Celeb Deepnudes. Any interest? Just did Kylie

Celeb Deepnudes. Any interest? Just did Kylie.

Attached: kylie.jpg (1282x1013, 514K)

Attached: hay2.png (512x512, 467K)

some turn out better than others

Attached: hay.png (512x512, 320K)

Is that Danny Boniduchi?

Attached: hayl.png (512x512, 348K)

Attached: deepnudemella.png (512x512, 393K)

Attached: mella.png (512x512, 322K)

Don't understand this deep nudes thing. They all look fake as fuck.

the fad will probably die down soon for that very reason, they're not stellar

The algorythm will be improved over time, especially now that it's open source.

well no shit genius. they aren't designed to fool the FBI crime lab. it was made to do a quick nude in 30 seconds of someone who you've wanted to see naked for year.

Don't be so fucking retarded.

I love the future.

i thought they stopped support, didnt realize there was a community doing mods past ver 2

Maybe you're the retard for jerking off to hundreds of fake nudes of actresses and singers.

Maybe you're the retard for jerking off to a bunch of fake nudes

How autistic are you on the spectrum? Seriously? Because if you don't understand that this PROGRAM was made for users to nude out a crush or whoever, then you are truly a drag on our gene pool and should off yourself immediately.

samefagging. Good job genius.


Attached: 5.jpg (1200x1800, 172K)

Attached: 1552629016457.jpg (700x734, 107K)

this too

Attached: 1551420831477.jpg (750x750, 72K)

It's pretty fucking sad somebody made a program that produces shitty looking fake nudes and now b is flooded with these shitty threads. Wish you would all go somewhere else.


God Bless America. Where we can do what we want, and also tell you to get the fuck out if you don't like it.

All the nudes for Roberts, please.

this one turned out pretty good

Attached: kaley dn.png (512x512, 393K)

Then hide the thread, you dumb fucking nigger. Jesus what a bunch of whiny faggots.

and this

Attached: jordana dn.png (512x512, 311K)

pls user

and this

Attached: missy dn.png (512x512, 325K)

You should get the fuck out or at least keep your shitty fake nudes confined to one thread at a time. God damn.

and this

Attached: mac dn.png (512x512, 517K)

The queen

Attached: 45339235-9B4B-465E-B832-36F38AC26E27.jpg (817x1386, 828K)

Stay mad kid.

Someone needs to deepnude Lacey.

Attached: Lacey_Chabert_Maxim002.jpg (1384x1800, 420K)

Who is that ewhore?

Enjoy your shit shoops

on it

Attached: lacey.png (512x512, 271K)

Please :)

Sweet. Turned out pretty good.

fucking samefag KILL yourself

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 367K)

Not until you answer my question

Bless you

Attached: y2yg3OF.jpg (782x1024, 190K)

she needs a tattoo consultant.

Can you also do Madison Beer?

Attached: Madison_Beer,_cameltoe_en_bikini17.jpg (2018x3000, 1.06M)

Will that work

Attached: B2D2B7F9-AE3B-46E1-A33F-B62BD92DB15E.jpg (536x997, 356K)

I just want random images and stories. Not 5 threads on the first page with 23 different shitty fake nudes of Taylor Swift. Your deepfakes suck and are lame.

Attached: 11.jpg (1025x840, 121K)

Why don't you do it then

Anna kendrick please!!

Attached: 50e6a99eaa6f9864b2c6ab269728d6bb.jpg (400x663, 29K)

Attached: madisonbeer.png (512x512, 367K)

Attached: 1531100133209.jpg (1080x1350, 449K)

more hayley

Attached: ohemma.png (512x512, 407K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-06-15-42-34.png (720x720, 1014K)

Attached: disappoint.png (512x512, 363K)

Attached: 13BEF46A-4BCE-4E80-A387-70D546471FEB.jpg (511x640, 126K)


Will she work or do you need a better one

Attached: ohemma2.png (512x512, 491K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 370K)

Beautiful! Thanks

This should be good since it only works on fronts. Her back flaps will be glorious.

Vine star

Attached: ECF744DB-A98A-42D7-871C-C4D24B53060B.jpg (1080x1350, 178K)

Sydnee Goodman from IGN

Attached: Sydnee sample3.jpg (1000x983, 127K)

Attached: FINALBOSS.png (512x512, 355K)

best emma with the best fakes

Attached: 8.jpg (998x1390, 166K)

I got front

Attached: img_41203.png (581x719, 664K)

No. That retarded pose is retarded.

This pose is one of the reasons men beat women.

Kira kosarin

Attached: F66E380A-11AF-4EF4-AF2B-76FBED1F65C0.jpg (720x1280, 160K)

Attached: 0F1D084E-4304-4BEF-A545-DAFA886F3C82.jpg (750x684, 736K)

Attached: E21EA07A-C0BE-4E79-8DC4-C7AFDC4D87F4.jpg (1021x1947, 1.42M)


only the finest quality fakes

Attached: 1557038600583.jpg (1108x1622, 286K)

color works best. i tried and it was fucked up

not doing uglies or random fat thots.

