I don't get it, why do white people hate spices so much but love overdosing on heroin and shooting up schools?

I don't get it, why do white people hate spices so much but love overdosing on heroin and shooting up schools?

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so you are saying you can't handle whiteman spice?

You mean blue box mac n cheese?

Why are white people so successful.

Also we don't need 100 spices to make food edible.

The advantage of 1st world living.

>White people genetically engineer peppers because what God have them wasn't hot enough
>Black people put Tabasco on something
>lol dis too spicy fo why peepo
I ain't saying shit about Mexicans because I've had some damn good salsa verde in my time

Because they have an intelligent, subtle palate that can detect and appreciate the nuances in their epicurean tastes.

White people typically don't have alot of spicy foods in their diets, but I guess I was raised a bit differently.

I fucking love spicy foods, dishes made with jalepenos, sriracha, and even more spicy stuff too. Mayonnaise mixed with sriracha is the absolute BEST burger condiment, dont @ me

Dicklet cope

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Because having firey explosive diarrhea everyday doesn't sound pleasant

Guess who made carolina reaper. Not a fucking nigger I tell you. I use carolina reaper puree to spice up other sauces.

you are serious now

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I just watched a thing on this. People living in warmer climates didn't have ways to preserve food, such as freezing or salting. But some how found out spicy things like peppers had antimicrobial properties and did a good job of hiding stale taste once meet started to go bad. So it was pretty much years of dealing with it to make food edible.

Apparently spicy food making you sweat also helped cool off in hot climates so that adds to it a little too.

Having to post some else's dick to feel in control
Absolutely pathetic
Your pathetic and a cuck lol

Niggers sure do like KFC and that was made by a white guy.


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Do you get out much?
Plenty of my white friends like spicy foods.
I think you are just being retarded.

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Since when do white people not like spices? Try harder, you third world fuck.


It makes me kek when some nigger has all these pictures of some guys dick on their computer which they try and use to make others feel worse about themselves for.

why is there a saiyajin working at a taco stand?

White people are weak ass crackers kek

Because Chichi's a bitch

You needed spices to hide the rot in warmer climate. White people lived in colder areas, hence the white skin. And there you could easier preserve meat. You could dig a cellar, or in winter you could store meat in a raised cabinet (to keep it from animals). Because there ware less recourses, more time was used for planning, and doing time sensitive tasks. There was less time for cooking, so meals ware more basic.

Why is this spic drawing himself like a saiyan?

This thread is top kek.


>white people
>the people who conquered the globe for spices
>hate spices

That she is.

I love spices.
Also, a vegetarian and white.
Get mad.

You mad white boi?

I dont get it why envy is the most dominant in mudskins.
On a second thought, I do get it. The filthy allways envy the better ones.

Are your feelings hurt cracker XD?

Am white.....drinking tequila infused with jalapenos....yeah, fuck spices.

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Colonel ftw.

Back up in yo’ ass with the resurrection.

Aww, no one’s arguing anymore.
My work is done here.


>white people hate spices
Lol, dumbass. Another retarded third-world nigger trying to gain support for his flawed premise that somehow what he does is better, instead of yet another thing originating in genetic inferiority of his race.

1. Your premise is obviously false. In every single study that has looked at capsaican resistance and race (including many other variables), it has been conclusively shown that there is zero correlation between race, or for that matter any other human genetic variable, whether exposure is induced orally, topically, ocularly, mucosally, or otherwise. This has been thoroughly studied and published in countless scientific journals all with the same conclusion because of the necessity of such data in law enforcement's use of "pepper spray". Thus, what you state, child of small brain (or how sad if you are an actual adult) could not be more dead wrong. Your flawed premise however, speaks volumes to your own racial insecurity. Why not just say "BBC" and other such fake/fantasy porn related nonsense too when the science is equally clear--that blacks actually have smaller penises than whites.

Good job showing how dumb and insecure niggers are again and reinforcing what everyone already knows intuitively, even notwithstanding the science, on intellectual capacity and race. I'm sorry niggers are dumb. It's not your fault you were born of the monkey lineage, but maybe look at sickle cell anemia or something else that is actually race-related from a biochemical standpoint and at least start with face next time you create a race-hate thread.

2. What the data does show with regard to race and capsaican correlation is that there is no nutritional or even unrelated benefit to capsaican consumption whatsoever. There has been shown significant correlation between its consumption and at least 3 different forms of cancer though. Put simply, it does nothing beneficial for the body. Zero.

>writing an entire essay over obvious bait

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because whites evolved in more arctic environments, where spice wasn't necessary to keep food safe to eat.

Mediterranean races prefer more spice because they were in the hotter temperatures and were less able to refrigerate food.

Reminder that the reason white people took over half of the rock we live on was because the spice must flow

and no i dont mean we live on a giant crack rock, tyrone
