative)
Don't worry, your pussy ass would be left on the FOB. Probably die of a heart attack from too many trips to the chow hall before they would even think to let you outside the wire.
Always love this response. Like there aren't smart people in the military. Just say you're a pussy and move on.
Enough shit talking, really came here to say hey to these fucks. 11B in the 1-501 way back when. Keep yer powder dry brothers.
Already did 10 years. Now I'm 100% disabled. But it's all good. I'm proud to have served my country.
I have so many stupid fucking stories from being in the infantry. Here's one:
>Leave for OSUT
>Go to reception (where they give you TA-50 and stuff)
>See people royally fucking up before we even get to our training unit
>Greeted by entire platoons of kids on suicide watch
>Chill with all sorts of crazy ass people from different walks of life (Cali gangsters, immigrants, alpha chads, total losers, video game nerds, convicts, etc).
>A bunch of us are in a group bullshitting about why we joined
>One kid really looks out of place
>He's looks terribly underweight and has a nasally voice that makes him sound like Mandark from Dexters Lab
>Kid tells us he's excited about joining the infantry because of all the cool computer equipment we use
>We're all confused, asking him what he's talking about
>He goes on this rambling explanation about how the infantry uses high speed computer systems
>We explained to him that the infantry was literally people running around on foot killing other people with rifles
>"That's not true, my recruiter said it was a computer job."
>We all bust out laughing at this fucking autismo
>He has a mental breakdown and starts screaming
>Curls into a ball and starts rocking back and fourth
>We're all laughing in his fucking stupid face
He got kicked out later.
People who say shit like this were typically fuckups who got punished for it. How many article 15s do you have?
Don't forget to salute the cake before you take any during chow, or the snake pit'll getcha
idk about that. Not the user who posted this, but I'm this guy : When I was in, it was just extremely stressful.
You don't have to be a fascist to ejaculate to the thought of dead brown people.
lol you haven't been through boot yet have you.
But it helps
Because i have no desire to be a cog in the military industrial complex which has only the purpose of serving the intrests of corporations that control energy and mass production markets. Its not honorable nor noble neither is it an altruistic sacrifice but one of servitude to non other than the ones crushing and pinning down your fellow men and all of humanity. so thats why i have not joined military.
Of course.
because it doesn't give me enough money
Millennial detected. That's representative of some of the more recent conflicts, but definitely not the history of most military nor most american military conflicts.
Also, there's something to be said about American soldiers fighting the majority Al Qaeda in the middle east so they don't come to the US and blow shit up as often. Just remember that 9/11 was a real thing.
Because I already did... Do push-ups, cherry fuck.
Why bother? I'll just get killed by a shitload of ants. You all know it.
my retarded pediatrician misdiagnosed me with asthma as a kid. by high school i was running 5 miles every other day. i have allergies that can make me wheeze (i live in the South so go figure) but never once had an asthma attack in my life. that shit follows you your whole life according to the military.
Why would I?
Those pics looks like it belongs in a "name my band" thread
They are very clear that childhood asthma is fine. You just have to not lie about it.
You a liar user? How can I trust you though... Youre a liar.
PTSD and a dissociative. If the time came maybe i could help with more technological aspects of being a soldier but I wouldn't pass that psyche exam to be on the field.
go back to watching your history channel ww2 documentaries grandpa
The fat one is gonna hurt someone
You mean physical
>not just saying “no I’ve never done drugs”
You deserve to be banned for that stupidity
permabanned from joining the military due to self harm scars
My bad, guess that's the term.
shut the fuck up faggot. im not even the first user and you sound like an insufferable twat. i dont agree with everything that guys says either but jesus christ
I'm medically ineligible.
I would if I could.
>dismisses point and evidence of point without evidence or counterpoint
Also I'm 29.
And yes, it is accurate. b
I'm a lieutenant right now lmao.
1986-1996 removing Kebab
Bet you came in right out of college
Fucking kys
wrong. my brother was a marine and he knew people that had to lie. thought about being a pilot in the air force or navy but im too tall. if there's a draft id gladly go die but otherwise i dont think military life is meant for me. im already 24 anyway.
Because I have a real job.
I did. Shit sucked. Don’t join the Marines, be smart and join the Air Force.
