Name a better vape juice

Name a better vape juice

>protip you can’t

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naked hawaiian pog

Anything with thc

Gamer Girl Bath Water


My 10/10 gf squirt juice

my vaginal secretions

Pink Star by LV Vapors. you're welcome.

oh yes nigga

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Sow Sauce

I tried that green coloured stuff. Was some Heisenberg level shit, can't remember the name of it. Think it started with Win something.

Swaggsauce is the best and cheapest

Donkey semen. You gargle with may as well vape it.

Can we see please

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I seriously don't understand why people vape anything but marijuana. What's the point?

No clue.

why don't you smoke a cigarette faggot?

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They're both stupid as fuck habits that make everyone around you dislike you

everyone = panty wearing soy boys

idiots like you are the reason juul can afford to pay their engineers millions of dollars

BBC semen

We get it OP your a massive faggit who thinks it's trendy to vape. Neck yourself retard.

based poster. Only faggits are bothered by cigarettes.

I started vaping to get off my 3 pack a day habit

That's a good thing, dumb ass.

Fuck you they smell fucking horrible and the stench is really hard to get rid of.

>paying $17 for 5c worth of liquid so I can fuck up the air for everyone in the street around me is a good thing!
uh huh

You should have stuck to smokes. It would make you seem like less of a trendy soytard. Lastly just because you have zero self control and are the epitome of a retard does not mean the rest of us can't control our cigarette intake


Well maybe if your mother would close her whore legs I'd be able to smell the cigarettes faggit.

>nobody saying gamer girl bath water
what the fuck guys

Semen, it's what vape fags secretly crave anyway

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Read the thread, retard. Third reply.

You are actually mentally crippled

came here to pretty much say this

Have you ever tried VGOD juice? I found out about them because it's the same juice in a disposable vape I like called a "Stig" (I think it's a Midwestern thing, I've never seen them outside of Illinois/Indiana).

I've tried Mighty Mint, Lush Ice, and sour strawberry bomb. They're all really good and mentholy.

You came here to express your brain delay? No one asked you to retard.

Your bait is bad and you should feel bad.

Have you tried the Serious Semen flavor? I am sure it would suit you.

How is that bait you fucking retard I linked you the fucking reply. Holy shit you actually have a one digit IQ.

>>nobody saying gamer girl bath water
>what the fuck guys

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all the more reason to throat punch a bitch blowing that cigarette smoke shit my way then, right?


0/10 bait.

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Dewberry Fruit Series :heart::heart::heart:

you sound like a massive fag. Did your stepfather smoke and beat you? Is that why you come in here and project your insecurities?

Not only a mobilefag but also a massive fag. Kill yourself.

Reading is hard

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Melon dessert or desert

Naked: sour sweet
Noms x2: white peach&raspberry
Weirdo: nerds&cream
VapeStrike: blackberry limeade slushy

That flavor isn't bad but nearly every mango+citrus flavor I have ever tried tasted like a direct ripoff of the last.

Vape your own dried semen faggot. What a fucking queer obsession...candy air

Mohawk & company
Fizzy cola. Thank me later, gl.

Mango and Citrus tastes like Mango and Citrus? Holy fuck, revelations.

Can't even differentiate the difference between desert or dessert. Why do you keep vaping it won't bring back your brain cells?

you're a shit tier troll my nigga

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Admiral Crunch

Says the retard who does not have a basic grasp on retard comprehension. Go back to kindergarten underage mentally challenged cunt.


Ayyyy you got me good. Absolutely pwnd.

Even if you haven't Vapes I guarantee you consume vg(vegetable glycerin) or pg (propylene glycol) daily.

Neither of which chemicals are harmful to your health and the amount you would inhale from second hand vapor is so miniscule a lab test wouldn't notice it.

I bet your one of those tards that still think nicotine causes cancer.


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Lucky Strike.

>Says the retard who does not have a basic grasp on retard comprehension. Go back to kindergarten underage mentally challenged cunt.

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>If I intentionally disregard what he said maybe then they won't call me a retard.

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No shit

What I was trying to say is that 90% of the company's use the same cheap flavor additives instead of attempting to make a unique flavor profile. Nearly ever mango I have tried tastes more artificial than a pixie stick...

kys cunny

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Well maybe if you would get the dick out of your mouth you would then be able to taste normal flavors.

>Kill yourself female vagina
you are not very bright are you?

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Is this a picture of OP and his dad?