Attached: 1B8B22FC-A558-453D-A064-5A9F5DB16086.jpg (750x735, 474K)

shame but im glad youre enjoying emma

Attached: emma-roberts-pink-bikini-despierta-america-stop-miami-14.jpg (858x1222, 167K)

Ignore this faggot, I got you fam

Attached: Sydnee Goodman deepnude3.png (512x512, 390K)

Try to find pics that aren't neon. Basically light bikinis, frontal shots, color.

Works WAY better

Attached: ohemma3.png (512x512, 383K)

Attached: bork1-18.png (271x729, 401K)

oh wonderful! a fake of a fake of a nobody.

well hope this is good. you're a godsend. cant wait to see what deepnude looks like in 2025

Attached: 505_1000.jpg (415x1053, 96K)

Attached: bork.png (512x512, 293K)

Attached: ohemma4.png (512x512, 237K)

mmm emulating those perfect little tits

can do?

Attached: 15505689257642.png (433x804, 753K)

Since it's slow I gave it another shot.

Attached: ohemma5.png (512x512, 231K)

wonder how that'll work

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-05-17-17-20.png (720x900, 1.48M)

actually my first one looked better. oh well

thats fucking good. love your filenames. would this one work?

This actually works with her wonky face in this pic.

Attached: ohemma6wtf.png (512x512, 397K)

lol them tits, nice

zoomed in.... PULL BACK!!!!

Attached: ohemma7wftohshit.png (512x512, 374K)

calm yo tits

Attached: xddd2.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

"Just a pinch between me cheek and gum, gives me that real tobaccy flavor!"

she needs a new plastic surgeon


to be fair, that's the best looking jawtit I've seen.

very true user, very true

Time for dinner. I'm out. will fake more later tonight

bump for this

Attached: seems_fine.png (512x512, 603K)

worked really well

spotted the fag who is making all the shitty quality "deepnudes" threads. Nude out a crush? What kind of faggery is that? Go talk to her. Tell her how you feel. Then when she tells you that you're a creepy fuck who she'd never fuck you can be like yeah that makes sense and MOVE ON. It's a numbers game you moron. You know why chads fuck actual women? They aren't scared to get rejected. They move on. They say fuck that bitch and find one better. Usually that I don't care I don't think you're that hot attitude is what makes them come back to you with interest.

Attached: AKAC.jpg (720x1280, 216K)

Attached: 1ABF3D86-9404-4A17-819A-DBC1AD2C3746.jpg (1242x1554, 998K)

Attached: 4AEBF49B-7988-4CCA-A30E-EA5B1B0406B9.jpg (1242x1431, 881K)

Attached: phatttttt.jpg (1920x1280, 625K)

Attached: kbqhqo8liazy.jpg (1365x2048, 488K)

Please I need you

Attached: received_1616983295290672.jpg (640x640, 38K)

Help me please

Attached: mapupabon~1555870677~2027112626613648644_283122999.jpg (1080x1344, 91K)

Attached: pote.jpg (512x512, 66K)

Attached: done.png (512x512, 351K)

Attached: D6A98F0A-4F1B-4AC1-B74D-69E5806367E9.jpg (650x976, 86K)

Would it be possible to do this one of Abigail Breslin?

Little Miss Sunshine grew up and grew some fantastic tits...

Attached: 740full-abigail-breslin.jpg (740x1200, 77K)

Attached: bbb.png (512x512, 389K)

You are the best, thanks

Attached: 2018-02-08 14.49.53.jpg (566x960, 32K)

Attached: 1562448864483.png (512x512, 416K)

Please bro help

Attached: soymariacortes~1562259190~2080703413674556845_1188559239.jpg (1024x1821, 118K)

>hayley williams
jesus christ the shit taste that people have

Attached: 2babies1fox1.jpg (920x1211, 348K)

fuck hayley williams
stupid emo autistic bitch who got cucked by a fat faggot

Attached: 2babies1fox2.jpg (920x1211, 334K)

Attached: DCw7v13XYAEQEEV.jpg (1198x1198, 110K)

when hayley williams was little, she was raped with a bat violently and she liked it because she was an autistic emo faggot with a wig so emo faggots think she was a girl

Attached: 2babies1fox3.jpg (920x1211, 394K)

stupid bitch doesn't deserve to live, because every fucking time she says something, is just about how fucking reatrded that stupid brainlet slut is

Attached: 2babies1fox4.jpg (920x1211, 355K)

go back to r/autism and spam that fucking bitch who only queers care about

Attached: 2babies1fox5.jpg (920x1211, 411K)

i fucking hope someone enters to that autistic whore house and smash her fucking brain with a hammer, specially if is a meat hammer