If not wanting to die makes me a pussy then I guess I'm a pussy
Like maybe 2 would make a person 1/5
Underagefag fuck off
I would, but I have a felony
Well, I'm in the process for doing so. Going 35W and probably then 35M. You know much about this MOS?
Currently stationed in japan in the Chair Force, although out in 2 months.
Decent enough 4 years, but that GI I’ll gonna be sweet.
the GI Bill isn't all it's cracked up to be. You pay for it with part of your paycheck while you're in (which I'm sure you know if you're signed up for it), it isn't enough to pay for any really good schools, it's difficult to use at a lot of schools, a lot of soldiers don't get their money or get it super late, and presidents (like Obama for example) have a tendency to cut it when they need to make spending cuts.
I'm asthmatic
Shut up faggot. I’m using my GI bill now. Free fucking college
i really fucking hate military threads
aconryms, everywhere
"Do you have your penis test for the DD-oSTD"
Nah the MSOD got the BMN on it"
like what the fuck
Thank you for your service
because i think its a disgrace that we have a commander in chief who was to pussy to fight for his country
your right,we should try the liberal's approach and hold hands and sing songs with the people who want to destroy us instead
Broke my hand senior year of high school and after getting a screw in it Ive never been able to get it even close to other people’s strength levels. I got a bad hip too that I just had osteoplasty and some othter stuff done on. I’m 22 so these things suck lol. My brother is in and I’m proud of him for it. He is gonna leave when his contract up. he said he misses normal life but said he for sure made the right choice joining. My best buddy joined after hs to try for spec ops pipeline but he bailed out when his contract was up he didn’t like it as much as he thought he would
Personally, after all my physical problems, a chance to do as much as my body can handle sounds awesome , but I’ll never get there :/
I plan to.
Actually, am anxious of not making it.
Because I have ambitions, I'm not a fucking idiot, I don't need a crutch to talk to women, and I don't feel like I'm better than everyone. Thanks for your "service" by the way
So you're protesting by also being to pussy to fight for your country? Fucking brilliant lol
Based. People join the military because they have no direction in life, are in bad shape, or want to feel like a badass
The Marines where not accepting private high school diplomas until 2009
Because I have more useful skills. Still a decent marksmen, though.
no,im protesting by choosing not to serve to begin with.if the opportunity happened to happen where i needed to serve.i would,but until then,i choose not to
im sorry you couldnt get a real job and chose to fight for a draft dodger.glad his military parade got rained on,he didnt deserve one anyway.democrats cried for years about trump and wanting to stop him,and have did jack shit to actually stop him since they got house majority.either do your fucking job or get out of the way and let other's do it for you
I tried joining the air force
I got BTFO by having asthma when I was younger
Mostly because I'm a huge pussy.
Honestly I think I'm more suited to the homefront anyway. Entertainers are important to keep wartime morale high, even back home.
Broke my right ankle playing college ball. a pin, plate and screw ensured my first alt spot at canoe u (im a legacy, grandad, uncle and bro in law) went filled by someone else.
*true story, theres a street in nas:pensecola named after my uncle
but i have a cushy job w raytheon so it all worked out.
What does that even mean
Because fuck the military
I was in the chair force.
Learn some fucking grammar
I just don't wanna - so I won't
"Drop and give me 1,000."
because I had enough scholarships already to go straight to college and then got a full ride to grad school. fast forward 11 years and I've got a nice pension waiting for me in 19 years.
I'll be joining the Space Force, even though we never leave the Earth.
He'd be perfect for infantry!
People only go into the military if they're stupid or desperate. Those smart people are very very desperate.
because all wars are political and I'm not interested in dying for anything less than an existential threat
My country does not have an army. We are, how you say, giant pussies.
Because I want to be a college student
That picture is cringe as fuck. These faggots still think they're on the battlefield despite never having set foot on one.
I'm serving my country by teaching its children.
im too small, and I wear glasses
only applicable background might be if the guy was SO or PJ
Plan to serve to go back to school. Stupid or desperate.. maybe a little of both. No one will cosign my loans so it's the only option at this point.
There are better ways to serve your country than by becoming a mercenary for corporate interests.
Did join. Currently active 11B. Shit slaps, I get to do as much cleaning as I want and I get to have all the STDs I want.
