my gf asked me my thoughts on a polyamorous relationship, how fucked am i?
>pic unrelated
my gf asked me my thoughts on a polyamorous relationship, how fucked am i?
>pic unrelated
So she wants dick fron other dudes? Because it sounds like she wants dick from other dudes.
u ded m8
Just end it, she just told you she wants to fuck other guys and it never ends well for the dude. First it starts with this polyamory shit, next thing you know, you're in a chastity cage while your GF is taking unprotected creampies from a BBC on a daily basis while you have to watch. You'll have a safety word at first for when it becomes too much, but eventually it gets to the point where they just ignore it. Trust me man, I've been down this road before, it's not pretty
I had a polyamorous relationship with two girls and myself. We all dated each other mutually, shit was so cash. If you can get that setup, do it for sure and bask in the glory of your girlfriend eating your creampie out of your other girlfriend.
That's polygamy not polyamory, polyamory is the chick fucks other dudes and unless OP is gay, it's not going to work out for him
No it isn't you retarded fuck. polygamy is when there is one male who dates multiple women separately.
Polyamory is having multiple concurrent relationships with consent from everyone involved. The girls were bisexual and dated each other and me.
So your girlfriend is a morally broken millennial tart, huh? Neat
OP, it's not worth it.
Not if shes into chicks
No...polyamory is love between >2 people, thus amor, latin for love
Polygamy is marriage between >2 people regardless of which has multiple of which, which is illegal in most civilised countries.
False, if you want to get very technical polygamy strict definition is related to marriage only, not dating.
Polygamy is when one man marries multiple people.
Polyandry is when one woman marries multiple people.
Polyamory is a relationship between multiple people all consenting.
Also its Greek not Latin, if you are going to try to be a pompous cuck nugget, at least get your shit straight you roody-poo candy-ass.
it doesn't change the fact that soon user will have a little cage placed on his dick
Unless she wants a girlfriend you inbred cuck. Stop spouting your fantasy here and fuck off back to plebbit.
Have fun dying childless and alone
I know this is bait but for those of you cucks who legitimately fall for the poly meme, stop being retarded.
you're fucking retarded. stop posting
Beat her ass.
Drop that whore
Top. Kek.