That kid in highschool who

>that kid in highschool who...

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>that kid in high school who raped another kid on the boys restroom

>that kid who was stoend during the whole field trip to another country

>that chinese kid in high school who was stupid rich and fucked every single big titted white girl despite having the physique of a stick of celery

>that kid whosefather was an Evangelical pastor and tried to convert everybody

thats me

>that kid in hs who got dumped bc the other boy gave his gf a cheap bracelent

>That kid with bad hygiene but no one would tell him
>That kid who openly brags about being an alcoholic
>That gay kid who always goes out of his way with childish sex jokes about girls in an attempt to hide suspicions of his gayness
>That quiet kid with the abnormal obsession of knives and guns
>That quiet kid who we all were cool with in case he snapped one day
>That kid who got topped off by the hottest teacher
>That kid who got his face smashed, hospitalized and pressed criminal charges on one student resulting in both of them leaving the school and never seen again all over a dispute about a thot

>that kid who went back to her shithole South American country and got pregnant

>That kid in high school who everyone was convinced would end up a serial killer

>That quiet kid with the abnormal obsession of knives and guns
Every hs has one of those. I was friends with that guy. His parents didn't give a shit, but he never used them on anybody. Luckily.

>those kids who threw stink bombs into a classroom full of people
The teacher got ou and locked everyone in, until the person responsible for it came up.

> >that kid in highschool who...
graduated and became Doctor Who

> > >that kid in highschool who...
> graduated and became Doctor Who
then started to take an interest in /mlp/
and became Doctor Hooves

>that kid in hs who almost got jumped by a gang at the entrance and had to take refuge on the building

That kid in school that grabed a male teachers arse and managed to fall on a toilet and knock them selves out for a whole day and the next day tried to fight the principal

>that teacher in hs who treated the whole class for sandwiches and sodas at the end of school

>That kid who hacked into the school system and changed his grades, also the same kid who spread viruses and Trojan horses around via suspicious usbs
>That kid who failed 3 times and has a full beard going on
>That kid who only hangs around boys because "they are less drama"
>That kid who is in denial of his girl being the school cumdumpster despite multiple bros explaining it to him, he eventually leaves your circle because you're supposedly disrespecting her; he eventually finds out that she's a slut who've been drinking mad senior seamen during school hours and runs back to you sorry

>that kid in hs who had a gf for 2 years and came out after graduating

Shit on the sidewalk. he Was an elementary friend

>that kid in hs who fainted and fell down the staris during exams seasons
Don't pull all-nighters, guys.

context? Why??

>That lowkey mentally retarded, unstable kid with the huge horse cock who was caught jacking off under the table at the back of the class
>That kid who buys friends by buying them snacks at the tuckshop with his recently dead grandpas inheritance
>That kid who would never participate in PT, eventually you found out that he had a plastic dick