I can afford college on my own, I don't want to give up pussy for hanging out with a bunch of sweaty ballsacks in the desert while other people pound said pussies, and I don't feel that the people in charge of our military genuinely have the best interests of this country in mind.
Cherry Lt's are the worse. Go to IOBC or quit.
I'm perfectly content with living out my violent power fantasies through video games and airsoft.
You are correct. You are a pussy. I'm willing to lay my life on the line to protect my country. Don't fret though. Most civilians re wusses.
Because retards like those bragging ITT filled my killing quota for me. Thank you for your service. If you retards didn't voluntarily do what you do, I would have been drafted. I'm sincerely grateful for that.
Dear Yea Forums
I am a doctor but I regret not enlisting and becoming Army Special Forces then becoming a doc a few years later. No I don't play COD. Did I make the right choice?
Get it expunged, damn. No excuse.
Good job. Enjoy the benefits.
Well done.
I don't live in the US, but the main reason I've never served and most likely never will is because I have huge authority issues. I'd probably go nuts and try to bite off my superior's cheeks off or something.
If it was absolutey necessary - like all out WW3 or whatever - I would enlist. But not if I can help it.
I'm not against the military or the way it works, I just know I wouldn't fit in. All of those who served can be proud of themselves, they did something I could probably never do.
Those are the breaks. Good luck.
Good job. We're fighting for you.
I helped the U.S Army bag a most wanted terrorist. Didn't ask for any money only that they would put me on the books as a 35F, they agreed and I signed their papers and then one day they kicked me out and said I was "spying for the Israeli's". It's a fucking scam anyways. They offer education and money to serve but why would you serve a government that wants to exploit your poverty and lack of education? My grandpa was in the Army he said don't join it sucks.
not a boot licker
Well done. Keep up the great work. We're fighting for you.
>No health issues
>No guilty conscience
>No faggot tryhard DI yelling in my face
>No miserable existence in some foreign dusty shithole or podunk US town
Being a wuss is pretty sweet.
pic related. It's literally me reading your post
I was fat as fuck when I was at the proper age to get into the military serivice. Now I can still get in if I but the issue is with how the military serivice works where I live it would not be the regular military service. I would have to start an actual military carear. Now I am stupid but not that stupid.
No, there isn't. Not in the slightest.
You're the Marine dude from yesterday, aren't you?
Thanks. I'll do my best to steer a few of the slower ones your way.
Poser or loser. Pick one.
I tried to join the Australian army, but I was on Zoloft for anxiety at the time. No dice.
It's a huge ripoff for the poor to die for the rich. Your a brainwashed retard if you join the military.
and I'm paying for you
I know one doc, a couple of nurses and several Paramedics who went from 18D to the civilian market. Nevertheless, you did good.
I did for 6 years. going back to school now.
The salary for an E-1 is $16,000/year .. gee wiz!
bullshit, you're securing the interests of the ruling class. The USA faces no existential threats that our military is currently facing.
The pay has improved dramatically in the US Armed Forces.
Uh, how many 9/11s have taken place since we've been killing kebabs?
You mean "we're" paying for you. Because it's not just you.
>Why haven’t you served in the military yet Yea Forums?
> served
> served
Pick one.
Throw your life into the hands of someone willing to put an assault rifle in your hand. Let me know how it works out for you OP.
>thinking kebabs are an existential threat
would you kindly butt out child? it's rude.
Because I doubt they'd let a scrawny autistic psycho in.
Hand grenades don't tick
No kidding. I have muslims in my town they are some of the nicest people I have ever met.
Real talk, do you have anything that sets you apart from the average joe aside from being a welfare queen with a dependa that cucks you?
Genuine question
>moving the goalposts
you guys haven't done shit to prevent the next 9/11
No, I think I'm going to stay here just for you.
I mean if you're only goal is to destroy other peoples lives to make yours slightly better, than yesb you're correct. If you actually want to help people and help your community grow, then yes, pretty mich any other social work will be far more effective. The army hasnt fought for anything other than making American companies more money in like 30 years. You're just a mercenary making men in suits money with you and your brother's blood.
Because I've got no interest in serving the interests of a bunch of rich white men by going abroad and killing a bunch of brown people for them.
Also I have flat feet.
