Whats an instant turn off on girls for you? mine have to be ear expanders, i fukin hate em

Whats an instant turn off on girls for you? mine have to be ear expanders, i fukin hate em

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Odd, strange and/or ridiculous tattoos.
>Tribal tattoos
>Humongous or huge piercings
>Dyed hair
>Long as fuck nails

Now, don't give me the empowerment or muhsogyn bullshit. Any girl with any of those things is a one niter and nothing else.

Septum piercings, chokers

Smoking, why bother trying to look hot if you're going to smell like an ashtray


Any indication that she is an sjw

if shes ugly


Fat, ugly or feminist

Too many tattoos
Rediculous amount of piercings
Especially the lips, nose, naval, or genitals
Overly long nails
Has lower than average intelligence
Doesn't like animation/vidya


Dicks. Try as I might, seeing dicks on girls just turns me off.

When they dress like lil pump or Billie Elisha or whatever gay shit “song” producers are having kids listen to these days. Basically if they’re under 28 years old, they should just shut the fuck up unless asking if I want head. I can’t stand nipple piercings or any piercings for that matter, I don’t find little bits of metal attractive and they don’t become attractive once on you. Girls with bruises on their thighs that play hard to get. All
Woman.. they’re just.. terrible. Stupid sluts standing next to flowers or calling themselves “travellers”, idiotic spoiled cunts that go to music festivals etc

and/or feminism, amen


you think a bitch, who wants dick action, wants to watch anime? they want sex. you want anime and retarded intellectual talk? they already know you're a retard. who are you trying to impress? they want dick, retard.

>piercings beyond the ear
>dress like a whore
>is a whore
>talks like a stupid whore
>nigger nails
>dyed hair (unnatural colors)
That'd about do it


Red fingernail/toenail polish. Such a trashy color on nails.

Big ugly feet
Large bony hands
Bony knees



Damn. Is there any women not like that? Like that aren't also mentally disabled?

ITT: autist virgins proclaiming they’d pass up any female that showed them an iota of attention

xx chromosomes

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smoking kills it for me

i hate when a chick drinks out of a beer bottle. I dont mind them drinking beer but for whatever reason the bottle seems trashy and im instantly disinterested.

theres a lot, i grew up in rural tennessee and you can find them.

why are these all me lmao


Well said

a dick

these, everybody else is retarded

great for padlocks though

Honestly vulgarity. Especially if they try to be "one of the boys" and do so by swearing every other word, being loud or being rude and crude. Like no bitch GTFO

And they have all their teeth?

gossiper, fragile, feminist, fat, long nails
from worst to least bad

Bitchy attitude.

yep there are normal people, the meth heads and stuff would obviously fall outside of those parameters. Especially when you're saying Christians. The frequently practicing ones are often from a higher socioeconomic background.

Cigarettes are the biggest thing for me. I can't even do a 1 night with a girl who smokes it's fucking disgusting. Also dressing trashy/whorish, a lot of skin showing. You know they're just bouncing dick to dick and I'm not entering a ruined nigger cave.

a shitty smile or bad teeth. Yuk.


>any tattoos
>any piercings besides ears
>any haircolor thats not natural
>any kind of feminism
>if she dances or sings outside of a club or a shower
>plays any kind of ball game in a club besides Tennis
>if shes asian/african/arab/indian (not racist, just not into it)

theres plenty more I couldn't think of in 2 minutes


Doesn't remember the 80s
Has limited attention span

>SmOkInGz So GrOsS

You guys are cucks.

I fuck my girlfriend and watch anime with her almost every day!

The Christian's part is where it seems like the mental instability comes in, it's like a trade off for mentally unstable or retarded with responsibilities. I'm stuck in methfield Missouri though so I'm used to seeing it


if she cant take care of her own body how is she supposed to take care of me or a family? Also, it smells retched and is a poor fiscal choice which is another turn off for me.

not having a dick

If her pussy stink

Not everyone has to be delusional about it, there are plenty of stable productive members of society that happen to also be theological.

Smelly, rude, virgins, ugly.

the worst! Medfag here and vaginal discharge is a normal thing that happens but after so many pelvic exams with girls with the clap or chlamydia I get grossed out in videos where chicks get creamy now. Smell is a fast kill for it too, if I bring a girl home from the club I make her shower right away.


not like rosa parks or harriet tubman black.
I mean the loud laughing, fattest thighs an asian cant reach in, but still "strong indentpentant woman who douwn ni no maa'gn." That huge gap in between their front teeth that can hurt dog's ears by whistling through them.
Didnt used to bother me until working at kfc, and id have to put up with cleaning the bathroom after big burtha was done. I dont understand how you can miss the bowl when you have to sit down to piss.


This entire image. Drawn on eyebrows, hipster aesthetic, nose piercing, "thicc", an overly generous amount of makeup. I want nothing to do with OP.

Donate your thottie, dude weed lmao attention elsewhere.

Shit attitude
Fucked up teeth
Not good hygiene
About it, other then shaving armpits/pussy
Cute face is a must

Hair anywhere below the eyebrows
More then 1 piercing in each ear and no gauges
Septum perceiving
Tattoos anywhere on their body
Spends more then 2 hours a day on any social media platform
Dosent have hobbies outside of social media or gossip
Unnaturally colored hair

Add to this
Intelligence is a must having a dumb bitch is no fun having too smart of a bitch can be bad aswell

Piercings (elegant regular earlobe earrings are fine)
Dyed hair
Make-up layer thicker than my short man-nails
Obnoxious proportions (think huge fake tits on a slender body, fat nigger ass but nothing else is fat, just a clownish and niggerish imbalance in this regard)
Fake eyelashes
Sharpie eyebrows
Fake freckles
Fake anything really
I'll take a pimplefaced woman with a nice facial structure, over some patched up quasimodo woman

1. smoking


I guess dip and snort tobacco is fine?

having a dick bigger than mine



> bitchy attitude constantly
> stale personality
> to easy (I enjoy the hunt personally)
> unhealthy ie. to heavy, to skinny, not enough hygiene, etc.

