What do you think about left-wing extremism?
What do you think about left-wing extremism?
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it's our last hope
Both left-wing extremism and right-wing extremism is bad. Radical partisan politics is one of the biggest problems facing society.
that's what Von Papen said, and the rest is history.
They’re our first line of defence against fascism. They’re ones on the left who recognize it is a fight, there are losers, and the winners must be ruthless in pursuit of victory.
The same as I think about right-wing extremism.
Both are shrill idiots screetching angry slogans at each other and never communicating in any sensible way. Hence the "extremism" part.
Pic unrelated
So why aren’t they training with military weapons, urban warfare and clandestine operations?
I’m a hardcore right winger (not violent) but I believe in the 2nd Amendment that authorizes use of civilian force to keep the government in check. If you’re so bent on dominating the right, why aren’t you training for it?
He was right.
>implying I'm not
But antifa always gets their asses kicked.
why do they hate fashion?
all paid by
So what kind of guns do you have?
nope.. he allied with the nazis out of fear of the commies, and the result was that the nazis seized power and dismantled democracy and then went on murder everybody.
American Antifa, yes.. they're amateurs still, but they're learning.
Peons dancing for their overlords.
Warped by agenda; barely human.
>making serious mistakes means you can't be right about something
Nazis and Commies were the extremists. They were both the problem and he handled it wrong.
Do you really think a handful of paramilitary groups with small arms can take on the US military?
As an example, one way the left is engaging in this fight, and making huge inroads, is in education. Culturally, the left are winning. It’s why the right wing is now inflamed.
My point was more that when fascists are violent, it is people in black masks and hoodies who charge in to meet them. They aren’t warriors, which you suggest is a requirement, but they are absolutely engaging in a battle.
All movements require the first few members to set the example. It’s early days. Hitler was a joke right up until he wasn’t.
Well, no. They're pretty autist
>culturally, the left is winning
Look at all that empty space that's red.
why is it that mexicans always complain about getting turtles in their vagina?
Sure faggot.
Red zones are places where cows literally outnumber people
its no better then right wing extremism
Any extremism is wrong, but I will say the far-left extremists are the least frightening and least dangerous. More of an annoyance than a genuine threat.
You mean the places with all the farms, churches, guns, pretty girls (the best ones), men who work for a living, moonshine, pickup trucks, no bullshit attitudes and freedom loving patriots live?
liberals think fascism exists in some fantasy world that's long gone. As if Nazi Germany wasn't a slow burn before those faggots took power and destroyed Europe and killed millions
there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to stop them before they get to that point. Right wingers are all violent savages and I support them being put in the ground
(in the voice of "butters")
aw geez fellers, i grew up in tucson, arizona and i never saw ONE fight growing up. it was nice. we like the native indericans, they have a casino and sell us tobacco without tax. the mexican folks are pretty nice too. i know you all have to deal with those... black folks and it's like some "walking dead" show but it's not like that here... we're only 3% black and um...
we vote red and will legalize weed in 2020.
>right wing extremists
Blow up buildings killing children and innocent people, ISIS, religious terrorism, shooting up places of worship
>left wing terrorists
destroy some property and fight with police and right wingers
Yeah they're exactly the same
Nah, the places where people fuck their cousins and can't even read.
>empty space
>more cows then people
id rather live with cows then a bunch of gays and commies like the blue areas
do you really think the us military is gonna obey the orders to
1.fire on its citizens
2.are willing to actually follow a draft dodger's orders to begin with
look at your retards military parade,it had low attendence and i bet the military who participated in it would of rather spent the day with their families instead of inflating the presidents ego
Better than the democrat islamic fascists who are marrying their own brothers now
ISIS are more left wing extremism.considering they are islamic,and we all know how much you libtards love muslims
See what I mean? Conservatards are literally too dumb to argue with.
>right wingers
haha,no they dont.right wingers stay as far away from the left wing cities and states as possible.i actually wish those pansys from antifa and blm came to right wing gun owning states,they would see how real men and real women are.armed to the teeth and tired of you commies bullshit.plus they have the us military are on their side.unlike you libtards who only have a handful of scrawny looking commies who think wearing communist symbols on their clothing while holding weapons they would be in gulag for owning are what tough guys do
this is a very gay thing to think
Jesus christ I wish you faggots would gain political literacy before spouting this shit over and over again. You literally sound retarded. For your own sake, please read.