Sorry, American companies CEOs*
Oh yeah I hear you man. I had a Muslim kid in my class last year and his family was super fucking nice.
Because I'm halfway through my 60's, you little millennial stinking twat.
Secondly, regardless of the politics, their war fighting strategy is inadequate and obsolete. We totally got pwned in Iraq and Afghanistan . And my friend was in the Marines, he was shilling saying we should go into Syria, when I told him they would get their asses kicked he got all mad and unfriended me.
Rifle. It's a fucking rifle.
>posing the question of service to a dying imageboard and not writing directly to our politicians
Honestly, I just might. I’ve always felt something like this is my calling. Might join the Air Force but I know nothing about the military.
I believe the facts are on my side, civilian.
Because I'm not good at anything and don't have a passion for anything.
I seriously hope you don't believe that.
pick one you high school fuckup
That's a pretty lofty claim to make considering how much counterterrorism work goes on without the rest of us knowing.
You dodged Vietnam. You suck.
the specialists get full credit. enlisted meatshields like you get none.
Exactly correct.
hey he was just being presidential
Oh, I'm not in the military. I just think you're a fucking moron.
I served in the Infantry for 10 years. I have two degrees. I've never not been on the Dean's List.
And you? No excuse.
Did I stutter?
I wasn't born in time for 'Nam and I already stated I had enough scholarships to get through college without dying in a Bush war. One of my general micro classmates buried her husband who died protecting an oil field. No fucking thanks.
Part of the act. It's in their book. Till the time comes to kill the infidels.
I was on a sub for 6 years. moved on for an education that is paid for.
Because I'm a fat, lazy, neckbearded, pacifist.
High School fuckup does not fit the bill, Bruce.
I didn't know that was you. Good job. We fight for you.
Muslims don't follow the Koran 100% anymore than Christians follow the Bible 100%. Saying "it's in their book" is a moot point.
I did years ago was fun while it lasted but now I'm fucked being out I don't know what to do with myself
no, you really don't. You fight for the monied interests. Your delusion saddens me.
Not everyone can be in the parade. We fight for those who cannot.
pick ONE shitforbrains
>regurgitating that stale line unironically in 2019
fucking shit man let an ORIGINAL thought pass through your brain from time to time.
can we all just agree that all these faux intellectuals claiming that they know what the military is fighting for or how they do for rich people just sound entitled and whiny?
And yours saddens me. I don't ruck up to fight for CEO's. I fight terrorism. It stops with me. It doesn't make it to America.
Doesn't mean I trust Christians either.
It wasn't original - but it was 100% true.
Well then, thanks for your service I guess....Imma go finish my big mac now.
I joined
It was my only option to get out of my 2 hours from nowhere town.
I did 7 years earned my bachelors while i was in. Im out now, working in my masters for free with my GI bill. Working a good job in cyber security. Hopefully after my masters i get more. Bought a house with a VA loan and 4% interest. Living a good life.
Also the desert is fucking hot, but it was worth it.
First of all I was exempt for military service for medical reasons (Norwaegian here), secondly the working class are the ones that are actually paying for all those fancy guns and gear you guys use.
Your personal reason for joinis practically irrelevant. You fight the people you are ordered to fight, and those making the decisions are paid by corporate interests. They just tell you its to protect your country (even when the job is to kill people half a planet away in their own home) so you literal tools dont feel bad for murdering people to keep your country's rich rolling in cash.
Thanks for the statement. That holds true for many veterans.
I'm currently enlisted in the navy and hate it.
Pick one.
Im just saying our tanks don't have corporate logos on them. If it was a corporate run business we would be able to get better meds for our troops than ibuprofen and 10 year old saline
You hate wealth and success in America? WTF is wrong with you?
Because I have self respect. I won't ever join the government death squads, and despise everyone who 'serves'. The military is a terrorist organization no different than the NRA and the Trump administration. They are legalized murder squads who's sole purpose is to kill innocent civilians in the middle East. Anytime I see 'soldiers' I make sure to spit in their faces and call them what they are: rapists and child killers. That's all they are or will ever be. Fuck the military and ANYONE who would be so evil as to support it. I hope all of them and their families die horribly. I hope every man who devoted his life to this abomination gets cheated on and contracts a terminal STD. I hope their children die of cancer before their parents. Fuck the military and fuck you for posting this disgusting propaganda.
