Why is Japan the greatest country in the world?

Why is Japan the greatest country in the world?

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You’re wrong there weeabo

It's so much better than america and the pilgrims should've gone to japan instead of america you fucking dotard

You’re right about Japan > USA
that doesn’t mean it’s not a fucked up wretched hive of scum and villainy

Prove it, there isn't a single bad thing about Japan you dumbass

Love the supporting statements and evidence that backs up your argument, sure convinced us otherwise

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Japanese girls have smaller tits and the country has cockroaches--and they eat more animals than the French would if it saved them from Hitler.

They used the "W" word... it wins an argument but only once per day.

It isn't.

Their culture is extremely toxic.

Counties are bloat.

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Prove it

Look at their suicide and birth rates.

I see absolutely zero problem with smaller tits

They all have slanted eyes, imagine looking at your friend at he being exactly as you lolololollo x d

Oh boohoo people die so what?

ok Fudd. Have any WWII stories you'd like to share with us?

Japan is deeper in debt than any other country on Earth and their genitals are blurry.

because they're all retards that want to watch little balls falling all day in pachinko machines and go home to butcher and rape little girls.

hikikomori waifus you faggots

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Yep, reasons any country would be great. At least you read the OP correctly, user.

Yeah but in my animes they say that Japan is financially stable


1940's germany

>Hell, that was easy

Japan is so bad that people literally kill themselves and don't have kids because of it

I think you mean America

Their "R's" sound like "L's" and their "L's" sound like down syndrome.

absurdly long work hours with very little breaks in between, while shit remains absurdly expensive.

Lmfao how is shitty norway better?? What a fucking joke

still less of a joke compared to Sweden

No, I mean Japan.

Somehow... they are. Like Michael Jackson being in debt but still living large. I guess that's almost impressive :)

No, I think you mean America

Japan has maid cafes so it's infinitely better than America

Japan suicide rates are worse than the US, especially when it comes to men.

Does that include trans-men?

Trump's Murica, homie :P Our roads are wider than Japan's narrow car-accident devices and we (literally) drive on the right side--the CORRECT side.

Pachinko machines mate, long work hours, workers get fucked over as example look at Konami, over use of rubber in manufacture causes limited product life. Chinese/Korean crime syndicates that prostitute young girls, housing traps, if your non-japanese you run the risk of getting kicked out, high heat in spring, large amount of bugs. Low population issues due to lower than population replacement ratio and high suicide rates. Large immigration of Chinese and Koreans. Small housing for high pricing and crappy sound proofing so you have to rely on quiet neighbors.

Don't fall for the grass is always greener user.

This, Japan is a great place to visit but not to live

>b-b-but-but-but suicides!
have any different arguments to offer?

It doesn't have Donald Trump as president though

Russia is pretty fucking dope

they copied other countries like china and the united states. that's pretty much it

The only reason why Japan is so prosperous is because the United States

Because they don't have to spend money on defense and they have a greater concentration of wealth to spend on infrastructure per unit of territory due to their relatively small size.
Same as S. Korea, except S. Korea is still at war and isn't isolated by sea from large threatening Eurasian powers.
Historically they've never been invaded or experienced any large scale migration since around 500 BC (with the exception of that one time when US ships demanded open trade), which means that there aren't any extant ethnic tensions or conflicts recent enough to affect policy or economic life, and they never had to make great sacrifices for aggressive foreign policy (apart from that one experiment in WW2) so they've dedicated their resources towards attuning to and nurturing their domestic environment and organically developing within familiar home territory.
At the same time, with their territory geographically being prone to frequent large-scale natural disasters, they've learnt to expect and adapt to external perturbations flexibly and efficiently, which explains their frictionless adaptation to US domination and ability to extract value from it while maintaining their way of life (see first sentence), despite having had no experience in being the recipient of foreign domination.

sure, moms there known to bang their sons for higher school grades, sounds wholesome

whats the downside?

Definitely in top 200. Food? Well, better than Finland

>Highest suicide rates in the world.
>People literally dropping dead from stress
>Japanese government put lithium in the water supply to medicate population against suicidal ideation and mood control
>It was very successful by the way but.. yeah.
Stop overidealising. Grass is always greener.
There's a Japanese kid right now posting in online forums about how the US is the best country in the world and how badly they want to live there.

more kids she has to raise for grades?

>Their genitals are blurry
Underrated joke.

milfs are hot dude

Their culture may have produced some lovely things, but they are the most xenophobic people on the planet.

Matter of opinion but I absolutely love Japanese food. Not a weeaboo.

they lie about their culture, bet ya didnt know thatt

America says that it's free and guess what it ain't