Ask a black guy learning yo-yo tricks anything, I'll answer all questions

Ask a black guy learning yo-yo tricks anything, I'll answer all questions

Link to video if anyone cares:

Also thank you Yea Forums for all your advice on the guitar thread

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would u get this tattoo

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Take off those damn sunglasses, also why are you doing yoyo tricks, are you 12?

You should have asked him if he would get a KKK tattoo

Also not bad, although someone should have shot you moving your arms that fast

So, how are things in Da Big House?

I'm not in prison user

why lol

I wouldn't get that tattoo, I hate Krispy Kucking Kreme

The sunglasses help me see clearly, and its just a skill I am mastering dude

depends honestly, if I was going to germany definitely

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How big is your bbc?

What time of date is it where you are also?

Name your favorite band

Sick tricks, keep up the good work

Dude you have massive fucking talent

How did you learn this?

Can you swim?


Thank you user


Its 4:20 ayyyyyyy lmao

8 1/2

My friends at school taught me most of it in in 9th through 11 grade

Check em, and also no I can't user

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What type of tree would you like to hang from. You seem like a weeping willow type.

Are you mixed or all black?

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I haven’t used a Yo-yo in years!
Going to get one today because of you!
Got any tips for a beginner? Haha.
Even some easy tricks I can learn?
Right now I doubt I can do anything :\

Are black guys good at yo-yo like they are basketball? Can you walk the dog,around the corner, pick the cotton, do the elevator etc?

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its time to join your family

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how do you feel about me making love with black girls and engaging in raceplay with them?

Do you like white girls or black girls or latinas?

A big oak tree on the side of a sunset view

All black user

why lol

Yeah get a solid yoyofactory starter yoyo, and learn to bind, take your time with that. I recommend starting with a skyline. I was never really good at basketball though man

I never seen anything like this lol

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How about you yo-yo your way out the hood lmao

Also what do you think of the Air Max 270 React?

Are you dating anyone?

can you give us a sieg heil?

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If you owned a gun what kind would it be?

You don't sound like an ignant, are you a suburb kid?

As a nigger, what are your views on the Duncan butterfly? Racist or not?

Why did you want to do yo-yo tricks? Yo-yo's are my favorite thing.

Can you do the Sleeper 'til Noon, Unless it's Welfare Payday? The Dindu or the 40 Chug?

That was my very first yoyo to start it was alright but by god its horrid unless modded to work for freestyle play.

sadly no user, I live in nyc. Though I stayed away from the nonsense.

Smith & Wesson Model 3

sieg heil mein neger

single as a jingle

I see them as a colorful waterbottle on the back of people's feet


I seen my two white friends in class doing it to piss off the teacher and I immediately wanted in. They taught me over the span of our high school lives and it was fucking awesome

Why didnt u answer my question about black girls? wtf man

You should come to my house and do sick yo yo tricks with me.

take a pic heiling hitler so i can add it to my folder pls

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Because after years of prefixing Every Fucking Sentence with "Yo! Yo!," I figured I get in touch with the source material.

What kind of boxers do you wear, this is important

Yo-yo tricks? Based.

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This is fucking badass dude how the hell do you do that?

This is hilarious and rad. I mean hilarious in a good way, no offense. Can you just do this? I mean, just make yo-yo videos with instrumental hip hop in the background with a complete stone face. I feel like you can find success in this. Maybe even promote the yo-yo hobby to more people or something, you know? Do something positive on the internet for a change.


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My fault man, also nice trips. I don't mine man, Ive masturbated to various interracial couples porno. I'm into whatever, ive dated french, black, white, spanish, just everything ironically im single though so I was the problem.

The Dindu LOL

Thank you Yea Forumsrother

It took a lot of practice and im still not don learning

That I can do man, I had my channel restarted to be a positive message on the internet, right now im learning guitar and doing yoyo tricks and want to add other talents into the mix. but for the yoyo videos it'll stay like this Yea Forumsrother

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Anything to keep them from breaking into my car or sleeping in the dumpster behind the grocery store. Compared to "reparations," OYYPN is getting off cheap!

Fuck I love rick Harrison I’d do anything to suck his massive cock

This is not a question but your beard looks very cool!

pic unrelated

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Is your dad white or something? How are you so based?

i respect that. most guys get territorial when it comes to me being with their girls. i dont condone. u live 1 short life. u gotta try it all am i right

Yo yo yo yo...what’s up? And why?

Does it hurt to be black?

>>I'm not in prison user
not YET you mean haha

Name one of your favorite tricks

>yo-yo tricks
Make a dick slide.

You white oppressive racist fuckers make underwear too small. That makes my wee-wee hurt. So, yeah.

Do you ever watch Eric July or Tommy Sotomayor?

ofc user lol

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user I...

I've watched tommy a fuck ton

Green Triangle or Boing-e-Boing

True lmfaooo

Its really fun and takes my mind off life for a lot of the time

Yeah I never understood that, people have the right to fuck whoever they want, the interracial aspect should be a turnon not a turnoff.

Thank you user

Check em, also thank you man. My ex was the one who made me grow it out, so I have her to thank.

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What's your favorite food?

>>True lmfaooo

any plans to change that?

>>I'm not in prison user
dont you want to join your bros in prison ? traitor

>the interracial aspect should be a turnon not a turnoff.
Sure, for the black guy, it should definitely be a turn on, but the white chick is diving in the evolutionary dumpster.

Old school butterfly or Yomega with the ball bearings and all that shit

Yomega hands fucking down, I still remember rocking those back in 2011.