That's it.
You joined the Navy instead of the Army Infantry. Of course you hate it. Army Infantry gets all the schools (Airborne, Ranger, LRSLC, Pathfinder, Air Assault, etc).
you sound like a pleasant person. I think you need a hug.
You have been negatively influenced by propagandists. None of what you say is true.
Death squads? Seriously?
You think the fucking coast guard is running around mercing immigrants?
Most people that serve don't touch a weapon past boot camp, but somehow the media has you thinking everyone who ever served was a war mongering killer? Seriously? Do you want to be a fucking communist? Our military since 1776 is the only reason we have the freedom and democracy available tonus in this country.
I plan to serve after university in the Canadian Armed Forces. Probably in the regular army. Fuck boats and the air force bases in Canada are in the middle of fucking nowhere.
I was originally going to use my math degree for artillery or logistics officer but after my aptitude test and reference review, the recruiter said I'd be better as a nurse or doctor. They offered me full paid education if I show up with an acceptance letter to either. I plan to make my decision after I get my B.Sc in Applied Math; I'm only a year out so I might as well finish.
I hope it was worth it, killing and raping innocent children just so you can find your life with the blood money they paid you. Fucking military scum. You make me sick to my stomach. How can you live with yourself, after spending your life being a child killing rapist? How do you call yourself human? I hope you fucking die screaming, if I could find you I'd hire a pack of AIDS niggers to rape you and your family. See how you like it
>corporate owned PACs
>Corrupt politicians
>back alley deals
Are you truly naive enough to not realize the relationship between our government and corporations? I understand that you're an authoritarian bootlicker, but i didnt realize you were a blind one as well.
I'm the overweight neckbeard pacifist and I still think you are an asshole. Who gives a damn if they have done collatoral damage in wars? there always is in warfare. You're majorly deluded and if the military went away you'd be shitting yourself. As the nice army man said, they fight for us so we don't have to. Try to appreciate that you lame fuck.
Me and my death squad boys are gonna find you boy. At this very moment im using my military training to get your IP and location. We will find you. Then we will show you what we were trained to do. I hope you like LSD and pain.
>google image search
>no other of this image found
No i hate corporations sending armies out to murder foreigners for oil and resources under the guise of "They hate your country, and freedom as a whole!" when almost every single conflict in the past 3-4 decades was instigated by our government. And the people in the military dont deserve any sort of hero worship for being a hired gun.
Now you're just trolling.
I sense a lot of commie bed wetting hippies in here.
So tell me what purpose is the coast guards initiative to clean trash from the litoral zone of the ocean? Is that some corporate clean up project? Or is it something more menacing?
You need to die for supporting government funded rape and death squads.
It's well known that the military will rape and murder anywhere they are deployed. Soldiers are all blood thirsty psychopaths who need to be put in prison. And yes they are all murderers and rapists. They should one and all be imprisoned and executed along with their families. Fucking sick bastards can not be allowed to keep getting away with it.
you are a pacifist because you are a fat weakling
Don’t wanna die in a sand box
>The Corporations, man. Their bad and all Corporationy.
There is a solid detach from private firms and our Pentagon. Stop the propaganda.
When have we (the United States) ever gotten oil from Iraq without paying for it? Ever?
Do all of us in the military do it or just a few. Im pretty sure i never raped or killed anyone. Shit. The military didnt even let me shoot a weapon in the air force. I never even left the United states once in 6 years. So is it just a few guys that get the rape indoctrination training? Where can i sign up?
Fuck you military sympathizer. You are part of the problem. No one will stand up and call out the military for the atrocities they commit. There is NO JUSTIFICATION FOR RAPING AND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE!
Yeah I am, i've never had a fight in my life and weigh over 300lbs. At least I own that and am man enough to say so. You're either a major larper or an actual antifa type and probably a smelly communist aswell. Trump's based af and so is America.
I served 10 years in the Infantry with two long combat tours. I never witnessed anyone murder or rape anyone. Stop the propaganda.
You are ALL guilty. You knew what the terrorist organization you signed up for is. YOU KNEW RAPIST MURDERING SCUM! FUCKING DIE AND TAKE ALL THE REST OF THE MILITARY WITH YOU!