ISIS are right wing fundamentalist Muslims. The largest group fighting ISIS are the Kurds, who are Socialists, backed by the United States. Faggot, go back to PragerU you illiterate right wing retard
says the person calling them conservatards
again, you fucking retard. ANTIFA communists and anarchists are pro-gun
>marrying their own brothers
incest and white trump supporters go together like peanut butter and jelly.after all,he wouldnt of gotten elected if it wasnt for taking advantage of the ignorant vote
>pro gun
your the retard,go research communism and you'll see they are not pro gun.there's no such thing as democrats who are pro gun
then again,you seem to think a 1st world country has communists in it to begin with.so your to stupid to argue with,take your buzzwords somewhere else
Democrats have turned into stone cold fascists. You might not have been the ones to actually throw concrete milkshakes at Andy Ngo (a gay Asian man, nonetheless) and sending him to the ER with brain hemorrhaging but all of you certainly approve of it.
That alone makes all of you fascists. You are democrat fascists. You wanted change and you got it; you brought it on yourselves.
That's just a fact.
You literally don't know what fascism means.
they constantly look like they need a bath. Allso sometimes I bet they have alot of pubic hair and I bet most of them arent realy able to be good at anything in their entire life without themself knowing it.
you retards really love looking like idiots huh? Or are you too embarrassed to realize you're wrong so you continue being willfully ignorant of politics?
nah,but go figure your american.this is the same country who thinks nazi's and fascists are people who dont agree with their political opinions
He also thinks Democrats are Communists, so.
This accurately describes liberals and the left right now.
It's an obvious reaction to right wing extremisms. Both groups are doing the dance of morons together.
They'll continue to hate each other and escalate each other, essentially fighting themselves pointlessly forever.
You can't defeat an idea with force. They're basically trying to bash memes by bashing faces. None of what they're doing will accomplish anything.
>What do you think about left-wing extremism?
It's orchestrated and carried out by right-wing extremists to create a narrative that liberals are violent and chaotic.
says the person using his left wing communism buzzword,by the way
Maybe in some alternative reality where Trump's alt-facts are actually true, but the problem is we aren't in that reality.
I think they're creating more rightwing extemsists and vice versa.
Why do you care? So you can compare arsenals? Because it makes your pathetic little peepee hard thinking about pewpews?
No this is straight from your fascist friends in Google. I screenshot that
It perfectly describes the left these days
Cool meme! Post it again Ivan!
No, I just know for a fact you don’t have any.
And it’s amusing
Now let's see... is that against democracy? No. Does it put nation or race above the individual? No. Does it stand for a centralized government headed by a dictator? No. Is it militaristic or racist? No.
Thanks for proving my point.
>Fat, inbred retarded hick thots.
>Pretty girls.
Yeah man. For sure.
>I know for a fact what total strangers do and do not own
Wow, cherry picking, poisoning the well, AND strawman all in one.
you're on a fallacy roll kid! Keep going!
when do they drink starbucks? I thought they drank vegan smoothies that police assumed were concrete bombs for no reason.
I think you were piss yourself if you ever saw a gun. That’s just how you were raised I guess
>when all else fails, just post memes
people trying to shove their opinions down the throat of others using violence are faggots. you can always tell if someone is wrong about something, because they get triggered by diverging opinions.
you sound like someone who doesn't even live in rural America
D e l u s i o n
CNN makes syrian refugees look like Mexican children? LOL...
Actually I shot guns growing up, and I went shooting at a range just yesterday
Not sure. I guess I don't understand getting into politics / whatever the fuck they're trying to do. Especially going out of their way to protest and shit. Why wouldn't you just want to spend your time doing other more enjoyable things?
Not an argument.
I think they're LARPing as revolutionaries and making a nuisance of themselves while doing so. It seems as though they also are being used as tools (useful idiots) of the liberal establishment, but this can't be objectively proven.
Just gonna leave this here
That's right bitch stay in your little welfare states and let us keep paying your bills, because you can generate enough revenue to be self sufficient.
I live on the outside of a major metro area but it’s all cornfields and cows where I live. I commute to the city for work everyday
How is that any different from the tiki torch nazi's?
I would rather live my day to day life not focusing on political issues that's for sure
Good boy. Go to a combat marksmanship course to learn how to engage multiple targets
I think I'd rather have a beer with someone who'd punch a nazi in the face than have a beer with a nazi
im not a nazi so why would i care
the funniest part is that texas, florida, and colorado are all purple states now, soon to be blue.
Basically blue states are like baby sitters for red states that can't even manage themselves properly.
Already have.
Same here, people who still label themselves as something especially a Nazi is weird
Now we wait I guess
This. My grand dad killed nazi's in ww2. To be an american and a nazi, you don't deserve the freedom we have here. GTFO. GO back to germany and ruin that country again.