Overall I’m pretty accepting; but if she’s bitchy, she shouts gucci gang or billie eilish is “mood”, and she’s to quick to climb in the sack, or very obviously doesn’t have any concern for themselves then it’s an instant deal breaker. Not that I’m not willing to make exceptions, but you need to be able to vibe with someone and that someone should have a sense of decency for themselves at the very least take care of their health if they’re willing to just put it out there for a lack of better words.

obviously not

This. Since it also covers fat, dyke hair cuts, colored hair, tattoos, doesnt shave, whore, too many piercings, etc etc

and when they put on too much makeup, it's like a cake.

>Black / arab
>Single mom
>Has been in a relationship with too many guys
>Tattoos / piercings
>Acts degenerate
>Too fat
>Butter face

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>ear expanders

those are called gauges,but i agree

Eugh, this. It doesn't matter how good pussy feels; if it looks like a bulldog's face it's revolting.

Everyone has their own physical preferences so I'm not gonna name mine.

>overly attached
>when she tries to change me to "improve my lifestyle". Comes often out as manipulative.
>depressed girls

The third dimension.

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being a progressive leftist.
liberal is fine

excess melanin

Attached: abc_rachel_jeantel_ll_130626_16x9_992.jpg (992x557, 59K)

If we are talking about visual stimuli, then, in descending order:
#0 Fat
#1 Unshaven armpits
#2 Unshaven legs
#3 Tats, the more the worse it is, especially if they're "random"
#4 Ear expanders
#5 Septum piercing
#6 Hair dyed an unlikely color
#7 Really short hair

Fuck, just try to look like a normal person.

dyed pubic hairs

Rainbow hair
Too many tattoos

All red flags



>Long nails
>Ugly voice
>Being too skinny

>Treating a waiter, store clerk or even her enployees badly
Weird one, but I can't stand people that do that

A shaved asshole is the one thing I can't tolerate. It's fucking unnatural.

Attached: photo-Ass-Blonde-Hairy-Pussy-74784117.jpg (620x930, 247K)

>oh no piercings and tattoos
you are all the fucking gayest
all the guys who said they wouldn't want a girl without a dick are straighter than you cucks

When they ask for "spoiling" or directly money. Fuck that, not paying for sex EVER. The best things in life really are free.

When they take a piss right before sex

>metal ring through nose
>actual penis
>the penis is less gay
In my experience, only certain kinds of people get the piercings I hate. They tend to be stupid. That's why you can rob them of their free will with the pull of a finger.

>Whats an instant turn off on girls for you?
Submissiveness and missing intelligence.

Nose rings between the nostrils

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Tribal tattoos
Ugly undies
Smelly hair
and the list goes on.

>in college

I don't like those gross platform sandels college girls wear. Other then that i don't care too much.

Hey, I take a piss right before sex. I'm a guy tho.

Fuck, I love sub girls.

tats and rings in the nose. On rings in the nose what does she do suck up her diseases and snots on on that nose ring?
To each their own but that's not appealing to me.
Guys have become faggots and lost the ability to discriminate.

The Clash - Police & Thieves

>Not having a feminine penis
>being black

You're supposed to pee before and after sex to avoid uti's

Give peas a chance!

3:13 / 5:34
The Clash - The Magnificent Seven

do you have sauce on that picture, kind sir?

it can happen during as well if you're smart enough to pull out and take a piss, same if the girl tells you to stop so she can take a piss.
It's not that complicated, it's natural.

not op, but that's obscure.
Looks like some rock chick but wtf do I know?


Eva Braun

Any girl who thinks burping like a dude is cute.

op here, sorry i dont know where it comes from:(

Every single one of these are MASSIVE turnoffs.

virgin detected

desperate cuck detected

Glad to see you guys have the same taste in women as me.

>Being fat
>Abnormal hair colors
>"Pixie" hairstyle
>Extremist cringeworthy polticial views such as being a sjw/feminist or ethnonationalist

Funnily enough the women that have any of these traits almost always have most of them.

When they look more like their dad than their mom.



>Politics that make you get laughed at in real life outside the internet like sjws or nazis.
>Body "art"
>Disgusting blobs we call "fat"
>Nose piercings

Thank God I was smart enough to get a wife before I graduated college.

virgin detected

All and every kind of body mod/decoration is fucking filthy and disgusting.


this guy definitely doesn't fuck
maybe he gets fucked, but he doesn't fuck.

>-enhanced/collagen filled lips-if you look like you've just suffered an allergic reaction and can no longer move your lips in a way equivalent to a human then it's off. This is a total dealbreaker. The rest can be negotiated/overlooked if there are contributing factors (e.g. very hot and dtf).
>leopard print-It's nice that slappers and chavs have a uniform but frankly clear heels would have been classier.
>smoking-if either end is offensive to my nose, I'm not going near it.
>basic spelling-if we can't hold a decent conversation, I'm not going to bother sticking around long enough to fuck you.
>fake tans-real tans are less awful but I like em pale.
>giant fake nails-they just look preposterous and look extra retarded when they have to splay their fingers out of the way when they do everything.

Basically, most of the things that women tell each other look good are usually terrible. We're always happier with more natural and lower maintenance. How they haven't figured out we just pretend to like their choices so they'll let us see them naked is completely beyond me.