Provide me evidence of this, all-caps boomer.
You're more than welcome to post evidence, little one.
We're coming for you. Do not resist.
Thanks for supporting America.
lmao fatass
Combat medic in signal corps no excuses
Of course you will lie to cover up your crimes. You and all the rest are collectively guilty of raping and killing children and innocent civilians. You are a terrorist just like the rest and should be executed as such. We need to stop the military before its too late. We have to dismantle it and execute all involved and their families as an example to the world. We won't stand by and allow state sanctioned rape squads and murder.
Why not, ya fucking loser? Also, waste of dubs
This is an anonymous board. If I fucked someone against their will, I;d say so. You're brainwashed.
You tell him to learn some fucking grammar when you cannot think of anything better. Good plan.
The evidence is there from every war and military operation but they won't ever allow it to come to light.
As if the military will ever allow evidence to be public. As I mentioned they are all professional rapists and murderers of innocent children.
Oh sure I'm gonna be a target? Just proving my point scum.
Been a AF Dog handler for a few years now. Pretty fun, but takes a toll on the body
terrorism that propagated to fatted CEOs. you're just a chump in camo who needs to feel important
That's the joke.
I get it. You're not interested in any of this, you're just trolling for interaction.
No you are the one who is trying to brainwash. You are the one defending terrorism. I am for peace and the right for innocent people to live freely everywhere across the globe. I am not the one signing up to rape and murder brown people professionally. You and your ilk are scum, absolute scum. You are lower than the lowest beggar to crawl through the dirtiest alley in all of creation.
Can we get some links? Maybe some proof? Or are you some basement troll with nothing better to do?
Prove yourself. Meet me at 4751 jefferson St, Nashville TN. I'll show you what the military is made of
Fuck yeah!
No I'm telling the truth about the so called 'noble' military. You are all state trained agents of terrorism that use rape and murder as your weapons. Specifically targeting children with your disgusting tactics. You sir are the worst kind of criminal.
Haha crazy conspiracy theorist. Loser!
Whatever floats your boat, junior.
As if I would allow myself to be targeted. I'll keep sharing the truth and spreading the information you want to cover up thanks. I know why you want to draw me out. I. Know. EVERYTHING!
shut up fag, you dont have any real ambitions you're sittin on the internet just like the rest of us
You know about energy drinks and anime, kid.
Step one of containment: attempt to discredit valid information when it is made available to the public.... I won't EVER stop speaking truth to power!
*Australian Army* I did apply for the army when I was 18. Didnt get in because I didnt pass medical ( it was due to miagraines). 21 now and I sorted out my medical issues, saved money as well being a cabinet maker and a plumber. Applying again in 2020 and should get in without a problem.
>available to the public
So post it, kiddo.
I'm going to expose it all. You and your terrorist organization are going to have a whole lot of light shined on your crimes. I'm going to make sure everyone knows. The rape, killing families in their homes, whoring out the kids you take 'prisoner', the rape camps, the illegal porn rings, the snuff videos.... All of it.
It's coming soon enough. You will have to pay the Piper along with the rest of the scum. FYI: RICO applies to this. You are ALL going down.
Good luck!
No one cares about your out-in-left-field conspiracy theories.
So you missed out on the great Emu war of '15?
Sure. Keep trying to do damage control. That won't save you when the truth is revealed.
neutral person here ,it is fun reading you discussion but jokes aside ,
i'm pretty sure quite a few really did rape and perhaps even murder underage girls and women
i mean go read a little about wars and you will find the answer
in the first place expecting someone under a lot of stress or some psycho (killing anyone usually fuck up with your brain) to behave like a human being is stupid
I'm already in. So many bullshit excuses, it's hilarious
oh come off it. you had no other prospects
Because I'm an anarchist and a communist so i am ideologically incompatible with a capitalist state.
Pic unrelated i just think it's funny.
Before my time. Very sad and hard times after the loss
You must be making the big bucks already then, huh?
Active Duty USMC here
Hated my life day to day most of the time
I’m an E4 coming up on 3 years of service (next month)
I don’t consider myself superior to anyone because of my military time, and only think a couple of actual positive traits were ingrained into me.