Calling yourself a left or right wing is fucking retarded what are u a plane lmao
>hur dur I need 2 tell people what I am hey guys look at me I have different opinions i'm so proud and cool lol look at my label
They should just be shot on sight
there is no difference between the antifa and nazis, both are inbreed retards that drools ideology
Go back to Netflix and watch Rambo and Black Hawk Down again you larping faggot. You're on a North Korean backgammon message board trying to convince anonymous people that you're some kind of combat trained warrior, fucking kill yourself.
Culture comes from areas where there are lots of people. Major cities vote Democrat, even in red states.
Maybe you could give me some of the cultural achievements/achievers of the right-wing from the last 60 years, then we'll be talking about the same thing.
You are special kind of stupid. Aren't you ?
> right wing extremists kill 80 people in 2018
> left wing extremists throw milkshakes
I lItErAlLY cAnt TeLl tHe DiFfErEnCe
And by Fascists you mean anyone who isn't as mentally degenerate as antifa or doesn't share the same extremist views as them.
>where cows literally outnumber people
No Crips, No Bloods, No MS-13. Sounds horrible.
Oh god. Okay you got me
You win, I’m a total loser. I didn’t do 8 years in the military or anything, 4 in the grunts
>inb4 navy seal copypasta
No, I actually did. But you do you man. Go, be happy and free
>It takes bullet to bash fash
Except the Anitfa LARPers aren't the ones with guns
In other words, none. Okay.
I don't think there's any real difference between the two. The thread asked what we all thought about left-wing extremists specifically.
As long as they burn america to the ground, ill be able to forgive them for being bluepilled fags
Walking shit. Should be crushed, eradicated and literaly removed from existence at any point.
>Proves the user's point enthusiastically.
You're a special kind of retarded aren't you?
if you use violence to promote your point of view, then you're a dumb faggot, with no real arguments but fluff ideology
1) Yes, maybe. Things can get really, really, really bad. And it can happen very, very, very quickly.
2) Trump won't always be President. Pence would probably be more dangerous, were he President.
If things go bad, even if it's quickly, the steps will seem trivial. When, exactly, do you see the military actually issuing a refusal? When is the line crossed? Who decides that it's been crossed? Generals? NCOs?
Just look at what happened to Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning.
How many US military heroes can you name who are memorialised for refusing to follow an unlawful order?
hope of turning the US into a communist dictatorship?
I hope they put you against the wall first with the rest of the faggots.
The only way to stop fascism is to create a military type group that uses violence against anyone who is out of line with their thinking.
this is bait right?
I dont think about them. They are irrelevant pawns.
When the rich write the legislation, do you think they'll tax themselves to death to feed these schmucks?
Same with the extreme "right"Bunch of dimwits.
I--big govt----------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, fascists, socialists, communists are all on the same end of the spectrum. If your side fights to surrender personal autonomy to a powerful central government of any kind, you're waiting in line to get fucked.
that is the underlying idea of fascism
People like you are just lining up to get fucked by foreign corporations and are just as intent as SJWs on dismantling national unity and sovereignty- after all, borders are bad for globalist profits.
nope. that is how an sane adult think. fuck antifa, and fuck altright. both are human trash and is bound to become unfashionable and forgotten, like all moronic movements.
I am absolutely pro soverightny and pro meaningful borders. Which citizens in the US aren't getting fucked by foreign private interests? Which countries citizens aren't saddled with private foreign debt? I'll wait.
I agree
The fact that people fail to see that Antifa or Richard Spencer are the biggest threats to society is mind boggling
The same way I feel about any extremism. It's for retards
if you disagree with me then you are a fascist
But the policies they defend always seem to conveniently line up with the interests of big corporations. Funny how that works.
no sources or citations, I looked up the name provided and found nothing.
As a person who's lived in multiple states across the country including far left ny to more right wing texas, this is the biggest croc of bullshit I've ever heard or seen.
Please tell me about el paso having an app created to dodge homeless people, needles and enough shit in the streets to make India blush.
You're on crack if you think coastal blue states are doing better and "contributing" more.
shut the fuck up nazi.
I said you're a nazi therefore you are bitch.
Let me catch you in the street having a different opinion nazi.
They were essential in bringing Hitler to power
I love them, i want them to be more numerous and violent!
Extremism of any kind is the wrong answer. People going this far NEED TO BE JAILED. When mob mentality turns violent, police need to be taking these people immediately into custody; kicking their fucking asses with a collapsible baton is optional...
I mean, call me a bootlicker all you will, but at some point, asses need kicking before people start actually dying over some frivolous bullshit. (ProTip: that means left or right or North or yonder or whichever direction one may politically lean, by the way....)
5046 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615
i’m waiting
I'll be posting your death next week.
Retarded pussy just signed his own death warrant lmao.