Attached: 2babies1fox6.jpg (920x1211, 326K)

Attached: SigpvLB.jpg (3652x5243, 766K)

or even better, rape her with a knife, after all she already put pointier things in her pussy just because she wanted to cut herself like an emo queer

Attached: 2babies1fox7.jpg (920x1211, 384K)

hayley williams is the living proof about why abortion should be legal

Attached: 2babies1fox8.jpg (920x1211, 381K)

because an autistic emo crybaby like her should be dead

Attached: 2babies1fox9.jpg (920x1211, 395K)

fuck that autistic queer

Attached: 2babies1fox10.jpg (920x1211, 418K)

Attached: 2babies1fox11.jpg (920x1211, 422K)

She had a nip slip though

Attached: 7e939f2.jpg (800x1265, 76K)

Attached: 2babies1fox12.jpg (920x1211, 433K)

Attached: 2babies1fox13.jpg (920x1211, 457K)

Yes!!!!! Thank you!

Attached: 2babies1fox14.jpg (920x1211, 373K)

Attached: 2babies1fox15.jpg (920x1211, 429K)

Attached: 2babies1fox16.jpg (920x1211, 450K)

Attached: 2babies1fox17.jpg (920x1211, 444K)

Attached: import_1550585096519_107931.jpg (720x1280, 70K)

Attached: 2babies1fox18.jpg (920x1211, 371K)

i need to see both of my girls tits

Attached: 2babies1fox19.jpg (920x1211, 316K)

Attached: 2babies1fox20.jpg (920x1211, 300K)

Attached: 2babies1fox21.jpg (920x1211, 420K)

i guess it didnt work too well

My neighbour

Attached: 2babies1fox22.jpg (920x1211, 424K)

Attached: 2babies1fox23.jpg (920x1211, 429K)

Attached: 249BFEDB-2EEE-4795-BFE0-2BB3FEEAE098.jpg (1280x1920, 1.36M)

Attached: DACD04AC-F6D7-464D-9D65-90C559B9C35D.jpg (1242x1199, 954K)

Do this girl please, co-worker

Attached: ED7BFEBC-E852-4015-A96B-5256DF879306.jpg (870x879, 106K)

Attached: 2babies1fox24.jpg (920x1211, 374K)

Attached: 2babies1fox25.jpg (920x1211, 321K)

Attached: EBE5FCA7-72C5-4675-A94E-6690A5F014E8.jpg (634x1024, 83K)

Attached: 1562445046414.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

Attached: F64A5630-D6D3-4B4F-A92F-F5A9436D6D91.jpg (640x640, 61K)

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Attached: 340.jpg (294x600, 23K)

Attached: 1562445434669.webm (406x720, 1.93M)

Attached: 1562445560316.webm (844x480, 1.94M)

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Attached: 1562445716860.webm (1136x636, 1.66M)

Attached: 1562446065842.webm (478x854, 1.81M)

Attached: 1562446349641.gif (300x198, 1.82M)

Thank you!!!

rerolling for this


Attached: 1554162754525.png (231x218, 8K)

Attached: 371-3710439_wojak-soy-memes-png-wojak-face-mad-soy.jpg (820x836, 347K)

Attached: 46355300_1864608303666276_8215805656524692601_n.jpg (320x320, 20K)

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Attached: D39D9051-CCBA-43B8-A228-59FE78226919.jpg (1016x1016, 145K)

Attached: 7DC0DC15-E064-40E8-AED6-3ECC70433C0B.jpg (1200x1800, 263K)

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Attached: 1531086912946.jpg (647x740, 54K)

Attached: 1553094346094.jpg (754x771, 93K)

Attached: 1553983842508.gif (368x250, 303K)

Stop with the stupid drawings. Do it elsewhere.

Attached: 1553993358553.jpg (203x248, 9K)

Attached: 1554162039486.jpg (250x193, 8K)

Attached: 1554162147272.jpg (324x419, 41K)

>Stop with the stupid drawings. Do it elsewhere.

Attached: 1554165922401.png (467x264, 38K)

Attached: 1554167498025.png (454x520, 13K)

Attached: 1554759719858.png (703x800, 37K)

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Attached: 1557428508941.jpg (1920x1946, 471K)

Attached: 1557584908079.png (380x467, 14K)

Attached: c61.png (800x750, 106K)


Attached: F0EABFF5-C7BE-4198-AA3E-B9A797119ED0.jpg (1156x2141, 558K)

Attached: c77.jpg (644x800, 35K)

this actually is making me think

Attached: DwGn-foU8AA0k0O.jpg (456x429, 34K)

Attached: e4f.gif (800x800, 195K)

Attached: IMG_20190511_090106.jpg (714x720, 106K)

Attached: maga_01.jpg (501x697, 104K)

Wow I’m a big fucking faggot who has to spam images because I’m broke as fuck, and nobody loves me.

Ignore the troll.

Loving the antigravity effect