Pro’s to my service
-More than adequate firearms knowledge and able to be cautiously comfortable near any firearm
-Increased sense of self discipline and accountability
-A large amount of respect towards physical fitness
-GI Bill (Montgomery)
-flinch everyone time someone asks for a volunteer
-Dislike people for moderate pitfalls in self discipline
-Some fairly traumatic memories from my time in
you can call me a pussy and whatever but some fuck up shit has happened to me in my time in service, I have seen how men can act under a small or fair amount of stress. Some act like complete animals.
I don’t regret my time in, but want it to be over.
i have epilepsy that requires regular medication.
>the army sucks
>Don't join
Score higher on your ASVAB dumb fucks??
>Shit Pay
>No good wars to fight in No reason really to fight those shitty "Wars in that fucking desert"
>I know I'm not gonna get deployed and not about sitting on base for 4 years lmao I'd go for 1 year But not 4 years of my life Fuck that
Also everyone in my family has served literally everyone so if i want to know anything they'll teach it to me for me it's a waste of time
I'm not rich but I make just over 6 figs and I'm only 8 years into my career. And in central Ohio, that money goes plenty far. Plus, nobody will ever be launching mortars at me!
Shit pay
Makes 12 grand a month as a maj in the air force
Thanks for your service. I got out as a sergeant back in 2015. Don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize your future and don’t let your Marines do stupid shit either. If you sleep with someone else’s wife you better make damn sure nobody finds out. Don’t drink and drive, don’t post secret military shit online (like deployments, etc). Don’t smoke pot and always get a 1st class PFT and CFT
Semper fi devil dog
You sound like you're living that Lejeune life
>tfw the floppies from the MHAFB tried to recruit me based on my stellar ASVAB scores
>chair force
Jody here
Fucked your wife
and how old are you?
Thank you for yours, you probably saw more action than I did/ Have
lmao mil is for cucks who are too stupid to know a recruiter is lying to them. gl with your shot knees, tinnitus, and shitty insurance that gets defunded every year by every house subcomittee. then again if you're on Yea Forums ooh-rahing and all you want is to shoot brown people, be my guest, i hope you step on a fucking IED
Went to Iraq and MEU, no combat action even though I was 0351. Got some good pussy tho
Also don’t fuck marine bitches, that’s just begging for drama.
this. plus servicemen always find their women the same way they left them: FRESHLY FUCKED
Oh so I can just go be a Maj in the Airforce Starting today lmao No that's not how it works
That's like 8 10 years of work I'm a journeyman Why take back steps
I got in with private security and defense contractors instead . Rent-a-scum as we called it. Didn't want to get greased for the jews .
35 year old
14 years in prior enlisted
>Got some good pussy
go on please
Noone said to start a different career. I was just stating my monthly income. Dont get all pissy. I drop bombs on folks so you can do your trade man. We need hard working guys like you. My brother is a plumber and makes more than me. I jusy look like to fly
Good ol Lejeune.
French creek still all fucked up?
I know supply bn got those nice new barracks
Dont fuck desert bunnies at all . Period kek . Even rent-a-scum know this
so you're claiming to be an O-8 or thereabouts?
The air force girls in camp leatherneck had it going on
Alright My bad But I realize I must be specific The pay is shit in the beginning I met a guy from West Point Hiking Up a mountain on the Hudson He told me he was a Cadet and that he only got 1000$ that whole year and spent it all on a drone lmao He took a picture of us with it tho it was cool I could post but eh
Oh boy where do I start.
Just know that I went in the corps as a virgin and left with easily over 150
(not including the bad memories... cough cough)
I bet you guys go through a lot of antibiotics
Serving in the military in my country is literally just getting drunk when you have spare time (when not doing the other activities), making your bed and running in circles. (Germany)
Served in the hospital instead and now i serve by taxes, so they actually get paid lol.
Its Maj. You dont need to be an 08 to make bank. Flight pay, language pay, per diem, tax free.
Not tell us about the children you raped and murdered! Fucking terrorist scum!
Cadets are different. They are in training and not even part of the military. They get free school a bed and training.
bullshit, 04s do not make 12K/mo no matter how many years you have.
I thought about it when I was in highschool because I scored fairly high on my asvab, but I'm 25 now so I feel like I missed my chance.
