We're literally just meatsacks controlled by some noodle monster

we're literally just meatsacks controlled by some noodle monster

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thats cool

you are the noodle monster

everything else is a mecha that you pilot

Listen right i dont know much but all them noodles got electricty gonig through em maybe all this aura shit people talk about is elecrtic stuff going on like 2 noodle monsteres communicatin in electric waves

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Also its face looks a bit like whatsisname spurdo

Proof we are made in the image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

prove it

just cut open your wrist and see for yourself

what would that prove?

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that you're being controlled by a noodle monster

It wouldn't prove anything and if we're talking from a purely materialistic point of view rather than an existential one then i am the nervous system and brain

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we're fiber optic cablels!!!1 ~~LOLE~~

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wetware neurocomputer AI capitalist gangster computer god kills all unproductive meatbags and turns their corpses into biodiesel

you're right! we are the noodle monsters that are controlling the meatsack and not the other way around

spooked me right up

both wrong
we are the complete package noodle monster plus meatsack
either one can't function without the other so it doesn't make sense to discuss them as separate entities one having agency and the other not so, the whole thing is just one entity and that's us

The best way to sustain your noodle monster/meatsack combo is by ensuring a steady intake of toilet water is available and consumed


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spooked dubs