Damn thats fucking savage

Check em, also I was never one for prison life user

Hopefully not, I've had more brushes with suicide than crime.

Fried Chicken

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>fried chicken

You really are a nigher arent you

can you even survice outside of prison? when you say suicide i am in doubt

>>Fried Chicken

How about favorite Sports?

why suicide bro? feels like uve had some love in ur life. u got a hobby. whats weighing u down? is it cuz i date blacks girls and u just didnt wanan admit it hurt ?


Why are you black?

He's doing the Morpheus thing.
"Whoa! I can walk the dog!"

Do you trap????

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Nice skills my dude.

I listen to it while skateboarding

People ask me to do that trick and I can't because the yoyo is metal and cost a bunch

Yes user

I can't, they're apart of me user. I won't take them off

I'm single and im using the hobbies as a crutch to bring positivity into my life and others. I'm still messed up over my last relationship.

I love me some fucking ice hockey

I can survive out of prison and yes bro I did

Thank you Yea Forumsrother

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2 tasty 4 me

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Fucking savage as fuck

Whats the difference between black people and niggers in your opinion?

additionally: What do you think about Basketball?

whos your waifu?

ok feel ur pain. i also ended relationship dont even feel like going out 2nite and shopping for choco. recomend a good movie? cant find 1 for the life

What's your favorite sex position

What is your passion nigger

Yomegas were dope. Thanks for bringing fresh air despite the angrybros.

Thank you user

Thank you too user

Black people are standard members of society while Niggers are those who make black people look bad and create an enormous stereotype stigma around the race that gets perpetuated until deemed true by those who are low minded and start to believe it, both inside and outside the race. I never had a problem with basketball, but I always felt it was every black person's go to in order to be successful.


Would you Rather on nextflix brother


To be an inventor

Not a problem man, also the yoyo im using in the video is a defunct spyy yoyo

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Subscribed you're an ok lad

not horror bro. give me something thriller

Wow i am impressed. Did not expect such a detailed explaination on the difference you really did it.

Just one last question then... what do you think about bushmeat?

No questions I just wanted to say i appreciate you, niggerchan. You’re a good boy

When did you start using Yea Forums dude

Give that yoyo back to the poor white kid you stole it from dirty nigger


gave up the guitar already? typical nigger smh

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he's been here much longer than you, cunt

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LMAo wtf was that. what was he thinking holy shit

I didnt give it up user, I'm learning different talents and showcasing my progression in them to everyone. I have a Guitar video lined up for tomorrow.

I am ashamed of myself user

I didnt steal the yoyo

Thank you Yea Forumsrother, I seriously appreciate you too

I never had a problem with bushmeat, personally all the talk that it destroys biodiversity screamed propaganda bullshit to me.

The Gift is a really good one

Thank you user

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How much money you have on you right now.

I said it would be the last question but after your answer i am forced to ask another so...

You said you have no problem with bushmeat .. then what do you think about the fact that bushmeat is one of the bigger reasons for Ebola outbreaks in Africa?

he's black......

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ait ill watch the gift. hope u wasnt lying good day

must you be so rude to one of first nigga guests.
Question #1 what's your favorite yo-yo trick

You play videogames? If yes, what do you play?

What are your thoughts about mortality and the afterlife?
How much do you think about the future of humanity?

Green triangle or Boing-e-boing

No man its good, I hope you enjoy

I didn't know that one, jesus christ, africa is just a hell hole isnt it. I wouldn't condone that then if it leads to high cases of ebola spreading fuck.

200 bucks

Right now im going all in on smash bros and earthbound, but I also play TF2, B03, Bo4, spiderman ps4, and sonic mania, along with a bunch of other titles.

I fear my mortality heavily every single day, I have gripes with not having a id and being 23, I fear growing old and eventually facing a death that I precieve to be painful. I don't believe in an afterlife so really after I die, I know i'll cease to exist, so that gets to me and I think more about the future of our civilization than a normal person should, to almost obsessive levels. maybe that played a part in my fucked up relationships.

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Damn user.

What's your favorite type of woman

Why haven't you killed yourself yet

Fuck off retard

What specifically do you think of concerning the future of humanity?

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Pretty valid question if not a troll

So then with that new knowledge about bushmeat, what did you do to help your bros in africa until now?

What do you think of the extinction of humans?

I have a lot to live for I hopefully believe so anyway

How will internet and constant bombardment on what to think and the ideology of "openness" effect our kids and future generations. Will we find a purpose aside from just constantly believing in endless innovation into oblivion.

I can't do anything for them, or at least not right now. I myself cant even get my own head under control.

I love all types of women, I have no actual preference, pussy is pussy no matter what race or skin color the creature has.

I know.

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You are put into the position of Reichsführer SS at the start of Barbarossa, wwyd?

Will you kill people?

May I have another question, please?

What is your opinion on socialism?

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Hey man, just curious how you got into yo-yoing. Was it something you did as a kid and wanted to continue? I was always kinda bored trying to get good at at

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I had gotten into yoyoing by my friends in high school I thought they were so cool doing it in class to piss the teachers off so I befriended them and they taught me and we made it hilariously fun to do in school

Of course what question user?


I would shut it down and beg Russia and america for mercy because we all know what's next

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Is having a thundercock overrated user or as cool as people think it is?

Nice, well continue the good work sir and enjoy the rest of your day

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What do you ask someone who has asked you to ask them anything?

Yo-Yos are fucking based, kys faggot

I just had a huge fart, and it felt grand i wondered, is this what anal sex feels like? A huge fart, just continually farting, over and over again?
Just farting over and over again