Cause my feet are fucking trash
Yeah there are some hot ones dont get me wrong. But a friend of mine was damn near castrated because of the resulting fiasco . I personally went the contractor route because i want to kill lol . He went for the bitches . What a dumbshit move . Plenty of hotties in the states with far less drama
I didn't want to be a fairy.
Missed your chance to rape and murder innocent children? Fucking kill yourself.
04 at 14 makes 8k
Add flight pay
Two languages at 3+ proficiency
Tax free
Per diem (california)
FS pay
Im straight ballin
if you weren't in the military you'd probably be in prison. please keep yourself and your bloodlust in the armed forces please.
You get to play with maschinengewehr?!
See. This is the example of the military mindset. Just wants to rape and kill children.
Yeah he told me all of that But even if you're a recruit it's Not that much different
If I ever get drafted though I'll answer the call I assure you
I wouldnt be raping anyone if I joined the military, but if I had the chance to kill a few retatds like yourself then I'd be totally okay with that.
They all need to be executed. We don't need a state funded terrorist organization.
and shitposting on a dying imageboard. truly a great american hero
Can do , i dont wanna kill random people . I get off on making boko haram cocksuckers cry for their mothers . Commies cry good too
but you've never actually killed anyone have you princess?
The military collectively is guilty of raping and murdering innocent children. The rape camps are talked about a lot in the military social media groups and on the darkweb. Not to mention whoring them out to their buddies and the snuff material. The military has a lot to answer for. They are all sick.
Its for good , fun reason . You pussy
Enjoying that blood money huh? Kill yourself military scum.
You act like its hard to do. You talk tough too . Lemme guess , mall "cop" ?
This is so the perfect example of the psychosis of the average military terrorist.
He fucking is The madman I salute all my Yea Forumsros
answer the question Belle
I hope all you military scum will kill yourselves now. I'm going to bring all of you down anyway. I know your secrets. I know what all of you did.
And you are a perfect example of why the western world is going down the subhuman shitter . I would rather be me instead of you though . Even though extremes are an ultimate negative
That's all interesting and whatnot, but Ive never heard of anything you just typed being discussed in any way outside of Yea Forums. Not that I'm saying this doesn't happen, but you're definitely overstepping by saying every single person is guilty of those actions.
What do you want to know? Killing is easy , especially if its for a cause . You want a taste?
2 reasons.
1. I'm too fat.
2. I'm 23 and didn't go to college, but make as much as an O8 with more than 3 but less than 4 years of service. Military can't come anywhere close to private sector tech pay.
>larping this hard
Who touched you in your nono spot ? Poor little daffodil
Even if you dont join i hope you lose some weight user . It gets harder as you get older and is hell on your health.
I'm working on eating healthier and exercising more, but I don't smoke/drink/do drugs, I do regularly exercise, no mental illness, no blood pressure / cholesterol issues, my BMI isn't too terrible because of my height, no family history of heart disease, so most actuarial tables put me around 67-71.
I care more about it for ease of getting laid than health. If I died at 70 I would be okay with that.
Because I'm not poor or autistic.
Why the fuck would I let anyone else tell me tho shit, sleep and kill on command.
This is Yea Forums. We're here because we like living the life our own way.
Army is for poor people who want to exchange 3 years of their life for sub-standard pay and GI bill.
Marines is for poor people with high-school diploma in above-average shape, ditto army.
Airforce is for poor people who want to exchange 6 ears of their life for sub-standard pay, free pilot license or advanced trade skill, and GI bill.
Any kind of special forces grunt MOS is for borderline autists who think they're either changing the world, or think they'll get to play IRL COD. Instead, they get to sell their knees for 100k / year.
Non-grunt MOS get to learn a foreign language, in order to train foreign insurgent or police force, that may or may not turn against the west in 10 years.
In a criminal organization all members are accountable. RICO will apply here.
My dream death is a death in battle at around 50 or so . But that is my problem LOL . But there is some good shit on youtube to get you a leg up in that regard . Check out the fightTIPS channel . Most of that dudes stuff is work outs you can do with no equipment. But he is a tad on the annoying side .
Yeah you are just some limp wrist POS . An impotent control freak with no worth and even less accomplishments . Cry harder . It is all you are good for
If I die young, I'm 99% sure it will happen at over 200 mph.